GrahamDumpleton / mod_wsgi-docker

Docker images for Apache/mod_wsgi.
Apache License 2.0
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Could not bind to address using AUFS storage driver #6

Closed EibrielInv closed 8 years ago

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

Hi! After upgrading the image to last version (build bqv2jirxqyhwkruy9wwwdpf) of grahamdumpleton/mod-wsgi-docker:python-3.4, I'm getting:

[Fri Oct 23 12:44:06.150040 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 1:tid 139766124951296] AH00489: Apache/2.4.17 (Unix) mod_wsgi/4.4.21 Python/3.4.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Fri Oct 23 12:44:06.150144 2015] [core:notice] [pid 1:tid 139766124951296] AH00094: Command line: 'httpd (mod_wsgi-express) -f /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0/httpd.conf -E /dev/stderr -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_ENABLE_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_WORKER_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_PREFORK_MODULE -D FOREGROUND'
[Fri Oct 23 12:44:06.150282 2015] [unixd:alert] [pid 18:tid 139766124951296] (2)No such file or directory: AH02157: initgroups: unable to set groups for User www-data and Group 33
[Fri Oct 23 12:44:06.150480 2015] [wsgi:alert] [pid 17:tid 139766124951296] (2)No such file or directory: mod_wsgi (pid=17): Unable to set groups for uname=www-data and gid=33.
[Fri Oct 23 12:44:06.150838 2015] [wsgi:alert] [pid 17:tid 139766124951296] mod_wsgi (pid=17): Failure to configure the daemon process correctly and process left in unspecified state. Restarting daemon process after delay.

My Dockerfile (widudev_devweb):

FROM grahamdumpleton/mod-wsgi-docker:python-3.4


RUN pip install Flask
RUN pip install requests
RUN pip install pymongo
RUN pip install Flask-Babel

COPY . /app

RUN pybabel compile -d web_server/web_server/translations

RUN mod_wsgi-docker-build

ENTRYPOINT [ "mod_wsgi-docker-start" ]

CMD [ "--working-directory", "web_server", \
      "--url-alias", "/web_server/static", "static", \
      "web_server.wsgi" ]

To upgrade I run:

docker build --no-cache --pull -t widudev_devweb:latest .
EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

Adding this to Dockerfile:



FROM grahamdumpleton/mod-wsgi-docker:python-3.4


RUN pip install Flask
RUN pip install requests
RUN pip install pymongo
RUN pip install Flask-Babel

COPY . /app

RUN pybabel compile -d web_server/web_server/translations

RUN mod_wsgi-docker-build

ENTRYPOINT [ "mod_wsgi-docker-start" ]


CMD [ "--working-directory", "web_server", \
      "--url-alias", "/web_server/static", "static", \
      "web_server.wsgi" ]

The log output is:

(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs
GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

While I work out what I have overlooked in latest changes, set the 'uid' option when running 'docker'. Eg:

docker run --rm -u 33 -t test1

That is '-u 33'.

That I believe should let it run at least.

I have been making various changes lately to allow it to be run as a non root container. I thought I had checked that it would still worke as root, but I must have made some further change after doing that check which broke it.

GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

I don't get the problem though when running with the USER line in the Dockerfile as you do, which should effectively be the equivalent of the -u option on docker. What is the docker run command you are using? How are you using -p option of docker run to remap ports?

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago


My docker create command, it was working with an old cached version of mod_wsgi-docker:

docker create --link=widudev_devmain_1:widudev_devmain_1 -l widudev_devweb_1 --name=widudev_devweb_1 -p=8080:80 widudev_devweb:latest

Sadly is not helping, it has the same effect as USER $MOD_WSGI_USER:$MOD_WSGI_GROUP

With -u 33 docker run --rm -u 33 -t widudev_devweb:latest

Server URL         : http://localhost/
Server Root        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:33
Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:33/httpd.conf
Error Log File     : |/usr/bin/tee (warn)
Startup Log File   : /dev/tty
Request Capacity   : 5 (1 process * 5 threads)
Request Timeout    : 60 (seconds)
Queue Backlog      : 100 (connections)
Queue Timeout      : 45 (seconds)
Server Capacity    : 20 (event/worker), 20 (prefork)
Server Backlog     : 500 (connections)
Locale Setting     : en_US.UTF-8
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs

Without -u 33 docker run --rm -t widudev_devweb:latest

Server URL         : http://localhost/
Server Root        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0
Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0/httpd.conf
Error Log File     : /dev/stderr (warn)
Startup Log File   : /dev/stderr
Request Capacity   : 5 (1 process * 5 threads)
Request Timeout    : 60 (seconds)
Queue Backlog      : 100 (connections)
Queue Timeout      : 45 (seconds)
Server Capacity    : 20 (event/worker), 20 (prefork)
Server Backlog     : 500 (connections)
Locale Setting     : en_US.UTF-8
[Fri Oct 23 20:13:19.577633 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 1:tid 139987040724736] AH00489: Apache/2.4.17 (Unix) mod_wsgi/4.4.21 Python/3.4.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Fri Oct 23 20:13:19.577735 2015] [wsgi:alert] [pid 21:tid 139987040724736] (2)No such file or directory: mod_wsgi (pid=21): Unable to set groups for uname=www-data and gid=33.
[Fri Oct 23 20:13:19.578001 2015] [wsgi:alert] [pid 21:tid 139987040724736] mod_wsgi (pid=21): Failure to configure the daemon process correctly and process left in unspecified state. Restarting daemon process after delay.
[Fri Oct 23 20:13:19.578232 2015] [core:notice] [pid 1:tid 139987040724736] AH00094: Command line: 'httpd (mod_wsgi-express) -f /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0/httpd.conf -E /dev/stderr -D MOD_WSGI_COMPRESS_RESPONSES -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_ENABLE_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_WORKER_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_PREFORK_MODULE -D FOREGROUND'
[Fri Oct 23 20:13:19.578072 2015] [unixd:alert] [pid 22:tid 139987040724736] (2)No such file or directory: AH02157: initgroups: unable to set groups for User www-data and Group 33
[Fri Oct 23 20:13:39.598099 2015] [wsgi:alert] [pid 35:tid 139987040724736] (2)No such file or directory: mod_wsgi (pid=35): Unable to set groups for uname=www-data and gid=33.
[Fri Oct 23 20:13:39.598899 2015] [wsgi:alert] [pid 35:tid 139987040724736] mod_wsgi (pid=35): Failure to configure the daemon process correctly and process left in unspecified state. Restarting daemon process after delay.
GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

Try with a really plain Dockerfile of:

FROM grahamdumpleton/mod-wsgi-docker:python-3.4


RUN mod_wsgi-docker-build

ENTRYPOINT [ "mod_wsgi-docker-start" ]


See if that at least works with:

docker run --rm  -t test1

No -u option required.

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

The output:

Server URL         : http://localhost/
Server Root        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:33
Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:33/httpd.conf
Error Log File     : |/usr/bin/tee (warn)
Startup Log File   : /dev/tty
Request Capacity   : 5 (1 process * 5 threads)
Request Timeout    : 60 (seconds)
Queue Backlog      : 100 (connections)
Queue Timeout      : 45 (seconds)
Server Capacity    : 20 (event/worker), 20 (prefork)
Server Backlog     : 500 (connections)
Locale Setting     : en_US.UTF-8
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs
EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

If I add the line RUN setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd after RUN mod_wsgi-docker-build returns the following error:

Step 3 : RUN setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
 ---> Running in d683efa04d05
Failed to set capabilities on file `/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd' (Invalid argument)
The value of the capability argument is not permitted for a file. Or the file is not a regular (non-symlink) file
INFO[0016] The command [/bin/sh -c setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd] returned a non-zero code: 1

Maybe is related?

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

I've found the problem: fcap is not supported on AUFS, the storage backend used by Docker in my current configuration.

docker info | grep Driver returns

Storage Driver: aufs
Execution Driver: native-0.2
WARNING: No swap limit support

I'll need some other way to bind to the ports

GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

I will have a new image for you to try soon. Part of the problem relates to nss_wrapper library not working when used from root.

GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

Try pulling down the latest image now. Don't use USER in the Dockerfile nor the -u option to docker run.

Even if that works, can you then try with USER in the Dockerfile so I know whether that makes a difference in that case.

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

Without -u

docker run --rm -t test1
/usr/local/bin/mod_wsgi-docker-start: line 57: $NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD: ambiguous redirect
/usr/local/bin/mod_wsgi-docker-start: line 58: $NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP: ambiguous redirect
/usr/local/bin/mod_wsgi-docker-start: line 60: $NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD: ambiguous redirect
/usr/local/bin/mod_wsgi-docker-start: line 61: $NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP: ambiguous redirect
Server URL         : http://localhost/
Server Root        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0
Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0/httpd.conf
Error Log File     : /dev/stderr (warn)
Startup Log File   : /dev/stderr
Request Capacity   : 5 (1 process * 5 threads)
Request Timeout    : 60 (seconds)
Queue Backlog      : 100 (connections)
Queue Timeout      : 45 (seconds)
Server Capacity    : 20 (event/worker), 20 (prefork)
Server Backlog     : 500 (connections)
Locale Setting     : en_US.UTF-8
[Fri Oct 23 22:50:32.748339 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 1:tid 139685207697152] AH00489: Apache/2.4.17 (Unix) mod_wsgi/4.4.21 Python/3.4.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Fri Oct 23 22:50:32.748863 2015] [core:notice] [pid 1:tid 139685207697152] AH00094: Command line: 'httpd (mod_wsgi-express) -f /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0/httpd.conf -E /dev/stderr -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_ENABLE_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_WORKER_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_PREFORK_MODULE -D FOREGROUND'

With -u

docker run --rm -u 33 -t test1
/usr/local/bin/mod_wsgi-docker-start: line 57: $NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD: ambiguous redirect
/usr/local/bin/mod_wsgi-docker-start: line 58: $NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP: ambiguous redirect
/usr/local/bin/mod_wsgi-docker-start: line 60: $NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD: ambiguous redirect
/usr/local/bin/mod_wsgi-docker-start: line 61: $NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP: ambiguous redirect
NWRAP_ERROR(1) - nwrap_files_cache_reload: Unable to open '/.whiskey/passwd' readonly -1:No such file or directory
NWRAP_ERROR(1) - nwrap_files_cache_reload: Unable to open '/.whiskey/passwd' readonly -1:No such file or directory
Server URL         : http://localhost/
Server Root        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:33
Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:33/httpd.conf
Error Log File     : |/usr/bin/tee (warn)
Startup Log File   : /dev/tty
Request Capacity   : 5 (1 process * 5 threads)
Request Timeout    : 60 (seconds)
Queue Backlog      : 100 (connections)
Queue Timeout      : 45 (seconds)
Server Capacity    : 20 (event/worker), 20 (prefork)
Server Backlog     : 500 (connections)
Locale Setting     : en_US.UTF-8
NWRAP_ERROR(1) - nwrap_files_cache_reload: Unable to open '/.whiskey/passwd' readonly -1:No such file or directory
NWRAP_ERROR(1) - nwrap_files_cache_reload: Unable to open '/.whiskey/passwd' readonly -1:No such file or directory
AH00543: httpd (mod_wsgi-express): bad user name www-data

Is working now using root :+1:

GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

That will teach me to test before committing. I couldn't download huge amounts of date to rebuild properly locally where I am. Try pulling again and try both tests.

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

Without -u 33

docker run --rm -t test1
Server URL         : http://localhost/
Server Root        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0
Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0/httpd.conf
Error Log File     : /dev/stderr (warn)
Startup Log File   : /dev/stderr
Request Capacity   : 5 (1 process * 5 threads)
Request Timeout    : 60 (seconds)
Queue Backlog      : 100 (connections)
Queue Timeout      : 45 (seconds)
Server Capacity    : 20 (event/worker), 20 (prefork)
Server Backlog     : 500 (connections)
Locale Setting     : en_US.UTF-8
[Sat Oct 24 15:16:31.653556 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 1:tid 140043874408192] AH00489: Apache/2.4.17 (Unix) mod_wsgi/4.4.21 Python/3.4.3 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sat Oct 24 15:16:31.653995 2015] [core:notice] [pid 1:tid 140043874408192] AH00094: Command line: 'httpd (mod_wsgi-express) -f /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:0/httpd.conf -E /dev/stderr -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_ENABLE_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_EVENT_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_WORKER_MODULE -D MOD_WSGI_MPM_EXISTS_PREFORK_MODULE -D FOREGROUND'

With -u 33

run --rm -u 33 -t test1
Server URL         : http://localhost/
Server Root        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:33
Server Conf        : /tmp/mod_wsgi-localhost:80:33/httpd.conf
Error Log File     : |/usr/bin/tee (warn)
Startup Log File   : /dev/tty
Request Capacity   : 5 (1 process * 5 threads)
Request Timeout    : 60 (seconds)
Queue Backlog      : 100 (connections)
Queue Timeout      : 45 (seconds)
Server Capacity    : 20 (event/worker), 20 (prefork)
Server Backlog     : 500 (connections)
Locale Setting     : en_US.UTF-8
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(13)Permission denied: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
AH00015: Unable to open logs

The could not bind to address error is ok, because will never work for me, using aufs storage driver is not possible to grant capabilities.

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

I don't know if you want to close the issue, or we can try to find a workaround.

GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

I am using aufs so I should be able to duplicate it then.

$ docker info | grep Driver
Storage Driver: aufs
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Logging Driver: json-file

I will risk the big downloads of a rebuild to see if can replicate again.

GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

No go. Can't pull base images from Docker hub where I am for some reason. Will need to wait until tomorrow.

GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

What Docker version is being used?

Still can't replicate even though using aufs.

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

OS: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64) on a Cloud Server (Virtual Machine) Docker:

Client version: 1.6.2
Client API version: 1.18
Go version (client): go1.4.2
Git commit (client): 7c8fca2
OS/Arch (client): linux/amd64
Server version: 1.6.2
Server API version: 1.18
Go version (server): go1.4.2
Git commit (server): 7c8fca2
OS/Arch (server): linux/amd64
GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

I am using:

 Version:      1.8.2
 API version:  1.20
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   0a8c2e3
 Built:        Thu Sep 10 19:10:10 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      darwin/amd64

 Version:      1.8.3
 API version:  1.20
 Go version:   go1.4.2
 Git commit:   f4bf5c7
 Built:        Mon Oct 12 18:01:15 UTC 2015
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

So newer version of Docker.

My Synology NAS box uses Docker 1.6.2, so will try there and see if it works.

GrahamDumpleton commented 8 years ago

Confirmed that this problem occurs on Docker 1.6.2 but does not occur with Docker 1.8.2.

EibrielInv commented 8 years ago

Great, I'll upgrade then!
