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Revised Spells overview (both global and local revisions) #20

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Revised Spells

(local) Applies to just the specific spell (global) Applies, or potentially applies, to multiple spells


Agannazar's Scorcher 1) Reduce Caster Pause

1) Increasing bonus as level up (as bless) 2) Increased duration (8 hours)

Animate Dead 1) Casting time 5 rounds 2) Allow them to follow as a familiar 3) Material requirement: one onyx per creature (or 25 gp) 4) If you control more than (level x2) HD of undead, undead save to turn on you (no summon limit otherwise). 5) Requires body parts that can be taken from slain enemies

Animate Object 1) Checks inventory and you must animate a piece of non magical equipment (which is destroyed if cre destroyed or at end of spell--use mending or repair skills).

Antimagic Shell 1) protection from summoned creatures

Armor 1) Bonus HP but dispelled when hp are depleted 2) Target allies

Barkskin 1) Target takes 1/2 dam from blunt or piercing but double dam from fire 2) Longer Duration
3) 15 bonus hp

Beast Claw
1) Increase str by +1 if str 18+
2) Increased duration

Bigby's Spells
1) Faster Casting Times

Bigby's Crushing Hand 1) No saves

Black Blade of Disaster 1) summoned blade that fights for you

Bless (local) 1) longer duration 2) additional +1 bonus every 5 levels 3) shorter casting time 4) option to 'bless weapon' allowing it to hit +1 creatures to a single target (relevant global) 1) Reversible spells (curse effect--combines with curse spell in iwdee or where spell is detected) 2) Rituals (ritual)

Blindness (and/or deafness)
1) Combine Blindness/Deafness (Causes one or the other--your choice)
2) 1/2 Visual Range even if Save
3) penalty to save at higher levels 4) Deafness moved to 1st level
5) Deafness no save

Burning Hands
1) Allow mage to move away sooner (shorter pause effect)
2) Does d4+1 per 2 levels max 5d4+5

Call lightning 1) 1x/round call a bolt of lightning that does 3d8 dam save for 1/2 (duration in rounds not turns 2) damage 6d8 only (can be combined with 1)

Carrion Summons Incorporate into summon monster

Chain lightning 1) 1d8/Level

Chaos 1) affect all (enemy) creatures in 20' radius

Charm Person: Patch
See Charm Global 1) No save bonus 2) No hostility after charm

Charm Person or Mammal: Patch
See Charm Global 1) No save bonus 2) No hostility after charm

Chill touch 1) affect undead (fear like affect) 2) range 10' 3) additional damage at level up (as standard cantrip) 4) target can't heal for 1 round (rather than strength drain) 5) No save required (or save 1/2) 6) d10 cold damage 7) as 4, but strength drain and no heal 8) can make multiple attacks (for 3 + 1 round/2 levels)

Chromatic Orb: Not Patched
1) Complete Revision (select orb from list--that grows as you level up) for a number of different effects. Damage is constant, and save vs. spell for extra effects (no save bonus). No insta-death or turn to stone

Cloak of Fear
1) 2 rounds/lev caster radiates fear (as fear aura wiz spell p346)

Clairaudience/Clairvoyance 1) Complete revision, creating an unmoving 'wiz eye' with no range or line of sight restrictions p 96 ad&d 3e

1) lightning only strikes enemies 2) Much more damage vs. fire/cold creatures 3) No save for lightning
4) Outdoors only?

Cloudkill 1) Take 3d8 poison damage each round (save for 1/2). (~5e) 2) no auto-kill OR any creature immune to poison is immune to auto kill 3) Area obscured (creatures in area are blinded, and gain +10 bonus vs. ranged

Command (local) 1) Select from list of commands (as 5e p223) 'run', 'die', 'stop', (global) 1) Reversible spells (targeted allies remove 1st level charm, fear, sleep effects)

Cone of cold 1) d8 damage 2) faster casting time Note: also see disintegration global

Conjure Elemental 1) Combine: 5th and greater at 7th p166-167 2) better summons (see bg1) including magic weapons

Control Undead 1) Change to level 4 2) Ignore Magic Resistance (not lich) Also see control evil, a new 7th level spell replacement

Color Spray: No patch 1) Change similar to Chromatic Orb, but better effects (some auto effect even if save); much shorter pause, weaker creatures no save, 2) 2HD or less (knock out x rounds, then blind/stun for y more rounds) 3-4 HD blind/stunned for x rounds 5+HD stunned for 1 round (ad&d 3e)

1) Save ea round over 5 rounds, take attribute dam each round, d8 damage 2) Each round target fails save, it casts another contagion that affects all nearby enemies (i.e. their allies)

Cure Light Wounds (global) 1) cure spells heal % hp (clw ~20% +2 hp) 2) reverse inflict (merge with inflict spells where detected) 3) cure spells damage undead (equal to cure amount- radiant type if added, otherwise magical) 4) ritual (assuming some kind of gold/other cost)

Curse (global) 1) longer duration (as bless) 2) additional bonus every 5 levels (as bless)

Death Spell 1) 2d8 damage to living creatures with 9+HD

Death Ward: 1) Minhp (1) effect for duration (but if reduced to 1 hp, then effect ends).

Demi-Shadow Monsters (IWDEE) 1) Shadow Trolls (notes shades has them)

Detect Evil
(local) 1) Reveal Evil (chance to dispel evil invisibility--or just invisibility, save to negate) 2) Know Evil (Gain offensive bonuses vs. evil creatures--maybe penalize their saves vs. spell) 3) Detect hit points/conditions of evil creatures and/or vulnerabilities of such creatures (global) 1) (See Global: Invisibility Revision?) 2) Reversible spells, detect alignment (if no SR)

Dire Charm
1) Not Just Charm: Charm and berserk as p246 (only if charm revision installed)
2) Save pen -2

Dispel Magic 1) does not dispel positive effects; only neg effects of allies Maybe do a global for this one affecting multiple similar spells

Disintegration 1) massive damage if target saves Note: also see disintegration global.

Domination 1) Faster casting time

1) Increasing penalty at level up (as bless)

Emotion Spells
See P306 - 307 also ad&d 111 1) Combine them

Enchanted Weapon 1) Gives +3 to Dam/strike
2) Revert to 'Older' version, summons x enchanted weapons (optionally, requires a mundane item of same type).
3) change in level (level 1) with +1 bonus

Energy Drain
1) Drain Constitution/HP and Empower the Caster 2) Ranged

(local) 1) Penalty to hit and AC for all cre in area (save or no) 2) maybe some check vs strength rather than save (or as a global with other sim spells like web) 3) strength 20/huge immune

Favor of Ilmater 1) Castable on non-evil

1) Use unarmed, melee attacks only (no spells or special abilities). Even monks use 'fist' rather than mfist (use magic item slot)
2) as the spell is, but move slowly (movement of 1) no actions 3) -4 to save 4) Reduce to level 4 5) 4d4 magic damage (no save)
6) duration: 8 hours

Finger of Death 1) Create zombie if the spell kills target p358 2) 3d10 damage on failed save 3) Make available to druids

Find Familiar: Patch 1) Familiar can set off traps 2) Can be cast by other than main character (IWD version?) 3) Innate 4) 5e version 5) multiple familiars (?) 6) See Familiar Enhancer p 340+ 7) See Undead familiar p355 8) No penalty to con if familiar dies 9) Universal Spell (castable by all)
3e or 5e version?

Find traps
1) 5e version. Ask kjeron if I can use his code 2) Bypass Traps (is that the code I was thinking of?)
Er, give the caster and all nearby allies a spell state that gives them immunity to traps (modify all traps).

Fire Shield(red/blue) 1) Merge into 1 spell, select blue or red

Flame Arrow 1) gain magic item slot fire arrows Duration: 1 round Effect: Caster can hurl individual bolts of fire at enemies, similarly to the minute meteors spell, each doing 1d6 piercing dam +4d6 fire. (no save vs. spell for ½ dam (bolts can miss)). Attacks per round set to number of bolts summoned, and the caster has to throw them all in that round or they are lost. All must be thrown in same round as cast (casting time 0). 2) Create temporary magical fire arrows

Flame Blade
1) Delivers touch spells
2) 3d6 fire dam (1 slashing), no strength
3) Magic weapon

Friends 1) Add Friends Spell (iff SR). Because it's a useful spell

Freedom: 1) Removes any impeding magics/projectile (web, paralysis, hold, etc.) from party/area

Ghoul Touch 1) Level 1/Cantrip 2) Damage (d6) + paralysis 3) Substantial Duration (as many uses as wanted) 4) Ghast Stench--nearby enemies must save vs. death or are -2 to hit. 5) No save Also see Global Touch Spells

Giant Insect
1) Can create giant spiders(scorpions?)

Glitterdust: 1) not actual blindness, but 'difficulty seeing'. -2 AC/to hit and can't invisible if no save. Pen to save at higher levels 2) Affected creatures hide/move silently at -50%

Globe of Invulnerability/Minor 1) protection from AOE spells of relevant level
2)GoI: protects vs level 5 spells

1) allow berries to be enchanted with other spells which target the person that consumes it (and cures 1hp)
2) Removes fatigue
3) Can't sell them 4) Eat all w/ no action

Grease: 1) When fall, -4 to AC (because you're on the ground)
Save x times/second, but if save immune for 6 seconds (so creatures immediately effected).

Greater Restoration
1) Restores petrified creatures
2) Removes charms/domination
3) Removes curses
4) Restores reduced attributes (including from feeblemind)

Hold monster: 1) -4 to save

Hold Undead 1) Bypasses Magic Resistance (vs. undead weaker than lich)

Holy word/Unholy word
1) merge into one spell (effect different depending on caster alignment) --> Edict
2) banished summoned creature
3) hp based (as 5e)
4) unholy: affects enemies regardless of alignment (evil don't care)

Ice Storm 1) +2d4 Piercing damage (after ice storm)
2) +1 round/3 lev after 7th

Identify: 1) Option to have gold cost of 50 or 25gp.

Imprisonment 1) Traps the target in a state of Suspended Animation (pause target). A super paralysis that cannot be removed by lesser magics. Creature type is irrelevant (golem, undead all affected).
2) Target drops valuables 3) Some effect if target saves

Improved Invisibility 1) Give a hide/move silently bonus (because it should be valuable even after you attack). EEex also allows hiding while invisible.
See Global Consistent Invisibility Duration See Global: Invisibility Revision

Invisibility See Global Consistent Invisibility Duration See Global: Invisibility Revision

Infravision: 1) See about original BG version, (picking out creatures on the map)

Invisibility Purge See Global: Invisibility Revision 1) Cast time: 6 (a bit faster)

Know Alignment 1) --> Detect Life (see new spells) 2) Give some bonus vs. target

Larloch's Minor Drain: Patch
1) Make it stackable

Lightning Bolt 1) No Bounce

Luck: Patch 1) 1 turn/level

Magic Resistance
1) does not work on enemies
2) Stacks with existing MR

Magic Stone
1) Magic weapon 3+ 1 per 5 levels (throw 3/round) dam 1d4 (2d4 undead)
2) --> Orison

Magic Weapon 1) Gives bonus to attack and damage = to enchantment

Maze 1) Target is stuck in a maze of the mind (paralyzed w pause target). Only affects creatures w/minds. 2) range of 10 ft

Melf's Acid Arrow 1) No attack roll (is there one?) 2) Moar damage! (1d6 piercing damage + 2d4 acid damage) OR just 2d8 acid damage OR (1d6 piercing damage + 2d8 acid damage)

Meteor Swarm
1) Party Friendly
2) Faster Cast time 3) Ignores MR 4) Does Crushing Damage = to fire damage (ie doubles damage)

Minor spell turning 1) Target party members

Mislead 1)

Monster Summoning I, II, III 1) Check original game (BG1, not EE)

Nahal's Reckless Dweomer/Chaos Shield/ICS
1) Revise the Surge Table (to still suck, but not be deadly because that's no fun)
2) No Aura Cleansing
3) Remove Improve Chaos Shield, but Make CS improve at higher levels (max 25 bonus)

1) Make it an illusionist Spell (auto if Universal School is installed)
2) Protect vs. True Sight(?) Or Can allow Save to avoid True Sight (possible???)

Otiluke's Resilient Sphere 1) Allies no save(no save in IWDEE--check BG(2)EE)

Phantom Blade 1) Mordy sword summon 2) +6 Blade, 3 attacks

Power Word: All: Patch Increase HP affected by caster level Save if above HP limit

Power Word: Sleep: Patch 1) Creature does not wake if affected 2) Increase HP affected by level 3) Save if above HP limit

Polymorph Self/Other
1) One spell, but different vs. allies or enemies: baleful vs enemies; beneficial for allies (also, polymorph self works for allies). Also see p673+ 2) Polymorph: Self/Beneficial (bonus to THAC0) 3) Additional Forms at higher levels 4) Create forms with thief skills

1) Aid effect to all allies (exactly as aid, however that spell actually works)
2) Longer duration 3) Increasing Bonuses

Produce Fire (IWDEE spell) 1) As melfs minute meteors (def not as good) Inspired by knights of the chalice

Project Image 1) No Equipment 2) drains casters spells (doable?) See Simulacrum Maybe fewer and weaker spells

Protection from Evil: Patch
1) Longer Duration
2) Stackable(?) Check BG1 Implementation (not EE)

Protection From Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity--> Protection from Elements Choose Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity (as a lev 3 spell) Remove level 7 spell (or set to 100%) 8th level, Protection from energy (100% all elemental and magic damage).

Protection From Normal Missiles
1) Grants an additional 30% missile damage reduction (vs magic missiles)
2) Or +10 missile Defense 3) Protection from certain missile spells (magic missile, Melf Spells).
(In any case, change name to Protection from Missiles)

Protection from normal weapons 1) -10 AC bonus vs non missile weapons

Protection from Petrification

Ray of Enfeeblement 1) No save first round (save for additional round/level)
2) No movement while affected

Reflected Image 1) replace with displacement (as r/image but self-renewing) (delay = spell duration removes)

Resist Fire and Cold 1) Longer duration

Shadow Door 1) casting time: 1

Shadow Magic etc 1) incorporate more spells

Shapechange 1) Give special abilities to different forms 2) Cast while shapechanged

1) Hits entangle opponent (if they fail save)
2) Increased damage (e.g. cantrip)
3)Treat Wisdom as strength for dam/attack (as 5e)

Shield 1) Gives a +2 bonus to AC (stackable and can be used in conjunction with (e.g.) armor and similar spells. +4 AC vs. missiles 2) Contingent Shield (when see enemy, or some other condition)--maybe a new 2nd or 3rd level spell

Shocking Grasp
1) Damage increase as cantrip 2) Ranged
3) 1 round, penalty to speed (casting and weapon)

Skull Trap 1) Cap damage as per fireball (10d6)

Simulacrum 1) No Equipment 2) drains casters spells (doable?) See Project Image Maybe no spells, but improved fighting ability

Sleep 1) HP based (increased hp limit as level up) --creatures wake if struck (like 5e version)

Slow 1) No Save

Slow Poison
1) Change spell to protection from poison/disease (p709)

Spell Immunity 1) Does not make you immune to your own spells 2) Alteration: Immunity to time stop 3) Conjuration: Protection from summoned creatures. Insect plague 4) Divination: 5) Enchantment: 6) Evocation: Immunity to your own spells (with 1) including cloudkill 7) Illusion: 8) Necromancy: Protection from undead

Spider Spawn --> Giant insect 1) Can create giant spiders, as well as beetles (scorpions?)

Spirit Armor 1) No damage to target 2) Costs the target some fatigue

Spiritual Hammer
1) Create a hammer that will fight for you (as pnp)

Spook: Patch
1) No save (creature of lower level). Normal save for cre => level or cre 20hd+

Spider Spawn 1) add poison to Sword Spiders (including enemy sword spiders)

Stinking Cloud: patch 1) Save each round or be nauseated (no attack or cast spell, but can move at 1/2 speed).
2) -2 saves

Similar to SR, but requires a save every round, and also slows movement.

Stone to Flesh/Flesh to Stone 1) Combines these spells and has different effects depending on whether cast on Ally or enemy 2) Does damage to Stone golems and Earth elementals

Strength 1) Does not lower Str (+1 up to Str 23 for any cre w Str 18+). and only castable on allies

Sunfire 1) Targeted like fireball 2) Extra damage to undead (or only affects undead)

Symbol Spells 1) Grouped all together, choose which to cast at time of casting 2) Revived save penalties (pen death (-2)<stun(-4)<fear(-6)) 3) Can't dodge (change to projectiles)
4) Party Friendly

Tenser's Transformation 1) Dispel disabled casting if dispelled

Wail of the Banshee 1) -4 Save 2) Party Friendly
3) Ignores MR

Web 1) Save each round (vs. breath -2). Success means that creatures move at 1/2 speed. Failure means creatures cannot move and are -4 to attack, AC (except missile attacks, +10), and suffer 20% spell failure for round.
2) Huge creatures and creatures with str 20+ are immune.
3) fire spells remove web 4) Strength based check (global w/ spells like entangle)

Wraithform 1) Cast spell while protected by this spell 2) 50% resistance to physical damage 1) Combine Blindness/Deafness (Causes one or the other--your choice)
2) 1/2 Visual Range even if Save
3) penalty to save at higher levels 4) Deafness moved to 1st level

Writhing Fog 1) No 20% (100%) to possibly slow

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Global Components

Global Component: Cloud spells silent effect

This component modifies cloud like spells (cloudkill, etc.) to impose a silence effect on all creatures it affects...because it seems unlikely that you can speak an incantation while choking to death.
Note to self: Make sure that no creature that should be immune gets this effect (e.g. undead).

Global Component: Add Necrotic and Radiant Damage types

Undead are particularly vulnerable to Radiant and actually get healed by Necrotic.
Note to self: Modified spells: ...

Global Component: Cure spells hurt undead

Also, harm spells cure undead...

Global: cure spells reversible (damage enemies when targeting them

Global: cure spells heal % hp

Recovers a percentage of targets hp rather than a set amount.

Maybe include potions add an option as well

Don't forget other spells that cure effects: List:

  1. Remove all alignment spell requirements from iwdee spells ( either in iwdee or if b_spells or iwdification is installed)
  2. Cure spells heal a percentage recipients max hp. Scales a bit better:
    • cure light wounds (level 1): 2 hp+25%
    • cure moderate wounds(lev 2): 4 hp +35%
    • level 3: 6 hp +45%
    • level 4: 8 hp +55%
    • level 5: 10 hp + 65%
    • level 6: 15 hp + 75%
    • level 7: 100% ( heal)

Global Component: Creatures drop items on disintegration (including cold death)

Global Component: All Non-Cantrips always do something

Doesn't it suck when you waste a 4th level spell slot on a spell that does absolutely nothing because the target made their save? This component alters all spells with a 'neg' saving throw, making them do something even if the target does make their save. The effects vary depending on the spell. Note that this component will make spells more effective against the player, as well. This component will also affect spells introduced by this mod, such as Poison mage spell.

Global Component: Consistent Invisibility Duration

Makes the duration of invisibility spells consistent. There are a number of subcomponents based on the duration (e.g. 2nd level invisibility vs. improved invisibility).
Note to self: Default w/ improved invisibility duration.

Global Component: Greater HLAs replace 'lesser' versions

When selecting Greater versions of HLAs, gain +1 use of that ability, and all lesser versions are converted to the greater version. e.g. Take greater death blow, gain+1 death blow, and all death blows are now Greater versions

Global Component: Universal Arcane Spells

Makes certain spells 'Universal' meaning that any caster can use them. This component disables the Diviner Kit, and the Abjurer kit.

The list of universal spells are as follows:


Universal Spells

Level Spells
1st Alarm(n), Anticipation(n), Cantrip(n), Detect Traps and Portals(n), Devil's Eyes(n), Farseer(n), Find Familiar, Identify, Infravision, Mending(n), Read Magic(n),
2nd Detect Evil, Detect Invisibility, ESP(n), Knock, Know Alignment, Vocalize
3rd Absorb Spell!, Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown(n), Clairvoyance, Detect Illusion, Dispel Magic, Fabricate(n), Glyph of Spell Storing!, Legend Lore!, Minor Spell Deflection, Spell Thrust, Remove Magic
4th Enchanted Weapon, Farsight, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Minor Sequencer, Remove Curse, Secret Word, Wizard Eye
5th Breach, Contact Other Plane(I), Lower Resistance, Minor Spell Turning, Oracle, Spell Immunity, Spell Shield
6th Antimagic Shell, Contingency, Empower Familiar!, Globe of Invulnerability, Protection from Magic Energy, Pierce Magic, Spell Deflection, True Sight
7th Far Sequencer!, Khelben's Warding Whip, Limited Wish, Mantle, Protection from Time Stop!, Spell Sequencer, Spell Turning, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Seven Eyes
8th Extend Vision!, Mind Blank, Pierce Shield, Improved Mantle, Spell Trigger,
9th Absolute Immunity, Chain Contingency, Executioner's Eyes!, Freedom, Mass Sequencer!, Spell Trap, Spell Strike, Wish

!: An OlvynSpells Spell (I): An IWDEE exclusive Spell
(n): A new spell added by Spells & Magic

Global Component: Unique Spell Component

Note: Requires Universal Spells (see above)

Global Component: x y-ft radius spells radiate from target

Spells (e.g. invisibility 10' radius) radiate from target creature (or area--maybe allow one or other or both as choice when casting).

Global: charm cannot control enemy

Charm spells will not allow players (or enemies) to control their target. (though, targets will not attack them).

Also, adds a "charm monster" spell if New spells selected and this component is installed

Global: Power Word Spells

Creatures that would be immune to spell are protected from it, so the Mage can only target creatures actually affected by the relevant PW spell (i.e. and so can't waste it).

Global: Summoning creatures improve by level

Summoning spells summon stronger versions of creatures at higher levels.

E.g. Conjure fire elemental druid spell has a chance to summon improved elementals, which doesn't change as the character levels up.

Instead, the spell automatically summons the stronger version at level up.

Need to investigate specific spells (and SR versions)

Global Component: Fear spells make target flee from enemies

Global Component: Fear spells -4 to attack/ AC rather than running around

Global Component: Radiant and Necrotic Damage

Global Component: Energy Drain: Subcomponent A: Energy Drain is Constitutional Drain

Global Component: Energy Drain: Subcomponent B: Reduces max hp by % (and causes % damage) until cured

Global Component: Cast certain spells as a ritual

Global Component: Consistent Invisibility Duration

Global Component: Revised Invisibility

Global Component: Reverse Spells

Spell Interactions

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago


Agannazar's Scorcher 1) Reduce Caster Pause

Animate Dead 1) Casting time 5 rounds 2) Allow them to follow as a familiar 3) Material requirement: one onyx per creature (or 25 gp)

Antimagic Shell 1) protection from summoned creatures

Armor 1) Bonus HP but dispelled when hp are depleted 2) Target allies

Barkskin 1) Target takes 1/2 dam from blunt or piercing but double dam from fire

Bigby's Spells
1) Faster Casting Times

Bigby's Crushing Hand 2) No saves

Bless/Chant/Prayer 2) additional bonus every 5 levels

Black Blade of Disaster 1) summoned blade that fights for you

Blindness (and/or deafness)
1) Combine Blindness/Deafness (Causes one or the other--your choice)
2) 1/2 Visual Range even if Save
3) penalty to save at higher levels 4) Deafness moved to 1st level
5) Deafness no save

Burning Hands
1) Allow mage to move away sooner (shorter pause effect)
2) Does d4/2 levels max 5d4

Call lightning 1) 1x/round call a bolt of lightning that does 3d8 dam save for 1/2 (duration in rounds not turns

Carrion Summons Incorporate into summon monster

Chain lightning 1) 1d8/Level

Charm Person: Patch
See Charm Global 1) No save bonus 2) No hostility after charm

Chill touch 1) affect undead 2) range 10' 3) additional damage at level up (as standard cantrip) 4) target can't heal for 1 round (rather than strength drain) 5) No save required (or save 1/2) 6) d10 cold damage

Chromatic Orb: Not Patched
1) Complete Revision (select orb from list--that grows as you level up) for a number of different effects. Damage is constant, and save vs. spell for extra effects (no save bonus). No insta-death or turn to stone

Cloudkill 1) Take 3d8 poison damage each round (save for 1/2). 2) no auto-kill OR any creature immune to poison is immune to auto kill

Cone of cold 1) d8 damage 2) faster casting time Note: also see disintegration global

Conjure Elemental 1) Combine: 5th and greater at 7th p166-167 2) better summons (see bg1) including magic weapons

Control Undead 1) Change to level 4 2) Ignore Magic Resistance (not lich) Also see control evil, a new 7th level spell replacement

Color Spray: No patch 1) Change similar to Chromatic Orb, but better effects (some auto effect even if save); much shorter pause, weaker creatures no save,

1) Save ea round over 5 rounds, take attribute dam each round, d8 damage 2) Each round target fails save, it casts another contagion that affects all nearby enemies (i.e. their allies)

Death Spell 1) 2d8 damage to living creatures with 9+HD

Demi-Shadow Monsters (IWDEE) 1) Shadow Trolls (notes shades has them)

Detect Evil
1) Reveal Evil (chance to dispel evil invisibility--or just invisibility, save to negate) 2) Know Evil (Gain offensive bonuses vs. evil creatures--maybe penalize their saves vs. spell)

Dire Charm
1) Not Just Charm: Charm and berserk as p246 (only if charm revision installed)
2) Save pen -2

Dispel Magic 1) does not dispel positive effects; only neg effects of allies

Disintegration 1) massive damage if target saves Note: also see disintegration global.

Domination 1) Faster casting time

Emotion Spells
See P306 - 307

Enchanted Weapon 1) Gives +3 to Dam/strike
2) Revert to 'Older' version, summons x enchanted weapons (optionally, requires a mundane item of same type).

Energy Drain
1) Drain Constitution/HP and Empower the Caster 2) Ranged

1) Use unarmed, melee attacks only (no spells or special abilities). Even monks use 'fist' rather than mfist (use magic item slot)
2) as the spell is, but move slowly (movement of 1) no actions 3) -4 to save 4) Reduce to level 4 5) 4d4 magic damage (no save)
6) duration: 8 hours

Finger of Death 1) Create zombie if the spell kills target p358 2) 3d10 damage on failed save

Find Familiar: Patch 1) Familiar can set off traps 2) Can be cast by other than main character (IWD version?) 3) Innate 4) 5e version 5) multiple familiars (?) 6) See Familiar Enhancer p 340+ 7) See Undead familiar p355 8) No penalty to con if familiar dies 9) Universal Spell (castable by all)

Fire Shield(red/blue) 1) Merge into 1 spell, select blue or red

Flame Arrow 1) gain magic item slot fire arrows Duration: 1 round Effect: Caster can hurl individual bolts of fire at enemies, similarly to the minute meteors spell, each doing 1d6 piercing dam +4d6 fire. (no save vs. spell for ½ dam (bolts can miss)). Attacks per round set to number of bolts summoned, and the caster has to throw them all in that round or they are lost. All must be thrown in same round as cast (casting time 0).

Friends 1) Add Friends Spell (iff SR). Because it's a useful spell

Freedom: Removes any impeding magics/projectile (web, paralysis, hold, etc.) from party/area

Ghoul Touch 1) Level 1/Cantrip 2) Damage (d6) + paralysis 3) Substantial Duration (as many uses as wanted) 4) Ghast Stench--nearby enemies must save vs. death or are -2 to hit. 5) No save Also see Global Touch Spells

Glitterdust: 1) not actual blindness, but 'difficulty seeing'. -2 AC/to hit and can't invisible if no save. Pen to save at higher levels

Globe of Invulnerability/Minor 1) protection from AOE spells of relevant level
2)GoI: protects vs level 5 spells

Grease: When fall, -4 to AC (because you're on the ground)
Save x times/second, but if save immune for 6 seconds (so creatures immediately effected).

Hold monster: 1) -4 to save

Hold Undead 1) Bypasses Magic Resistance (vs. undead weaker than lich)

Ice Storm 1) +2d4 Piercing damage (after ice storm)
2) +1 round/3 lev after 7th

Identify: 1) Option to have gold cost of 50 or 25gp.

Imprisonment 1) Traps the target in a state of Suspended Animation (pause target). A super paralysis that cannot be removed by lesser magics. Creature type is irrelevant (golem, undead all affected).
2) Target drops valuables 3) Some effect if target saves

Improved Invisibility See Global Consistent Invisibility Duration

Invisibility See Global Consistent Invisibility Duration

Infravision: 1) See about original BG version, (picking out creatures on the map)

Know Alignment --> Detect Life (see new spells)

Larloch's Minor Drain: Patch
1) Make it stackable

Lightning Bolt 1) No Bounce

Luck: Patch 1) 1 turn/level

Magic Weapon 1) Gives bonus to attack and damage = to enchantment

Maze 1) Target is stuck in a maze of the mind (paralyzed w pause target). Only affects creatures w/minds. 2) range of 10 ft

Meteor Swarm
1) Party Friendly
2) Faster Cast time 3) Ignores MR 4) Does Crushing Damage = to fire damage (ie doubles damage)

Melf's Acid Arrow 1) No attack roll (is there one?) 2) Moar damage! (1d6 piercing damage + the acid damage).

Minor spell turning 1) Target party members

Mislead 1)

Monster Summoning I, II, III 1) Check original game (BG1, not EE)

Nahal's Reckless Dweomer/Chaos Shield/ICS
1) Revise the Surge Table (to still suck, but not be deadly because that's no fun)
2) No Aura Cleansing
3) Remove Improve Chaos Shield, but Make CS improve at higher levels (max 25 bonus)

1) Make it an illusionist Spell (auto if Universal School is installed)
2) Protect vs. True Sight(?) Or Can allow Save to avoid True Sight (possible???)

Otiluke's Resilient Sphere 1) Allies no save(no save in IWDEE--check BG(2)EE)

Phantom Blade 1) Mordy sword summon 2) +6 Blade, 3 attacks

Power Word: All: Patch Increase HP affected by caster level Save if above HP limit

Power Word: Sleep: Patch 1) Creature does not wake if affected 2) Increase HP affected by level 3) Save if above HP limit

Polymorph Self/Other
1) One spell, but different vs. allies or enemies: baleful vs enemies; beneficial for allies (also, polymorph self works for allies). Also see p673+ 2) Polymorph: Self/Beneficial (bonus to THAC0) 3) Additional Forms at higher levels 4) Create forms with thief skills

Project Image 1) No Equipment 2) drains casters spells (doable?) See Simulacrum Maybe fewer and weaker spells

Protection from Evil: Patch
1) Longer Duration
2) Stackable(?) Check BG1 Implementation (not EE)

Protection From Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity--> Protection from Elements Choose Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity (as a lev 3 spell) Remove level 7 spell (or set to 100%) 8th level, Protection from energy (100% all elemental and magic damage).

Protection From Normal Missiles
1) Grants an additional 30% missile damage reduction (vs magic missiles)
2) Or +10 missile Defense 3) Protection from certain missile spells (magic missile, Melf Spells).
(In any case, change name to Protection from Missiles)

Protection from normal weapons 1) -10 AC bonus vs non missile weapons

Protection from Petrification

Ray of Enfeeblement 1) No save first round (save for additional round/level)
2) No movement while affected

Reflected Image 1) replace with displacement (as r/image but self-renewing) (delay = spell duration removes)

Shadow Door 1) casting time: 1

Shapechange 1) Give special abilities to different forms 2) Cast while shapechanged

1) Hits entangle opponent (if they fail save)
2) Increased damage (e.g. cantrip)

Shield 1) Gives a +2 bonus to AC (stackable and can be used in conjunction with (e.g.) armor and similar spells. +4 AC vs. missiles 2) Contingent Shield (when see enemy, or some other condition)

Shocking Grasp
1) Damage increase as cantrip 2) Ranged
3) 1 round, penalty to speed (casting and weapon)

Skull Trap 1) Cap damage as per fireball (10d6)

Simulacrum 1) No Equipment 2) drains casters spells (doable?) See Project Image Maybe no spells, but improved fighting ability

Sleep 1) HP based (increased hp limit as level up) --creatures wake if struck (like 5e version)

Slow 1) No Save

Slow Poison
1) Change spell to protection from poison/disease (p709)

Spell Immunity 1) Does not make you immune to your own spells 2) Alteration: Immunity to time stop 3) Conjuration: Protection from summoned creatures. Insect plague 4) Divination: 5) Enchantment: 6) Evocation: Immunity to your own spells (with 1) including cloudkill 7) Illusion: 8) Necromancy: Protection from undead

Spider Spawn --> Giant insect 1) Can create giant spiders, as well as beetles (scorpions?)

Spirit Armor 1) No damage to target 2) Costs the target some fatigue

Spook: Patch
1) No save (creature of lower level). Normal save for cre => level or cre 20hd+

Spider Spawn 1) add poison to Sword Spiders (including enemy sword spiders)

Stinking Cloud: patch 1) Save each round or be nauseated (no attack or cast spell, but can move at 1/2 speed).
2) -2 saves

Similar to SR, but requires a save every round, and also slows movement.

Stone to Flesh/Flesh to Stone 1) Combines these spells and has different effects depending on whether cast on Ally or enemy 2) Does damage to Stone golems and Earth elementals

Strength 1) Does not lower Str (+1 up to Str 23 for any cre w Str 18+). and only castable on allies

Sunfire 1) Targeted like fireball 2) Extra damage to undead (or only affects undead)

Symbol Spells 1) Grouped all together, choose which to cast at time of casting 2) Revived save penalties (pen death (-2)<stun(-4)<fear(-6)) 3) Can't dodge (change to projectiles)
4) Party Friendly

Tenser's Transformation 1) Dispel disabled casting if dispelled

Wail of the Banshee 1) -4 Save 2) Party Friendly
3) Ignores MR

Web 1) Save each round (vs. breath -2). Success means that creatures move at 1/2 speed. Failure means creatures cannot move and are -4 to attack, AC (except missile attacks, +10), and suffer 20% spell failure for round.
2) Huge creatures and creatures with str 20+ are immune.
3) fire spells remove web

Wraithform 1) Cast spell while protected by this spell 2) 50% resistance to physical damage 1) Combine Blindness/Deafness (Causes one or the other--your choice)
2) 1/2 Visual Range even if Save
3) penalty to save at higher levels 4) Deafness moved to 1st level

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Chromatic Orb Level: 1 Components: V, S, M Range: 0 AoE: One creature Save: Neg. Casting Time : 1 Duration: Special This spell causes a 4-inch-diameter sphere to appear in the caster's hand. Within the limits described below, the sphere can appear in a variety of colors; each color indicates a different special power. The caster can hurl the sphere at an opponent up to 30 yards away, providing there are no barriers between the caster and the target. If the target is no more than 10 yards away, the caster's to hit roll is made with a +3 bonus. If the target is 10-20 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +2 bonus. If the target is 20-30 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +1 bonus. If the chromatic orb misses its target, it dissipates without effect. If the target creature makes a successful saving throw, the chromatic orb is also ineffective. Otherwise, the color of the orb determines the amount of damage inflicted and its special power, as summarized on Table 16; details about the special powers are listed below. The caster can create a single orb of any color listed for his level or lower; for instance, a 3rd-level wizard can create an orange, red, or white orb. The material component for this spell is a gem of the appropriate hue or any diamond. The gem must have a value of at least 50 gp. Light from the orb causes the victim to become surrounded by light to a radius of 20 feet, as if affected by a light spell. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time the victim makes his attack rolls and saving throws at a -4 penalty, and his AC is penalized by 4. Heat from the orb is intense enough to melt 1 cubic yard of ice. The victim suffers a loss of 1 point of Strength and 1 point of Dexterity (or for victims without these attributes, -1 to hit and a penalty of 1 to AC) for 1 round. Fire from the orb ignites all combustible materials within 3 feet of the victim. Blindness from the orb causes the victim to become blind as per the spell. The effect lasts for 1 round/level of the caster. Stinking cloud from the orb surrounds the victim in a 5-foot-radius noxious cloud. The victim must save vs. poison or will be reeling and unable to attack until he leaves the area of the vapors. Magnetism from the orb has an effect only if the victim is wearing armor made from iron. The iron armor becomes magically magnetized for 3-12 (3d4) rounds. Other iron objects within 3 feet of the caster will stick tight to the magnetized armor; only dispel magic or a similar spell can release the stuck items. At the end of the spell's duration, the stuck items are released. Paralysis from the orb causes the victim to become paralyzed for 6-20 (2d8 + 4) rounds; a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation halves the number of rounds. Petrification from the orb turns the victim to stone. If the victim successfully saves vs. petrification, he avoids turning to stone and instead is slowed (as per the spell) for 2-8 (2d4) rounds. Death from the orb causes the victim to die. If the victim successfully saves. vs death magic, he avoids death and instead is paralyzed for 2-5 (1d4 +1) rounds. Table 16: Chromatic Orb Effects Level of Color of Orb Hit Points Special Caster Generated of Damage Power s White 1-4 Light n Red 1-6 Heat r Orange 1-8 Fire t Yellow 1-10 Blindness t Green 1-12 Stinking Cloud t Turquoise 2-8 Magnetism t Blue 2-16 Paralysis t Violet slow Petrification t Black paralysis Death

Protection From Cold (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell confers complete invulnerability to cold damage.

Protection From Fire (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell confers complete invulnerability to fire damage.

Larloch's Minor Drain (Necromancy)

Level: 1 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the wizard drains the life force from a target and adds it to own. The target creature suffers 1d4 magic damage, while the wizard gains 1d4 Hit Points. If the wizard goes over maximum Hit Point total with this spell, loses them after 1 turn. This spell has no effect on constructs or undead.

Demi-Shadow Monsters (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 5 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None

This spell is similar to the 4th-level wizard spell Shadow Monsters, except the summoned creatures are much more powerful.

Flame Arrow (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 3 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special

This spell enables the caster to hurl fiery arrows at one of enemies. Each bolt inflicts 1d6 points of piercing damage plus 4d6 points of fire damage. Only half of the fire damage is inflicted if the creature struck saves vs. Spell. The caster can fire one bolt for every five experience levels (two bolts at 10th level, three at 15th level, etc.).

Protection From Normal Missiles (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the wizard bestows total invulnerability to non-magical hurled and launched missiles such as arrows, bolts, bullets, darts, throwing axes, and throwing daggers. Note, however, that this spell does not convey any protection from such magical attacks as Fireball, Lightning Bolt, or Magic Missile, nor does it protect against magical missiles such as arrows +1.

Protection From Evil (Abjuration)

Level: 1 Range: Touch Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, a magical barrier forms around the recipient and moves with . The barrier has three effects: First, it bestows a +2 bonus to the recipient's Armor Class and Saving Throws against attacks from evil-aligned opponents; second, it prevents summoned fiends from attacking the recipient; third, it makes the recipient immune to charm-based spells or effects (e.g. Charm Person, Charm Person or Mammal, Domination, and so on).

Protection From Petrification (Abjuration)

Level: 2 Range: Touch Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell grants the recipient immunity to all petrification attacks. This includes basilisk and medusa gaze, cursed scrolls of petrification, etc.

Detect Evil (Divination)

Level: 2 Range: 0 Duration: Instant Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Visual range of the caster Saving Throw: None

When Detect Evil is cast, any evil creature within the range of the spell will glow red briefly.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
## Revised Arcane Spells This section details changes to arcane (mage, bard and sorcerer) spells. ## b_spells_settings.ini You can choose not to install one of many changes detailed below by setting the relevant variable to 0 in b_spells_settings.ini. For example, if you do not want to install the expensive material requirement for the identify spell, then open b_spells_settings.ini and change this: `OUTER_SET identify_mucho_gold = 1` to this: `OUTER_SET identify_mucho_gold = 0` You can also choose to install different variants for certain spells. Find the details for each change below ## Patching Wherever possible, I will patch, rather than overwrite, a given spell. What this basically means is that whatever modifier introduced will be adding the extra effect to the spell itself (i.e. to whatever version of the spell you have installed). So, for example, if you have the SR version of the Chill Touch spell, all of the chill touch modifications will modify that spell, meaning that the spell will be otherwise identical to the SR version of the spell. Or, if you don't have the SR version, that's fine; the vanilla Chill Touch spell will be modified instead. I will endeavor to let you know if the revision notes if the changes are patched, or overwritten (and why if the latter).


### Level 1

Armor (Revised)


By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical field of force that serves as if it were scale mail armor (AC 6). It is cumulative with Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class and, in the case of Fighter/Mages, with the shield bonus. The Armor spell does not hinder movement, adds no weight or encumbrance, and doesn't prevent spellcasting. It lasts until successfully dispelled or until its duration expires. Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative.

Revision Notes: The pnp version works on any touched creature, so I figured that I would allow the player to do the same. The spell and description will be patched, so it'll modify whatever version of the spell you have installed (e.g. SR or vanilla). The description is also patched to indicate that multiple castings are not cumulative.

Specific Changes 1) Touch Range: If armor_touch_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: If 1st level cantrips is installed, then Armor will Not be touched by this component. If 1st level cantrips is later installed, then the change to Armor will be reverted back to the original spell (i.e. caster only).

Chill Touch (Revised)

Revision Notes: The main issues that I have with the original spell are both that it is weak, and that it is only useful when the mage has made a mistake and gotten themselves into melee. As such, it's a plan to fail spell. On the other hand, there a number of cool modifications possible for this spell, but all of them together make the spell too powerful for a first level spell (much less a cantrip!) Because of this, those modifications have been divided into two spells: one that can either replace Chill Touch, or be added as an additional spell, and the other which just modifies the Chill Touch spell itself.

For the replacement spell (Spectral Hand), see the New Spells section. This section will just outline possible alterations of the spell itself (also see the cantrip section--even if you choose to replace Chill Touch with Spectral Hand, the Chill Touch spell can still reappear as a cantrip, and any modifications you make with this component will apply to the Cantrip version of the spell).

Chill Touch Patches: All revisions are patched into the existing spell (or chill touch item). I have as many as 4 different revisions for this spell. The first modification allows chill touch to affect undead creatures (either causing them to flee or holding them in place). The second modification gives Chill Touch a damage progression, meaning that it causes more damage as the character levels up. There are two options for this increase: one gives the spell an additional die of damage at levels 6, 12, and 18. The other increases damage like the vanilla burning hands spell (+2/level, to a max of +20). The final modification removes or modifies the save when chill touch has landed. You can choose to have the spell either deal 1/2 damage on a successful save, or not allow a save at all. Finally, there is the Consistent Damage patch. This spell has different effects in IWDEE compared to BG(2)EE, including how much damage it causes. In IWDEE, it causes d4 damage, and in BG(2)EE, it causes d8 damage. This component sets the amount of damage to a specific amount (default is d8, but you can set it to virtually any die size).

Specific Changes: Changes to Chill Touch Spell 1) Affect Undead: If chill_affect_undead_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini, then undead affected by chill touch will flee from the caster. If chill_affect_undead_patch is set to 2, then undead are held in place as if they fail to save (but are otherwise unaffected.) (set to 1 by default) 2) Increased Damage Progression: If chill_increased_dam_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini, then the spell will do an additional die of damage at levels 6, 12 and 18. (set to 1 by default) 3) No Save: If chill_no_save_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini. If chill_no_save_patch is set to 2, then chill touch is changed to save for 1/2 damage (and extra effect). (set to 1 by default) 3) Consistent Damage: If chill_con_dam_patch sets the damage size. So, if is set to 3 in b_spells_settings.ini, then chill touch will do d3 damage. (set to 8 by default)

1st-Level Chill Touch Spell Description with all of the default changes


For Reference #### Text Alterations **Affect Undead**: If this patch is installed, the following will be added to the end of the spell description: _This spell has a special effect on undead creatures. Undead touched by the caster suffer no damage or Strength loss, but they must successfully save vs. spell or held/flee for 2 Turns._ **Damage Progression**:

IWDEE: IWDEE already applies a fear affect to the Chill Touch Spell. As such, the spell is typically modified only applies this effect to the spell if SR is installed (as SR overwrites the spell). Similarly, the spell does d4 damage, so spell damage will not be modified if consistent damage is set to d4. BG(2)EE: The spell does d8 damage in BG(2)EE. As such, the spell will not be modified in this game if consistent damage is set to d8.
0-Level Cantrips: The following modifications will not be available if chill touch is converted to a 0-Level spell: No Save (though, save for 1/2 damage is available), and Hold Undead effect. These modifications will be reverted if 0-Level Cantrips is installed, and they will not be applied if 0-Level Cantrips is installed. Specifically, no save will be converted to save 1/2, and hold undead will be changed to undead fear.
1st-Level Cantrips: The following modifications will not be available if chill touch stays as a 1st level spell: No Save (though, save for 1/2 damage is available). These modifications will be reverted if 1st-Level Cantrips is installed, and they will not be applied if 1st-Level Cantrips is installed. Specifically, no save will be converted to save 1/2. Touch Spells Modification: It is not recommended to remove all saves from Chill Touch if the "Change all touch spells to Targeted Spells" global modification is installed (as this could make the spell imbalanced in the other direction).

Color Spray (Revised)


Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from hand. 1d6 creatures within the area are affected in order of increasing distance from the wizard. All creatures in the area of effect that have 4 Hit Dice or less must make a successful Saving Throw or be rendered unconscious for 5 rounds.

Blind or unseeing creatures are not affected by the spell.

Revision Notes: This version just adds (patches) immunity for blind creatures. The spell clearly needs a change, but I think the SR version is fine. Patches existing the existing spell.

Specific Changes 1) Blind Immune: If color_blind_immune_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Find Familiar (Revised)

Revision Notes: The find familiar spell is an oddity. It is a very useful spell, but it is the kind of spell that (ideally) you only need to cast once. As such, it doesn't really work great as a 'normal' spell, nor as a cantrip. Also, it has the limit that only one member of the party (specifically, the protagonist in BG(2)EE) can have a familiar at a time (even if you have a party of mages). As such, this mod will modify the spell (or other portions of the game, as needed) to rectify these shortcomings. Specifically, there are two patches offered by this mod to the spell: first, it a patch will convert the spell to an innate ability (though, cast via the mage spell menu) that can be cast once per day by any mage, bard or sorcerer that can cast 1st level arcane spells. Second, a patch (available in EET only) will allow the party to have as many familiars as mages are in the party.

Specific Changes: 1) Innate Find Familiar: if b_ffam_revision_patch_innate is set to 1, this component will convert the find familiar spell to an innate that can be cast once per day and is available to any kit or class that can cast 1st level arcane spells (i.e. mages and sorcerers at 1st level, and bards at 2nd level). (set to 1 by default)
2) Multiple Familiars: if b_ffam_revision_patch_innate is set to 1, this component will allow multiple familiars in the party (EET only) (Set to 1 by default).

Identify (Revised)


When an identify spell is cast, magical items subsequently touched by the wizard can be identified. The spell can identify 1 item of the target allied creature at 1st level, It can identify an additional item at 5th level, and every 5 levels after that (max 5 items at 20th level).

This spell requires the expenditure of 100gp, and it will not function if you do not have 100gp on hand_

Revision Notes: There are two major changes to this spell, both of which are (semi) optional. The first major change is that it allows you to identify multiple items at higher levels, as well as identify items in an allies' inventory. The second major (and, I'm sure controversial) change is the 100gp requirement. Even if you don't install any changes, however, some components of this mod, like the 1st level cantrips component, may change the identify spell. That said, even in these instances, you can control whether or not it identifies multiple items and if it requires a 100gp sacrifice to cast separately. Note that there is no feasible way to patch the identify spell.

1st level cantrips: This spell moves to level 2 (unchanged) if 1st level cantrips is installed.

Specific Changes 1) Multiple Items: If identify_multi_items is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default), then the identify spell can identify multiple items in an allies' inventory. 2) Expensive Component: If identify_mucho_gold is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini, then this spell will require an expenditure of 100 gold to cast. If identify_mucho_gold is set to 2, then this spell will require an expenditure of 100 gold to cast. If identify_mucho_gold is set to 0, then this spell will not require an expenditure of gold to cast. (set to 1 by default)

Special thanks to Bubb for this spell. It wouldn't be possible without his sorcerery


Revision Notes: The main 'tweak' to this spell is essentially a replacement spell: Devil's Eyes (see the New Spells Component). I do like SR's replacement, True Strike, but I feel that a low level divination spell that actually grants infravision should be available. Of course, the spell itself is a bit lackluster as is, so I've made it substantially more potent (perhaps too potent if I'm being honest). That said, METweaks gives an option to revise infravision to the point that the original spell may actually be worth a first level slot. Additionally, Devil's eyes may actually be too strong for a 1st level slot, so I've also given an option to add Devil's Eyes as a second level spell (see b_spells_settings.ini section in Notes). All this to say that there is no specific 'revision' of Infravision, but see Devil's Eyes in the New Spells section.

Shocking Grasp (Revised)

Revision Notes: The main tweak to this spell is essentially a replacement spell: Jolt. I do like SR's revision of Shocking Grasp, and I strongly encourage the user to either not install Jolt, or install it as an additional spell if SR is installed (this latter option will be the default). The main issue that I have with the Shocking Grasp spell, which it shares will all similar spells, is that it requires that the mage engage in melee, which is something most mages should generally avoid. While the SR version helps the wizard to escape melee, by potentially stunning the target, the spell is hopefully one that wizards won't find themselves needing often. But, that's just the problem. As such, I've endeavored to create a spell that can find a bit more use for the mage that finds themselves constantly in mid-range combat.

Specific Changes Note: jolt_spell set to 1 by default 1) Replace Shocking Grasp: This spell will (under normal circumstances) replace the Shocking Grasp spell with Jolt, if jolt_spell is set to 1 or 2. If jolt_spell is set to 1, it will not replace Shocking Grasp if (and only if) SR is installed, but will instead be added as a new spell (i.e. otherwise it will replace Shocking Grasp with Jolt). If jolt_spell it will replace Shocking Grasp even if SR is installed. 2) Jolt (see below) added as a New Spell: Jolt will be added as a new spell if jolt_spell is set to 3 or 4. If jolt_spell is set to 3, then the spell will be added as a level 1 spell. If jolt_spell is set to 4, then the spell will be added as a second level spell. Note that in this case, Shocking Grasp will not be touched at all (whether or not SR is installed). Note, that it is recommended to install Jolt as a 2nd level spell (i.e. again, by setting jolt_spell to 4 in b_spells_settings.ini) if SR is Not installed (as otherwise, it will completely outclass Shocking Grasp). If Jolt is added as a second level spell, the damage is increased (see below)

Jolt (New/Revised)


Upon casting this spell, the caster generates a jolt of electricity in the body of a nearby enemy. The jolt causes 1d4 points of electrical damage (+1d4 at 3rd level, and every 2 levels after that--max 5d4 at level 9), and halves their speed for a crucial 6 seconds if they do not save vs. polymorph.

0-level cantrips: This spell becomes a cantrip if 0-level cantrips is installed. In this case, the target gains a +2 bonus to their save (-1 at levels 10 and 20). Damage is increased by 1d4 at levels 6, 12 and 18 2nd Level Version: If this spell is added as a second level spell, it does d8 damage instead of d4 damage.

Sleep (Revised)

Note to self: see 5e version

Spook (Revised)


A Spook spell enables the wizard to play upon natural fears to cause the target creature to perceive the caster as someone or something inimical, which then appears to advance upon it in a threatening manner. Creatures of a lower level than the caster do not get a save, and flee from the caster for 3 rounds. Creatures of an equal or higher level than the caster are allowed a save. Affected creatures flee at maximum speed as far from the wizard as possible The creature suffers a Saving Throw penalty of -1 every 2 levels of the caster, up to a maximum of -6 at 12th level. Although the caster does not actually pursue the fleeing creature, a phantasm from its own mind does. Undead are completely unaffected.

Revision Notes: This spell needs a little 'oomph' to compete with sleep (especially the SR version of sleep). So, I made it so that there is no save for creatures of a lower level than the caster. This change will override any other changes you may have made to the spook spell. That is, this change does not patch the spell. (but set spook_no_save to 0 to avoid install)

Specific Changes 1) No save: If spook_no_save is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default).

1st level cantrips:


### Level 2


### Level 3

Flame Arrow (Revised)

Revision Notes: I just wanted to make something that is a bit closer to the 2e pnp version of the spell. Because I made the arrows missile weapons, it is possible for them to miss their target entirely. As such, I removed the save for 1/2 damage (your AC acts as something of a Save to Negate).

Specific Changes: Hurled Flame Arrows: If VAR is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default).

Hurled Flame Arrows Spell Description

Flame Arrow (Revised)


This spell enables the caster to hurl fiery arrows at one or more of enemies. The caster can fire one bolt for every five experience levels (two bolts at 10th level, three at 15th level, etc.). gains a +4 bonus to this attack roll. Each bolt inflicts 1d6 points of piercing damage plus 4d6 points of fire damage.

The caster must throw all bolts in the round that they are created. Any bolts does not throw in the round are lost.

1st level cantrips:


### Level 4


### Level 5

Feeblemind (Revised)

Revision Notes:

Specific Changes :
1) Feral Feeblemind: If VAR is set to 1 (set to 1 by default). This modification makes the spell more similar to the 5e version. Targets can still move and attack, but they can only use unarmed attacks (without the benefit of monk training) and they cannot use spells or special abilities.

Feral Feeblemind Spell Description


### Level 6


### Level 7


### Level 8


### Level 9
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

//Favor of Ilmater (Name change: Divine Favor; castable by evil and on evil)

//Holy Word/Unholy word: Combine and make party friendly. Change name to ...

//Mist of Eldath Name Change: Clensing Mist; Mass Cure at 5th level is 10 hp + 20% of max; Mist of Eldath at 7th level is 10 hp + 10% of max, plus dispel poison and disease and level drain and Sleep and Slow and Stun, every round for 5 rounds, for all allies in the AoE.

//Cure disease/Nut. poison/Remove Paralysis (combine these spells)

//Unholy Blight: Damages party enemies (evil don't care about hurting other evil)

Bless (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 1 Sphere: All Range: 40 ft. Duration: 6 rounds Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

Upon uttering the Bless spell, the caster raises the morale of friendly creatures by +1. Furthermore, it raises their attack and damage rolls by +1. The caster determines at what range (up to 40 ft.) the spell will be cast. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 15-ft. radius centered on the point selected by the caster (thus, affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effects; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not).

Chant (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 2 Sphere: Combat Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 60-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

By means of the Chant spell, the priest brings special favor upon self and party and causes harm to enemies. When the Chant spell is completed, all the priest's allies within the area of effect gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, minimum damage rolls, and Saving Throws. Furthermore, damage dice for all effects outside a weapon's base damage is reduced by 1. For example, a 6d6 fireball will do 6d5 damage, and a flaming long sword that deals 1d8+2 slashing plus 1d3 fire damage will deal 1d8+2 slashing plus 1d2 fire damage instead. The priest's enemies suffer from the opposite effects.

Multiple chants are not cumulative. This spell requires a moderate amount of concentration by the caster, so the priest cannot cast any spells for the chant's duration, and movement is slowed by half.

Prayer (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 3 Sphere: Combat Range: 0 Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

Prayer bestows favor on the priest and allies, and curses their enemies. All attacks, damage, and Saving Throws by friendly characters gain a +1 bonus, while enemy attacks, damage rolls, and saves get a -1 penalty. Any creatures within the area of effect when the spell is cast will continue to be affected by the spell when they leave the area, so if the warriors want to chase down that fleeing goblin, the effects of the Prayer will follow them.

Favor of Ilmater (Necromancy)

Level: 3 Sphere: Necromantic, Protection Range: 30 ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

By invoking this spell, the caster switches own life force with that of the recipient, exchanging all physical injuries. The spell will only function if the caster has more Hit Points than the target before the switch is attempted. This switch is permanent until the caster uses normal methods to heal the damage. The exchange can be done from a distance so long as the spell range is not exceeded. Only the Hit Points are exchanged; the caster cannot take on other conditions from the target such as disease, poison, intoxication, and similar afflictions.

This spell cannot be cast by evil-aligned characters. It has no effect on undead, constructs, or extraplanar creatures.

Mist of Eldath (Invocation)

Level: 7 Sphere: Elemental Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 7-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

This spell blankets the area of effect with a silver-blue mist—any creature within the mist will be cured of disease and poison and healed 25 Hit Points.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago


Bless: Increased bonuses as char levels up: +1 per 10 levels

Curse: Increased penalties as char levels up: -1 per 10 levels

Doom: -1 penalty per 5 levels

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Holy Word (Conjuration)

Level: 7 Sphere: Combat Range: 0 Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

When uttered, this spell turns the priest into a bridge between deity and the Prime Material Plane, allowing to funnel magical energy to smite all creatures of evil alignment in the area of effect. The effects differ depending on the target's Hit Dice:

There is no Saving Throw; the effects are instantaneous and last for the duration of the spell or until dispelled. Holy Word can only be cast by good-aligned characters.

Unholy Word (Conjuration)

Level: 7 Sphere: Combat Range: 0 Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

When uttered, this spell turns the priest into a bridge between deity and the Prime Material Plane, allowing to funnel magical energy to smite all creatures of good alignment in the area of effect. The effects differ depending on the target's Hit Dice:

There is no Saving Throw; the effects are instantaneous and last for the duration of the spell or until dispelled. Unholy Word can only be cast by evil-aligned priests.

Spike Growth (Alteration)

Level: 3 Sphere: Elemental Earth Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

This spell transforms the surrounding terrain into spiky plants. Any creature entering the area takes 1d4 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of slashing damage every round until the spell expires.

Unholy Blight (Necromancy)

Level: 3 Sphere: Combat Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special

This spell calls upon energy from the Negative Material Plane and opens a channel between it and the targets. Any creatures of good alignment within the area of effect take 1d6 magic damage for every 2 levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 5d6 at level 10; a successful Save vs. Spell halves the damage. In addition, if the victims fail their Save, they suffer a -2 penalty to hit, damage, and Saving Throws for 3 rounds. This spell cannot be cast by good-aligned characters.

Holy Smite (Necromancy)

Level: 3 Sphere: Combat Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special

This spell calls upon energy from the Plane of Brilliance and opens a channel between it and the targets. Any evil creatures within the area of effect take 1d6 magic damage for every 2 levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 5d6 at level 10; a successful Save vs. Spell halves the damage. In addition, if victims fail their save, they are blinded for 1 round. This spell cannot be cast by evil-aligned characters.

Curse (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 1 Sphere: All Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 6 rounds Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

When uttering the Curse spell, the caster lowers the morale of enemy creatures and any Saving Throws and attack rolls they make by 1. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 15-ft. radius centered on the point selected by the caster. Affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not.

Doom (Alteration)

Level: 1 Sphere: Charm Range: 25 ft. Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell causes a feeling of doom to overwhelm the target. For the duration of the spell, the target receives a -2 penalty to its attack rolls and Saving Throws. There is no Saving Throw for this spell.

Resist Fire and Cold (Alteration)

Level: 2 Sphere: Protection Range: Touch Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

When this spell is placed upon a creature, the creature's body is toughened to withstand heat and cold. Complete immunity to mild conditions (standing naked in the snow or reaching into an ordinary fire to pluck out a note) is gained. The recipient can somewhat resist intense heat or cold (whether natural or magical in origin), such as red-hot charcoal, a large amount of burning oil, flametongue swords, fire storms, fireballs, meteor swarms, red dragon's breath, frostbrand swords, ice storms, wands of frost, or white dragon's breath. In all of these cases, the temperature affects the creature to some extent. The recipient has all damage sustained by fire or cold reduced by 50%.

Resist Fire/Cold (Alteration)

Level: 2 Sphere: Protection Range: Touch Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

When this spell is placed upon a creature, it gains +50% resistance to fire and cold.

Protection From Fire (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Sphere: Protection, Elemental Fire Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell sets the target's Fire Resistance to 80%.

Goodberry (Alteration, Evocation)

Level: 2 Sphere: Plant Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None

Casting a Goodberry spell creates 5 magical berries that the caster can carry with . Each berry restores 1 Hit Point when eaten.

Goodberry (Alteration, Evocation)

Level: 2 Sphere: Plant Range: 0 Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 5 berries Saving Throw: None

Casting a Goodberry spell creates a clump of magical berries that the caster can carry with . These berries cure 5 points of damage when eaten. The berries will only last one day per level of the caster, so it's not advisable to carry them around for too long.

Cure Disease (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Range: Touch Sphere: Necromantic Duration: Instant Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

When this spell is placed on a diseased individual, it immediately cures them and restores 5 lost Hit Points. The cure is permanent, but does not grant the recipient of the spell immunity from further afflictions. Blindness and deafness are also cured with this spell. This spell has no effect on undead, constructs, or extraplanar creatures..

Slow Poison (Necromancy)

Level: 2 Sphere: Healing Range: Touch Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

When this spell is placed upon a poisoned individual, it slows the effects of venom. This spell does not neutralize the poison; instead, it just slows it down enough for the recipient to get real healing at a temple or from party's priest.

This spell also cures intoxication.

Neutralize Poison (Necromancy)

Level: 4 Sphere: Healing Range: Touch Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

When this spell is placed upon a poisoned individual, it immediately neutralizes any poison and restores 10 lost Hit Points.

Remove Paralysis (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Sphere: Protection Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

By the use of this spell, the priest can free allied creatures from the effects of any paralysis or related magic, such as a Ghoul Touch or Hold Person spell.

Detect Evil (Divination)

Level: 1 Sphere: All Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Visual range of the caster Saving Throw: None

This spell discovers emanations of evil from any creature. Any evil creature within the range of the spell will glow red briefly.

Protection From Evil (Abjuration)

Level: 1 Sphere: Protection Range: Touch Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, a magical barrier forms around the recipient and moves with . The barrier has three effects: First, it bestows a +2 bonus to the recipient's Armor Class and Saving Throws against attacks from evil-aligned opponents; second, it prevents summoned fiends from attacking the recipient; third, it makes the recipient immune to charm-based spells or effects (e.g. Charm Person, Charm Person or Mammal, Domination, and so on).

Protection From Evil, 10' Radius (Abjuration)

Level: 4 Sphere: Protection Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, all creatures within a 15-ft. radius are affected individually by Protection From Evil. Hence, they receive a +2 bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws against evil-aligned opponents, summoned fiends will not attack them, and they will be immune to all charm-based spells.

Hold Animal (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 3 Sphere: Animal Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell holds 1d4 hostile animals rigidly immobile. Specifically, it affects the targeted enemy and up to 3 hostile creatures within 20 ft. of it. Only normal and giant-sized animals are affected by this spell. Strange monsters such as wyverns and carrion crawlers do not count as animals. A successful Save vs. Spell negates the effect.

Paralyzed creatures are helpless and cannot dodge or defend themselves from attacks. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subject's condition due to wounds, disease, or poison.

Unfailing Endurance (Necromancy)

Level: 4 Sphere: Necromantic Range: Touch Duration: Instant Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell restores the stamina of the creature touched, eliminating any fatigue.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Divine Spells

Level 1

Abundant Ammunition (New) [Ranger]


This spell creates special ammunition in the caster's inventory. This spell can either create a stack of 20 bolts, arrows or bullets. These projectiles are somewhat better than standard ammunition. The ranger can create the following with this spell: All ammunition types strike as +1 weapons (though, they do not necessarily gain a +1 bonus to strike or damage).

Notes: Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the War Sphere if FnP is installed. 1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to a 2nd level spell, with 2x the ammo if 1st level Cantrips is installed. Ranger Only: This spell is only available to the ranger (unless FnP is installed)

Hunting Arrows
This arrow is sharp and jagged, capable of causing grievous persistent wounds to targets. When this arrow strikes a target, they must save vs. wands or take 1 point of slashing damage/round for 6 rounds. This effect is removed if the target receives healing of any kind.
This arrow strikes as a +1 weapon.

Hunting Bolts
This bolt is sharp and jagged, capable of causing grievous persistent wounds to targets. When this arrow strikes a target, they must save vs. wands or take 1 point of slashing damage/round for 6 rounds. This effect is removed if the target receives healing of any kind.
This bolt strikes as a +1 weapon.


Weighted Bullets
This bullet seems normal, except that it is especially big and heavy--too heavy to launch accurately (imposing a -1 to hit penalty). However, it has a chance to knock the target senseless. When it does hit, it inflicts an additional 4 points of crushing damage to the target, and has a 30% chance to knock down the target for 3 seconds if they do not save vs. wands.
This bullet strikes as a +1 weapon.

Keen Arrows
This arrow is well crafted and accurate, and possesses a sharp point. Keen arrows are +1 to hit, and have a 15% chance of inflicting an additional 1d6 points of damage to struck targets.
This arrow strikes as a +1 weapon.

Keen Bolts
This bolt is well crafted and accurate, and possesses a sharp point. Keen bolts are +1 to hit, and have a 15% chance of inflicting an additional 1d8 points of damage to struck targets.
This bolt strikes as a +1 weapon.

Balanced Bullets
This bullet is very well balanced and aerodynamic, making it especially accurate, granting a +3 to all attack roles.
This bullet strikes as a +1 weapon.

Piercing Arrows
This arrow seems perfectly normal, if particularly sharp. However, when it hits its target, it pierces flesh with ease, doing substantial damage.
This arrow strikes as a +1 weapon.

Piercing Bolt
This arrow seems perfectly normal, if particularly sharp. However, when it hits its target, it pierces flesh with ease, doing substantial damage.
This arrow strikes as a +1 weapon.

Eggshell Bullet
This bullet looks more like an egg than a proper bullet, and it seems to contain some kind of powder. Indeed, it is designed to burst open at the slightest impact, coating the target with that powder. The bullet itself doesn't do much damage--targets take 1 point--but the target must save vs. poison or choke on the fumes, suffering 1 point of poison damage per second, and is penalized for -1 to AC for 6 seconds.
This bullet is not well balanced, and it is difficult to shoot accuracy. As such, it imposes a -2 penalty to hit.
This bullet strikes as a +1 weapon.

Animal Eyes (New) [Druid/Ranger]


When the caster completes this spell and touches an allied animal, gains the ability to see through that animal's eyes allowing to see everything that that animal sees. Additionally, has greater influence over the creature, urging it to be more aggressive in its attacks, granting it a +1 critical threat rolls.
While this spell is in effect, the caster's body is helpless, as is helpless, and blind.

0 Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Orison without alteration if 0 level Cantrips is installed.

Binding (New) [Universal]


This spell conjures a rope that wraps around a target creature if they do not save vs. breath. Affected creatures cannot move and are effectively held. Creatures are held for 1 round per 3 levels of the caster (max 7 rounds at 19th level)
Huge or larger creatures are not affected by this spell.

1st Level Cantrips: Duration stays at 1 round

Bless Water (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


With this spell, the caster performs a short, but sacred ritual, creating holy water which can use self or give to companions. Holy water is harmful against evil outsiders and undead creatures, and mildly beneficial to living creatures. Vials can be thrown or drunk, healing 1d4 points of damage to a living creature, or causing 2d4+2 magic damage to an undead creature or demonic outsider.
At 1st level, 1 vial is created. An extra vial is created every 2 levels after that.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Benediction Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.
1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, damage increses to 3d4 +3, and healing increases to 1d4+2.

Vial of Holy Water This is a vial of water that has been sanctified by a cleric.
When this delicate vial is thrown at a target, it breaks open, splashing them with holy water. Holy water acts like acid against undead and demonic entities, but is soothing to living creatures, healing them for minor damage.


Guidance (New)


This spell imbues the subject with a touch of divine guidance.

The recipient of this spell gains a +10% bonus to all thief skills for the duration of the spell.

1st level cantrips: This spell is changed to a second level spell, and lasts for 1 minute per 3 levels if Level 1 cantrips is installed.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Knowledge Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.
EEex: This spell gives the +10% bonus to added skills if EEex is installed.

Camouflage (New) [Druid/Ranger]


This spell changes the coloration of the caster to match the surrounding environment, making very difficult to see. When this spell is cast, the caster gains a +50% bonus to hide and move silently, and naturally blends in to the surrounding environment, allowing to hide as a thief or ranger for the duration.
This bonus increases by +5% at 2nd level, and +5% per 2 levels after that, to a maximum of +75% at 10th level.

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, with 5 turn duration, and a +20% bonus to stealth (max 95% at 10th level)

Castigate (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


With this spell, you point at a single creature and rebuke them, filling them with terror for 1 round if they fail their save vs. spell.

Faiths and Powers:

Divine Wrath (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


This spell imbues the caster with pure force that can use against enemies. melee attacks inflict an additional 2d6 points of magic damage for 1 round per level (max 5 rounds).

Faiths and Powers: This spell is called Hand of Carnage if Faiths and Powers is installed, and it is in the Destruction Sphere.
1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, and damage is doubled (4d6).


Disrupt Undead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


This spell disrupts the negative energy that sustains a target undead creature. Any undead targeted by this spell suffers 2d6+2 points of magic damage, +1d6+1 per two levels (max 7d6+7 at 11th level).

0 Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Orison if Cantrips is installed, and damage starts at 1d6+1, but otherwise increases as normal.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed.

Eyes of the Dead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


When the caster completes this spell and touches an allied undead ally, gains the ability to see through that creature's eyes allowing to see everything that it sees. Additionally, has greater influence over the creature, making it attack more effectively, granting it a +4 bonus to attack rolls.
While this spell is in effect, the caster's body is helpless, as is helpless, and blind.

0 Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Orison without alteration if 0 level Cantrips is installed.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed.

Frost Fingers (New) [Druid/Ranger]


When the priest casts this spell, a jet of chilling frost shoots from fingertips. The priest's hands must be held so as to send forth a fanlike sheet of frost: thumbs must touch each other and the fingers must be spread. The spell sends out frost jets of 5 ft. length in a horizontal arc of about 120 degrees in front of the caster. Any creature in the area receives 1d6 points of cold damage, plus 1d6 per two levels to a maximum of 5d6 damage.

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, doing double damage.

Invisibility to Animals (New) [Druid/Ranger]


This spell causes nearby animals to lose track of and ignore the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Note that unlike normal invisibility, the recipient of this spell can still attack animals without losing the invisibility.

1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, unchanged.


Storm Bow (New) [Ranger]


This spell charges projectiles fired by the caster with the power of storm, inflicting an additional 1d8 points of electrical damage per hit.
This spell lasts for 1 minute at first level, and increases by 1 minute per 2 additional levels (max 5 minutes at level 9).

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, doing double damage if 1st level cantrips is installed. Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Elemental Air Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed. Ranger Only: This spell is only available to the ranger (unless FnP is installed, in which case it is available to any class that has access to the Elemental Air sphere)

Invisibility to Undead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


This spell causes nearby undead to lose track of and ignore the warded creature for the duration of the spell. This spell is effective against undead with 4 Hit Die or undead with Hit Die equal to the caster's level, whichever is higher. Note that unlike normal invisibility, the recipient of this spell can still attack undead creatures without losing the invisibility. Priests affected by this spell cannot turn undead.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.
1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, and the spell is effective against all undead for the duration.

Magic Weapon (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


Magic weapon gives the personal weapon of the caster a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls.

1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to a 2nd level spell with a duration of 1 hour if 1st level Cantrips is installed.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the War Sphere if FnP is installed.


### Level 2

Enthrall (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


This spell entrances up to 1d4 creatures, causing them to stand mystified for 1 round per level of the priest if they do not save vs. spell (maximum 10 rounds). Specifically, it affects the targeted enemy and up to 3 hostile creatures within 20 ft. of it. Enthralled creatures stand where they are, and fail to notice creatures around them.
Affected creatures shake off this effect if they are attacked.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Thought Sphere if FnP is installed.

Forbiddance (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


This spell enables the priest to forbid another creature to move, by commanding them to "stop". A creature so commanded will stop in it's tracks, and will be unable to move if they do not make a successful save vs. spells. Even if they do make their save, creatures find that they move at 1/2 speed as their legs resist their own will. At the end of the second round, the creature regains the use of it's legs, and can move normally.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Thought Sphere if FnP is installed.

Ice Blade (New) [Universal]


With this spell, the caster causes a swirling sword-shaped formation of jagged ice shards to spring forth from hand. This blade-like ray is wielded as if proficient. If the caster successfully hits with the ice blade in melee combat, the creature struck suffers 1d8 points of cold damage, +1 point per level (to a maximum of 1d8+10). The blade is considered to be of +1 enchantment when determining what it can hit.


Pacify the Dead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


Upon casting this spell, the priest causes one undead within range to be slowed. This effect negates Haste, but does not otherwise affect magically sped-up or slowed creatures. Slowed creatures suffer -4 penalties to attack and Armor Class.

Notes: Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed. 1st level cantrips: Changes to a 1st level spell, no change


Shatter (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


When the priest cast's this spell, creates a vibrating pulse that increases in intensity in a nearby creature or object that is especially destructive against inorganic, solid constructs like doors and golems. The first round, a living or undead creature takes 2d6 crushing damage unless they save vs. polymorph (in which case, they take half damage and the spell ends). Every round that they do not save, they suffer the amount of damage that they received in the last round, plus an additional 2d6 points of damage for a maximum of 4 rounds. Any round that they do save, they suffer 1/2 damage and the spell ends.
When cast on a door or locked container, it undermines the integrity of the object destroying all but the most sturdy or magically protected locks. Against constructs such as golems, and elementals it does double damage, and they cannot save to avoid its effects.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Destruction Sphere if FnP is installed.

Snilloc's Snowball Swarm (IWDEE)


This spell causes a flurry of snowballs to erupt from a point within range. These snowballs will hit everything within the area of effect, doing 1d3 points of cold damage per level, up to a maximum of 8d3 points at level 8. Against fire-using or fire-dwelling creatures, it inflicts 1d6 points of cold damage per level, up to a maximum of 8d6 points at level 8.

General: Set to Opposition School: Enchantment unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Conjurer as in IWDEE)

Watery Fist (New) [Druid/Ranger]


Upon completion of this spell the caster calls into being a huge disembodied fist formed purely of water. This fist will remain in existance for 1 round per 2 caster levels, up to maximum of 5 rounds at level 9. The first will attack the chosen target once per round and cause cold damage as listed below:

Credit for this spell belongs to Requiem & Mordeus (Used with permission)


### Level 3

Cloak of Darkness (New) [Universal]


This spell infuses the target with shadow, protecting them from both attacks and spells, while also protecting them from prying eyes. Targets gain a +1 bonus to AC per four levels (maximum of +5), +2 bonus to save vs. spells, and infravision for the duration of this spell.
Additionally, the recipient hides in shadows at 99%, and automatically blends into the shadows each round if they are not doing anything else.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Shadow Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.

Icelance (IWDEE)


This spell fires a magical lance of ice at a target of the caster's choosing. It automatically hits, inflicting 5d6 points of cold damage and forcing the target to make a Save vs. Spell or be stunned for 3 rounds.

General: Set to Opposition School: Enchantment unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Conjurer as in IWDEE)

Snare (New) [Druid/Ranger]


When the druid casts this spell, selects an area within range. The plant life in the area reconfigure to construct a deadly trap that does 1d8 points of piercing damage per level (max 10d8).
Much like a thief trap, this spell fails if cast in the presence of enemies.


Emotion: Courage (IWDEE)


This spell creates the emotion of courage within the area of effect. All creatures affected by the spell gain +1 to hit, +3 to their damage rolls, and +5 temporary Hit Points (which can put them above their maximum Hit Points). This spell nullifies all fear effects within the area of effect at the time of casting.

General: Set to Opposition School: Invocation unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Necromancer as in IWDEE) \page

Emotion: Fear (IWDEE)


This spell creates the emotion of fear within the area of effect. All enemies who fail to save vs. Spell flee for 5 rounds.

General: Set to Opposition School: Invocation unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Necromancer as in IWDEE)

Emotion: Hope (IWDEE)


This spell creates the emotion of hope within the area of effect. All creatures affected by the spell gain a morale boost and +2 on their Saving Throws, attack rolls, and damage rolls.

General: Set to Opposition School: Invocation unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Necromancer as in IWDEE)

Shadow Monsters (IWDEE)


This spell shapes material from the Demiplane of Shadow into illusory monsters. Up to six shadowy creatures can be summoned at once, but their total Hit Dice will normally not exceed the spellcaster's level.

General: Set to Opposition School: Necromancy unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Abjurer as in IWDEE)

Shout (IWDEE)


Shout grants the wizard tremendous vocal powers, allowing to emit an earsplitting roar from mouth in a cone-shaped area of effect. Any creature within this area is deafened for 9 rounds and suffers 4d6 points of magic damage. A successful Save vs. Spell negates the deafness and reduces the damage by half.

General: Set to Opposition School: Enchantment unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Conjurer as in IWDEE)


### Level 6

Animate Clay Construct (New)


Upon casting this spell, a mass of material is drawn from the environment, shaped into roughly humanoid form, and imbued with a modicum of sentience. The resulting construct is similar to a clay golem: able to follow rudimentary directions and attack the caster's foes, but lacking complex thought and reflection. After ten rounds, the magic holding the construct together fades, and the construct dissipates into dirt.


Shades (IWDEE)


Shades is similar to Shadow Monsters and Demi-Shadow Monsters—it allows the caster to shape material from the Demiplane of Shadow into illusionary creatures. These shadows are tougher than the shadows summoned by Shadow Monsters and Demi-Shadow Monsters, and they will obey the caster until the spell expires or they are slain.

General: Set to Opposition School: Necromancy unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Abjurer as in IWDEE)


### Level 7

Acid Storm (IWDEE)


This spell unleashes an acidic downpour on the area of effect, doing 1d4 points of acid damage each round for the first three rounds, 1d6 points for the next three rounds, and 1d8 points for each round thereafter. Moving out of the area of effect does not stop the damage. The acid adheres to the skin, and any creatures in the area of effect when Acid Storm is cast continue to suffer acid damage as long as the spell duration lasts. Creatures make a Save vs. Spell every round after they have been hit by the cloud. If successful, they only take half damage (for that round only).

General: Set to Opposition School: Enchantment unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Conjurer as in IWDEE)

Animate Stone Construct (New)


Upon casting this spell, a mass of rocky material is drawn from the environment, shaped into roughly humanoid form, and imbued with a modicum of sentience. The resulting construct is similar to a stone golem: able to follow rudimentary directions and attack the caster's foes, but lacking complex thought and reflection. After ten rounds, the magic holding the construct together fades, and the construct dissipates into rocks and gravel.

General: Set to Opposition School: Enchantment unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Conjurer as in IWDEE)

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago


Glyph of Warding Level: 3 Components: V, S, M Range: Touch AoE: Special Save: Special Casting Time : Special Duration: Until discharged A glyph of warding is a powerful inscription magically drawn to prevent unauthorizedor hostile creatures from passing, entering, or opening. It can be used to guard a small bridge, to ward an entry, or as a trap on a chest or box. The priest must set the conditions of the ward; typically any creature violating the warded area without speaking the name of the glyph is subject to the magic it stores. A successful saving throw vs. spell enables the creature to escape the effects of the glyph. Glyphs can be set according to physical characteristics, such as creature type, size, and weight. Glyphs can also be set with respect to good or evil, or to pass those of the caster's religion. They cannot be set according to class, Hit Dice, or level. Multiple glyphs cannot be cast on the same area; although if a cabinet had three drawers, each could be separately warded. When the spell is cast, the priest weaves a tracery of faintly glowing lines around the warding sigil. For every 5 square feet of area to be protected, one round is required to trace the warding lines of the glyph. The caster can affect an area equal to a square the sides of which are the same as his level, in feet. The glyph can be placed to conform to any shape up to the limitations of the caster's total square footage. Thus, a 6th-level caster could place a glyph on a 6-foot x 6-foot square, a 4-foot x 9-foot rectangle, a 2-foot x 18- foot band, or a 1-foot by 36-foot strip. When the spell is completed, the glyph and tracery become invisible. The priest traces the glyph with incense, which, if the area exceeds 50 square feet, must be sprinkled with powdered diamond (at least 2,000 gp worth). Typical glyphs shock for 1d4 points of electrical damage per level of the spellcaster, explode for a like amount of fire damage, paralyze, blind, deafen, and so forth. The DM may allow any harmful priest spell effect to be used as a glyph, provided the caster is of sufficient level to cast the spell. Successful saving throws either reduce effects by one- half or negate them, according to the glyph employed. Glyphs cannot be affected or bypassed by such means as physical or magical probing, though they can be dispelled by magic and foiled by high-level thieves using their find-and-remove-traps skill. The DM may decide that the exact glyphs available to a priest depend on his religion, and he might make new glyphs available according to the magical research rules.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

1) Increasing bonus as level up (as bless) 2) Increased duration

Animate Dead
1) Casting time 5 rounds

1) Longer Duration

Beast Claw
1) Increase str by +1 if str 18+
2) Increased duration

1) progression (ie higher boni at higher levels) (+1/5 levels (max +5)
2) longer duration

Call lightning 1) give an innate that can be used every round for duration 2) damage 6d8 only

1) Higher duration at higher levels

Charm person or Mammal
1) No save bonus 2) No hostility after charm
See Charm Beast (def as for hold) in new priest spells

Cloak of Fear
1) 2 rounds/lev caster radiates fear (as fear aura wiz spell p346)

1) lightning only strikes enemies 2) Much more damage vs. fire/cold creatures 3) No save for lightning
Outdoors only?

Death Ward: Minhp (1) effect for duration (but if reduced to 1 hp, then effect ends).

Dispel Magic 1) No affect on positive effects Maybe do a global for this spell


1) Penalty to hit and AC for cre in area

Find familiar
1) 3e or 5e version

Find traps
5e version. Ask kjeron if I can use his code Bypass Traps (is that the code I was thinking of?)
Er, give the caster and all nearby allies a spell state that gives them immunity to traps (modify all traps).

Finger of Death
1) Create zombie if the spell kills target

Flame Blade
1) Delivers touch spells
2) 3d6 fire dam (1 slashing), no strength
3) Magic weapon

Giant Insect
1) Can create giant spiders(scorpions?)

1) allow berries to be enchanted with other spells which target the person that consumes it (and cures 1hp)
2) Removes fatigue
3) Can't sell them 4) Eat all w/ no action

Greater Restoration
1) Restores petrified creatures
2) Removes charms/domination
3) Removes curses
4) Restores reduced attributes (including from feeblemind)

Holy word/Unholy word
1) merge into one spell (effect different depending on caster alignment) --> Edict
2) banished summoned creature
3) hp based (as 5e)
4) unholy: affects enemies regardless of alignment (evil don't care)

Know Alignment 1) Give some bonus vs. target

Invisibility Purge 1) Cast time: 6 (a bit faster)

Magic Resistance
1) does not work on enemies
2) Stacks with existing MR

Magic Stone
1) Magic weapon 3+ 1 per 5 levels (throw 3/round) dam 1d4 (2d4 undead)

1) Aid effect to all allies (exactly as aid, however that spell actually works)

Produce Fire (IWDEE spell) 1) As melfs minute meteors or similar peob not as good Inspired by knights of the chalice

Resist Fire and Cold 1) Longer duration

Shillelagh: 1)Treat Wisdom as strength for dam/attack (as 5e)

Spiritual Hammer
1) Create a hammer that will fight for you (as pnp)

Writhing Fog 1) No 20% (100%) to possibly slow

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

PnP UE Unfailing Endurance (Necromancy) Sphere: Necromantic Level: 4 Range: Touch Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 rd. Duration: 1 day/level Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: None This spell enhances the natural hardiness and stamina of the affected creatures by rendering them virtually immune to fatigue or exhaustion. During the casting of the spell, the caster must touch each creature to he affected. While under the spell’s influence, the subjects can force march with no penalty, engage in up to 12 hours of hard labor per day with no fatigue (or up to 16 hours with moderate fatigue), and gain a +4 bonus to Strength or Constitution checks. In addition, the subjects gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells or magical effects that cause weakness, fatigue, or enfeeblement. Finally, an affected creature’s fatigue rating (from PLAYER’S OPTION: Combat 6: Tactics) is doubled, and the subject gains a +4 bonus to his saving throws to recover from a fatigued or exhausted state.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Shillelagh: Treat Wisdom as strength for dam/attack (as 5e)

Produce Fire (IWDEE spell) As melfs minute meteors or similar peob not as good Inspired by knights of the chalice

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

First draft Move to first post when finalized

Armor of Faith (Revised)


When casting this spell, the caster of the Armor of Faith spell receives significant protection against magic and physical attacks. This magical protection is a force of energy that absorbs a portion of the damage intended for the caster. At 1st level, the protection is 10%, and every 5 levels of the caster improves by another 5% (maximum 30% at 20th level). This spell does not protect against energy damage, like fire or electricity. Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative.

Revision Notes: I like the SR version, but I don't like that it doesn't improve over levels. As such, this spell is identical to the SR version except that the protection it provides improves at higher levels.

1st level cantrips:

Curse (Revised)


When uttering the Curse spell, the caster lowers the moral of enemy creatures and any Saving Throws and attack rolls they make by 1. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 15-ft. radius centered on the point selected by the caster. Affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is complete are not.

Revision Notes: Just changes curse to twin the SR version of bless.

1st level cantrips:

Doom (Revised)


This spell causes a feeling of doom to overwhelm the target. For the duration of the spell, the target receives a -2 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. There is no Saving Throw for this spell.

Revision Notes: This is identical to the SR version, except no save is allowed. This spell needs to compete with Curse, and I feel that it can best do that with the faster casting time, increased penalty, and the absence of a save to resist.

Know Evil (Revised)


When this spell is cast, the caster is empowered with an instinctive combat prowess when fighting an evil creature. Against evil opponents, gain a +1 bonus to THAC0, +1 to damage, and can hit evil creatures that can only be hit with a +1 weapon (+1 at level 3 and every two levels after that).

Revision Notes: The Spell Revisions revision is fine. That is, it is as good as can be expected for a recognizable replacement for Detect Evil. It's just that there isn't much of a benefit to knowing the alignment of alignment of NPCs (well, spells like this make that information more useful--but, if you install SR, then you will still have access to these spells).

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, with initial bonuses doubled and the spell can target any ally. Spell Revisions: If Spell Revisions is installed, Know Evil is installed as a new spell.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Knowledge Sphere if FnP is installed.

Protection from Evil (Revised)


When this spell is cast, a magical barrier forms around the recipient and moves with . The barrier has two effects: First, it bestows a +2 bonus to the recipient's Armor Class and Saving Throws against attacks from evil-aligned opponents; second, it grants a +2 bonus to saves vs. enchantment spells.

Revision Notes: This is one of the few instances where I don't quite like the SR version of the spell. I like that it removes complete protection from demonic attack (see revised Gate), but I don't think that it quite gives enough 'oomph' for a 1st level spell. I don't like the complete immunity to charm based spells as granted by the IWDEE version either, so I settled on granting a +2 bonus vs. enchantment spells. Note that I'm not confident that the +2 to save vs. evil creatures is in effect, but I have an idea to implement that (321 that checks for evil alignment of caster, and if true casts a spell that grants a +2 to all saves for 1 sec if target has prot vs. evil i.e. with a second 321)

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, unchanged


### Level 2

Aid (Revised)

(Necromancy, Conjuration)

The recipient of this spell gains the benefits of a Bless spell (+1 to attack rolls and Saving Throws) and 1d8 bonus Hit Points for the duration of the spell. The bonus to attack and saves increase by 1, and the bonus hit points increase by 1d8 at level 8, and level 16. These bonus Hit Points can exceed a character's maximum Hit Points, but they are lost when the recipient takes damage and cannot be regained by curative magic.

Revision Notes: I like the SR version just fine. This version is meant as a kind of alternative, granting more bonus hit points, but with fewer straight bonuses.

1st level cantrips:


### Level 3

Hold Animal (Revised)

Revision Notes: My feeling is that this spell just isn't worth a 3rd level slot as is. As such, I've given the option to reduce the spell level to 1 by default (you can choose to make the spell a different level if you like: see Specific Changes section). However, in an effort to make it worth a 3rd level slot, I've designed a replacement spell: Hold Beast (see the new spells component and section). Hold Beast can either replace the original spell or be added as a new spell. Hold beast works like hold animal, but it also affects extraordinary and supernatural beasts: creatures that have animal like intelligence, but are either exotic or magical (e.g. the Carrion Crawler).

Specific Changes 1) Level Change: Setting hold_animal_lev to a non-zero value will change the spell to that level (default level 1). Note that if SR is installed, then this component will change the level of the SR replacement to hold animal--hold person or animal. That spell is too good for a first level slot (though, ultimately, the choice is yours).

0-level cantrips: If Cantrips is installed and Hold Animal is changed to a 1st level spell, then Hold Animal becomes a Druid Orison (unchanged).
Hold Beast: It is highly recommend that you change Hold Animal to a 1st or 2nd level spell if you install the 3rd level Hold Beast Spell (as that spell is objectively better than this one.
Spell Revisions: It is not recomended that you change Hold Animal to a 1st level spell if Spell Revisions is installed (as the replacement--Hold Person or Animal--is too good for a first level spell.)


### Level 4


### Level 5


### Level 6


### Level 7

Spike Growth: 1/2 movement speed for each round (save vs. spell to negate)

Unholy Blight Deals damage to all casters enemies.

Why? Evil don't care ( and it makes the spell a bit more useful) Maybe does double damage to good creatures. Destroy all enemies, but especially those goody goody types

Level 7

Holy word/Unholy word

I'll probably merge into a 'divine edict' spell (can cast different spells depending on caster alignment)


//Find Familiar: Can set off traps, and be cast by other than main character (IWD version?) Cantrip or innate

//Larloch's Minor Drain ???




//Goodberry Recover Fatigue

//Favor of Ilmater (Name change: Divine Favor; castable by evil and on evil)

//Holy Word/Unholy word: Combine and make party friendly. Change name to ...

//Mist of Eldath Name Change: Clenching Mist; Mass Cure at 5th level is 10 hp + 20% of max; Mist of Eldath at 7th level is 10 hp + 10% of max, plus dispel poison and disease and level drain and Sleep and Slow and Stun, every round for 5 rounds, for all allies in the AoE.

//Cure disease/Nut. poison/Remove Paralysis (combine these spells) --> Cure affliction

//Unholy Blight: Damages party enemies (evil don't care about hurting other evil)


Resist fire/cold type spells On the list of level 2 priest spells, the druid list shows the standard BG1 "Resist Fire and Cold", but the cleric list shows both "Resist Fire and Cold" and "Resist Fire/Cold

Detect evil --> Reveal Evil dispels invisibility of evil creatures (?)

Slow poison -->Protection from disease/poison

Sphere: Protection

Protection from disease and poison

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Global: Combine emotion spells Global: Combine symbol spells

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Enthrall: give bonus to allies pick pocket for duration