Grammarsalad / EE_Crafting

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Brew Potion #14

Closed Grammarsalad closed 2 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Potion Creation

The Process

Among the easiest of items to make, potions range from simple healing brews to potent mixtures capable of taming dragons or restoring a character to complete health and sanity. Some potions are clerical potions and can only be manufactured by priests.

Level Requirements: Both priests and wizards must be at least 9th level to create potions. If Proficiencies is installed, however, then characters will instead need to have the requisite number of proficiency points in Alchemy or Herbalism in order to create potions.

Research: Before a character can brew a potion, he or she must discover what processes, materials, and special ingredients are required, and how these must be combined for success. This research requires a cost of 100 gp per tier, but if the character uses a contact other plane spell to speed their research, the cost is only 50 gp per tier.

If the character has a full dose of the potion in question to use as a sample, the research costs nothing (except for the possible cost of the potion itself).

Occasionally, potion recipes can be found lying around in a wizards keep or on the person of a wealthy alchemist. In addition, certain specialists can be convinced to teach recipes to generous potential student.

Once a character has researched a potion's formula, they need not research it again; they can create that particular potion as often as they wish, as long as they can provide the right materials.

Processes and Materials: Potions typically require one rare material and one common process.(See Special Ingredients at the end of this section.)

Characters can synthesize materials if they do not have them, but that triples the cost of creation. Note, that a glass vial is always required to create a potion.

Cost: Assuming that the character is able to obtain any special or unusual materials required for the potion, it will cost them a number of gold pieces and a number of experience points as shown in the table below (the experience point cost is always equal to the gold cost unless the character has synthesized ingredients).

Success or Failure: The base chance for a successful brewing is 70%, +2% per character level, - 1 % for every 100 gp the potion costs (this includes the cost of synthesis, if applicable). Note that a failure will always produce something. See the Table: Failed Brews for details.

Potion Creation

Potion Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost/XP File
Potion of Animal Control (N) I Charm Person or Mammal; Any animal organ or gland 250 ?
Potion of Agility (E) III Cat's Grace(I); Haste; Improved Haste; Cat Gland; 500 POTN19.ITM
Potion of Danger Detection (N) III Find Traps; Detect Traps and Portals (n); True Sight; ? 250 ?
Potion of Explosions (E) IV (any fire[3]) ? 450 POTN26.itm
Potion of Fire Breath (E) II (any fire[1]) ? 400 POTN27.itm
Potion of Fire Resistance (E) I Resist Fire and Cold; Protection from Fire; Resist Elements(s); ? 250 POTN02.itm
Potion of Giant Strength: Cloud (E) ? (any strength) ? 700 POTN06.itm
Potion of Giant Strength: Hill (E) III (any strength) Ogre Blood 500 POTN03.itm
Potion of Giant Strength: Fire (E) ? (any strength) Fire Giant Blood 650 POTN05.itm
Potion of Giant Strength: Frost (E) ? (any strength) Frost Giant Blood 600 POTN04.itm
Potion of Giant Strength: Stone (E) ? (any strength) Enchanted Stone; 550 POTN12.itm
Potion of Giant Strength: Storm (E) ? (any strength) ? ? POTN07.itm
Potion of Healing (ER) I (any cure[1]), Bless Water(c,n) Holy Water(c) 200 POTN08.itm
Potion of Invisibility (E) ? (any invisibility[2]) Air Fragment; 250 POTN10.itm
Potion of Stone Form (E) ? ? Eye, Basilisk; ? POTN46.itm
Potion of Vision (N) I Farsight; Farseer(n); ? 250 B_PTN02.itm

Failed Brews

Potion Name Tier Potion Type Effect File
Noxious Potion Any Consumed Normal, recipient nauseous: -2 attack/AC penalty for 6 hours Varies

Potion Names

The name of the potion.
(N) New Potion. Only installed if New Potions Component is installed (R) Revised Potion. Only installed if Revised Component is installed (E) Exists in at least one EE game.
(i) Only if IR is installed

Required Spells

The spell(s) required to create this potion.
x, y; z = [(x and y) or (z)] (c) This spell can replace a component (or this component can replace a spell). Interchangeable ingredients/spells both have this marking (I) Icewind Dale Spell (n) New Spell Component (r) Revised Spell Component (s) Spell Revisions Spell (any cure[#]) Any spell that produces a cure effect will generally work. This includes the following spells: Cure Light Wounds; Cure Moderate Wounds; [#} represents the minim level spell that will work--e.g. (any cure[3]) requires a cure spell that is at minimum level 3 (any fire[#]) Any spell that produces a fire effect will generally work. This includes the following spells: Burning Hands; Agannazar's Scorcher; Fire Arrow; Fireball; [No} represents the minim level spell that will work--e.g. (any fire[3]) requires a fire producing spell that is at minimum level 3 (any invisibility[#]) Any spell that grants full invisibility will generally work. This includes the following spells: Invisibility; Improved Invisibility; Invisibility 10' Radius; Mass Invisibility; [No} represents the minim level spell that will work--e.g. (any invisibility[2]) requires an invisibility spell that is at minimum level 2 (any strength) Any spell that enhances the strength score will generally work. This includes the following spells: Draw Upon Holy Might; Strength; Strength of One; Champion's Strength;


Additional requirements if the optional Additional Material Components component is installed.


XP cost if the Additional XP Cost component is installed.


Standard Cost of item. The Value is given in Gold Pieces. Cost to create is 100% of this cost, unless Additional Material Components or XP Cost components are also installed. If at least one of these components is installed, the cost is reduced by 1/2 (rounded up). If both are installed, there is no gold cost.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
Potion Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost XP File
Potion of Heroism (E) ? ? ? ? POTN09.itm
Potion of Invulnerability (E) ? ? ? ? POTN11.itm
Oil of Fiery Burning (E) ? Fireball; ? ? POTN13.itm
Oil of Speed (E) ? Haste; Improved Haste ? ? POTN14.itm
Elixir of Health (E) ? ? ? ? POTN17.itm
Potion of Absorption (E) ? ? ? ? POTN18.itm
Antidote (E) ? Slow Poison; N. Poison ? ? POTN20.itm
Potion of Clarity (E) ? ? ? ? POTN21.itm
Potion of Cold Resistance (E) I Resist Fire and Cold; Protection from Cold (s) ? ? POTN22.itm
Potion of Defense (ER) ? ? ? ? POTN24.itm
of Fortitude (ER) ? ? ? ? POTN28.itm
of Genius (ER) ? ? ? ? POTN29.itm
of Infravision (E) ? Infravision*; ? ? POTN30.itm
of Insulation (E) ? ? ? ? POTN31.itm
of Magic Blocking (E) ? ? ? ? POTN33.itm
of Magic Protection (E) ? ? ? ? POTN34.itm
of Magic Shielding (E) ? ? ? ? POTN35.itm
of Master Thievery (E) ? ? ? ? POTN36.itm
of Mind Focusing (E) ? ? ? ? POTN37.itm
of Mirrored Eyes (E) ? Protection from Petrification*; ? ? POTN38.itm
of Perception (E) ? ? ? ? POTN39.itm
of Invulnerability (E) ? ? ? ? POTN40.itm
of Power (E) ? ? ? ? POTN41.itm
of Regeneration (E) ? Regeneration; ? ? POTN42.itm
of Insight (E) ? ? ? ? POTN43.itm
of Strength (ER) ? DUHM; Strength; SoOne; ChampStr ? ? POTN44.itm
of Freedom (E) ? Free Action; ? ? POTN45.itm
of Superior Healing (ER) ? Heal ? ? POTN55.itm (Not BGEE)
of Barkskin (E) ? Barkskin; ? ? OHBPTN01.itm (BG2EE)
of Clairvoyance (E) ? See Invisible; True Sight; ? ? OHDPOTN1.itm
of Persuasiveness (E) ? Friends*; Charm Person; ? ? POTN60.itm (SOD)
Blinding Powder (E) ? ? ? ? POTN99.itm (BGEE)
of Animal Control (N) ? Charm Person or Mammal; ? ? B_PTN09.itm
of Farsight (N) ? Farsight; ? ? B_PTN07.itm
of Clairvoyance (N) ? Clairvoyance; ? ? ?
of Vitality (N) II Unfailing Endurance (Ir); Neutralize Poison; Remove Fatigue (r), Slow Poison ? ? B_PTN10.itm
of Teleportation (N) ? Dimension Door(Is); ? ? B_PTN08.itm
Oil of Impact (N) ? ? ? ? ?
of Polymorph (N) ? Polymorph Self; ? ? ?
of Undead Control (N) ? Animate Dead; ? ? ?
of Divine Might (N) ? ? ? ? ?
Pyromancer's Delight (N) ? ? ? ? B_PTN03.itm
Frostfell Draught (N) ? ? ? ? B_PTN04.itm
Vitriolic Ooze (N) ? ? ? ? B_PTN05.itm
Storm Brew (N) ? ? ? ? B_PTN06.itm
Mage's Wine (N) ? Any 5th+ arcane spell ? ? ?
of Shadows (N) ? Cloak of Shadows(n); ? ? ?
of Imitation (N) ? ? ? ? ?
of Rage (i) ? Bloodrage(I); Animal Rage(I); ? ? ?
of Memory (i) ? ? ? ? ?
of Restoration (i) ? ? ? ? ?
of Sight (i) ? ? ? ? ?
of Vocalize (i) ? Vocalize; ? ? ?
of Toughness (i) ? ? ? ? ?
of Evasion (i) ? ? ? ? ?
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Variant Item Creation Component: Item Recipes This component adds the additional requirement for item creation that characters must know the 'recipe' for a given item before they can create it. Upon reaching the relevant level (or upon gaining sufficient proficiency if the proficiencies mod is installed), the character can select a number of tier I items. For each item selected, the character will know the recipe for that particular item and can create it wherever they have the materials available to do so. As they advance in level (or proficiency), they can select additional recipes. Additionally, they can find or purchase recipe notes that can teach them the relevant recipes (much like learning a spell).

...or, just incorporate this into item creation but allow users the option to remove it if they want

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

'Extra' potions

Potion Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost File
Potion of Healing (ER) - - - - POTN25.itm (EE)
Potion of Healing (ER) - - - - IPOTN08.itm (BG(2)EE/SOD)
Red Potion (E) - - - - POTN15.itm
Violet Potion (E) - - - - POTN16.itm
Oil of Speed (E) - - - - POTN23.itm
of Invulnerability (E) - - - - BTEST1.itm (BG2EE)
Marek's Potion of Antidote (E) - - - - POTN47.itm (BG2EE)
Marek's Potion of Antidote (E) - - - - POTNMARE.itm (BG2EE)
Antidote (E) - - - - POTN32.itm
Vial of Mysterious Liquid (E) - - - - POTN48.itm (BG2EE)
of Extra Healing (ER) - - - - TTPOT.itm (BGEE/SOD)
of Extra Healing (ER) - - - - EXTHEAL.itm
Festule the Alchemist's Potion (E) - - - - POTN53.itm (BG2EE)
Empty Potion Bottle (E) - - - - POTN54.itm (BG2EE)
Rogue's Potion of Frost Giant Strength (E) - - - - POTN56.itm
Potion of Power, Wizard (E) - - - - PTION2K.itm (BG2EE)
Potion of Power, Priest (E) - - - - PTION2L.itm (BG2EE)
Potion of Power, Rogue (E) - - - - PTION2M.itm (BG2EE)
Potion of Power, Warrior (E) - - - - PTION2N.itm (BG2EE)
Potion of Power (E) - - - - PTION41.itm (BG2EE)
Potion of Power (E) - - - - PTION41.itm (BG2EE)
Potion of Icedust (E) - - - - WAND16.itm (BG2EE)
Potion of Icedust (E) - - - - WAND17.itm (BG2EE)
of Clear Purpose (E) - - - - POTNCLR1.itm
of Action Transference (E) - - - - USPOT1A.itm
of Resistance (E) - - - - USPOT2A.itm
of Greater Resistance (E) - - - - USPOT2B.itm
of Magical Resistance (E) - - - - USPOT3A.itm
of Constitution (E) - - - - USPOT3B.itm
of Strength Transference (E) - - - - USPOT3C.itm
of Arcane Absorption (E) - - - - USPOT4A.itm
of Life Transference (E) - - - - USPOT4B.itm
of Aura Enhancement (E) - - - - USPOT4C.itm
of Dissipation (E) - - - - USPOT5A.itm
Lothander's Potion of Antidote (E) - - - - LOPOTN20.itm (BGEE)
of Holy Transference (E) - - - - USPOT5B.itm
Elven Healing Wine (ER) - - - - ELFWINE.itm (IWDEE)
Speedily Stolen Slaves' Salve (E) - - - - BAPOTION.itm (BGEE)
Breath Potion (E) - - - - BAZPLO04.itm (BG2EE)
Empty Breath Potion Flask (E) - - - - BAZPLO04.itm (BG2EE)
The Dream Potion (E) - - - - MISC76.itm (BG(2)EE)
Brine Potion (E) - - - - MISC9Y.itm (BG2EE)
Salve of Senile Serenity (E) - - - - OHBPTN02.itm (BG2EE)
The Concocter's Poison (E) - - - - OHBPTN03.itm (BG2EE)
Ceremonial Ale (E) - - - - OHBPTN04.itm (BG2EE)
Gezzthemin's Poison (E) - - - - OHBPTN05.itm (BG2EE)
Feldrak's Poison (E) - - - - OHBPTN06.itm (BG2EE)
Brother Ellraish's Poison (E) - - - - OHBPTN07.itm (BG2EE)
Wine Vinegar (E) - - - - OHBPTN08.itm (BG2EE)
Distilled Alcohol (E) - - - - OHBPTN09.itm (BG2EE)
Rat Poison (E) - - - - OHBPTN10.itm (BG2EE)
Myconid Soup (E) - - - - OHBPTN11.itm (BG2EE)
Green Dragon Potion (E) - - - - USPOT5B.itm (BG2EE)
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Failed Brews:

Heal, but Drunk (no indication w/o identify spell or Really high Lore)

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Have a "Recipe book" that stores all the "pages" of recipes known by the player. (It's a bag of holding that only holds those special "pages"

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

From netbook of equipment:

TABLE V: SKINS Behemoth 20 50gp Bulk hides 1gp/HD Displacer Beats 3,000gp Dragon 50% of subdued value Dragon horse 20,000gp Dragonfly, giant 600gp/sp.ft. Dragonne 1,800 20,000gp Gorgon 500gp Hippopotamus 10 40gp Ki rin 25,000gp Neo otyugh 700gp Otyugh 500gp Reptiles 2gp/HD

TABLE VI: CREATURE PARTS Ape Dung 2gp Hair 1gp Sinew 8gp Basilisk Eyelash 80gp Bat Fur 2sp Guano 5cp Bee, giant (bread) 30gp Bee, giant (unguent) 3,000gp 8,000gp Beetle, fire (light gland) 300gp Bloodhound Fur 1sp Bulette (neck, Scale) 200 500gp Cave Fisher (proboscis rope) 500gp Doppleganger Blood 25gp Dragon Scale 5gp Eagle Feather 2sp Flail Snail (shell) 500gp Gloomwing (mandibles) 25gp Hawk Eye 5gp Feather 3sp Hummingbird Feather 1gp Imorph (liver) 300 900gp Kirin Eyelash 60gp Ogre Mage Eyelash 40gp Owl Feather 1sp Pernicorn (antenna) 350gp Pheonix (Beak, talon, or eye) 5,000gp Umber Hulk Blood 20gp Claw 150gp Vulture Feather 1cp Whale (ambergris) 1,000 20,000gp TABLE IX: Furs

Creature Pelt Trim Cape,Jacket Coat,robe,blanket Aurumvorax 5 40 400 800 Bear 5 20 100 200 Beaver 2 20 200 400 Bobcat 2 20 125 250 Caterwaul 7 75 2,250 4,500 Bunyip 5 25 125 250 Chinchilla 3 90 2,700 5,400 Common furs 1 10 100 200 Devil Dog 5 30 200 400 Ermine 4 120 3,600 7,200 Fisher 3 30 300 600 Fox, hoar 5 100 1,000 2,000 Fox, red 3 30 300 600 Fox, silver 4 40 400 800 Giraffe 5 20 125 250 Lynx 2 20 125 250 Marten 3 30 300 600 Mink 3 90 2,700 5,400 Musk ox 5 50 Nonfel 7 75 2,250 4,500 Otter 2 25 250 500 Otter, sea 3 30 300 600 Owlbear 5 20 200 400 Panther 7 75 2,250 4,500 Sable 5 150 4,500 9,000 Seal 5 25 125 250 Snow leopard 8 80 2,500 5,000 Spotted cats 4/6 70 2,000 4,000 Tiger 5 20 125 250 Winter wolf 5 75 2,500 5,000 Wolverine 3 30
Yeti 5 30 200 400 Zebra 5 20 125 250

TABLE XIV: CARCASSESS Archelon ischyras 71 90gp Crab, Giant 31 40gp Crayfish, Giant 41 50gp Dragon, Turtle HD x 1.20gp Firedrake 201 220gp Fish Giant HD x 5gp Lung Wang HD x 1.20gp Phoenix 21,000 26,000gp Shark HD x 10gp Tarrasque 50,000 100,000gp Thork 200gp Turtle, giant sea 51 70gp Whale HD x 100gp Wild Game HD x 1gp

TABLE XV: ANIMALS Ape 150gp Bird Canary 2cp Song 2cp Boar 10gp Bull 20gp Calf 5gp Camel 50gp Capon 3cp Cat house 10sp Cat, Hunting 5,000gp Chicken / Rooster 3cp Cow 10sp Cricket, Fighting 10sp Deer Doe 5gp Stag 9gp Dog Guard 25gp Hunting 17gp House 4gp Lap 5 20gp Sled 30gp Tracking 20gp War 50gp Donkey, Mule, or Ass 8gp Dove 3cp Elephant 2,500gp Elephant, War 1,000gp Falcon, trained 600 1,200gp Goat 1gp Goose 5cp Guinea hen 2cp Hawk, Fledgling 25cp Hawk, Small 18gp Hawk, Large 40gp Hawk, Trained 100gp Horse Draft 200gp Heavy War 400gp Light War 150gp Medium War 225gp Riding 75gp Lama 30gp Mastodon 25,000gp Monkey 4gp Nightingale 5gp Ox 15gp Partridge 5sp Pigeon 2cp Pigeon, homing 100gp Pig 3gp Piglet 1gp Pony 30gp Ram 3gp Sheep 2gp Songbird 10gp Swan 25gp Wooly Mammoth 27,500g

TABLE XVIII: THE LAB Alembic 4gp Balance, small, golden 10gp Balance and Weights Small measures 50gp Large measures 150gp Beaker 3gp Brazier 15gp Decanter Crystal 10gp Ceramic 6cp Silver 4gp Dreambliss, per dose 200 1,200gp Funnel 4sp Hourglass 4gp Lens, Concave/Convex 5gp Motar & Pestle 2gp Prism 10gp Leeches, per jar 10gp Tubing glass, per foot 3sp Tweezers 5sp Vial Clay 25cp Ceramic 1gp Glass 3gp Crystal 4gp Steel 5gp Silver 7gp Water Clock 3gp

TABLE XIX : SCRIBES EQUIPMENT Book, Blank (100 pages) Papyrus 160gp Parchment 220gp Paper 275gp Vellum 400gp Brush, Paint Fine 1sp Medium 2sp Wide 5sp Ink Wrighting (Black), 2oz 1gp Wrighting (assorted colors), 2oz 25sp Paint (Assorted Colors), per gallon 1 2gp Paint, small pot 2sp Papyrus, per sheet 15sp Parchment, per sheet 1ep Paper, per sheet 3ep Pen Quill 5cp Wrighting (Metal fine tip) 3sp Wrighting (Metal Broad tip) 2sp Wrighting (wooden fine tip) 1sp Wrighting (wooden Braod tip) 15cp Vellum, per sheet 4gp

TABLE XX: MATERIALS (RAW) Amber 100gp Powdered 41gp Rod 25gp Alexandrite 100gp Amethyst 100gp Aquamarine 500gp Ash, Volcanic 1sp Azurite 10gp Bamboo, 100 10' lenghts 1gp Banded Agate 10gp Bitumen 5cp Black Opal 1,000gp Black Sapphire 5,000gp Bloodstone 50gp Blue Quartz 10gp Carbon 5cp Carnetlian 50gp Chalcedony 50gp Chrysoberyl 100gp Chrysoprase 50gp Cinnabryl, per ounce 1gp Citrine 50gp Clay, per lb 1cp Copper 5cp Coral 100gp Crimson essence 200gp Crystal Rod 3gp

Diamond 5,000gp Dust 100gp Emerald 5,000gp Powdered 60gp Eye Agate 10gp Fire Opal 1,000gp Garnet 100 500gp Glass Opaque 8sp Glass sheet 2gp Rod 1gp Gold Dust 10gp sheet 20gp Granite Black 2gp Dust 1cp Hematite 10gp Ivory Baku 50 200gp Behemoth 40 240gp Catoblapas 3 18gp Elephant 100 600gp Hippopotamus 20 120gp Hollyphant 11 20gp Mammoth 100 600gp (+50%) Mastodon 100 600gp Narwhal 10 40gp Oliphant 100 400gp Walrus 6 36gp Walrus, giant 11 66gp Jacinth 5,000gp Jade 100gp Jasper 50gp Jet 100gp Lapis Lazuli 10gp Malachite 10gp Moonstone 50gp Moss Agate 10gp Obsidian 10gp Onyx 50gp Opal 1,000gp Oeriental Amethyst 1,000gp Oriental Emerald 5,000gp Oriental Topaz 1,000gp Pearl 100 500gp Peridot 500gp Platnium Sheet 30gp Red Steel, per ounce 2sp Rhodochrosite 10gp Rock Crystal 50gp Ruby 5,000gp Powdered 60gp Sapphire 1,000gp Sardonyx 50gp Silver Powdered 5gp Sheet 15gp Smokey Quartz 50gp Spinel 100 500gp Star Rose Quartz 50gp Star Ruby 5,000gp Star Sapphire 5,000gp Steel, per ounce 1cp Dust 1sp Tiger eye 10gp Topaz 500gp Tourmaline 100gp Turquiose 10gp Wood, common, 1cord 50gp Zircon 50gp Zinc 8sp

TABLE XXII: TOOLS Blade Knife 3sp Block & Tackle, lifts 1000lbs 5gp Chain Iron, fine, 1 ft 2gp Iron, light, 1 ft 15sp Iron, Medium, 1ft 18sp Iron, Heavy, 1 ft 1gp Silver, Fine, 1 ft 6sp Silver, light, 1 ft 45sp Silver, medium, 1 ft 54sp Gold, Fine, 1 ft 60gp Gold, light, 1 ft 75gp Coinminter 10000gp Crowbar, 3ft long 2gp Divers Safety Line, 150ft long 15sp Divers Belt w/6 Pouches 1sp Divers Bag (Floatation) 2sp Divers Goggles 15sp Divers Mask 30sp Divers Nwt Sack 1sp Divers Snorkel Tube 2sp Divers Weights (Lead) 10cp Divers Weight Belt Light 3sp Medium 4sp Heavy 5sp File, Metal 2gp Glass Working Tools, 1 set 50gp Grindstone 5gp Hacksaw 2gp Jewel spotter gem 1000gp Jewler Hammer and Chisel 100gp Ladder Rope, 25ft long 30sp Wooden, 12 ft long 10sp Loom 3 7gp Map Making Kit 35gp Nail (Iron), per lbs 1ep Nail (silver) 1ep Pick Axe, Mining 4gp Pliers 1gp Razor 1gp Rockstriker Pick 100gp Rope Jute, per 50' coil 10cp Hemp, per 50' coil 1gp Silk, per 100' coil 5pp Elven, per 50' coil 1,000gp Scissors 5sp Spade/ Shovel 3gp Smelter small 1,000gp medium 2,000gp Large 5,000gp Steel etcher 100gp String / Twine, Hemp, 250 ft long 1ep String / Twine, Silk, 250 ft long 3ep Tongs 4sp

TABLE XXVI: Cost for Spelcasting Astral Spell 2,000gp per person Atonement Special Augury 200gp Bless Special Charm Person 1,000gp Clairvoyance 50gp per level of the caster Commune Special Comprehend Languages 50gp Contact Other Plane 5,000 + 1,000 per question Continual Light 1,000gp Control Weather 20,000gp Cure Blindness 500gp Cure Disease 500gp Cure Light Wounds 10gp per hp healed Cure Serious Wounds 20gp per hp healed Cure Critical Wounds 40gp per hp healed Detection Spells (any) 100gp Dispel Magic 100gp per level of the caster Divination 500gp Earthquake Special Enchant Item 20,000gp plus other spells ESP 500gp Explosive Runes 1,000gp Find the Path 1,000gp Fire Trap 500gp Fools Gold 100gp Gate Special Glyph of warding 100gp per level of the Caster Heal 50gp per point healed Identify 1,000gp per function Invisable Stalker 5,000gp Invisabilty 500gp Legend Lore 1,000gp Limited Wish 20,000gp Magic Mouth 300gp Mass Charm 5,000gp Neutralize Poison 100gp Permanency 20,000gp Plane Shift Special Prayer Special Protection from Evil 20gp per level of the Caster Raise Dead Special Read Magic 200gp Regenerate 20,000gp Reincarnation Special Remove Curse 100gp per level of the caster Restoration Special Slow Poison 50gp Speak with Dead 100gp per level of the Caster Suggestion 600gp Symbol 1,000gp per level of the caster Teleport 2,000gp per person Tongues 100gp True Seeing 5,000gp Wish 50,000 plus service Wizard Lock 50gp per level of the caster

TABLE XXV: Fines for Crimes Armed Robbery / Mugging 10,000gp or 3years Attempted Murder 50,000gp Causing a Death 50,000gp or 10years Disturbing the Peace 50gp Major Assault (resulting in multiple injuries) 20,000gp or 5years Major Theft (over 2000gp value) 15,000gp Murder Death Petty Theft , under 50gp value 100gp Public Intoxication 50gp Rape Death Serious Assault 5,000gp or 3years Serious Theft (under 2000gp value) 5,000gp Simple Assault 100gp Theft by Deception 100 1,000gp

TABLE XXXI: ARMOR Banded mail 200gp Brigandine 120gp Back and breast 80gp Barding Leather scale 75gp Scale 350gp Padded 35gp Chain 500gp Plate and chain 750gp Bronze Plate 400gp Chain hauberk 75gp Chain lamellar 125gp Chain mail 75gp Cord mail 15gp Field plate 2,000gp Full plate 4,000gp Gallic Armor 30gp Half Plate 300gp Helmet Cap 4gp Closed face 20gp Mail coif 10gp Great Helm 80gp Leather Helm 1gp Open faced 12gp Hide Armor 35gp Hoplite armor 160gp Improved mail 180gp Lamellar shirt 100gp Leather armor 5gp Light scale 80gp Lorica hamata 120gp Lorica segmenta 175gp Mail and Plate 150gp Metal Lamellar 250gp Padded Armor 4gp Plate mail 600gp Ring mail 40gp Scale armor 60gp Shield Buckler 1gp Small 3gp Medium 7gp Large 10gp Splint mail 80gp Studded leather 20gp Three quarter plate 800gp Wood/bone armor 50gp

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Variant Item Creation Component: Item Recipes This component adds the additional requirement for item creation that characters must know the 'recipe' for a given item before they can create it. Upon reaching the relevant level (or upon gaining sufficient proficiency if the proficiencies mod is installed), the character can select a number of tier I items. For each item selected, the character will know the recipe for that particular item and can create it wherever they have the materials available to do so. As they advance in level (or proficiency), they can select additional recipes. Additionally, they can find or purchase recipe notes that can teach them the relevant recipes (much like learning a spell).

...or, just incorporate this into item creation but allow users the option to remove it if they want