GpanosXP / IOTA-SpammerXP

A multi-threaded javascript-based web application for doing PoW and helping the IOTA network.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Allow for multiple curl instances #7

Open GpanosXP opened 6 years ago

GpanosXP commented 6 years ago

Increasing the txSpammer.workerPool's size currently causes all but one workers to crash, because there is only one curl instance. It should be possible in multi-gpu scenarios to benefit from multiple curl instances (parallel PoW).

GpanosXP commented 6 years ago

I don't have multiple GPUs to test, but it seems like opening multiple windows could work as a temporary solution. If anyone has multiple GPUs to test, please let me know. Essentially, if more than 1 gpu shows a considerable load/utilization, it should work.