Grails-Plugin-Consortium / grails-cxf-client

Easy cxf client for grails
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Change to support BindingProvider so it can be accessed by Client Code. #34

Closed derekbassett closed 10 years ago

derekbassett commented 10 years ago

We are currently attempting to use your plugin to integrate with NetSuite using their SOAP interface. This SOAP interface uses a JSESSION Cookie Stored in the web service session to support authentication. Not a complicated implementation I know but it is the only NetSuite interface we can use. If we just use straight apache-cxf in Grails with Spring I would create a bean using JaxWsProxyFactoryBean to configure it up and then inject the resulting bean into my application. Then inside my grails application when I accessed the Client I would be able to call:

BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) myWebServiceClient bindingProvider.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, "true")

ctoestreich commented 10 years ago

Will try and get released tomorrow or Friday. New mac mini shows up tomorrow and need to get SSD installed to get back up and running.