GraftJS / jschan

JavaScript port of libchan based around streams
MIT License
157 stars 9 forks source link

Unix transport #16

Open mcollina opened 9 years ago

mcollina commented 9 years ago

Let's first let the libchan guys how they want to roll out that in libchan.

AdrianRossouw commented 9 years ago

so i'm assuming, given their stance on websockets, they would just want to run SPDY over the socket directly.

If node-spdy has node's net and http modules ingrained in it's heritage, it should mean that specifying a filename instead of a port should just work, no ? At least for the server.

On the client, you would have to check that it allows you specify the socketPath when making a new spdy connection (in http, this is done by specifying socketPath to http.request)

mcollina commented 9 years ago

No. The whole point is that they can send file descriptors directly, so transferring files is super-fast.

Here we wait them.

AdrianRossouw commented 8 years ago

i'm guessing something like the websocket stream would work for this now, since we aren't waiting on the libchan guys anymore and we are just using websockets as a dumb pipe.

will write up a test for just net.listen()