Grammarsalad / Spells_and_Magic

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Priest Spells #23

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago


## New Divine Spells ### Level 1

Animal Eyes (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

When the caster completes this spell and touches an allied animal, gains the ability to see through that animal's eyes allowing to see everything that that animal sees. Additionally, has greater influence over the creature, urging it to be more aggressive in its attacks, granting it a +1 critical threat rolls.

While this spell is in effect, the caster's body is helpless and blind as consciousness now temporarily resides in the target.

Note that if the animal is slain or removed for any reason, the caster's consciousness finds its way to body by the end of the original spell duration.

Specific Additions 1) install Animal Eyes if animal_eyes is set to 1 b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0 Level Cantrips: Animal Eyes is converted to an Orison without alteration if 0 level Cantrips is installed.

Binding (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

When this spell is employed, the priest can command any nonliving ropelike object, including string, yarn, cord, line, rope, or even a cable to enwrap a single creature if they do not make a save vs. breath. Affected creatures cannot move and are effectively held for 1 round. Each additional round, the target gets another save, and if they succeed, then they are free. Otherwise, the creature remains held until they save or until 5 rounds pass.

Huge creatures, and creatures with strength scores of 20 or higher are not affected by this spell.

Credit for the icon belongs to sbed (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Bind: If b_bind_priest is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st Level Cantrips: Duration changes to 1 round

Bless Water (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

With this spell, the caster performs a short, but sacred ritual, creating holy water which can use self or give to companions. Holy water is harmful against evil outsiders and undead creatures, and mildly beneficial to living creatures. Vials can be thrown or drunk, healing 1d4 points of damage to a living creature, or causing 2d4+2 magic damage to an undead creature or demonic outsider.
At 1st level, 1 vial is created. An extra vial is created every 2 levels after that.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Install Bless water if b_bless_water is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Notes: Compatibility notes Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Benediction Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.
1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, damage increses to 3d4 +3, and healing increases to 1d4+2. Internal Name: CLERIC_BLESS_WATER

Vial of Holy Water This is a vial of water that has been sanctified by a cleric.
When this delicate vial is thrown at a target, it breaks open, splashing them with holy water. Holy water acts like acid against undead and demonic entities, but is soothing to living creatures, healing them for minor damage.

    Damage: 2d4+2 to Undead or Evil Outsiders
    Special: Restores 1d4 Hit Points to living creatures.



<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Universal)

Orisons are minor blessings that can be invoked by acolytes. The orison spell allows the priest to tap into minute amounts of divine energy to produce these minor effects. Once cast, the orison spell enables the caster to create minor magical effects for the duration of the spell. Upon casting this spell, select one of the following affects (see the cantrip section for descriptions):

CONTINUE (List All orisons)

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Cantrip Spell: If b_orison_spell is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: Cantrip is moved to 2nd level if 1st level cantrips is installed, and it will allow the character to cast the 1st level versions of all cantrips. Note that this spell allows the mage to cast any cantrip, even if they do not know it or if it is from an otherwise prohibited school.
This spell does not require that any cantrip component be installed.

Level 2

Level 3

Pyrotechnics (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell produces one of two effects, at the option of the caster. First it can produce a flashing and fiery burst of glowing, colored aerial fireworks that lasts one round. This effect temporarily blinds those creatures in the area of effect. Such creatures are blinded for 1 round, and they must save vs. Polymorph or be blinded for an additional 4 rounds. Creatures sensitive to bright light, such as goblins, kobolds, and drow suffer a -4 penalty to this save, and are blinded for twice as long. Allies are unaffected by this burst.

Second, it can cause a thick, writhing stream of smoke to arise that lasts for one round per experience level of the caster. This covers a roughly hemispherical volume from the ground or floor up (or conforming to the shape of a confined area) that totally obscures vision for all creatures (friend or foe) that are in the area of effect, effectively blinding them. The cloud of smoke lasts for 5 rounds.

This spell has a special effect against fire using creatures, such as fire elementals in the area of effect; these creatures suffer 1 point of magical damage per caster level.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Pyrotechnics: If b_pyrotechnics is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0 Level Cantrips:

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

First Draft: Divine Spells: Move to first post when spells are confirmed to be completely finished

Abundant Ammunition (New) [Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell creates special ammunition in the caster's inventory. This spell can either create a stack of 20 bolts, arrows or bullets. These projectiles are somewhat better than standard ammunition. The ranger can create the following with this spell: All ammunition types strike as +1 weapons (though, they do not necessarily gain a +1 bonus to strike or damage).

Notes: Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the War Sphere if FnP is installed. 1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to a 2nd level spell, with 2x the ammo if 1st level Cantrips is installed. Ranger Only: This spell is only available to the ranger (unless FnP is installed)

Hunting Arrows
This arrow is sharp and jagged, capable of causing grievous persistent wounds to targets. When this arrow strikes a target, they must save vs. wands or take 1 point of slashing damage/round for 6 rounds. This effect is removed if the target receives healing of any kind.
This arrow strikes as a +1 weapon.

    Damage: 1d6 (missile)
    Special: Target takes 1 point of slashing damage/round (save vs. wand for none)
    Duration: 6 rounds
    Damage type: Missile
    Launcher: Bow
    Weight: 0

Hunting Bolts
This bolt is sharp and jagged, capable of causing grievous persistent wounds to targets. When this arrow strikes a target, they must save vs. wands or take 1 point of slashing damage/round for 6 rounds. This effect is removed if the target receives healing of any kind.
This bolt strikes as a +1 weapon.

    Damage: 1d8 (missile)
    Special: Target takes 1 point of slashing damage/round (save vs. wand for none)
    Duration: 6 rounds
    Damage type: Missile
    Launcher: Crossbow
    Weight: 0


Weighted Bullets
This bullet seems normal, except that it is especially big and heavy--too heavy to launch accurately (imposing a -1 to hit penalty). However, it has a chance to knock the target senseless. When it does hit, it inflicts an additional 4 points of crushing damage to the target, and has a 30% chance to knock down the target for 3 seconds if they do not save vs. wands.
This bullet strikes as a +1 weapon.

    THAC0: -1
    Damage: 1d4, +4 crushing damage
    Special: 30% chance target knocks target down (save vs. wand negates)
    Duration: 3 seconds
    Damage type: Missile
    Launcher: Sling
    Weight: 0

Keen Arrows
This arrow is well crafted and accurate, and possesses a sharp point. Keen arrows are +1 to hit, and have a 15% chance of inflicting an additional 1d6 points of damage to struck targets.
This arrow strikes as a +1 weapon.

    THAC0: +1
    Damage: 1d6
    Special: 15% of doing an additional 1d6 missile damage.
    Damage type: Missile
    Launcher: Bow
    Weight: 0

Keen Bolts
This bolt is well crafted and accurate, and possesses a sharp point. Keen bolts are +1 to hit, and have a 15% chance of inflicting an additional 1d8 points of damage to struck targets.
This bolt strikes as a +1 weapon.

  • STATISTICS: THAC0: +1 Damage: 1d8 Special: 15% of doing an additional 1d8 missile damage. Damage type: Missile Launcher: Bow Weight: 0

Balanced Bullets
This bullet is very well balanced and aerodynamic, making it especially accurate, granting a +3 to all attack roles.
This bullet strikes as a +1 weapon.

    THAC0: +3
    Damage: 1d4
    Damage type: Missile
    Launcher: Sling
    Weight: 0

Piercing Arrows
This arrow seems perfectly normal, if particularly sharp. However, when it hits its target, it pierces flesh with ease, doing substantial damage.
This arrow strikes as a +1 weapon.

    Damage: 1d6, +3 piercing damage
    Damage type: Piercing
    Launcher: Bow
    Weight: 0

Piercing Bolt
This arrow seems perfectly normal, if particularly sharp. However, when it hits its target, it pierces flesh with ease, doing substantial damage.
This arrow strikes as a +1 weapon.

    Damage: 1d8, +3 piercing damage
    Damage type: Piercing
    Launcher: Crossbow
    Weight: 0

Eggshell Bullet
This bullet looks more like an egg than a proper bullet, and it seems to contain some kind of powder. Indeed, it is designed to burst open at the slightest impact, coating the target with that powder. The bullet itself doesn't do much damage--targets take 1 point--but the target must save vs. poison or choke on the fumes, suffering 1 point of poison damage per second, and is penalized for -1 to AC for 6 seconds.
This bullet is not well balanced, and it is difficult to shoot accuracy. As such, it imposes a -2 penalty to hit.
This bullet strikes as a +1 weapon.

  • STATISTICS: THAC0: -2 Damage: 1 point Damage type: Missile Launcher: Sling Weight: 0 \page

Animal Friendship (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

By means of this spell, the caster is able to show any animal of animal intelligence to semi-intelligence (i.e., Intelligence 1–4) that desires friendship. This spell effectively acts as a find familiar spell, except that the familiar is always an animal.

This animal is an exemplary example of it's kind, and it is further augmented as the caster levels up. The different kinds of animals are as follows:

CONTINUE (Increasing HP per level, uses caster THAC0 and saves)

If the animal dies, the consequences are the same as for the Find Familiar spell.

Specific Additions 1) Add Animal Friendship if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Camouflage (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell changes the coloration of the caster to match the surrounding environment, making very difficult to see. When this spell is cast, the caster gains a +50% bonus to hide and move silently, and naturally blends in to the surrounding environment, allowing to hide as a thief or ranger for the duration.
This bonus increases by +5% at 2nd level, and +5% per 2 levels after that, to a maximum of +75% at 10th level.

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, with 5 turn duration, and a +20% bonus to stealth (max 95% at 10th level)

Castigate (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


With this spell, you point at a single creature and rebuke them, filling them with terror for 1 round if they fail their save vs. spell.

Faiths and Powers:

Disrupt Undead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell disrupts the negative energy that sustains a target undead creature. Any undead targeted by this spell suffers 2d6+2 points of magic damage, +1d6+1 per two levels (max 7d6+7 at 11th level).

0-Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Orison if Cantrips is installed, and damage starts at 1d6+1, (+1d6+1 at levels 5 and 11).
1st-Level Cantrips: This spell does 1d6+1 damage at first level, increasing as the first level version of the spell (+1d6+1 per two levels, max 6d6+6 at 11th level) if 1st-level cantrips is installed. Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed.

Divine Wrath (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell imbues the caster with pure force that can use against enemies. melee attacks inflict an additional 2d6 points of magic damage for 1 round per level (max 5 rounds).

Faiths and Powers: This spell is called Hand of Carnage if Faiths and Powers is installed, and it is in the Destruction Sphere.
1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, and damage is doubled (4d6).


Endure Cold/Heat (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

The creature receiving this spell is protected from normal extremes of cold or heat. The spell is immediately cancelled if the recipient is affected by any non-normal heat or cold, such as magic, breath weapons, and so on. The recipient of the spell does not suffer the first 10 points of damage (after any applicable saving throws) from the heat or cold during the round in which the spell is broken.

Specific Additions 1) Install Endure Cold/Heat Spell if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level Cantrips: Internal Name: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME

Eyes of the Dead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

When the caster completes this spell and touches an allied undead ally, gains the ability to see through that creature's eyes allowing to see everything that it sees. Additionally, has greater influence over the creature, making it attack more effectively, granting it a +4 bonus to attack rolls.
While this spell is in effect, the caster's body is helpless, as is helpless, and blind.

0 Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Orison without alteration if 0 level Cantrips is installed.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed.

Frost Fingers (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


When the priest casts this spell, a jet of chilling frost shoots from fingertips. The priest's hands must be held so as to send forth a fanlike sheet of frost: thumbs must touch each other and the fingers must be spread. The spell sends out frost jets of 5 ft. length in a horizontal arc of about 120 degrees in front of the caster. Any creature in the area receives 1d6 points of cold damage, plus 1d6 per two levels to a maximum of 5d6 damage.

Credit for the icon belongs to Mordeus

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, doing double damage.

Guidance (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell imbues the target with knowledge of the ancients. The priest selects one proficiency that the target has no ranks in (including proficiencies normally prohibited from them). The target gains a rank in that proficiency.

1st level cantrips: This spell is changed to a second level spell if Level 1 cantrips is installed.
Proficiencies: This spell adds 10% to any chosen skill if skills as proficiencies component is installed. If weapon proficiency menu component is installed, this spell can give one proficiency to any weapon or non-weapon proficiency.

Invisibility to Animals (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell causes nearby animals to lose track of and ignore the warded creature for the duration of the spell. Note that unlike normal invisibility, the recipient of this spell can still attack animals without losing the invisibility.

1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, unchanged.

Invisibility to Undead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell causes nearby undead to lose track of and ignore the warded creature for the duration of the spell. This spell is effective against undead with 4 Hit Die or undead with Hit Die equal to the caster's level, whichever is higher. Note that unlike normal invisibility, the recipient of this spell can still attack undead creatures without losing the invisibility. Priests affected by this spell cannot turn undead.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.
1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, and the spell is effective against all undead for the duration.

Liberation (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell infuses the target with magics that allow them to fight off hold or slow effects. The target can make a save vs. paralysis to remove any hold, slow, stun, or paralysis effect.

0 Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an orison if 0 level spells is installed. Individuals can only benefit from this spell once per 8 hours.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Exploration sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.


Magic Weapon (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


Magic weapon gives the personal weapon of the caster a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls.

1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to a 2nd level spell with a duration of 1 hour if 1st level Cantrips is installed.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the War Sphere if FnP is installed.

Sprint (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

When this spell is cast, the caster's legs surge with power, allowing to sprint at 5 times their speed for 1 round.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Exploration Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.
1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, and lasts 3 rounds.

Storm Bow (New) [Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell charges projectiles fired by the caster with the power of storm, inflicting an additional 1d8 points of electrical damage per hit.
This spell lasts for 1 minute at first level, and increases by 1 minute per 2 additional levels (max 5 minutes at level 9).

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, doing double damage if 1st level cantrips is installed. Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Elemental Air Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed. Ranger Only: This spell is only available to the ranger (unless FnP is installed, in which case it is available to any class that has access to the Elemental Air sphere)


### Level 2

Control Plant (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


The plant control spell enables the caster to do one of two things: can cause local vegetation to hassle enemies, or can use it to dominate plant-like creatures.

With the first use of this spell, the caster causes normal vegetation to grow, entwine, and entangle enemies of smaller than huge size. This use of the Control Plants spell is identical to the Druid's Entanglement spell, except that the druid's control is such that these plants do not harass the druid's allies.

Alternatively, this spell can be used to dominate a creature of plant origin (Shambling Mound, Myconid, etc.) In this case, the creature must save vs. spell and if they fail, they are under the control of the caster for the duration.

Specific Additions 1) Add Plant Control: If b_cont_plants is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Create Arms and Armaments (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell allows the priest to create arms and armaments for self and comrades. Upon casting, can create a number of arms or pieces of armor equal to 1/4 level (max 5 items at 20th level). Certain armors count as more than one item limiting the number of items can create even further. Specifically, medium armors such as chain mail count as two items and heavy armors such as plate count as 3 items. These items are of the highest quality, granting a +1 bonus to hit or AC, and weapons created by this spell can hit creatures as though they had a number of 'plusses' equal to 1/4 of the caster's level (max +5 at 20th level).

Specific Additions 1) Add Create Arms and Armaments: If var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Dust Devil (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell enables the caster to conjure up a weak air elemental - a dust devil of AC 16, 2 HD, and Movement Rate of 15, one attack for 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage. It can be hit by normal weapons.

The dust devil appears as a small whirlwind 1 foot in diameter at its base, 5 feet tall, and 3 to 4 feet across at the top. The creature remains under the caster's control until slain or the spell duration expires.

Specific Additions 1) Install Dust Devil Spell if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level Cantrips: Internal Name: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME

Enthrall (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell entrances up to 1d4 creatures, causing them to stand mystified for 1 round per level of the priest if they do not save vs. spell (maximum 10 rounds). Specifically, it affects the targeted enemy and up to 3 hostile creatures within 20 ft. of it. Enthralled creatures stand where they are, and fail to notice creatures around them.
Affected creatures shake off this effect if they are attacked.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Thought Sphere if FnP is installed.

Forbiddance (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell enables the priest to forbid another creature to move, by commanding them to "stop". A creature so commanded will stop in it's tracks, and will be unable to move if they do not make a successful save vs. spells. Even if they do make their save, creatures find that they move at 1/2 speed as their legs resist their own will. At the end of the second round, the creature regains the use of it's legs, and can move normally.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Thought Sphere if FnP is installed.

Heat Metal (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


By means of the heat metal spell, the caster is able to make ferrous metal (iron. iron alloys, steel) extremely hot. This spell is especially effective against creatures wearing metal armor, but can affect most living creatures as they have trace amounts of iron in their blood. Each round, all affected creatures must save vs. polymorph. If they save, they take no further damage and need not save in subsequent rounds. If they fail they save, they take damage as per the table below. The spell lasts for a maximum of 7 rounds.

Round Dam - Metal Dam - No Metal
1 1d4 fire -
2 2d4 fire 1d4 fire
3 3d4 fire 2d4 fire
4 3d4 fire 2d4 fire
5 3d4 fire 2d4 fire
6 2d4 fire 1d4 fire
7 1d4 fire -


Ice Blade (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


With this spell, the caster causes a swirling sword-shaped formation of jagged ice shards to spring forth from hand. This blade-like ray is wielded as if proficient. If the caster successfully hits with the ice blade in melee combat, the creature struck suffers 1d8 points of cold damage, +1 point per level (to a maximum of 1d8+10). The blade is considered to be of +1 enchantment when determining what it can hit.


Obscurement (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell causes a misty vapor to arise around the caster. It persists in this locale for four rounds per caster level (maximum 20 round at 5th level) and makes it nearly impossible to target with range weapons for the duration. While this spell is active, the caster gains a +5 bonus to AC against ranged attacks.

A strong wind, such as from a spell or dragon's breath, ends the spell immediately.

Faiths and Powers:

Pacify the Dead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


Upon casting this spell, the priest causes one undead within range to be slowed. This effect negates Haste, but does not otherwise affect magically sped-up or slowed creatures. Slowed creatures suffer -4 penalties to attack and Armor Class.

Notes: Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed. 1st level cantrips: Changes to a 1st level spell, no change

Produce Flame (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


A bright flame, equal in brightness to a torch, springs forth from the caster’s palm when casts a produce flame spell. The flame does not harm the , but it is hot and is capable of hurling the magical flame as a missile at any creature within visual range. The flame flashes on impact, doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The projectile is +3 to hit.

The caster can throw 1 missile per round per level, (maximum 10 at 10th level).

Notes: Faiths and Powers:


Shatter (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


When the priest cast's this spell, creates a vibrating pulse that increases in intensity in a nearby creature or object that is especially destructive against inorganic, solid constructs like doors and golems. The first round, a living or undead creature takes 2d6 crushing damage unless they save vs. polymorph (in which case, they take half damage and the spell ends). Every round that they do not save, they suffer the amount of damage that they received in the last round, plus an additional 2d6 points of damage for a maximum of 4 rounds. Any round that they do save, they suffer 1/2 damage and the spell ends.
When cast on a door or locked container, it undermines the integrity of the object destroying all but the most sturdy or magically protected locks. Against constructs such as golems, and elementals it does double damage, and they cannot save to avoid its effects.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Destruction Sphere if FnP is installed.

Watery Fist (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


Upon completion of this spell the caster calls into being a huge disembodied fist formed purely of water. This fist will remain in existance for 1 round per 2 caster levels, up to maximum of 5 rounds at level 9. The first will attack the chosen target once per round and cause cold damage as listed below:

Credit for this spell belongs to Requiem & Mordeus (Used with permission)


Withdraw (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


By means of a withdraw spell, the priest in effect alters the flow of time with regard to himself. While but one round of time passes for those not affected by the spell, the priest is able to spend two rounds in contemplation.

Note that while affected by the withdraw spell, the caster can only use spells that affect self, and cannot attack other creatures in any way.

Notes: Faiths and Powers:

Wyvern Watch (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


When this spell is cast, an area designated by the priest is guarded from intrusion by an invisible beacon. Any creature entering the guarded area (around 30 ft. from the designated area) must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or stand paralyzed for one round per level of the caster. As soon as a subject creature is successfully struck by the attack, the paralysis takes effect and the force of the spell dissipates. The spell force likewise dissipates if no intruder is struck by the wyvern-form for eight hours after the spell is cast. This spell has no affect on allies or other creatures designated by the priest.

Faiths and Powers:

### Level 3

Cloak of Darkness (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell infuses the target with shadow, protecting them from both attacks and spells, while also protecting them from prying eyes. Targets gain a +1 bonus to AC per four levels (maximum of +5), +2 bonus to save vs. spells, and infravision for the duration of this spell.
Additionally, the recipient hides in shadows at 99%, and automatically blends into the shadows each round if they are not doing anything else.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Shadow Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.

Commune with Nature (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell allows the caster to become one with nature, attaining knowledge of the surrounding territory. This spell empowers the druid to see in mind the geographical features and buildings of the region is currently exploring. It extends to a great range, but cannot reveal creatures or their movements.

This spell must be cast outdoors.

Specific Additions 1) Install Color Spell if variable names is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level Cantrips: Color is converted to a zero level unchanged if 0-level cantrips is installed.

Feign Death (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

By means of this spell, the caster or any other willing person can be put into a cataleptic state that is impossible to distinguish from actual death. Although the person affected can smell, hear, and know what is going on, no feeling of any sort is possible; thus, any wounding or mistreatment of the body is not felt, no reaction occurs, and damage is only one-half normal. In addition, paralysis, poison, or energy level drain does not affect a person under the influence of this spell. Additionally, enemies will tend to ignore the targeted creature in favor of more resistant prey.

Only a willing ally can be affected by a feign death spell.

Specific Additions 1) Install Feign Death Spell if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Hold Beast (New/Revised) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell holds 1d4 hostile non humanoid, low intelligence animals or monsters rigidly immobile. Specifically, it affects the targeted enemy and up to 3 hostile creatures within 20 ft. of it. A successful Save vs. Spell negates the effect.

Paralyzed creatures are helpless and cannot dodge or defend themselves from attacks. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subject's condition due to wounds, disease, or poison.

Specific Additions 1) Add Hold Beast. Setting hold_beast to 1 will add the Hold Beast Spell to the game (set to 1 by default).

Hold Animal: It is recommended that you install the Hold Animal revision (found in the Revisions Component) and change Hold Animal to a 1st or 2nd level spell. If you don't do this, keep in mind that the druid will have both Hold Animal and Hold Beast as a third level spell, and Hold Beast is better than Hold Animal in every way. Ignore if SR is installed (as SR replaces Hold Animal with Hold Person or Animal, which is more or less comparable with Hold Beast).

Magical Vestment (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell enchants the caster’s vestment, providing additional protection to the priest. The vestment adds a -1 enchantment bonus to AC at 5th level, and -1 for each three levels of the priest beyond 5th level, to a maximum of -5 at 17th level. The magic lasts for five rounds per level of the caster, for a maximum of 50 rounds at 10th level.

Specific Additions 1) Add Magic Vestment. Setting var_name to 1 will add the Hold Beast Spell to the game (set to 1 by default).

Hold Animal:

Snare (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


When the druid casts this spell, selects an area within range. The plant life in the area reconfigue to construct a deadly trap that does 1d8 points of piercing damage per level (max 10d8).
Much like a thief trap, this spell fails if cast in the presence of enemies.



### Level 4

Abjure (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

By means of this spell, a priest on the Prime Material Plane seeks to force or enable a creature from another plane of existence to return to its proper plane. Magic resistance, if any, is checked if this spell is used to force a being home. If the caster is able to overcome that creature's magic resistance, they are instantly sent to their home plane.

This spell removes creatures summoned by means of any summoning spell, as well as any creature summoned by a Gate spell.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Phantasmal Force Spell: If b_phant_force is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Delay Death (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


The subject of this powerful spell is unable to die from hit point damage. While under the protection of this spell, the subject cannot go below 1 hit point. This spell does not give protection against spells or effects that cause death by some means other than hit point loss, sucha as a death spell or disintegrate, nor does it protect against other effects, such as poison or ability drain (however, it will prevent the poison from killing them by hit point loss).

If the subject has 1 hit point when the spell's duration expires, they die instantly.

Specific Additions 1) Add Delay Death. Setting delay_death to 1 will add the Spell to the game (set to 1 by default).


//inspired by the 3e spell of the same name

Imbue (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


By means of this spell, the priest can transfer a limited number and selection of spells to the recipient. When casts this spell, selects 1 of 1st level prepared spells to imbue. That creature can then cast that spell as an innate ability. The recipient of the spell can cast this spell a number of times equal to 1/5 their level (maximum of 5 times for a creature level 20+).

Specific Additions 1) Install Imbue if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Spell Immunity (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


By means of this spell, the priest renders a creature touched immune to the effects of a specified spell of 4th level or lower. It protects against spells, spell-like effects of magical items, and innate spell-like abilities of creatures. It does not protect against breath weapons or gaze attacks of any type.

Specific Additions 1) Install Spell Immunity if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Sticks to Snakes (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


By means of this spell, the caster can change 2 sticks, plus one stick per experience level, into snakes; thus, a 9th-level priest can change 11 sticks into an equal number of snakes. These snakes attack as commanded by the priest. This spell will not change sticks held by another creature, such as a spear held by an orc, nor will it affect weapons or magic items.

Snakes transformed by this spell have 2 Hit Dice, Armor Class 6, a movement rate of 9, and either bite for 1d4+1 points of damage per round or bites for 1 point plus poison (if any). The chance of a snake thus changed being venomous is 5% per caster level, if the spellcaster desires. Thus, an 11th-level priest has a maximum 55% chance that any snake created by the spell is poisonous. The spell lasts for two rounds for each experience level of the spellcaster.

Specific Additions 1) Install Sticks to Snakes if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)



### Level 5

Control Winds (New) [Druid/Ranger]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


By means of a control winds spell, the caster is able to alter wind force in the immediate area. This spell allows to create each of the following affects, alternating from one to another as wills:

Control winds will dispel a number of gas effects, such as cloudkill or stink cloud.

Specific Additions 1) Install Control Winds if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Dispel Evil (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


NOTE: maybe caster is protected from evil, charms and fear, and dispels creatures on hit.
The priest using this spell causes a summoned creature of evil nature, an evil creature from another plane, or a creature summoned by an evil caster, to return to its own plane or place when the caster successfully strikes it in melee combat. Examples of such creatures are aerial servants, djinn, efreet, elementals, and invisible stalkers. An evil enchantment (such as a charm spell cast by an evil creature) that is subject to a normal dispel magic spell can be automatically dispelled by the dispel evil spell. This spell lasts for a maximum of one round for each experience level of the caster, or until expended. While the spell is in effect, all creatures that could be affected by it fight with a -7 penalty to their attack rolls when engaging the spellcaster.

Specific Additions 1) Install Control Winds if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Foresight (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


Upon casting this spell, the caster is able to grant the touched creature insight into their future, allowing them to choose between alternatives to arrive at a more ideal result. The creature touched gains an effective -4 to AC, and +4 attack rolls for the duration. If the target possesses any thief skills, they gain a +10% bonus to them as well.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Knowledge Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.

Imbue (New) [Cleric]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


With this spell, the priest can temporarily imbue an wand or potion with lesser magics. The priest can use this spell to instantly, and without cost, create a single Tier I priest wand, or 3 Tier I priest potions. These items vanish after 8 hours if they are not used in that time.

Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Knowledge Sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.

Talisman (New) [Shaman]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


With this spell, the shaman can temporarily imbue an amulet with protective magics. This Talisman can be kept by the Shaman, or given to one of allies. Creatures that wear this talisman will be protected from evil (as the spell) for as long as they wear it. The Talisman lasts for 8 hours.

Faiths and Powers:


### Level 6

Animate Clay Construct (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

Upon casting this spell, a mass of material is drawn from the environment, shaped into roughly humanoid form, and imbued with a modicum of sentience. The resulting construct is similar to a clay golem: able to follow rudimentary directions and attack the caster's foes, but lacking complex thought and reflection. After ten rounds, the magic holding the construct together fades, and the construct dissipates into dirt.



### Level 7

Ancient Curse (New) [Cleric/Paladin]

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


By means of this spell, the priest calls down a terrible and lasting curse upon enemies. This spell causes the target to suffer extreme bad luck. They save a -4 penalty, they have a -20% penalty to thief skills (if present), and they suffer a -4 luck penalty. As such, damage dice for all effects outside a weapon's base damage is increased by 4. For example, a 6d6 fireball will do 24-36 points of damage, and a flaming long sword that deals 1d8+2 slashing plus 1d3 fire damage will deal 1d4+6 slashing plus 3 points of fire damage instead.

Faiths and Powers:

Animate Stone Construct (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

Upon casting this spell, a mass of rocky material is drawn from the environment, shaped into roughly humanoid form, and imbued with a modicum of sentience. The resulting construct is similar to a stone golem: able to follow rudimentary directions and attack the caster's foes, but lacking complex thought and reflection. After ten rounds, the magic holding the construct together fades, and the construct dissipates into rocks and gravel.

General: Set to Opposition School: Enchantment unless IWDEE style spells is installed (where it will be Conjurer as in IWDEE)

Destruction (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell causes the victim to be instantly dead and turned to dust. A wish spell or equivalent is required for recovery. Destruction requires a touch, either in combat or otherwise. In addition, the victim is allowed a saving throw vs death (with a -4 penalty). If the save is successful, the victim receives 8d6 points of magic damage instead.

Revision Notes:

Specific Additions 1) Install Destruction if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)
