GradienceTeam / Gradience

Change the look of Adwaita, with ease
GNU General Public License v3.0
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feat: explore tab PREVIEWS #893

Open yotamguttman opened 1 month ago

yotamguttman commented 1 month ago

Feature description

currently, when browsing through the community presets, the user is presented with a plain text list. image

the only way to view any of these presets, is to apply each an every one, one by one, manually on your system. that's quite tedious and cumbersome.

such an interface must offer some form of preview, and if it were up to me, it would even be a requirement, and not optional, to upload a preview for every preset. being presented with mere text is useless in this scenario. creative theme names communicate nothing to the user who wishes to try out and pick a new look to their desktop.

I'd suggest to do something similar to the Gnome Extension manager app by Matthew Jakeman. the UI is already quite similar to that of Gradience: image but when you click on a search result, you're presented with a very descriptive image of the extension before anything else: image

you can go about it in two ways:

  1. require authors to upload a screenshot along with their theme configuration. it's the easiest and most conventional solution.
  2. have your software generate previews in realtime, by imtroducing a simple adwaita window layout, consisting of basic UI elements, that would take on the CSS code from the listing. I think this is a better solution because it'd generate a preview to already existing listings + all the previews would be identical and very explanatory to the users. image [screenshot from the Adwaita Demo app. it's a great example for such a window layout, you can implement in the page of every theme. these live elements would accept the colours and provide a very clear example to the users, so that they don't have to apply themes one by one based on plain text]

Additional Context

p.s. I really love Gradience! it's such a great alternative to the old Gnome theming. much more secure and lightweight. thanks for the endeavour guy!

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