Gradiant / 5g-charts

Helm charts for 5G Technologies
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multiple UPFs on 5GC in smf.yaml #112

Closed jmarkotic closed 1 year ago

jmarkotic commented 1 year ago

Hi, i wanted to setup 5G core with having 2 UPFs, each serving single DNN. I.e. one upf is to be instantiated on cluster with rest of 5gc, and other would be instantiated as standalone on different cluster (i.e. Edge). I am stuck on how to set smf configuration to be aware of both UPF PFCP IPs . I would need to define list of pfcp ip and relate it to DNN. I'd need something in smf.yaml like:

       - addr: upf1-ip
           dnn: internet
       - addr: upf2-ip
           dnn: compX-apn

For what i can see, in smf.yaml config file there is only option to define single upf pfcp ip (and not list). I might be able to do some crude code rewrite in resources/smf.yaml to support multiple UPFs (And related DNNs), but i was wondering if this is already supported in different way. I can see variable .Values.customOpen5gsConfig but not sure how to put config file in there. Seems that way would not trigger resolving of helm variables. Any suggestion ? br, j

cgiraldo commented 1 year ago

This is not currently supported, but we are open to PR if you want to include it. You can take a look to 'tai' and 'taiList' in open5gs-amf/resources/amf.yaml as an example.

Regarding 'customOpen5gsConfig', It let you overwrite full open5gs configs with your values.yaml, but you are right, it does not support helm variables right now. I will modify the code to also be able to use templating inside customOpen5gsConfig.