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Metrics are not supported in prometheus operator #182

Open kirankumar-Athirala opened 2 weeks ago

kirankumar-Athirala commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Good Morning

I deployed kube prometheus stack for collecting the metrics from AMF, SMF, PCF and UPF.

I used kube-prometheus-stack "helm install kube-prom-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --create-namespac"

After the prometheus operator is deployed and running , I deployed open5gcore using helm chart as follows

helm install open5gs oci:// --version 2.2.0 --values values.yaml --namespace open5gs --create-namespace

I updated the values file to enable mtrics and service monitor. image

the core is deployed and i can see all the services are up and running and i can see metrics also enabled from amf pod logs image

But i am not able to see amf pod as a target in promethus image

I am not sure what configurations , i am missing to make this work . could you please help me to configure metrics to be scrapped by prometehus.

Thanks and Regards kirankumar Athirala

avrodriguezgrad commented 6 days ago

Hi @kirankumar-Athirala

I don't know what might be going on, but the first idea that comes to my mind is that the prometheus operator is just looking in the namespace monitoring. There are some flags to configure this, but you have to look in the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart repo.

If I have time, I would try to deploy the same scenario as you and see what's happening.

BR, Álvaro