Grammarsalad / B_Kits

Revision of core classes and base kits for Baldur's Gate games. Also, more kits!
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Components Overview #58

Open Grammarsalad opened 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


The purpose of this mod is to re-balance kits and base classes ala Kit Revisions. This mod (is) will be compatible with Kit Revisions if the latter is installed first. This mod will also offer a number of additional (optional) kits to install.

  1. Revision of base kits for Baldur's Gate games. The mod will offer both a 'conservative' revision, and a 'radical' revisions (and at times, a few in-between). The latter version will alter the base structure of the classes and kits more radically and will thus be more likely to see compatibility issues with other mods. That said, the goal of all components is to maintain compatibility with all other mods where possible.
  2. New Kits. There will be more 'radical' versions of new kits--only available where 'radical' revisions are installed--as well as more 'conservative' new kits that should be at home in either the (conservatively) revised structure, or in an un-revised environment.
  3. Conservative/Liberal/Radical Versions. Each revision will involve more or less 'extreme' changes to the game engine. Extreme here is defined roughly by the 'globality' of changes necessary in order to accommodate the changes to the class or kit in question. That is, it is a measure of the changes that will be made to aspects of the game other than those kits/classes. The goal is to make these different revisions compatible with each other in terms of play balance, but they are likely going to be more powerful than vanilla classes/kits in most instances, so balance is not guaranteed if you have vanilla classes/kits alongside these revised kits/classes. The exception is that these revisions should be roughly equilateral to what is found in other works such as Kit Revisions and Rogue Rebalancing. The designation is as follows:

Special Note: EEex

This mod does not require EEex , but many of the components will either work best with EEex installed, or will unfortunately be dependent on EEex (because there is no other reasonable way to implement the component). As such, I encourage you to click on the link and install EEex if you are able.

Components Overview

B_Kits: 0001 - ???: Class Revisions

Class revisions alter existing classes in some manner, as opposed to adding kits or interchangeable class features. Class features themselves are divided into 'Conservative' and 'Radical' versions of a given class/kit structure. This mod tries, as much as possible, to allow players to mix and match conservative and radical versions together. So, for example, a player could install conservative fighter revisions with radical bard revisions. However, players should be warned that there might be balance issues, especially when the various class features are added to the mix. We cannot account for everything. That said, we will try to note where balance issues might exist, both here and in individual class sections below.

Known Issues (Class Revisions):

B_Kits: 1001 - ???: Expanded Abilities and Attributes

This group of components modify special abilities, especially 'skill-like', special abilities or make attributes (especially non physical attributes) more meaningful by granting modifiers to abilities and skills based on the characters attribute scores. For components that convert certain abilities to skills, see the following section (Expanded Skills). Note that these components are virtually identical to those in Skills & Proficiencies and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Expanded Abilities and Attributes):

B_Kits: 2001 - ???: Expanded Skills

Heavily inspired by OlvynChuru's epic thieving mod, and largely impossible without OlvynChuru's contributions to EEex, these components seek to expand rogue skills in some way, whether by allowing choice where there wasn't choice before, by expanding what a player can do with their skills (or both), or even restricting a skill or skill-like ability in some way.

This group of components adds (thief-like) class skills to the game or modifies class skill points to be distributed differently, or allows other classes to perform them where possible.


These components are virtually identical to those in Skills & Proficiencies and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Note: Skill Point Distribution

Many of these components give skills to classes that either already have at least one skill, or that do not normally have any skills at all. In any case where a given kit or class has exactly one skill, they will gain points to that skill at a set rate by level. However, wherever a given kit or class gains two or more skills, or where they gain at least one skill where they already have at least one skill, they can distribute skills as a thief. This rate is set by class or kit, and does not change by the number of skills that they have, so the character may have to specialize. The rate at which kits or classes gain skill points is determined by the table below. Note that any mod kits will have the same skill point distribution as the base class if they are not specifically mentioned (let me know if there are any kit mods that need special attention).

Also, magic item creation skills do not count toward this limit.

Thieves actually gain a few more skill points if they gain access to any of the new offered skills. If they gain even a single skill described in this section, they will gain skill points at the increased rate below:

Kit/Class Single Skill Skill Points at 1st Level Skill Points gained per Level
Ranger (all) See Stealth 30 15
Base Fighter 5/Level 20 10
Barbarian 8/Level 30 15
Berserker 5/Level 20 10
Kensai 5/Level 20 10
Wizard Slayer 8/Level 30 10
Defender 5/Level 20 10
Base Thief NA 50 30
Shadowdancer NA 35 20
Assassin NA 50 20
Bounty Hunter NA 50 25
Swashbuckler NA 50 30
Base Bard See P. Pocket 30 20
Multiclass Thief NA 50 30
Skald See P. Pocket 20 10
Jester See P. Pocket 30 20
Blade See P. Pocket 20 10
Monk (all) NA 10 15
Druid (all) 4/level 15 10
Mages (all) 1/level 0 5
Cleric (all) 1/level 0 5

Single Skill: Skill advancement if (and only if) the class has a single skill. Skill Points at 1st Level: Skill % at first level iff they can distribute points. Skill Points gained per Level: Skill % gained each level after first iff they can distribute points.

Known Issues (Expanded Skills):

B_Kits: 3001-???: Thief skills for regular Joes

This group of components give thief skills to non-thief characters (as much as possible). For the most part, it does not give all thief skills to all characters, but where thematically appropriate or where there is a reasonable pnp precedent, I will try to implement it (let me know if you have any ideas!) Many of these skills are limited in some manner, and a few of these components even limit current skill usage. For example, the Hide in Natural Surroundings components only allow a character to hide outdoors. That's useful, to be sure, but less useful than the full thief skill.

The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.


These components are virtually identical to those in Skills & Proficiencies and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Thief skills for regular Joes):

B_Kits: 4001- ???: Magic Item Creation

This group of components deal with magic item creation and recharging. These components allow players to create scrolls, potions and wands, and they allow players to recharge wands. There are a number of different creation subsystems for each, and users can install different subsystems for different items. These components can also interact with the proficiency system (see below for details).

This component adds new magic items, and item creation. The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.


The added items are identical to those added by Spells and Magic and Proficiencies. However, consumable magic items--in particular scrolls and wands--work slightly differently in these three mods. These mods are completely compatible, however, and any changes will be noted in the description.

Known Issues (Magic Item Creation):

B_Kits: 5001 - ???: High Level Abilities

This group of components deal with high level abilities, either adding new HLAs, modifying existing HLAs, or both.

Known Issues (High Level Abilities):

B_Kits: 6001 - ???: Limitations

This group of components actually reduce player ability in some way. They are intended to be installed with the above enhancement components, in order to preserve some kind of balance. However, they can be installed without the bonuses, or not at all as you prefer.


These components are virtually identical to those in Skills & Proficiencies and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Limitations):

B_Kits: 7001 - ???: 'Extras'

This group of components installs extra features that didn't seem to fit any other categories.

Known Issues ('Extras'):

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Component Descriptions

## B_Kits: 0001-???: Class Revisions
### 0001: New and Revised Classes and Kits: Install ALL New Kits: Conservative (or most conservative) Versions This component (conservatively) revises all classes and kits in the core game. ### 0002: New and Revised Classes and Kits: Install ALL New Kits: Radical (or most radical) Versions This component (radically) revises all classes and kits in the core game. ### 0010: New and Revised Classes and Kits: Install Revised classes/kits individually This set of component installs class and kit revisions on the spot, allowing you to mix and match conservative and more radical versions within reason.See individual sections below: ## Class Revisions Descriptions \page
Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago
## B_Kits: 1001 - ???: Expanded Abilities and Attributes
### 1001: Expanded Abilities and Attributes: Illusion immunity for high int This component tries to duplicate pnp illusion immunity for characters with high intelligence. Because of engine limitations, however, it is not possible to duplicate this effect exactly. The exact effects are outlined in the table below. Effects are cumulative: | Intelligence | BG(2)EE | IWDEE |SR | B_Spells | OlvynSpells | Uncertain | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 19 | Immune to Blindness and Spook | Immune to Spook | Immune to Spook | Immune to Spook (and Blindness), Audible Glamer, and Phantasmal Force | |Reflected Image | | 20 | Immune to Deafness | Immune to Blindness and Deafness(?) |? | Immune to Improved Phantasmal Force | |Invisibility, Mirror Image and Blur | | 21 | ? |? |? | Immune to Spectral Force | |Invisibility 10', Wraithform, Displacement (Olv spls) | | 22+ | ? |? |? | ? |Backstab Sequencer, Phantasmal Killer | | **Intelligence**: The Intelligence score of the character in question. **Effect**: x: The effect in the specified engine or in conjunction with SR and/or B_Spells and/or OlyvnSpells. Note that the effects are cumulative, and so (e.g.) a character with 20 int is immune to Spook. **Known Issues**: This component changes Shadow Creatures to Illusory creatures allowing players to bypass the normal limits on summoned monsters (i.e. they will be able to summon the maximum plus any creatures summoned by these summon spells.) ### 1011: Attributes: Magical Defense Adjustment This component tries to duplicate pnp illusion immunity for characters with high intelligence. Because of engine limitations, however, it is not possible to duplicate this effect exactly. The exact effects are outlined in the table below. Effects are cumulative: | Wisdom | Save vs. Spell |Spell Immunity | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | <5 | -2 | - | | 6-7 | -1 | - | | 8-14 | 0 | - | | 15 | +1 | - | | 16 | +2 | - | | 17 | +3 | - | | 18 | +4 | - | | 19 | +4 | Horror, Charm Person, Command, Hypnotism | | 20 | +4 | Forget, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement | | 21 | +4 |Hold Monster, Domination, Mental Domination | | 22 | +4 | Confusion, Emotion (all), Suggestion | | 23 | +4| Chaos, Feeblemind | | 24 | +4 | Symbol (all) | **Wisdom**: The wisdom score of the character in question. **Save vs. Spell**: The bonus to save vs. spell **Spell Immunity**: Spell immunity CONTINUE: DO SPELL IMMUNITY BY MOD INSTALLED (AS INT BONI) ### 1021 - ???: Attributes: Spell Power for high attributes This group of components modifies spells to be harder to resist when cast by casters with particularly high mental attributes. There are ??? subcomponents. The save penalties are as follows: | Attribute Value | Save modification | | :---: | :---: | | 16 or less | +0 | | 17 to 19 | -1 | | 20 to 22 | -2 | | 23+ | -3 | **Attribute Value**: The value of the attribute in question. **Save modification**: The penalty to save when cast by casters with that attribute value. ### 1021 - ???: Attributes: Spell Power for high attributes This group of components modifies spells to be harder to resist when cast by casters with particularly high mental attributes. There are ??? subcomponents. The save penalties are as follows: ### 1021 - 1024: Spell Power for high Intelligence This set of components gives bonuses to spell power by intelligence to certain arcane classes #### 1021: Spell Power for high int for all arcane classes This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by all arcane casters (i.e. wizards, sorcerers and bards) with a higher intelligence stat. Note that it will not affect classes or kits that are affected by some other version of spell power (e.g. if Spell Power for high cha for sorcerers only is installed, then a sorcerers intelligence scores will not affect how powerful their spells are). #### 1022: Spell Power for high int for mages and sorcerers only This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by all mages and sorcerers only (i.e. wizards and sorcerers, but not bards) with a higher intelligence stat. Note that it will not affect classes or kits that are affected by some other version of spell power (e.g. if Spell Power for high cha for sorcerers only is installed, then a sorcerers intelligence scores will not affect how powerful their spells are). #### 1023: Spell Power for high int for mages and bards only This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by all mages and bards only (i.e. wizards and bards, but not sorcerers) with a higher intelligence stat. Note that it will not affect classes or kits that are affected by some other version of spell power (e.g. if Spell Power for high cha for bards only is installed, then a bards intelligence scores will not affect how powerful their spells are). #### 1024: Spell Power for high int for mages only This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by all mages only (i.e. wizards, but not bards or sorcerers) with a higher intelligence stat. Note that it will not affect classes or kits that are affected by some other version of spell power (e.g. if Spell Power for high cha for enchanters only is installed, then an enchanters intelligence scores will not affect how powerful their spells are). ### 1031 - 1036: Spell Power for high Charisma This set of components gives bonuses to spell power by charisma to certain classes #### 1031: Spell Power for high cha for all arcane and divine classes This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by any arcane or divine spell caster (i.e. wizards,bards, sorcerers, clerics, druids,, shaman, paladins and rangers) with a higher charisma stat. Note that this component is not available for any classes or kits that are affected by some other attribute based spell power component (e.g. if Spell Power for high int for mages only is installed, then mages will not be affected). #### 1032: Spell Power for high cha for all arcane classes This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by any arcane spell caster (i.e. wizards,bards and sorcerers) with a higher charisma stat. Note that this component is not available for any classes or kits that are affected by some other attribute based spell power component (e.g. if Spell Power for high int for mages only is installed, then mages will not be affected). #### 1033: Spell Power for high cha for all divine classes This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by any divine spell caster (i.e. clerics, shaman, druids, paladins and rangers) with a higher charisma stat. Note that this component is not available for any classes or kits that are affected by some other attribute based spell power component (e.g. if Spell Power for high wis for clerics only is installed, then clerics will not be affected by this component). #### 1034: Spell Power for high cha for all primary casters This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by any primary caster (i.e. clerics, shaman, druids, mages, sorcerers and bards) with a higher charisma stat. Note that this component is not available for any classes or kits that are affected by some other attribute based spell power component (e.g. if Spell Power for high wis for clerics only is installed, then clerics will not be affected by this component). #### 1035: Charisma: Spell Power for high cha for all sorcerers and bards This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by sorcerers or bards with a higher charisma stat. Note that it will not affect classes or kits that are affected by some other version of spell power (e.g. if Spell power for high int for mages and bards only is installed, then bards' charisma scores will not affect how powerful their spells are). #### 1036: Charisma: Spell Power for high cha for all sorcerers, enchanters and bards This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by sorcerers, enchanters or bards with a higher charisma stat. Note that it will not affect classes or kits that are affected by some other version of spell power (e.g. if Spell power for high int for mages and bards only is installed, then bards' charisma scores will not affect how powerful their spells are). ### 1041 - 104: Spell Power for high Wisdom This set of components gives bonuses to spell power by wisdom to certain classes #### 1041: Spell Power for high wis for all divine classes This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by any divine spell caster (i.e. clerics, druids,, shaman, paladins and rangers) with a higher wisdom stat. Note that this component is not available for any classes or kits that are affected by some other attribute based spell power component. #### 1042: Spell Power for high wis for all divine classes and necromancers This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by any divine spell caster (i.e. clerics, druids, shaman, paladins and rangers) and necromancers with a higher wisdom stat. Note that this component is not available for any classes or kits that are affected by some other attribute based spell power component. #### 1043: Spell Power for high wis for all primary divine classes This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by any divine spell caster (i.e. clerics, druids and shaman) with a higher wisdom stat. Note that this component is not available for any classes or kits that are affected by some other attribute based spell power component. #### 1044: Spell Power for high wis for all primary divine classes and necromancers This component modifies spells by making them harder to resist when cast by any divine spell caster (i.e. clerics, druids and shaman) and necromancers with a higher wisdom stat. Note that this component is not available for any classes or kits that are affected by some other attribute based spell power component. CONTINUE with bonus spell slots by attribute (even wis or cha giving bonus spells to rangers and paladins or shaman) ### ??? - ???: Variant Turning (requires EEex) This group of components modifies the turn mechanic to have different effects than turn/destroy/rebuke/control mechanic. #### ???: Variant Turning: Channel Energy This component changes turning to channel energy. Good and neutral clerics that worship good or neutral deities channel positive energy and evil clerics, or neutral clerics that worship evil deities channel negative energy. Unlike turning in vanilla, clerics cannot channel energy at will. Once they turn, they will lose the ability to turn for a period of time while they recharge. Positive energy heals living creatures and damages undead creatures. Negative energy heals undead and damages living enemies. The range of this ability is 20' radius around the cleric. See the following table for recharge times and healing/damage by level: | Cleric Level | Paladin Level | Recharge Time | Healing/Damage | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 1-3 | 3-7 | 8 hours | 1d6 | | 4-7 | 8-13 | 4 hours | 2d6 | | 8-11 | 14-20 | 3 hours | 3d6 | | 12-15 | 21+ | 2 hours | 4d6 | | 16-20 | - | 1 hours | 5d6 | | 20+ | - | 1/2 hours | 6d6 | **Cleric Level**: Denotes cleric progression. **Paladin Level**: Denotes paladin progression **Recharge Time**: The time it takes to recharge the ability after use. **Healing/Damage**: The amount of damage the ability heals or causes. **Special Note**: If the Turn Bonus by Charisma component is installed, then the listed charisma bonus applies per each die of damage or healing done when channeling energy. CONTINUE ### ??? - ???: Druid Turning (requires EEex) This group of components gives turn like abilities to druids and rangers. #### ???: Druid Turning: Turn or Control Beasts This component gives a turn-like ability to druids and rangers that allow them to turn or control beasts. LOOK UP TURNING MECHANIC AND DESCRIBE IN THOSE TERMS!!!! CONTINUE ### ???-???: Turn bonus by charisma This group of components modifies the turn undead level of characters based on their charisma. There are three subcomponents described below. The turn level modification is as follows: | Charisma Value | Turn modification | | :---: | :---: | | 18 to 19 | +1 | | 20 to 22 | +2 | | 23+ | +3 | **Special Note**: If the Variant Turning: Channel Energy component is installed, then the listed charisma bonus applies per each die of damage or healing done when channeling energy. #### ???: All Priests and Paladins: Turn bonus by charisma This component will modify priests' and paladins' turn undead level by their current charisma as per the table above. #### ???: Clerics: Turn Modification by charisma This component will modify only priests' turn undead level by their current charisma as per the table above. #### ???: Paladins: Turn Modification by charisma This component will modify only paladins' turn undead level by their current charisma as per the table above. ### ???: Variant Attribute Bonuses for base skills This component makes a few changes to the standard thief skills such that rogues gain bonuses (and penalties) to many of these skills based off of attributes other than dexterity. See the next section for details. ### Variant Attribute bonuses to skills Why should dexterity help a thief detect illusions or traps? Why wouldn't a high intelligence help a thief figure out how to read a scroll? This table describes both the changes to the base thief skills (e.g. component 1604) and the added skills (e.g. component 1602). Any skill not found in this table is unchanged (i.e. they gain dex bonuses as found in skilldex.2da). ##### Attribute Bonuses | **Int** | Use Scrolls | Detect Illusions | **Wis** | Find Traps | Set Traps | **Cha** | Barter | Performance| |:----:|:----|:----|:----:|:----|:----|:----:|:----:|:----| | <9 | -- | -10 | <9 |-10 |-10 |<9| -15 | -15 | | 9 | 0 | -10 | 9 | -10 |-10 | 9 | -10 | -10 | | 10 | 0 | -10 | 10 | -10 |-10 | 10 | -10 | -5 | | 11 | 0 | -5 | 11 | -5 |-5 | 11 | -5 | -5 | | 12 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 0 |0 | 12 | -5 | 0 | | 13-15 | 0 | 0 | 13-15 | 0 |0 | 13-15 | 0 | 0 | | 16 | 5 | 0 | 16 | 5 |0 | 16 | 0 | 5 | | 17 | 5 | 5 | 17 | 10 |5 | 17 | 5 | 10 | | 18 | 10 | 5 | 18 | 15 |10 | 18 | 10 | 15 | | 19 | 15 | 10 | 19 | 20 |15 | 19 | 15 | 20 | | 20 | 20 | 10 | 20 | 25 |20 | 20 | 20 | 25 | | 21 | 25 | 15 | 21 | 30 |25 | 21 | 25 | 30 | | 22 | 30 | 20 | 22 | 35 |30 | 22 | 30 | 35 | | 23 | 35 | 25 | 23 | 40 |35 | 23 | 35 | 40 | | 24 | 40 | 30 | 24 | 45 |40 | 24 | 40 | 45 |
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

B_Kits: 2001 - ???: Expanded Skills

The following table gives an overview of all possible skills, as well as a basic description of each.

Skill Descriptions


???: Appraisal (EEex required)

This component adds the appraisal skill to the game. This skill works like Lore, and its value is identical to lore. The main difference is that players can add to this skill if they can distribute skill points as the thief. Thieves and Bards gain access to this skill. This skill is unique in that it can both be incremented by the player, and it automatically progresses on a per level basis. See the next section for skill descriptions.

??? - ???: Play Instrument (EEex required)

These components add the play instrument skill to the game. The play instruments skill allows characters to use magical instruments and the ability to create quasi-magical effects using normal instruments. See the next section--'Extra descriptions--for details. There are two versions of this component: a version that gives the skill to Bards only, and one that gives it to bards and thieves.

???: Play Instrument: Bards only

This component adds the play instruments skill, and gives it to bards only. The base skill is 30% (15% for blades).

???: Play Instrument: Rogues only

This component adds the performance skill, and gives it to all rogues. The base skill for bards is 30% (15% for blades). The Base skill for thieves is 0%.

??? - ???: Use Scrolls

These components add the use scrolls skill to the game. Both thieves and bards have access to this skill. There are three versions of this component: a version that does not allow thieves progression in this skill until 10th level, a version that allows thieves access to this skill at 1st level, and a version that allows rogues to use scrolls starting at 10th level that does not make use of skill points. It is suggested that the user also install a version of restricted scroll use, though this is not strictly necessary as these components can function independently (though they are implemented differently if installed together: see the next section --skill details--for more information.

???: Use Scrolls: 10th level (EEex required)

This component adds the use scrolls skill, and gives it to both bards (except blades and skalds) and thieves. This component restricts characters from putting points into the skill until 10th level. At 10th level, bards have 20% in this skill. At 10th level, thieves have no skill in use scrolls, but they can start distributing skill points to the skill.

???: Use Scrolls: no level requirement (EEex required)

This component adds the use scrolls skill, and gives it to both bards (except blades and skalds) and thieves.

Note: This component is likely to imbalance the game.

???: Use Scrolls: pseudo-skill

This component adds the use scrolls pseudo-skill, and gives it to both bards and thieves. Beginning at 10th level, bards (not skalds or blades) and thieves can use mage and/or cleric scrolls of 1st level (and 0 level if they exist in the game). They can use a scroll of 1 level higher every two levels thereafter (i.e. level 2 scrolls at 12th level, 3rd level scrolls at 14th level, etc.).

??? - ???: Sense Evil Presence (EEex reccommended)

These components add the sense evil presence skill to the game and gives progression to certain classes. Paladins, but not blackguards, always have access to this skill, but a components give access to monks, barbarians, and wizard slayers. Sense evil presence works like the thief's Detect Illusions ability, allowing the character to detect evil creatures obscured by illusory magic. These components work without EEex, but they are better implemented if EEex is installed.

???: Sense Evil Presence: Paladins only

This component adds the sense evil presence skill to the game and gives the special ability to paladins (except blackguards) to use the skill. Characters begin play with a base 5% in Sense Evil Presence, and gain 3% per level in the skill (unless they can distribute skill points). Inquisitors gain a +30% bonus to this skill. Further, this skill replaces the paladin's sense evil ability.

???: Sense Evil Presence: Paladins, and Monks only

This component adds the sense evil presence skill to the game and gives the special ability to paladins (except blackguards), and monks to use the skill. Characters begin play with a base 5% in Sense Evil Presence, and gain 3% per level in the skill (unless they can distribute skill points). Inquisitors, and dark moon monks gain a +30% bonus to this skill. Further, this skill replaces the paladin's sense evil ability.

???: Sense Evil Presence: Paladins, Barbarians, and Wizard slayers only

This component adds the sense evil presence skill to the game and gives the special ability to paladins (except blackguards), barbarians and wizard slayers to use the skill. Characters begin play with a base 5% in Sense Evil Presence, and gain 3% per level in the skill (unless they can distribute skill points). Inquisitors, and wizard slayers gain a +30% bonus to this skill. Further, this skill replaces the paladin's sense evil ability.

???: Sense Evil Presence: Paladins, Monks Barbarians, and Wizard slayers only

This component adds the sense evil presence skill to the game and gives the special ability to paladins (except blackguards), monks, barbarians and wizard slayers to use the skill. Characters begin play with a base 5% in Sense Evil Presence, and gain 3% per level in the skill (unless they can distribute skill points). Inquisitors, dark moon monks, and wizard slayers gain a +30% bonus to this skill. Further, this skill replaces the paladin's sense evil ability.

??? - ???: Fletch (requires EEex)

These components add the fletch skill to the game and gives progression to certain classes. Rangers always have access to this skill, but a components give access to base fighters and barbarians as well. There are two subcomponents. This skill allows the character to create ammunition. At higher levels, can create better ammunition on a successful attempt. See the next section for details.

???: Fletch: Rangers only

This component adds the fletch skill to the game and gives the special ability to rangers at a set rate. Rangers begin with 30% in the skill (+20% for archers). See the following section for details.

???: Fletch: Rangers, base fighters and barbarians only

This component adds the fletch skill to the game and gives a progression to base fighters and barbarians. Additionally, it gives these classes a special ability at a set rate. Rangers begin with 30% in the skill (+20% for archers). Base fighters and barbarians begin with 20% in the skill, and gain 3% per level (unless they can distribute skill points).

??? - ???: Revised Set Traps

This group of components modifies set traps in some manner, often giving variant versions to different types of thieves. This component is heavily inspired by Adarnis's Trap Revisions and OlvynChuru's epic thieving.

??? - ???: Revised Set Traps: Trap Power Based on Skill

This group of components modifies traps to be more or less effective based on the set snares skill of the character, rather than character level. This also means that there is no longer any chance of failing when setting a trap.

??? - ???: Universal Set Trap

This set of components gives the same set traps abilities for every class that can set traps. That is, whether thief, assassin, cleric/thief, etc.., the traps will be the same. Bounty Hunters, of course, still get their unique traps.

The traps are as follows:

Kinds of traps

Trap Minimum Set Traps Value
Arrow Trap 1%
Poison Dart 20%
Root Trap 20%

Arrow Trap

Set Traps Value Damage/Effect
1% - 15% 1d8+1 Missile
16% - 30% 2d8+2 Missile
31% - 60% 3d8+5 Missile
61% - 90% 5d6+10 Missile
91%+ 5d6+20 Missile

Set Traps Value: The value of the set traps skill. Damage/Effect : The damage and/or effect of the trap that the character can set.

Poison Dart

Set Traps Value Damage/Effect
20% - 45% 1d4 Missile + 2d6 poison/round (3 rounds) save negates
46% - 60% 1d4 Missile + 2d6 poison/round (4 rounds) save 1/2
61% - 95% 2d4+1 Missile + 2d8 poison/round (5 rounds) save 1/2
96%+ 2d4+1 Missile + 2d8 poison/round (5 rounds) no save, save +4 or die

Set Traps Value: The value of the set traps skill. Damage/Effect : The damage and/or effect of the trap that the character can set.

Root Trap

Set Traps Value Damage/Effect
20% - 45% 2d4 Blunt + save vs breath or no move (2 rounds)
46% - 60% 2d4 Blunt + 2d4 pierce +save vs breath or no move (3 rounds)
61% - 95% 2d4 Blunt + 2d4 pierce +save vs breath -4 or no move (4 rounds), move 50% (10 rounds)
96%+ 2d4 Blunt + 2d4 pierce +save vs breath -4 or no move (5 rounds), move 50% (20 rounds)

Set Traps Value: The value of the set traps skill. Damage/Effect : The damage and/or effect of the trap that the character can set.

???: Universal Set Trap Innate Ability

This set of components gives the same set traps abilities for every class that can set traps. That is, whether thief, assassin, cleric/thief, etc.., the traps will be the same. Bounty Hunters, of course, still get their unique traps. Traps are accessed normally via an innate

???: Universal Set Trap Trap Set

This set of components gives the same set traps abilities for every class that can set traps. That is, whether thief, assassin, cleric/thief, etc.., the traps will be the same. Bounty Hunters, of course, still get their unique traps. Traps sets need to be purchased or found and can be used as many times as there are materials to do so.

???: Universal Set Trap Innate Ability and Trap Set

This set of components gives the same set traps abilities for every class that can set traps. That is, whether thief, assassin, cleric/thief, etc.., the traps will be the same. Bounty Hunters, of course, still get their unique traps. Traps can be set in two ways: thieves have the innate ability to set traps as normal, and traps sets can be purchased or found and be used as many times as there are materials to do so.

??? - ???: Tailored Set Trap

This set of components gives differing set traps abilities for every class that can set traps. That is, the kinds of traps that the character can set are determined by whether they are a regular thief, assassin, cleric/thief, ect..

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

B_Kits: 3001 - ???: Thief skills for regular Joes

???: Everybody Can Search (EEex recommended)

This component gives all characters a chance, if small, to search for traps (if not disable them). Every class gets a base 5% chance to detect traps (modified by dexterity--or otherwise--as normal).

??? - ???: Lock Pick (EEex recommended)

These components give pick locks to certain classes. The skill functions identically (if EEex is installed) or almost identically to the thief's skill.

???: Lock Pick: Bard Only

This component adds pick locks to bards only. Note that unless EEex is installed, bards will need to pick locks using an icon that can be found in their innate menu, rather than their pick pocket button.

???: Lock Pick: Monk Only

This component adds pick locks to monks only. Note that unless EEex is installed, monks will need to pick locks using an icon that can be found in their innate menu.

???: Lock Pick: Bard and Monk Only

This component adds pick locks to bards and monks. Note that unless EEex is installed, bards and monks will need to pick locks using an icon that can be found in their innate menu.

??? - ???: Set Natural Snare

This set of component adds the set natural snare skill to the game and gives a progression to certain classes and kits. rangers, and barbarians. Set natural snares works like the thief's set snares ability, but it only works in natural environments.

???: Set Natural Snares: Barbarian Only

This component gives set natural snares to barbarians only. Barbarians gain proficiency in set natural snares at the same rate that the base ranger gains skill in stealth (unless they can distribute skill points).

???: Set Natural Snares: Ranger Only

This component gives set natural snares to rangers only.

???: Set Natural Snares: Barbarian and Ranger Only

This component gives set natural snares to barbarians and rangers only. Barbarians gain proficiency in set natural snares at the same rate that the base ranger gains skill in stealth (unless they can distribute skill points).

??? - ???: Hide in Natural Surroundings

These components add the Hide in Natural Surrounding skill to the game and gives a progression to certain classes and kits. Hide in Natural Surroundings works like the thief's stealth ability, but it only works when outside.

???: Hide in Natural Surroundings: Barbarian Only (EEex recommended)

These components add the Hide in Natural Surrounding skill to the game and gives a progression to barbarians. Barbarians gain 5% points per level in this skill (unless they can distribute skill points). While this skill is usable without EEex, it is better implemented with EEex installed.

???: Hide in Natural Surroundings: Ranger Only

These components add the Hide in Natural Surrounding skill to the game and gives a progression to rangers. Rangers progress in Hide in Natural Surroundings as normal for their stealth ability. Note that this ability nerfs the ranger.

???: Hide in Natural Surroundings: Barbarian and Rangers Only (EEex recommended)

These components add the Hide in Natural Surrounding skill to the game and gives a progression to barbarians. Rangers progress in Hide in Natural Surroundings as normal for their stealth ability. Note that this ability nerfs the ranger. Barbarians gain 5% points per level in this skill (unless they can distribute skill points). While this skill is usable without EEex, it is better implemented with EEex installed.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

B_Kits: 4001 - ???: Magic Item Creation

??? - ???: Magic Item Creation - Craft Scroll

These components add the ability to craft scrolls to the game. There are many versions of this feature, and they each interact with the main components in different (and hopefully interesting) ways. See the next section for details.

???: Craft Scroll Skill: Custom Version One (requires EEex)

This component adds the craft scrolls skill to the game, and gives the ability to craft scrolls to different classes. If component 101: Weapon proficiency menu has been installed, then a character must have at least one rank in Spellcraft in order to craft scrolls. If component 101 is not installed, different classes and kits gain the Craft Scroll as per the table below:

Craft Scroll Skill by Level
Class/Kit Level Starting % Advancement
Mage (All) 1 80% 3%/Lev
Sorcerer (All) 4 70% 2%/Lev
Priests (All) 4 80% 2%/Lev
Bard (All) 7 60% 1%/Lev
Thieves (All) HLA 40% -
Ranger (All) HLA 60% 1%/Lev
Paladin (All) HLA 60% 1%/Lev

Class/Kit: This field denotes the class or kit in question Level: This field describes the level members of the class or kit in question gains the Craft Scroll Skill. HLA means that members of this class can take craft scrolls as a HLA.
Starting %: This field denotes the the starting % of the skill (note that this value is reduced by 5% per level of the crafted scroll).
Advancement: This field describes how well this skill advances each additional level (if the class or kit cannot allocate skill points).


Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

B_Kits: 5001 - ???: High Level Abilities

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

B_Kits: 6001 - ???: Limitations

??? - ???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Bard Requirement

This group of components modifies the bards charisma component, actually reducing it. The reason for this is because it high charisma requirements make it easier for players to get a bard with a high charisma, and therefore allows them to more easily gain the benefits of high charisma presented in some of the components of this mod.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Bard Requirement: 14

If this component is installed, bards' charisma requirement is lowered to 14.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Bard Requirement: 13

If this component is installed, bards' charisma requirement is lowered to 13.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Bard Requirement: 12

If this component is installed, bards' charisma requirement is lowered to 12.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Bard Requirement: 9

If this component is installed, bards' charisma requirement is lowered to 9.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Bard Requirement: No Requirements

If this component is installed, bards will have no charisma requirement.

??? - ???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Druid Requirement

This group of components modifies the druids charisma component, actually reducing it. The reason for this is because it high charisma requirements make it easier for players to get a druid with a high charisma, and therefore allows them to more easily gain the benefits of high charisma presented in some of the components of this mod.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Druid Requirement: 14

If this component is installed, druids' charisma requirement is lowered to 14.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Druid Requirement: 13

If this component is installed, druids' charisma requirement is lowered to 13.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Druid Requirement: 12

If this component is installed, druids' charisma requirement is lowered to 12.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Druid Requirement: 9

If this component is installed, druids' charisma requirement is lowered to 9.

???: Attributes: Charisma: Reduce Druid Requirement: No Requirements

If this component is installed, druids will have no charisma requirement.

??? - ???: Limitations: Scroll Level Restrictions

These components limit scroll use in some way. There are three subcomponents: Custom scroll limits, PnP scroll limits, and Combined scroll limits. This set of components is meant to go with proficiency and/or skill components that go with scroll use and creation, but it can be installed separately from those other components and used independently (as can those other components).

???: Scroll Level Restrictions: Custom Scroll Limits

If this component is installed, creatures can only use scrolls of spells of levels that they can cast. So, for example, a creature can only use a fireball scroll if they can cast 3rd level mage spells (and they could otherwise cast fireball). The exception to this rule is if the creature has the Use Scroll Skill (see below)

???: Scroll Level Restrictions: PnP Scroll Limits

This component restricts scroll use by PnP rules. As such, Bards cannot use mage scrolls (though they can still write mage spells to their spellbook from scrolls), and Rangers and Paladins cannot use cleric or druid scrolls (if they exist). Bards gain the ability to use mage scrolls at level 21. Rangers and Paladins gain the ability to use priest scrolls (if they exist) at level 21. Also see the Use Scroll Skill.

???: Scroll Level Restrictions: Combined Scroll Limits

This is the most restricted scroll level restricted subcomponent combining the above constrictions. If this component is installed, creatures can only use scrolls of spells of levels that they can cast. So, for example, a creature can only use a fireball scroll if they can cast 3rd level mage spells (and they could otherwise cast fireball). In addition, Bards cannot use mage scrolls (though they can still write mage spells to their spellbook from scrolls), and Rangers and Paladins cannot use cleric or druid scrolls (if they exist). Bards gain the ability to use mage scrolls at level 21. Rangers and Paladins gain the ability to use priest scrolls (if they exist) at level 21. Also see the Use Scroll Skill.

???-???: Expanded Skills: Performance Fatigue

If this tweak is installed, it will cause fatigue when certain actions are performed (depending on which subcomponent is installed). It this modification is applied to either the Bard Song or the Shaman Dance, it will cause 1 point of fatigue for each round the character performs. Fatigue caused by performing recovers after 1 turn.

If installed for other class abilities, fatigue will accrue by 1 point per use. Typically, this fatigue lasts until the character rests as normal.

When the character reaches 7 points of fatigue, they gain the 'fatigued' condition.

This component is meant to coincide with the revisions to the various class features in this mod as a kind of balance, but I decided to separate it out as that might be too extreme of a change for some.

???: Performance Fatigue: Bard Song Fatigue

This component only adds performance fatigue to the Bard Song and not to the Shaman Dance.

???: Shaman Dance Performance Fatigue

This component only adds performance fatigue to the Shaman Dance and not to the Bard Song.

???: Bard Song and Shaman Dance Performance Fatigue

This component adds performance fatigue to both the Shaman Dance and the Bard Song.

???: Berserker Enrage Fatigue

This component imposes 1 point of fatigue whenever the Enrage Class feature is used.

???: Barbarian Rage Fatigue

This component imposes 1 point of fatigue whenever the Rage Class feature is used.

???: Zealot Frenzy Fatigue

This component imposes 1 point of fatigue whenever the Frenzy Class feature is used.

???: Barbarian Rage, Berserker Enage, and (possibly) Zealot Frenzy Fatigue

This component imposes 1 point of fatigue whenever the Rage, Enrage or Frenzy Class feature is used.

???: Everybody gets fatigued

This component imposes 1 point of fatigue whenever the Rage, Enrage or Frenzy Class feature is used.

This component adds performance fatigue to both the Shaman Dance and the Bard Song.


Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
## B_Kits: 7001-???: Extras
### 7001-???: HP Revision This group of components revise hit points in some way. #### 7001: HP Revision: Double Hit Points at first level This component doubles hit points at first level for all classes and kits. #### 7002: HP Revision: Radical Hit Point Revision This component triples hit points at first level, but only increases hit points by the amount that the class usually gets at higher levels. Typically, this means +1 hit point/level for mages; +2 hit points per level for rogues and priests; +3 hit points per level for most warriors; +4 hit points per level for classes or kits that normally get d12 hit points (e.g. the Barbarian). See the following table: ##### Hit Points by class/Kit | Class/Kit | 1st Level Hit Points | Subsequent Level Hit Points | |:----|:----:|:----:| | Fighter^ | 30+ Con modifier | +3/level | | Barbarian^^ | 36+ Con modifier | +4/level | ^ Includes all fighter kits that do not have d12 HD ^^ Includes all fighter kits that do have d12 HD CONTINUE #### 7003: HP Revision: Increased Hit Die (mages and rogues) This component increases the Hit Die of rogues and mages. Specifically, wizards and sorcerers see their hit die increase to d6, and rogues see their hit die increased to d8. #### 7004: HP Revision: Double Hit Points at first level and Increased Hit Die (mages and rogues) This component doubles hit points at first level _and_ increases the Hit Die of rogues and mages. Specifically, wizards and sorcerers see their hit die increase to d6, and rogues see their hit die increased to d8. #### 7005: HP Revision: Radical Hit Point Revision and Increased Hit Die (mages and rogues) This component radically alters hit point progression (as per component 7002) _and_ increases the Hit Die of rogues and mages. Specifically, wizards and sorcerers see their hit die increase to d6, and rogues see their hit die increased to d8. See the following table: ##### Hit Points by class/Kit | Class/Kit | 1st Level Hit Points | Subsequent Level Hit Points | |:----|:----:|:----:| | Fighter^ | 30+ Con modifier | +3/level | | Barbarian^^ | 36+ Con modifier | +4/level | ^ Includes all fighter kits that do not have d12 HD ^^ Includes all fighter kits that do have d12 HD ### 7006: Fighter Con Bonus for all classes This component applies the fighter constitution bonus to hit points to all classes. It can be installed with or without the above Hit Point Revision modifiers above. ### 7010: Expanded Weapon Proficiency Table This component expands weapon proficiency tables to 0 to 7 ranks. In addition, base Fighters can gain up to supreme grandmastery (six slots), while Kensai can gain legendary grandmastery (seven slots) in their favored weapon. Unless otherwise noted, all other maximums are unchanged. See below for the expanded table: ##### Expanded Weapon Proficiency Table | Ranks | To Hit | Damage | Speed | | :---: | :--- | :--- |:--- | | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | | 3 | 3 | 3 | 0 | | 4 | 3 | 4 | -1 | | 5 | 3 | 5 | -3 | | 6 | 4 | 7 | -3 | | 7 | 5 | 9 | -5 | This expansion will not install if any other mod has modified these values. This may lead to issues if any of those mods have not expanded the table to 7 pips. Let me know if you encounter any issues and I'll do what I can. ### 7020: Revised Weapon Proficiency Table This component revises weapon proficiency tables. It is compatible with Expanded Weapon Proficiency Tables CONTINUE (use expanded stuff from Skills & Proficiencies) ##### Revised Weapon Proficiency Table | Ranks | To Hit | Damage | Speed | | :---: | :--- | :--- |:--- | | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | | 3 | 3 | 3 | 0 | | 4 | 3 | 4 | -1 | | 5 | 3 | 5 | -3 | | 6^ | 4 | 7 | -3 | | 7^ | 5 | 9 | -5 | ^ If Expanded Weapon Proficiency Table is installed
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Expanded Descriptions

This section describes the 'extra' features in more detail.
