GrailsInAction / graina2

Source code for the 2nd edition of Grails in Action
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MEAP v10 page 4: Grails is now shipped with Tomcat #35

Closed dtonhofer closed 10 years ago

dtonhofer commented 11 years ago

We read:

"Grails ships with a copy of Jetty (an embeddable Java web server—there is talk that a future version will switch to Tomcat)"

Grails 2.2.3 apparently runs Tomcat by default. From the qotd welcome page:

Application Status

App version: 0.1
Grails version: 2.2.3
Groovy version: 2.0.8
JVM version: 1.7.0_25
Reloading active: true
Controllers: 2
Domains: 1
Services: 3
Tag Libraries: 13

Installed Plugins

i18n - 2.2.3
logging - 2.2.3
core - 2.2.3
urlMappings - 2.2.3
resources - 1.1.6
jquery - 1.8.3
databaseMigration - 1.3.2
webxml - 1.4.1
tomcat - 2.2.3 <---
controllers - 2.2.3
codecs - 2.2.3
domainClass - 2.2.3
converters - 2.2.3
dataSource - 2.2.3
filters - 2.2.3
groovyPages - 2.2.3
servlets - 2.2.3
mimeTypes - 2.2.3
hibernate - 2.2.3
validation - 2.2.3
scaffolding - 2.2.3
services - 2.2.3
cache - 1.0.1
pledbrook commented 11 years ago

Apparently the MEAP is not picking up the latest versions of chapters in the Manning document management system. Will investigate.

glenasmith commented 11 years ago

Yup. Thanks for reporting this one.

This one is definitely fixed in the current Gregor (and has been for a few MEAPs) - the problem is that the production process hasn't been refreshing the fixed content. They're looking into in right now.

This should be fixed in MEAP 12 out shortly.

pledbrook commented 10 years ago

Definitely fixed in MEAP v12