Grammarsalad / B_Kits

Revision of core classes and base kits for Baldur's Gate games. Also, more kits!
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New and Revised Fighter Class and Kits #62

Open Grammarsalad opened 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

501-???: The Fighter

Will not install most changes if KR installed. Only changes to the dwarven Defender will be installed if KR is installed

Revision Notes

The fighter revisions are strongly inspired by the Kit Revisions version, and this component is not available if Kit Revisions is installed.

I like the KR philosophy of making base classes competent with all aspects of the class while the kits are specialists, and so I have generally stuck to that strategy.

The Kensai is a melee specialist. My hope is that they will be better than a standard fighter in melee, but vulnerable against ranged attacks. As such, I have kept their armor prohibition, and their stances do not help them defend against ranged attacks, but they gain double the bonuses in melee. This might be a bit too much, so I'm thinking of letting them wear leather armor, and they might get some bonus against ranged attacks (e.g. Deflect arrows).

The Wizard Slayer is based on the version in the Complete Barbarian version (man, what a good book!) They are more powerful than the KR version, especially with their disruptive strike, which does not require activation. I'll try to make sure that enemy warriors have the kit (or at least the abilities) so players can deal with them, as well. Their main disadvantage is that they don't get the second wind class feature. I consider that a pretty major disadvantage, so I may even remove the reduced specialization (core fighters can have 6 pips in any weapon, while WS can only get 5--which is still pretty good).

The Barbarian is also inspired by the Complete Barbarian supplement, especially the Ravager kit (again, also by KR). The plan is to give barbarians a number of useful skills, a lesser version of rage, and keep reduced weapon and armor prof. They will be able to do things like treat wounds, and, hide and set traps in natural settings, so I'm hoping that should make up for the losses. I like KR's plan of giving them 'frenzy' like abilities to contrast with the Berserker's rage. The berserker's rage should, in my opinion, be overall better than the Barbarian's rage, but the berserker does not get access to all of those skills, so they should overall balance out.. I love love love Feral Senses, but it works a bit differently. Basically, when the barbarian is raging, they can also detect illusions. Barbarian rage will last 10 rounds as pnp, while a berserkers can last indefinitely.

For the Berserker, I really like the KR version. But, I also wanted a way for the berserker to extend their rage. So, enter carnage of battle, an ability that extends a berserkers rage (for an extra five rounds) whenever they down an opponent in melee. They may end their rage prematurely if they are not near an enemy for more than x rounds.

As an optional component, fear effects will prematurely end rage effects if the barbarian/berserker fails their save.

501: The Fighter: Conservative Version

This component will install the 'conservative' fighter revision. The overall changes to the Fighter class are as follows (see the revised descriptions below for more detail):

Expanded Weapon Proficiency Table

Base Fighters can gain up to supreme grandmastery (six slots), while Kensai can gain legendary grandmastery (seven slots) in their favored weapon. See below for the expanded table:

Ranks To Hit Damage Speed
1 0 0 0
2 1 2 0
3 3 3 0
4 3 4 -1
5 3 5 -3
6 4 7 -3
7 5 9 -5

This expansion will not install if any other mod has modified these values. This may lead to issues if any of those mods have not expanded the table to 7 pips. Let me know if you encounter any issues and I'll do what I can.

Fighter (Revised Base Class)

FIGHTER: The Fighter is a champion, swords, soldier, and brawler who lives or dies by knowledge of weapons and tactics. Fighters can be found at the front of any battle, contesting toe-to-toe with monsters and villains. A good Fighter needs to be strong and healthy if hopes to survive.

Class Features:

OFFENSIVE STANCE: When the fighter is in this stance, gains a +2 bonus to attack, but suffers a -2 penalty to AC. The bonus to attack improves by 1 at levels 7, 14 and 21. Additionally, at various levels, can improve stance in the following ways:

DEFENSIVE STANCE: When the fighter is in this stance, gains a +2 bonus to AC, but suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls. The bonus to AC improves by 1 at levels 7, 14 and 21. Additionally, at various levels, can improve stance in the following ways:

SECOND WIND: Upon using this ability, the character takes a moment to catch breath. When does this, recovers a number of hit points equal to 25% of hit point total. Additionally, recovers fatigue.

The warrior cannot use Second Wind if there are enemies present.

Skills & Proficiencies: The fighter's Second Wind ability is governed by the endurance proficiency or the second wind skill, if the relevant components are installed. Fighters will have more uses of the ability (i.e. they gain uses both from the relevant skill or proficiency and from their fighter class levels). Additionally, if component 101 is installed, weapon versatility also gives fighters ranks in the armor proficiency (but not any non-weapon proficiency).

Kensai (Revised Kit)

KENSAI: This class's name, which means "sword saint" in the common tongue, refers to a warrior who has been specially trained to be one with weapon. The kensai is particularly deadly with a single weapon type, though , fast, and trained to fight without the protection of armor.


KAI: All successful attacks within the next 10 seconds deal maximum damage.



Wizard Slayer (Revised Kit)

WIZARD SLAYER: This warrior has been specially trained by sect to excel in hunting and combating spellcasters of all kinds.




Spell Mods: This ability will mirror the relevant spells mentioned in the description. As such, any mods that modify this spell will modify this ability as well (except that these abilities are never, technically, 'magical' and cannot be dispelled or affected by spell resistance. Skills & Proficiencies: The wizard slayers Sense Illusions ability is governed by the sense evil presence skill if the relevant components are installed. Wizard slayers will have unlimited use of this ability, though it will have a chance to fail.

Barbarian (Revised Kit)

BARBARIAN: The barbarian’s extraordinary stamina and physical skills let survive in the most punishing environments. relies on muscle and wits, overcoming hardships with brute force, sheer determination, and practical know-how.




TREAT INJURY: Heals 1d3 points of damage to any target. The damage healed increases by 1d3 at 5th level, and every five levels thereafter.

RAGE: The enraged status lasts for 8 rounds and provides a +2 bonus to attack, damage, AC, and saves vs. Spell, and movement is increased by 2 points for the duration.

Rage lasts for an additional round at levels 8 and 16.

The bonuses increase by 1 at levels 11 and 21

SET NATURAL SNARE: Set a trap in the chosen location when no hostile creatures are in sight. Traps grow more powerful with the Thief's level and can only be triggered by enemies. 1st level: Deals 2d8+5 missile damage. 11th level: Deals 2d8+5 missile damage and additionally deals 2d6 poison damage per round for the next 3 rounds. 16th level: Deals 3d8+5 missile damage and 4d8+2 fire damage. 21st level: Deals 3d8+5 missile damage and 20 poison damage with no save; slays target if a Save vs. Death with a +4 bonus is failed.

This ability does not work in non-natural settings.

Spell Mods: This ability will mirror the relevant spells mentioned in the description. As such, any mods that modify this spell will modify this ability as well (except that these abilities are never, technically, 'magical' and cannot be dispelled or affected by spell resistance. Skills & Proficiencies: The barbarian gets a number of skill-like abilities, like detect illusion, which are governed by the relevant skill or proficiency if the corresponding components are installed.
EEex: This kit is better implemented with EEex installed.


Berserker (Revised Kit)

BERSERKER: This is a warrior who is in tune with animalistic side and, during combat, can achieve an ecstatic state of mind that will enable to fight longer, harder, and more savagely than any person has a right to. Berserkers tend to be barbarian-like in nature, but not always. Sometimes it is a conscious choice that a warrior in training makes. Regardless, opponents on the battlefield will be unsettled when they see the savage and inhuman elements of the Berserker's personality. This class is common amongst dwarves, known to them as the Battlerager.




RAGE: The enraged state lasts for 5 rounds. While enraged, a Berserker gains a bonus of +4 to attack and damage rolls, and becomes immune to all mind affecting affects, such as charm, confusion, fear, feeblemind, hold, imprisonment, maze, stun, and sleep. The Berserker also gains 10 temporary Hit Points. does suffer a -2 penalty to Armor Class and ranged weapons while raging, however.

The bonus to attack and damage increase by +2 at levels 8 and 16.

OFFENSIVE STANCE: The Berserker can select from the following to improve offensive stance:


Dwarven Defender (Revised Kit)

DWARVEN DEFENDER: The Dwarven Defender is a formidable warrior that is reputed to be worth two soldiers of any other race. Trained extensively in the art of dwarven warfare, a handful of these stout fighters can render a defensive line all but unbreakable.




BULWARK: For 1 turn the Dwarven Defender gains +30% resistance to all forms of physical damage, a +2 bonus to Saving Throws, and gains an additional 15 temporary hit points.

At levels 8, and 16, the bonus to resistance increase by 10%, gains an additional +1 bonus to all saves, and an additional 5 temporary hit points when using Bulwark.


Class 'Extras'

????: Dwarven Defender --> Defender

This component changes the dwarven Defender kit to the Defender kit and allows any race to take the kit. The kit is otherwise unchanged.

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Wizard Slayer

Will not install if KR installed


Very Similar, but more powerful than the KR version. This replaces the Inner Focus KR ability, so applies to NPC WSs as well. Note that this will also be the Chaotic Mind(?) ability of the Jester.

Not activated, so much more powerful than the SR version. At the same time, other SR abilities are not added, and it can be used against PC's. I want NPC WSs to be very dangerous to player character mages


With Proficiecies Installed:

Limited to weapon specialization (++) only with weapons (obviously), miscellaneous and armor.

Limited weapon training rather than stances. Should still be effective against non-casters

Skills & Proficiencies: The wizard slayers Sense Illusions ability is governed by the sense evil presence skill if the relevant components are installed. Wizard slayers will have unlimited use of this ability, though it will have a chance to fail.

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


Extend duration whenever they down an opponent

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


Savage: Fighter Kit. No armor prof, weapon prof as animal master. Natural Medicine (heal/herbalism like-boni with these if proficiencies installed), rage, detect traps (especially if EEEx, because it's difficult otherwise).

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


Fighter Kit: with or without Proficiencies

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


Warmain: fighter kit. Armor and endurance. Stance to defend self. Limited weapon skill especially ranged. (option replace the dwarven defender)

Stance name: Bulwark

Bonus to AC, resistances and HP boost.

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Marksman: Disadvantage: Stance bonuses only apply to ranged weapons (or against ranged attacks).

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

KI FOCUS: The Kensai can take a few moments to focus ki. As concentrates, focus ki into a special ability from the list below. can must use the ability within the next 8 hours, or loses it.

cannot activate Ki Focus in the presence of enemies, as they will interrupt concentration. Abilities available at 5th level: - Kai: All successful attacks within the next 10 seconds deal maximum damage. - Kiai: The Kensai can increase strength score for 1 full round. For the duration, strength is increased to 18/00. If strength score is already 18 or higher, strength score is instead increased by 1. Level 11: Stone Ox: with this ability, the Kensai focuses ki into body, hardening it against attack. For one round, gains 40% resistance to all physical attacks. Purity of body: the Kensai focuses ki inwards, cleansing body of diseases and poisons, and healing self of 10 points of damage.
Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

FIGHTING STYLE: In addition to the basic offensive/defensive division, there are a few different kinds of Fighting Styles, denoted with parentheses--e.g. Power Attack (Stance) signifies that power attack is a Stance. Each kind of style works differently.



Aggressive Stance: Nearby Opponents take damage, Move 1/2 Block Spell: +x% Energy dam resist when using Shield Bravery: Immunity to Fear Bruiser: +x% Blunt Damage Improved Critical: +1 Crit Range Intimidating Strike: Crit Cause Fear within x ft. Knockdown: Critical Knocks opponents down Piercer: +x% Piercing Damage Power Attack: -2 to Hit/+2 Damage Quick Hands: +x Weapon Speed Shield Block: +x% Physical dam resist when using Shield Slasher: +x% Slash Damage Sniper: +x% Missile Damage Spring Attacks: Move gives bonus to attack/damage Strength of Will: When affected by certain spells, save vs. spell to remove the effect after 2 rounds

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Warder drag_mag annual v3 p36 Immune to fear, Adjacent allies gain -2 AC bonus,