Grammarsalad / Spells_and_Magic

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Spells & Magic: Components Overview and Structure of Readme #21

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic

This mod aims to increase player options by adding new and revised spells, as well as new options for spellcasters (and, in some cases, non-spell casters).

Special Note: EEex

This mod does not require EEex , but many of the components will either work best with EEex installed, or will unfortunately be dependent on EEex (because there is no other reasonable way to implement the component). As such, I encourage you to click on the link and install EEex if you are able.

Components Overview

Spells & Magic: 101-???: New and Revised Spells

This group of components deal with spells, both adding new spells and revising existing spells. This group of components does not deal with broader modifications to the spell system, such as the addition of cantrips or unique spell lists (see the following sections for details on those components).

The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.

Known Issues (New and Revised Spells):

Spells & Magic: 120 - ???: Cantrips and Modified Spell Lists {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

This group of components add cantrips, both the '0-level' versions and/or the '1st-level' versions, or radically modify spell lists in some way.

Known Issues (Cantrips and Modified Spell Lists):

Spells & Magic: ???-???: New and Revised Items

This group of components add new items and revises existing items.

Known Issues (New and Revised Items):

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: Expanded Abilities and Attributes

This group of components modify special abilities, especially 'skill-like', special abilities or make attributes (especially non physical attributes) more meaningful by granting modifiers to abilities and skills based on the characters attribute scores. For components that convert certain abilities to skills, see the following section (Expanded Skills).


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Expanded Abilities and Attributes):

Spells & Magic: 2101 - ???: Expanded Skills

Heavily inspired by OlvynChuru's epic thieving mod, and largely impossible without OlvynChuru's contributions to EEex, these components seek to expand rogue skills in some way, whether by allowing choice where there wasn't choice before, by expanding what a player can do with their skills (or both), or even restricting a skill or skill-like ability in some way.

This group of components adds (thief-like) class skills to the game or modifies class skill points to be distributed differently, or allows other classes to perform them where possible.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Expanded Skills):

Spells & Magic: 4001 - ???: Magic Item Creation

This group of components deal with magic item creation and recharging. These components allow players to create scrolls, potions and wands, and they allow players to recharge wands. There are a number of different creation subsystems for each, and users can install different subsystems for different items. These components can also interact with the proficiency system (see below for details).

This component adds new magic items, and item creation. The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.


The added items are identical to those added by Spells and Magic and B_Kits. However, consumable magic items--in particular scrolls and wands--work slightly differently in these three mods. These mods are completely compatible, however, and any changes will be noted in the description.

Known Issues (Magic Item Creation):

Spells & Magic: 5001 - ???: High Level Abilities

This group of components deal with high level abilities, either adding new HLAs, modifying existing HLAs, or both.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (High Level Abilities):

Spells & Magic: 6001 - ???: Limitations

This group of components actually reduce player ability in some way. They are intended to be installed with the above enhancement components, in order to preserve some kind of balance. However, they can be installed without the bonuses, or not at all as you prefer.


These components are virtually identical to those in B_Kits and thus will not install if they are already installed by that mod (and vice versa).

Known Issues (Limitations):

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: Extras

This group of components contain a number of features that do not fit anywhere else.


Known Issues (Extras):

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: 101-???: New and Revised Spells

Spells & Magic: 101-103: New Spells

This group offers new spells, either imported from Icewind Dale, or Really new spells created from scratch (with a lot of help!). See the next section for Spell Descriptions.

101: All new spells (including IWDEE spells if applicable)

This component installs all new spells provided by this mod. That is, it will install both the Icewind Dale spells (if applicable), and the 'new new' spells offered by this mod. See the Next Section for Spell Descriptions.

102: IWDEE spells only

This component will only install IWDEE spells if they are not already installed.

103: New spells only

This component will only install the unique spells offered by this mod.

Spells & Magic: 110: All Locally Revised Spells {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

This component revises all spells not covered by the global components below (subject to settings in b_spells_settings.ini.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: 120 - ???: Cantrips and Modified Spell Lists {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

Spells & Magic: 120 - ???: Cantrips: Infinite Innate

These components offer innate infinite cantrips to various divine and/or arcane classes. This component interacts with the 300 series of components (i.e. Cantrips: 1st level Cantrips) in that no class will have access to both infinite innate and 1st level cantrips. So, for example, if you have infinite cantrips for all arcane classes installed, and you install 1st level cantrips for all classes, then only divine classes will get access to 1st level cantrips.

See the Next Section for Cantrip Descriptions.

120: Infinite Innate Cantrips for all divine and arcane classes

This component adds infinite innate cantrips to all divine and arcane classes. If this component is installed, there will be no option to install 1st level cantrips

121: Infinite Innate Cantrips for all divine classes

This component adds infinite innate cantrips to all divine classes. If this component is installed, divine classes will not have an option to cast 1st level cantrips.

122: Infinite Innate Cantrips for all arcane classes

This component adds infinite innate cantrips to all arcane classes. If this component is installed, arcane classes will not have an option to cast 1st level cantrips.

Spells & Magic: 130-???: Unique Spell Lists {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

This group of components gives unique spell lists to different spell casting classes and kits.

Known Issues (Unique Spell Lists):

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: New and Revised Items

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: Expanded Abilities and Attributes

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: Expanded Skills

Note: Skill Point Distribution

Many of these components give skills to classes that either already have at least one skill, or that do not normally have any skills at all. In any case where a given kit or class has exactly one skill, they will gain points to that skill at a set rate by level. However, wherever a given kit or class gains two or more skills, or where they gain at least one skill where they already have at least one skill, they can distribute skills as a thief. This rate is set by class or kit, and does not change by the number of skills that they have, so the character may have to specialize. The rate at which kits or classes gain skill points is determined by the table below. Note that any mod kits will have the same skill point distribution as the base class if they are not specifically mentioned (let me know if there are any kit mods that need special attention).

Also, magic item creation skills do not count toward this limit.

Thieves actually gain a few more skill points if they gain access to any of the new offered skills. If they gain even a single skill described in this section, they will gain skill points at the increased rate below:

Kit/Class Skill Points at 1st Level Skill Points gained per Level
Ranger (all) 30 15
Base Fighter 20 10
Barbarian 30 15
Berserker 20 10
Kensai 20 10
Wizard Slayer 30 10
Defender 20 10
Base Thief 50 30
Shadowdancer 35 20
Assassin 50 20
Swashbuckler 50 30
Base Bard 30 20
Multiclass Thief 50 30
Skald 30 20
Jester 30 20
Blade 20 10


Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: Magic Item Creation

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: High Level Abilities

Spells & Magic: 5001: Innate HLA's, cast from the spell menu

This component is very similar to Tweaks Anthology component that transforms high level Quest and 10th level spells into innate abilities. The difference is aesthetic in that these spells are still cast using the spell menu button.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: Limitations

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: ??? - ???: 'Extras'

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
# Spell Descriptions This section describes all New Spells (i.e. IWDEE spells, and spells added by this mod). ## b_spells_settings.ini You can choose not to install any of the spells detailed below by setting the relevant variable to 0 in b_spells_settings.ini. For example, if you do not want to install the Cantrip spell, then open b_spells_settings.ini and change this: `OUTER_SET b_cantrip_spell = 1` to this: `OUTER_SET b_cantrip_spell = 0` You can also choose to install different variants for certain spells. Find the details for each change below in the individual spell descriptions.
Template ### Level 1 #### **Spell Name** (New) ___ (School) - **Level**: 1 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 5 turns - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: The Caster - **Saving Throw**: None Description >_**Revision Notes**_: Revision notes if a revised spell >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) variable names in b_spells_settings.ini >***Notes***: Compatibility notes


# Spell Descriptions: Arcane Spells This section describes Installed Arcane spells, whether Cantrips, IWDEE spells, or completely new Arcane spells.


## Spell Descriptions: 0-Level Arcane Cantrips



## Spell Descriptions: New Arcane Spells ### Level 1


Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
# Spell Descriptions: Divine Spells This section describes Installed Divine spells, whether Cantrips/Orisons, IWDEE spells, or completely new Divine spells.


## Spell Descriptions: 0-Level Divine Orisons


Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
# Item Descriptions This section describes all New Items ## b_spells_settings.ini You can choose not to add any of the items detailed below by setting the relevant variable to 0 in b_spells_settings.ini.


# Item Descriptions: Potions This section describes Installed Potions, whether IWDEE potions, or completely new potions introduced by this mod.
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

extra stuff

Class 'Extras': 10001-???

This group of components is just a collection of 'extra' options related to arcane and/or divine casting. Note that these components are identical to those with the same names found in Skills & Proficiencies or B_Kits. So, if you've installed that modification in one of these other mods, they should not be installed again. In this case, Spells & Magic should skip any duplicates. Please let me know if it does not.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spells & Magic: 201-???: Performance Fatigue

This group of components adds an extra cost to spell casting: fatigue.

Known Issues (Performance Fatigue):

301: Performance Fatigue:

401-???: Turn bonus by Charisma

This group of components applies charisma bonuses to the turn attempts of clerics and/or paladins (as well as other classes that might get access to turn-like abilities).

Known Issues (Turn bonus by Charisma):

401: Turn bonus by Charisma:


Spells & Magic: 501 - ???: New Items {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

This group offers new magic items, either imported from IWDEE or completely new creations.

501: Install All new items (including IWDEE items if applicable)

This component will install all new items, including IWDEE and unique items offered by this mod.

Spells & Magic: 601 - ???: Spontaneous Casting {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

This group of components offers various implementations of 'Spontaneous casting' for divine classes. By Spontaneous Casting, I mean that affected characters can spontaneously 'convert' their existing spell slots to other spells, like the 3e+ cleric's ability to convert their spells to cure or inflict spells.

Known Issues (Spontaneous Casting):

601: Spontaneous Casting (By Pecca)

Spells & Magic: 701 - ???: Use Scroll {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

This group of components allows certain classes and kits use scrolls that they would not otherwise be able to use.

Known Issues (Use Scroll):

701: Use Scroll:

Spells & Magic: 801 - ???: Illusion immunity for high int

Known Issues (Illusion immunity for high int):

801: Illusion immunity for high int:

Spells & Magic: 901 - ???: Magical Defense Adjustment

Known Issues (Magical Defense Adjustment):

901: Magical Defense Adjustment:

Spells & Magic: 1001 - ???: Spell Power for high attributes

Known Issues (Spell Power for high attributes):

1001: Spell Power for high Charisma:

Spells & Magic: 1101 - ???: Variant Turning

Known Issues (Variant Turning):

1101: Variant Turning:

Spells & Magic: 4001 - ???: Magic Item Creation {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

This group of components deal with magic item creation and recharging. These components allow players to create scrolls, potions and wands, and they allow players to recharge wands. There are a number of different creation subsystems for each, and users can install different subsystems for different items. These components can also interact with the proficiency system (see below for details).

This component adds new magic items, and item creation. The general description of each component can be found below. For a more in depth description of each, see the following sections.


The added items are identical to those added by Spells and Magic and B_Kits. However, consumable magic items--in particular scrolls and wands--work slightly differently in these three mods. These mods are completely compatible, however, and any changes will be noted in the description.

Known Issues (Magic Item Creation):

4001: Install the Standard (Simulated PnP) version of Item creation for all casting classes

This component will install the standard version of Item Crafting and tries, as much as possible, to emulate standard pnp rules.

Spells & Magic: 5001 - ???: High Level Abilities {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

This group of components deal with high level abilities, either adding new HLAs, modifying existing HLAs, or both.

Known Issues (High Level Abilities):