GraSP-toolbox / GraSP

GraSP: a Graph Signal Processing toolbox for Matlab
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There was some error in the installation of GraSP. #1

Closed daphnehsq closed 4 years ago

daphnehsq commented 5 years ago

I installed the GraSP accoding to your tips. First I installed graphViz4Matlab, then I typed the command "grasp_install" in the command window. And MyPatcher, GrTheory, MatlabBGL and anneal were successfully installed. But it falied when installing gspbox. The command window showed “incorrect usage in websave (line 103) Error 'Error copying data.' when communicating with URL ';' ”

In fact, I had alredy installed the gsp toolbox last year. I wonder if this error is with realated to the reason. Could you please give me a hand?

bgirault-usc commented 5 years ago

Having gspbox previously installed should not be an issue. From what I understand, the issue is that the function websave fails at retrieving the gspbox archive. Which version of Matlab are you using?

Essentially, grasp_install triggers the download of the archive through this URL: You can first check that this is working in your web browser. Next, you can try the following Matlab command to manually check websave:

websave('', '')

Note also that you don't need graphViz4Matlab. The necessary functionalities of this toolbox have been reimplemented in Graphs/Tools/grasp_layout.m to make it compatible with GNU Octave. What you need, if you want to use the function grasp_layout, is graphviz, a library that is also a requirement for graphViz4Matlab. This is however not necessary in general.

bgirault-usc commented 5 years ago

I forgot to mention: I tried running grasp_install from a fresh install, and except for the fact that grasp_start needs to be run before grasp_install, I didn't get any error (Matlab 2018a).

daphnehsq commented 5 years ago

In fact I didn't install graphViz4Matlab at first. I ran grasp_install directly no sooner it showed this error. So, I checked the website and it downlowed the with really low speed. Next I installed graphViz4Matlab and ran grasp_install again, but there was still the same error. I indeed didn't run grasp_start before I ran grasp_install in the two previous installations. And I just tried to installed it again and ran grasp_start firstly, but it showed the error onece again. (Matlab 2016b) Thank you all the same.

bgirault-usc commented 5 years ago

Since websave seems to be the issue, you can try to trigger the use of urlwrite instead. In the file 3rdParty/grasp_init_3rd_party.m, can you comment lines 92 to 94 (the ones below), and run grasp_install again?

%    if numel(matlab_ver) > 0 && str2double(matlab_ver.Version) >= 8.4
%        package_save = @(url, file) websave(file, url);
%    end```
daphnehsq commented 5 years ago

I did comment line 92 to 94 in the function grasp_init_3rd_party, but here came a new error. The
command window showed that "Error downloading URL. Your network connection may be interrupted or the proxy settings may not be properly configured" and the error was in the built-in function of Matlab urlreadwrite (line 98). However, the network works quite well.

bgirault-usc commented 5 years ago

This sounds like an issue with Matlab, not with GraSP. If the following command does not work, please follow up with Mathworks (asking help on why websave is not working, not GraSP), there is not much I can do unfortunately.

websave('', '')

Note that, depending on the function of the toolbox you intend to run, you can probably use the toolbox as is.

daphnehsq commented 5 years ago

I just successfully installed this toolbox. I changed some values in the gsp_denpendencies_list.m. I moddified the URL of gspbox-0.6.0 to the URL of gspbox-0.7.5 but it didn't work. Then I tried to create the directories for gspbox and swgt under the directory '3rdParty' with names you set in the codes, and add the toolbox documents I had installed last year to the corresponding directoies. Finally I run the install code again and it worked. Thank you anyway. You are so paitient and kind .

daphnehsq commented 5 years ago

Excuse me, one more problem. I tried to run grasp.m and was confused by line 81. Accoding to the code TG should be a struct variable with 2 fields —— type and data, in wich type was equal to 'kernel' and a handle @(x)exp(-1ipisqrtm(x/rho)) was assined to data. It seems wrong to use the syntax abs(TG * d10) (d10 is a double vector).

bgirault-usc commented 5 years ago

There is no grasp.m in the toolbox. You probably meant grasp_translation_page.m. Unfortunately, this script has not been updated to the latest graph filter API. Please open another bug report for that specific bug, and I'll fix it.

bgirault-usc commented 5 years ago

I just successfully installed this toolbox. I changed some values in the gsp_denpendencies_list.m. I moddified the URL of gspbox-0.6.0 to the URL of gspbox-0.7.5 but it didn't work. Then I tried to create the directories for gspbox and swgt under the directory '3rdParty' with names you set in the codes, and add the toolbox documents I had installed last year to the corresponding directoies. Finally I run the install code again and it worked.

Essentially, doing so, you bypassed the issue you encountered before. The bug still remains (but it's still Matlab related, not GraSP).