Grammarsalad / IE_Skillz

This is a mod for bgee, bg2ee and iwdee that adds a number of thief skills to the game. EEex is required for most of the components in this mod.
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Mundane #3

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Skills & Proficiencies: ??? - ???: Mundane

This group of components deal with useful, but largely non-magical gear. Many of these items are intended to interact with the other components in this mod, but they all should still be useful even if no other components are installed.

The general description of each component can be found in the table below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following section.

New and Revised Items

Item Use Uses Weight Cost
Alchemist Kit allows additional uses of craft alchemical item ability 2 8 50 gp
Alcohol Create firebomb w/tinderbox; drunk immune to fear^^ 1 Varies Varies
Area Map opens up areas on the map to explore - 0 Varies (300 gp standard)
Armor Spikes when attackers hit cre with unarmed or natural attacks, save vs wand or take 1 piercing dam (cloak slot) - 0 50 gp
Backpack, Masterwork allows characters to carry extra med/small items 4 150 gp
Bandoleer carries extra knives or ammo - 4 1 gp
Blindfold make self blind (can be used on helpless enemies) - 0 2 gp
Boots, Soft +1 Move - 1 5 gp
Bottle used to craft potions or holy water 1 2 2 gp
Bracers +1 AC vs. Melee attacks - 1 7 gp
Camo Paint give +5% hide outdoors 5 1 20 gp
Case, Bolt Hold x-bow bolts - 1 1 gp
Case, Scroll Hold scrolls/maps - 1 1 gp
Crowbar give +10% to force open container 10^ 5 2 gp
Earplugs Make self deaf (can be used on helpless enemies) - 0 1 gp
Flour, Bag Reveal Invisible 5' rad 1 5 1 gp
Follower, Basic Carries Loot - - 2 gp/Day
Follower, Chaplin or Hedge Wizard Casts spells - - 25 gp/Day
Follower, Mercenary Fights - - 5 gp/Day
Gag Silence effect (can be used on helpless enemies) - 0 1 gp
Grooming Kit +1 Cha 1 hour 5 0 100 gp
Dog, Guard Loyal Pet - - 25 gp
Dye Changes cloths to a diff color 10 - 25 gp
Healers Kit Extra treat injuries uses 5 1 100 gp
Herbalist's Kit Extra treat affliction uses 5 1 300 gp
Holy Symbol, Good Undead sv wands or run. Good only 1/day 0 100 gp
Holy Symbol, Evil Undead sv wands or run. Evil only 1/day 0 100 gp
Holy Symbol, Neutral Undead sv wands or run. Neutral only 1/day 0 100 gp
Holy Text Learn unique spells 1 varies
Holy Symbol +1 Turn - 1 20 gp
Holy Water See Description - 1 25 gp
Ink, Exotic Create Scroll 100 - 2000 gp
Ink, Rare Create Scroll 100 - 1000 gp
Ink, Rare/Exotic Create Scroll 100 - 5000 gp
Lock picks, Masterwork +15% pick picks (req 40+% lock pick skill) - 0 500 gp
Lore Book, [Creature Type] gives bonus to fight cre type - 5 Varies, 25 gp+
Magnifying Glass +10 Lore (but req min of 10 lore) - 1 100 gp
Make-Up +1 Charisma, 3 hours 10 1 50 gp
Mask Intimidate - 1 50 gp
Mask, Filtered Intimidate; resist airborne toxins - 1 300 gp
Nobel's Attire +2 Cha, disguise self as noble - 9 400 gp
Notebook Recipes for reference -
Oil Coat on ground (grease like spell), which also does extra fire dam. Create 'fire bombs' w/tinderbox 1 1 20 gp
Pack Animal Carries Load - - 400 gp
Paper, Quality Create Scroll 10 - 200 gp
Papyrus, Quality Create Scroll 10 - 80 gp
Parchment, Quality Create Scroll 10 - 100 gp
Potion Bottle Create Potion/Holy Water 1 0 10 gp
Quiver Hold arrows - 1 1 gp
Ram, Portable Bonus to bash doors/chests (as str+4) - 35 100 gp
Robe, Padded AC: 9 - 5 lbs. 30 gp
Robe, Shadowsilk +10% Hide - 4 lbs. 35 gp
Pet - - - 8 gp
Pouch allows characters to carry extra small items - 1 1 gp
Poll, Collapsible (10-Ft.) Chance to detect/set off traps 5^ 7 25 gp
Quill, Quality Create Scroll 10 - 100 gp
Rats, Bag Release rats that set off traps in area 1 10 5 gp
Rope, Hemp Tie up Disabled Enemies 1 20 1 gp
Rope, Silk Tie up Disabled Enemies 1 8 10 gp
Thieves Tools, Masterwork +15% detect/disable traps (req 40+% lock pick skill) - 1 500 gp
Tinderbox Create firebomb (with oil) 20^ 1 25 gp
Trap: Ball Bearings Set Traps 1 2 1 gp
Trap: Basic See Description 1 3 50 gp
Trap: Caltrops Set Traps 1 2 1 gp
Trap: Standard See Description 1 3 300 gp

^ May break. See item description.
^^ New use(s)

Weapon and Armor: Upgrades

Upgrade Type Effect Weight Cost
Silver Plating Any Weapon Hit Were Creature - +50 gp

Weapon and Armor: Variant Materials

Upgrade Type Effect Weight Cost
Bone Armor Medium or Heavy Armor -2 Pen to AC, Opponents -2 Save Fear effects Same Same
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago


Miscellaneous Equipment

These are preset traps that can be placed without fear of failure by anybody with some degree of skill in setting traps. More complex traps require more skill to place but are more effective. A few of these traps are magical in nature and have unique effects. See below for more details.

Trap, Basic
This is a cheap, and simple trap.

STATISTICS: Special: Requires a set traps skill of at least 10% to place.
Damage: 2d8 +5 missile damage

Weight: 3 Cost: 50 gp

Trap, Standard
This is a standard trap, suitable for larger prey.

STATISTICS: Special: Requires a set traps skill of at least 10% to place.
Damage: 2d8 +5 missile damage, and additionally deals 2d6 poison damage per round for the next 3 rounds.

Weight: 3 Cost: 300 gp

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago


10-ft poll Chance to set off and detect traps within 10' (but chance to be destroyed in process, too)--has a number of 'charges' and 'breaks' when reaching that limit--but could break earlier--'drain charges' effect that has a ~20% chance to be set off after each use (summons cre that checks for traps and sets them off--how???)
Skill in find/remove traps reduces break chance

Bag of Flour Removes invisibility in melee range

Bag of Rats Bag, 'summons' a number of (non-allied, non-enemy) rats that scamper around setting off traps

Crowbar Chance to Open Locks, chance to break w/every use and has limited charges (like 10' poll above). Is more effective in the hands of stronger characters.
Skill in pick locks reduces break chance

Guard Dog Dog that follows you around and helps defend you. non-party member, but loyal and can be enchanted/'trained up' with proficiencies mod.

Followers/Mercenaries Non-party members that can help players in various ways (carrying loot, fighting, casting certain spells, picking locks, disabling traps, etc.) Must be paid regularly or will leave (but will dump all items if carrying them). Minor NPC interactions

Lock-picks, Masterwork
Bonus to Pick locks (requires a min skill to use)

Pack Animal Carries Mucho gear. Does not fight or defend itself, so keep it safe

Pet Familiar like pet that cannot fight or anything. It's just there for funsies.


Mask Chance to intimidate opponents (contingency: see enemy, 'cast' intimidate to reduce stats for a bit (only effect 1x/enemy save vs paralysis or no)

Mask, Filtered As mask above, but also gives a bonus vs. cloud like spells

Spyglass 1000gp. Duplicates the Clairvoyance spell.

Rope Tie up helpless enemies (save vs. paralysis or be unable to move/attack indefinitely) Climb (via script) Should also be able to strip enemies of their valuables when tied up. Maybe also get xp for defeating them.
Climb down cliffs (via script)

Scroll Tube Hold scrolls (added where there is none) er, maybe this already exists. Check. At least make it more widely available and maybe craftable

Special Materials

Thieves Tools, Masterwork Bonus to Find/disable traps (must have a min find trap skill to use)

Traps: Better effect if char has set traps skill

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Mundane mod: General idea to reduce magic dependency/christmas tree characters Ultimate goal is to make it possible to go through the game without a single magic item

    - General items: 
            - Get rock: anybody can pick up a rock and throw it
            - Braciers: +1 defend vs. melee attacks

    - Reduced magic: Low level magic items converted to high quality mundane items
        - Masterwork weapons: + x to hit and damage (perhaps different sorts of modifications)
            - General: special materials (mostly to hurt unique creatures)

            - Blades:
                - Sharp Blade: +1 dam
                - Serrated blade: +3 dam/-1 spd(?)--tends to get stuck
                - Balanced: +1 spd/hit

            - Blunt weapons: 
                - Weighted: +1 dam/spd
                - Heavy: +5 damage/-1 hit/-2 spd

            - Special Arrows/bolts:
                - Hunters Arrow: +1 dam
                - War Arrow: +2 Hit/Damage

            - Sling Bullets:
                - Heavy: +1 blunt dam
                - Sharpened: +1 pierce dam

            - Bows: 
                - Compound: +1 hit/damage--Higher str req

            - Crossbows:
                - Repeater: +1 attack--uses smaller arms that do less damage (or -1 hit--less accurate)
                - Heavy: Long pause; x2 damage or more; min required str
            - Slings?

        -Masterwork Armors:
            - Reinforced: +x AC and/or resistance/-x dex--based on armor type
            - Fitted: Smaller penalties to dex

        - Masterwork items: 
        - Thieves tools
            - Masterwork lockpicks: +x% to pick locks
            - Padded boots: +x% to move silently
            - Black cloak: +x% hide in shadows
            - Toolkit: +x disarm (though also detect) traps

    - Many monsters lose protection from nonmagic items (excepting ghosts and similar)
        Though perhaps even ghosts will be hittable with special material weapons