Gr1N / nats-python

Python client for NATS messaging system
MIT License
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How to set properties other than the subject and queue when subscribing #22

Closed warunapww closed 3 years ago

warunapww commented 3 years ago

I would like to subscribe with following properties

  1. a durable queue
  2. set the start at sequence
  3. close the connection without unsubscribing

The above properties are available in GOLANG client. I'm wondering they are already available or planned to add support in this client.

Set start at sequence in GO

sub, err := sc.Subscribe("foo",
  func(m *stan.Msg) {...},

Set durable in GO sc.Subscribe("foo", func(m *stan.Msg) {...}, stan.DurableName("my-durable"))

warunapww commented 3 years ago

I think the question is irrelevant since this is not a client for NATS streaming server