Grammarsalad / Spells_and_Magic

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New and Revised Misc. Items #12

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Miscellaneous Magic Items

Name Tier Effect Gold
Dust of Decoy (N) ? 'summon' creature that distracts enemies 1,200
Dust of Dryness (N) ? 1d6 magic damage or 6d6 magic damage to water creatures 750
Dust of Forgetfulness (N) ? Forget memorized spells 4,000
Dust of Paralyzation (N) ? Paralyze target 3,000
Dust of Mind Dulling (N) ? Slows casting 3,000
Dust of Revealing(N) ? Remove invisibility and disguise 4,000
Jar of Bees (N) ? Swarm
Leech Dust (N) ? Drain and kill subjects 5,000
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago


Dust of Decoy
This dust forms the shape of a snake monster. It appears to attack nearby creatures, but it is merely a decoy and cannot actually damage anyone. It tries to draw attention and then attacks until someone realizes it is harmless.

However, the dust is extremely toxic to animals. If any animal hits the snake dust, the creature must then make a saving throw vs. death -3 or die instantly, choked by the dust.

The dust crumbles into inert dust losing it's magical properties once it has been hit or once 1 turn has passed.

STATISTICS: Special: Summons snake creature
Duration: 1 turn

Weight: 0
Cost: 1,200 gp

Dust of Dryness
This dust drains the moisture from any creature caught in it's area. Most creatures hit by this dust suffer 1d6 points of magic damage. However, water elementals and other creatures native to water environments are especially susceptible to it's effects and suffer 6d6 points magic damage.

STATISTICS: Damage: 1d6 points of damage (6d6 to water creatures) Range: 10 ft.

Weight: 0
Cost: 750 gp

Dust of Forgetfulness
This dust looks exactly like other magical dust, and is stored and delivered in the same manner. When thrown at a character or other living creature, the dust causes the victim to forget all 1st and 2nd level memorized spells until they have a chance to study them again as normal if they do not make a save vs. spells.

STATISTICS: Damage: Forget all 1st and 2nd level spells (save vs. spell) Range: 10 ft.

Weight: 0
Cost: 4,000 gp

Dust of Mind Dulling
This dust appears to be harmless, but it is the bane of spell casters. One pinch of the dust can be flung up to 30 feet from the user and scatters to fill a sphere with a 5-foot radius.

All spellcasters within the area find their minds dulled and their wits slowed. All casting times are increased by two as the wizards hesitate, trying to remember the procedures.

The dust persists in the area for one tum unless somehow removed (a gust of wind spell would be helpful). Those spellcasters affected by the dust are impaired for 3 rounds after that.

STATISTICS: Damage: Increase casting time by 2 Range: 30 ft.

Weight: 0
Cost: 3,000 gp

Dust of Paralyzation
This fine dust bursts into a cloud of 20-foot radius when exposed to air, causing all living creatures in the area to cough and choke. Those who fail a saving throw vs. poison are paralyzed for 1 turn; those who save find their body slowed, and have their speed halved and mental speed and physical speed reduced by -2.

STATISTICS: Effect: Paralysis or slowed (save vs. poison) Range: 30 ft.

Weight: 0
Cost: 3,000 gp

Dust of Revealing
This special dust is commonly found in one or more eggshell grenades, the price is one such powder-filled grenade. When released into the air, the dust magically expands to fill a 30-foot, radial area. Everything in this area that is disguised is revealed for what it truly is.

Shapechangers (such as lycanthropes and doppelgangers) are forced into their natural forms, all magical and mundane disguises are removed.

In addition, all creatures in the are of affect that are hidden or invisible are revealed.

STATISTICS: Effect: Remove invisibility and disguise Range: 30 ft.

Weight: 0
Cost: 4,000 gp

Leech Dust
The ominous name of this magical dust is derived from its ability to absorb blood, leeching it out of the victim's flesh, veins, and even bone marrow. When a satchel of leech dust is thrown (up to 30 feet away) it forms a cloud of the same dimensions as cloudkill. The dust adheres to all living creatures within its area of effect, causing immediate weakness. This weakness manifests itself as a 50% reduction in Dexterity and Strength (with all penalties or reduction of combat bonuses applicable). In two rounds the victim is unable to fight or use spells, in three rounds paralyzed, and after four rounds, dead. All these effects can be countered with a successful saving throw vs. death magic.

STATISTICS: Special: See Description Range: 30 ft.

Weight: 0
Cost: 5,000 gp

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

