GraftJS / jschan

JavaScript port of libchan based around streams
MIT License
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msgpack implementation #13

Closed mcollina closed 9 years ago

mcollina commented 9 years ago

According to the internals of libchan, we need a new implementation of msgpack that supports extension points (msgpack changed spec some time ago). :scream:

Should it be something I put work on? @pelger @Vertice?

pelger commented 9 years ago

Presumably use:

mcollina commented 9 years ago

That's done, we have a msgpack v5 implementation that support external types: welcome msgpack5 to NPM!

AdrianRossouw commented 9 years ago

You are an absolute monster matteo!

Is it better than the Go one that the libchan guys are having problems with? =)

mcollina commented 9 years ago

Based on the experience of the libchan guys, I decided to implement a new one vs building against a patched version of an existing one. We'll see what's the best route :).