Grammarsalad / EE_Crafting

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Camping Readme #19

Open Grammarsalad opened 2 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 2 years ago

Do a camping system that is influenced by Survival (and/or a possible cooking skill???)

Disable resting in most areas (similar to how you are interrupted when resting in town areas).

Special Ability (as part of the general proficiencies special ability) to create a campfire in certain areas. This allows rest in that area. Other materials can be used to increase healing, give special bonuses, create magic items(?), etc. These activities cannot be performed indefinitely, and require materials that can be bought or found via adventuring. In addition, camping in the wilderness requires rations. [Check other camping systems for inspiration]. Camping in the wilderness is limited by supplies, but a ranger, barbarian or character with the survival proficiency can stretch rations farther than normal allowing the party to camp more often in the wilderness.

Rest Types

An optional component will introduce the possibility of the Short Rest, allowing characters to take a 'breather' even in relatively dangerous areas, but which does not allow for full recovery as a normal rest.

Short Rest

A short rest allows characters to regain hit points, fatigue and in some cases, a few spells. A Short Rest does run some risk of interruption, and it cannot be undertaken when enemies are nearby. Roles still apply to a short rest, but are typically less beneficial than during a long (i.e. 'normal') rest. Short rests do require rations, and a player can take a maximum of 3 short rests in a 24 hour period.

Recovery hit points during a short rest: All characters gain a recovery die at first level, and for every 3 levels they attain. The size of the die is equal to their class Hit Die. So, a 4th level cleric will have 2d8 recovery dice, while a 10th level fighter will have 4d10 recovery die. A character can use as many of their recovery die as they wish, though once used, they cannot use any more recovery die until they have had a full rest.

Recovering fatigue during a short rest: A character can recover 1 fatigue per short rest, plus 1 fatigue per recovery die they spend.

Recovering spells during a short rest: A spellcaster can use a recovery die to recover a missing spell. They can recover a number of spells (up to the maximum they can cast) equal to the number of recover die they spend in this way. A caster cannot recover both hit points and spells in this way.

Long Rest

A long rest CONTINUE


Each character can be assigned exactly one role, which will affect what happens when camping (by setting and checking internal variables before resting). Characters with particular classes, skills or proficiencies are especially adept at certain roles, and provide more or special bonuses when assigned to those roles. The roles are as followers:


The healer treats wounds or otherwise gives comfort to their allies during camp ensuring that rest is rejuvenating and refreshing.

Maintain Equipment