GraftJS / jschan

JavaScript port of libchan based around streams
MIT License
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Create channels from the global jsChan object #21

Closed mcollina closed 9 years ago

mcollina commented 9 years ago

Currently to create a return channel we use:

var jschan  = require('jschan');
var session = jschan.memorySession();
var chan = session.createWriteChannel();
var ret  = chan.createReadChannel();

chan.write( { hello: 'world, ret: ret } );

However it will be much simpler to have:

var jschan  = require('jschan');
var session = jschan.memorySession();
var chan = session.writeChannel(); // shorter
var ret  = jschan.readChannel(); // simpler, channels are derived from the top-level objects, and then passed through. 

chan.write( { hello: 'world, ret: ret } );
mcollina commented 9 years ago


mcollina commented 9 years ago

I think this is not needed anymore, due to the fact that we can always create a memorySession() and create channels from there, and these will be auto-piped when passed through other sessions.