Grammarsalad / IE_Skillz

This is a mod for bgee, bg2ee and iwdee that adds a number of thief skills to the game. EEex is required for most of the components in this mod.
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Skills & Skill Descriptions #1

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Skills and Pseudo-Skill Basic Descriptions

Skill Equipment Short Description Associated Non-Weapon Proficiency EEex
Apothecary - Treat Poisons and disease Herbalism No^
Appraisal All Lore None Yes
Applied Force - Increase Chance to force open doors None No^
Arcana Scrolls Increased scribe spells chance (?), bonus to Dispel Spellcraft No^
Balance - Avoid falling (e.g. grease) Tumble? No^
Barter All Reduced Prices at stores Persuasion No^
Brew Potion Potions Create potions Alchemy/Herbalism No*
Craft Wand Wands Create Wands Implements No*
Creature Lore - Know infos about enemies ? No*
Deflect Arrow - Avoid Ranged Attacks ? No^
Demoralize - intimidate enemy Persuasion No^
Disrupt Magic - Disrupt Casting/Mag. effects None No^
Hide in Natural Settings - Hide in Nat. Environment Survival(?), N. Lore(?) No*
Escape Artist - Escape certain restraining effects (e.g. web) Tumble or Athletics No*
Fletch Projectiles Create Ammos Craft(?) No^
Incite - Incite Rage in self or others None No^
Lock Pick - Lock Pick (+/-) as thief None Yes
Play Instrument Instruments Play Instrument Persuasion(?), Performance(?) No^
Recharge Wand Wands Recharge Wands Implements No*
Religion - Improved turning (and/or ability to turn or do more w/turning) ? No^
Repair All Repair and (possibly) upgrade mundane equipment ? No*
Resist Magic - Resist magic (positive and negative) None No*
Running - Increase Movement Endurance Yes^
Scribe Scroll Scrolls Create Scrolls Spellcraft No*
Second Wind - Recover Stamina/HP Endurance Yes^^^
Search - Search (+/-) as thief None Yes
Sense Evil Presence - Works like Thief's Detect Illusion None No^
Set Natural Snare - Set Snare in Nat. Environment Survival(?), N. Lore(?) No
Set Snare Traps** Set Snare as Thief None No
Taunt - Enrage enemy Persuasion No
Tracking - Track as HLA Survival(?) No^
Treat Wounds - Heal Heal, Herbalism No^
Use Magical Device Wands Effectively Use Wands Implements No^
Use Poison - Effectively Use Poison Herbalism No^
Use Scroll Scrolls Effectively Use Scrolls Spellcraft(?) No^
Wild Empathy - Calm/Charm Animals and Beasts Nature Lore(?) No^

Skill: The name of the skill or pseudo-skill Equipment: Equipment the skill is associated with, if any. Short Description: A short description of the skill Associated Non-Weapon Proficiency: The non-weapon proficiency this skill is associated (see the Proficiencies mod), if any. EEex: This column denotes dependence on EEex for functionality. See the following table for entries and their meanings:

Entry Meaning
Yes EEex is required for this skill
No EEex is not required for this skill
No^ No, but at least some versions of this skill require EEex
No* No, but EEex is recommended

Skill List

Skill Possible Classes
Apothecary Rogues (all), Mages (all), Priests (all)
Applied Force Warriors (all), Thieves, Thugs, Monks
Appraisal Rogues (all), Mages (all), Clerics and Monks
Arcana Bards, Mages (all)
Balance Rogues (all), Rangers
Barter Rogues (all)
Brew Potion Bards, Mages (all), Priests (all)
Craft Wand Bards, Mages (all), Priests (all)
Creature Lore Rogues (all), Mages (all), Priests (all), Rangers
Deflect Arrow Monks
Demoralize Warriors(all), Rogues (all)
Disrupt Magic Inquisitors, Wizard Slayers
Hide in Natural Settings Barbarians, Rangers^
Escape Artist Thieves, Monks
Fletch Fighters, Rangers
Incite Barbarians, Berserkers, Clerics of Tempus, Shamans
Lock Pick Bards
Play Instrument Rogues (all)
Recharge Wand Bards, Mages (all), Priests (all)
Religion Clerics, Paladins
Repair Fighters
Resist Magic Wizard Slayer, Inquisitor
Running Warriors (all), Rogues (all)
Scribe Scroll Bards, Mages (all), Priests (all)
Second Wind Warriors (all)
Search All
Sense Evil Presence Paladins
Set Natural Snare Barbarians, Rangers
Set Snare ??
Taunt Rogues(all)
Tracking Fighters, Rangers
Treat Wounds Warriors (all), Priests (all)
Use Magical Device Rogues (all)
Use Poison Thieves
Use Scroll Rogues (all)
Wild Empathy Barbarians, Druids, Rangers

^ Rangers get a number of options Skill: The name of the skill or pseudo-skill Possible Classes: The classes this skill is (potentially) available to.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Skill Descriptions


APPRAISAL: This skill works like Lore, and its value is identical to lore. Points added to this skill increment the lore skill. Notes:

Applied Force

APPLIED FORCE: This skill represents a fundamental knowledge of the best application of force in order to open doors and other locked portals. When you use this ability, you add points put in this skill to your bend bars/lift gates chance to see if you can force open a door or chest.

This skill is only available to characters with strength scores of 9 or greater. Characters will a strength of 8 or less that have the associated ability can still use it to force open doors as if their strength was 9.

Notes: Requires EEex Applied Force Innate Ability: Relevant classes gain 1 use at level 1, +1/5 levels. Thugs gain 2 uses at 1st level, and 1 use/3 levels.

Applied Force: With this ability, the character can add points put into Applied Force Skill (divided by 2) to strength checks to open doors and chests.
Leverage Innate Ability: Relevant classes gain 1 use at level 1, +1/5 levels. Thugs gain 2 uses at 1st level, and 1 use/3 levels.
Leverage With this ability, the you can open doors and chests as determined both by your strength score, and the number of points invested into the Applied Force skill.

Applied Force Pseudo-Skill

APPLIED FORCE: This skill represents a fundamental knowledge of the best application of force in order to open doors and other locked portals. You add your level to your bend bars/lift gates chance to force open doors and chests.
Notes: Leverage Innate Ability: Relevant classes gain 1 use at level 1, +1/5 levels. Thugs gain 2 uses at 1st level, and 1 use/3 levels.

Leverage With this ability, you can open doors and chests as if your strength was 2 points higher than it is. At 8th level, you can use this ability to open doors and chests as though your strength was 3 points higher than it is. Finally, at 16th level, you can use this ability to open doors and chests as though strength was 4 points higher than it is.

Your strength is counted as a minimum of 9 for the purposes of this ability.



BARTER This skill represents skill on getting better prices when selling items.
Notes: Requires EEex

Barter Pseudo-Skill

BARTER: This skill represents skill on getting better prices when selling items.

Brew Potion Ability

BREW POTION: Allows casters to brew potions. Automatically successful.
Notes: Brew Potions Innate Ability: Mages and Sorcerers gain brew potions at lev 4. Priests gain brew potions at level 6. Bards receive brew potions at level 8.

Brew Potion Ability (PnP)

BREW POTION: Allows casters to brew potions. Automatically successful.
Notes: Brew Potions Innate Ability: Mages, Sorcerers and Priests gain brew potions at lev 9. Bards receive brew potions at level 27 (with an option to lower the level by player choice).

Brew Potion Pseudo-Skill

BREW POTION: Allows casters to brew potions. Success: 70% +2%/lev (-1% per 100gp) Notes: Brew Potions Innate Ability: Mages and Sorcerers gain brew potions at lev 4. Priests gain brew potions at level 6. Bards receive brew potions at level 8.

Brew Potion Pseudo-Skill (PnP)

BREW POTION: Allows casters to brew potions. Success: 70% +2%/lev (-1% per 100gp) Notes: Brew Potions Innate Ability: Mages, Sorcerers and Priests gain brew potions at lev 9. Bards receive brew potions at level 27 (with an option to lower the level by player choice).

Craft Wand Ability

CRAFT WAND: Allows casters to create wands. Automatically successful.
Notes: Craft Wands Innate Ability: Mages and Sorcerers gain craft wands at lev 9. Priests gain craft wands at level 13. Bards receive craft wands at level 15.

Craft Wand Ability (PnP)

CRAFT WAND: Allows casters to brew potions. Automatically successful.
Notes: Craft Wands Innate Ability: Mages, Sorcerers and Priests gain craft wands at lev 11.

Craft Wand Pseudo-Skill

CRAFT WAND: Allows casters to create wands. Success: 60% +1%/lev (-1% per 100gp) Notes: Craft Wands Innate Ability: Mages and Sorcerers gain craft wands at lev 9. Priests gain craft wands at level 13. Bards receive craft wands at level 15.

Craft Wand Pseudo-Skill (PnP)

CRAFT WAND: Allows casters to brew potions. Success: 60% +1%/lev (-1% per 100gp) Notes: Craft Wands Innate Ability: Mages, Sorcerers and Priests gain craft wands at lev 11.


DEMORALIZE: This skill allows you to intimidate an enemy, giving them certain combat penalties.
Notes: Requires EEex Demoralize Innate Ability: CONTINUE Description: CONTINUE

Demoralize Pseudo-Skill

DEMORALIZE: This skill allows you to intimidate an enemy, giving them certain combat penalties.
Notes: Demoralize Innate Ability: CONTINUE Description: CONTINUE


Play Instrument

PLAY INSTRUMENT: This skill allows characters to use magical instruments and the ability to create quasi-magical effects using normal instruments. Notes: Requires EEex

Play Instrument Pseudo-Skill

PLAY INSTRUMENT: This skill allows characters to use magical instruments and the ability to create quasi-magical effects using normal instruments. Notes: Bards and Shaman get this ability at 1st level. Other rogues, if this option is installed, gain it at a level selected by the player (default level X)

NOTES: Special option to make bard and shaman perform depend on this skill (Requiring EEex) Rogues and Shaman only (base Bards, Shaman and Skalds +20%)

Use Scroll:

USE SCROLLS: The character's use read scrolls skill determines ability to read scrolls. At 10th level, if has an int of 9 or greater, gains the ability to use scrolls of all types (If they invest the skill points to do so).

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Possible Profs and/or Skills:

Alchemy: Construct Unique Items; Craft Concoctions Athletics: As a separate prof Athletics and Tumbling: As Athletics and Tumbling Crafting: Craft (maybe also mechanics) Endurance: Handle Animal: Heal: Herbalism: Implements: Mechanics: Use and create mechanical gadgets (maybe also crafting) Maybe a skill Nature Lore: Maybe combine w/survival Performance: Change bard songs and use instruments (but see Play Instrument Skill) Persuasion: Religion: Spellcraft: Survival: Maybe combine w/nature lore Tumbling: As a separate prof (or as a skill related to athletics)

Skills: tumble and escape artist

Tumble gives a chance to escape a spell effect like entangle or web entirely while escape artist gives a chance to escape these effects when already caught by them

Escape bonds can be a pseudo skill that allows thieves of high level to do both

Skill ideas:

Appraisal/Lore: Lore skill, but one that the character can put points into

Barter: Chance to get better prices in stores (how would it work???) Copy all stores once and give better prices (as persuasion) and have a chance(how to do this reasonably in dialog?) to access that better store when accessing store. Not sure if reasonably doable...

Brew Potions: Allows casters to brew potions.

Craft Wand: Allows casters to craft wands.

Escape Bonds: Skill that allows characters to escape various restricting spells

Fletcher: make animation. Better ammos at higher levels. Pretty straightforward.

Herbalism: gives a chance to treat various afflictions by level (blindness and deafness at 1st)

Incite: % to enter into rage for barbarian, berserker and (in fnp)the zealot. Also, priests of Tempus can use it to incite others

Play Instrument: allows use of magical instruments (and gives a chance to generate magical effect using normal instrument)

Recharge Wand: Allows casters to recharge wands.

Scribe Scroll: Allows casters to craft scrolls.

Second Wind: % Chance to recover stamina and

Sense Evil Presence: Chance to detect invisible evil creatures

Set Natural Snares: Set snares but only in wilderness environment

Tracking: allows characters to track as the (former) high level ability.

Treat Wounds: gives a chance to heal (d3 at first, with progression by character level--probably +d3 every 4 or so levels)

Use poison: for rogues and blackguards. Chance to poison self for non assassin/blackguards

Use scrolls: Chance to use scrolls

Wild Empathy: gives a chance to calm/charm various animals and beasts

Barter etc skill. Use

0x4047 RandomNum(I:Range,I:Value) Generates a random number between 1 and Range. Returns true only if the random number equals the 2nd parameter.

New component: Fear effects end rage effects (but otherwise have no effect on a raging character). As per pnp, the character must save vs. spell or the rage effect ends. The spell has no other effect, however.

???? - ????: Applied Force pseudo-skill

This component adds the leverage pseudo-skill to the game and gives it to thieves (and thugs if they exist). Characters begin play with one use of the leverage at first level. They gain an additional use at level 4 and every 4 levels thereafter. The leverage ability allows characters to make better use of their strength to open doors and chests. See below for details.

Leverage: With this ability, the character can open doors and chests as if strength was 2 points higher than it is. At 8th level, can use this ability to open doors and chests as though strength was 3 points higher than it is. Finally, at 16th level, can use this ability to open doors and chests as though strength was 4 points higher than it is.

???? - ????: Demoralize

These components add the demoralize skill to the game. Both thieves and fighters have access to this skill. In addition, members of these classes gain a progression that allows them to use the skill. There are ??? versions of this component. It is suggested that ???

????: Demoralize skill (EEex required)

This component adds the demoralize skill, and gives it to both fighters and thieves. All characters begin with 10% in this skill (orcs gain a +15% bonus, and dwarves gain a +10% bonus and barbarians and berserkers also gain a +10% bonus). Fighters gain 2% per level to this skill (berserkers and barbarians gain 3%/level) unless they can otherwise distribute skill points. All fighters and thieves begin play with one use of the demoralize ability at first level. They gain an additional use at level 4 and every 4 levels thereafter. The demoralize ability gives the character a chance to inflict pentalties on the target creature. See the next section for details.

????: Demoralize: pseudo-skill

This component adds the demoralize pseudo-skill, and gives it to both fighters and thieves. All characters begin with 10% in this skill (orcs gain a +15% bonus, and dwarves gain a +10% bonus and barbarians and berserkers also gain a +10% bonus). Characters gain 2% per level to this skill (berserkers and barbarians gain 3%/level) unless they can otherwise distribute skill points. All fighters and thieves begin play with one use of the demoralize ability at first level. They gain an additional use at level 4 and every 4 levels thereafter. The demoralize ability gives the character a chance to inflict penalties on the target creature. See the next section for details.

????: Demoralize: special ability

This component adds the demoralize special ability, and gives it to both fighters and thieves. All fighters and thieves begin play with one use of the demoralize ability at first level. They gain an additional use at level 4 and every 4 levels thereafter. The demoralize ability gives the character a chance to inflict penalties on the target creature. See the next section for details.

Note: the difference between the pseudo-skill and the special ability is that there is no failure chance for the special ability.

???? - ????: Taunt

These components add the taunt skill to the game. Both thieves and bards have access to this skill. In addition, members of these classes gain a progression that allows them to use the skill. There are ??? versions of this component. It is suggested that ???

????: Taunt skill (EEex required)

This component adds the taunt skill, and gives it to both bards and thieves. All characters begin with 20% in this skill (except jesters who begin with 35%). Additionally, all bards and thieves begin play with one use of the taunt ability at first level. They gain an additional use at level 4 and every 4 levels thereafter. The taunt ability gives the character a chance to enrage the target creature. See the next section for details.

2123: Taunt: pseudo-skill

This component adds the taunt pseudo-skill, and gives it to both bards and thieves. All characters begin with 20% in this skill (except jesters who begin with 35%). Characters gain 2% to this skill per level (jesters gain 3%). Additionally, all bards and thieves begin play with one use of the taunt ability at first level. They gain an additional use at level 4 and every 4 levels thereafter. The taunt ability gives the character a chance to enrage the target creature. See the next section for details.

2123: Taunt: special ability

This component adds the taunt special ability, and gives it to both bards and thieves. Additionally, all bards and thieves begin play with one use of the taunt ability at first level. They gain an additional use at level 4 and every 4 levels thereafter. The taunt ability gives the character a chance to enrage the target creature. See the next section for details

Note: the difference between the pseudo-skill and the special ability is that there is no failure chance for the special ability.

Disrupt Magic: Skill that allows characters to disrupt spellcasting

Escape Bonds: Skill that allows characters to escape various restricting spells and effects

Appraisal/Lore: As Lore.

Incite: % to enter into rage for barbarian, berserker and (in fnp)the zealot. Also, priests of Tempus can use it to incite others.

Second Wind: % Chance to recover stamina and

Recharge Wand: Allows casters to recharge wands.

Tracking: allows characters to track as the (former) high level ability.

Play Instrument: allows use of magical instruments (and gives a chance to generate magical effect using normal instrument)

Set Natural Snares: Set snares but only in wilderness environment

Wild Empathy: gives a chance to calm/charm various animals and beasts

Herbalism: gives a chance to treat various afflictions by level (blindness and deafness at 1st)

Treat Wounds: gives a chance to heal (d3 at first, with progression by character level--probably +d3 every 4 or so levels)

Use poison: Chance to poison weapon.

Use scrolls: Chance to use scrolls

Sense Evil Presence: Chance to detect invisible evil creatures

Fletch: make ammunition. Better ammos at higher levels. Pretty straightforward.

Barter: Chance to get better prices in stores (how would it work???) Copy all stores once and give better prices (as persuasion) and have a chance(how to do this reasonably in dialog?) to access that better store when accessing store. Not sure if reasonably doable...

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Kit/Class based Revisions that are independent of specific class/kit changes

// Spontaneous casting for clerics (by Pecca) // Spontaneous casting for clerics // Alt spontaneous casting for clerics (all heal) // Alt2 spontaneous casting for clerics (evil drain HP touch spells-use in one round or lose spell) // Spontaneous casting for druids

//Performance Modifications
// Performance fatigue (Bards) // Performance fatigue (Shaman)

// Magic Item Creation (p 5788 26 vol)
// Magic Item Creation (Clerics/druids) (7th Scribe; 9th potions; 11th recharge; 13th level create wand) // Magic Item Creation (Mages/bards)

// Trap Revisions
// Set Natural Snare for Rangers; gives skill % progression (As set trap, but only works outdoors).
// Alt Set Natural Snare for rangers: Set progression (equal to sneak) // Set Traps, improved traps and trap variety for higher set traps %. Never fails.

// Buttons (Requires EET)
// Defend/Talk (make defend alt click for talk button) // Universal Search. Gives all classes ability to search for traps // Bard Thieving (gives bards ability to pick locks and/or search/disarm traps). Gives skill % progression // Bard Thieving (just give bards pick locks and % progression) // Bard thieving alt1 (set progression for search/disarm traps and pick locks) // Bard thieving alt2 (set progression for pick locks, matching pick pockets)

Everybody Can Search Requires EEx. Gives everybody a chance to search (based on Wisdom).

Base chance: 5%

Separate Component

Wisdom Bonus To Search Checks Wisdom Bonus

Wisdom Value Search % Bonus
12 - 13 +3%
14 - 16 +6%
17 +10%
18 - 19 +15%
20+ +20%

Everybody Can Search Requires EEx. Gives everybody a chance to search (based on Wisdom).

Base chance: 5%

Separate Component

Wisdom Bonus To Search Checks Wisdom Bonus

Wisdom Value Search % Bonus
12 - 13 +3%
14 - 16 +6%
17 +10%
18 - 19 +15%
20+ +20%
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Variant Attribute bonuses to skills

Why should dexterity help a thief detect illusions or traps? Why wouldn't a high intelligence help a thief figure out how to read a scroll? This table describes both the changes to the base theif skills (e.g. component 1604) and the added skills (e.g. component 1602). Any skill not found in this table is unchanged (i.e. they gain dex bonuses as found in skilldex.2da).

Attribute Bonuses
Int Use Scrolls Detect Illusions Wis Find Traps Set Traps Cha Barter Performance
<9 -- -10 <9 -10 -10 <9 -15 -15
9 0 -10 9 -10 -10 9 -10 -10
10 0 -10 10 -10 -10 10 -10 -5
11 0 -5 11 -5 -5 11 -5 -5
12 0 0 12 0 0 12 -5 0
13-15 0 0 13-15 0 0 13-15 0 0
16 5 0 16 5 0 16 0 5
17 5 5 17 10 5 17 5 10
18 10 5 18 15 10 18 10 15
19 15 10 19 20 15 19 15 20
20 20 10 20 25 20 20 20 25
21 25 15 21 30 25 21 25 30
22 30 20 22 35 30 22 30 35
23 35 25 23 40 35 23 35 40
24 40 30 24 45 40 24 40 45

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
Racial Bonuses to new skills
Race Apothecary
Human +0%