GrKoR / esphome_aux_ac_component

ESPHome component for AUX based air conditioners. Direct wifi control of HVAC by ESPHome and Home Assistant. HVAC status and command feedback are available.
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Show component version in compilation log #109

Closed GrKoR closed 2 months ago

GrKoR commented 3 months ago

Constantine (telegram) requests:

А у тебя при сборке компонента версию компонента не выводит? Вот сюда бы писалось: image Тогда и вопросов будет меньше. Сразу и версия ESPHome и компонента

GrKoR commented 3 months ago

This info can be printed from the python script of the component.

...тогда в пишем:"version 0.2.14!")

I used this technique. See function output_info() from But here I print some information after reading of the config.

GrKoR commented 2 months ago

implemented in v.0.2.15