Grammarsalad / Spells_and_Magic

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Cantrips & Orisons: Full Descriptions #27

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
## Arcane 0 Level Cantrips This section describes all new Arcane Cantrips. ## b_spells_settings.ini You can choose not to install one of many of the spells detailed below by setting the relevant variable to 0 in b_spells_settings.ini. For example, if you do not want to install the Sixth Sense Cantrip, then open b_spells_settings.ini and change this: **OUTER_SET b_six_sense_cantrip = 1** to this: **OUTER_SET b_six_sense_cantrip = 0** You can also choose to install different variants for certain cantrips, and many cantrips can be installed as 1st level variants instead. Find the details for each change below in the individual spell description.
Template ### Level 1 #### **Spell Name** (New) ___ (School) - **Level**: 1 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 5 turns - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: The Caster - **Saving Throw**: None Description >_**Revision Notes**_: Revision notes if a revised spell >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) variable names in b_spells_settings.ini >***Notes***: Compatibility notes **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME


Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
## 0-Level Divine Orisons This section describes all new Divine Orisons.
Template ### Level 1 #### **Spell Name** (New) ___ (School) - **Level**: 1 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 5 turns - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: The Caster - **Saving Throw**: None Description >_**Revision Notes**_: Revision notes if a revised spell >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) variable names in b_spells_settings.ini >***Notes***: Compatibility notes **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME


Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

First Draft: Arcane Cantrips: Move to first post when a given spell is confirmed finished


Many first level spells can be converted to 0-Level if this component is enabled. However, many of these same spells are modified by the Revisions component. Many of these revisions may make the spell too powerful for a 0-level cantrip (or a 1st level cantrip, for that matter!) As such, in these cases, the spell will not receive all (or any) of the revisions if it is converted to a 0-Level spell, even if they are selected in that section. That said, in all of these cases, you have an option to avoid converting the spell to a 0-Level by setting a particular variable in b_spells_settings.ini (see the individual entry for each cantrip below).

//Note: Thinking about making alarm a cantrip

Acid Splash (New)


By means of this spell, the wizard creates a glob of acid that propels at an enemy of choosing within 10'. If the creature does not save vs. breath, they receive 1d3 points of acid damage. Unless the cantrip is somehow dispelled, this cantrip will cause another 1d3 points of damage on the next round.

This cantrip lasts for an additional round, doing an additional 1d3 points of damage, at levels 6, 12, and 18.

Opponents receive a -1 penalty to their saves at levels 10 and 20.


Alarm (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Divination)

Specific Additions 1) Add Alarm: If b_alarm is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Drench (New)


This spell brings forth a splash of water to drench a single target. If the creature is a cold or fire-dwelling creature, it takes 2d6 points of magic damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at levels 6, 12, and 18. Flame Blade, Shroud of Flame, and salamander auras are extinguished by Drench if the target fails their save vs. breath +2.

Additionally, the target becomes somewhat more vulnerable to electricity (resistance -15%) for 2 rounds.

Opponents receive a -1 penalty to their saves at levels 10 and 20.


Drowse (New)


This cantrip causes the target to drift off into a very brief slumber, slumping to the ground for 3 seconds before regaining full consciousness, unless they may a save vs. spell +2.

The mage cannot affect any creature with more hit dice than .

A creature affected by this spell becomes immune to it for 1 turn.

The duration increases to 1 round at 8th level, and 2 rounds at 16th level.

Opponents receive a -1 penalty to their saves at levels 10 and 20.

Credit for this spell belongs to Subtledoctor (Modified with permission)


Exterminate (New)


This spell instantaneously snuffs out the life forces of animals in the area of effect, including such normal pests as flies, mice, beetles, rats, spiders, and the like. Specifically, it affects the targeted animal and up to 3 animals within 20 ft. of it. Animals with 1 or fewer Hit Die are instantly slain with no save. Animals with more hit die are allowed a save vs. death. Animals that succeed the save receive 2d8 points of damage but do not (necessarily) die. Only non-humanoid animals can be affected by this spell, including large spiders, stirges, poisonous snakes, and giant or huge centipedes. If the targeted creatures are extremely small (1 hp or less), then an area up to 5 cubic can be cleansed of pests. This spell can counter the summon insects or summon swarm spells, but it is not powerful enough to counter stronger summoning spells, such as creeping death. The caster has such control that can remove insects from an animal companion without fear of killing the animal. This spell is ineffective against Familiars.

New Spells: This spell is a 1st level spell (unchanged) if 0-level spells is Not installed. 1st-Level Cantrips: This spell is installed if 1st level spell (unchanged) if 1st-level Cantrips is installed.

Filth’s Bane (New)


This simple spell removes dirt, grime, and impurities from any surface or person it is cast upon. While this spell doesn't specifically remove diseases and poisons, the purifying magic can give a victim of these afflictions a fighting chance. If the target saves vs. death with a -4 penalty, any poisons or diseases they are afflicted with are removed.

A creature can only benefit from this spell once per 8 hours.

New Spells and 1st Level Cantrips: This spell is a 1st level spell if 0-level spells is Not installed. In that case, creatures do not suffer a -4 penalty to saves. Also, if 1st-Level Cantrips is also Not installed, this spell can also affect a given creature any number of times.
1st-Level Cantrips: Targeted creatures do not suffer the -4 penalty to save if 1st-level spells installed.

Fire Bolt (New)


By means of this spell, the wizard fires a bolt of flame at a target of choice within range. If the creature does not save vs. breath +2, they recieve 1d8 points of fire damage.

This cantrip does an additional 1d8 points of fire damage at levels 6, 12, and 18.

Opponents receive a -1 penalty to their saves at levels 10 and 20.

Credit for this spell belongs to Subtledoctor (Modified with permission)


Frost Ray (New)


Upon casting this spell a ray of ice appears at the caster's fingertips and shoots toward a target of the caster's choice. The ray causes 1d4 points of cold damage to the target to anyone in the ray's path. Targets can save vs. breath +2 to avoid the ray.

Damage is increased by 1d4 at levels 6, 12, and 18.

Targets receive a -1 penalty to their save at levels 10 and 20.


Invigorate (New)


This cantrip banishes feelings of weariness. For the duration, the subject takes no penalties no matter how much fatigue they are under. The effect, however, is merely an illusion, and is no substitute for actual rest. When the spell ends, the subject will take 1d6 points of non-lethal damage, and is fatigued until they can get a proper rest. In addition, for the rest of the day, they cannot benefit from another invigorate nor any other effect that restores fatigue.

Revision Notes: Revision notes if a revised spell

Specific Additions 1) variable names in b_spells_settings.ini

Notes: Compatibility notes Internal Name: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME

//inspired by the pathfinder 1e spell of the same name.

Jolt (New)


Upon casting this cantrip, the caster generates a jolt of electricity in the body of a nearby enemy. The jolt causes 1d4 points of electrical damage, and halves their speed for a crucial 6 seconds if they do not save vs. polymorph +2.

Damage is increased by 1d4 at levels 6, 12 and 18. Opponents suffer a -1 penalty to their save at levels 10 and 20.

Revised Spells: If revised spells is installed, and 0-level cantrips is Not installed, then this spell generally replaces Shocking Grasp and is a bit more powerful (see the revised section for details).

Magic Bolt (New)


By means of this spell, the wizard fires a bolt of magic at a target of choice within range. If the creature does not save vs. breath +2, they receive 1d6 points of magic damage.

This cantrip does an additional 1d6 points of magic damage at levels 6, 12, and 18.

Opponents receive a -1 penalty to their saves at levels 10 and 20.

Credit for this spell belongs to Subtledoctor (Modified with permission)


Mending (New)


This spell repairs broken objects in the caster's inventory. It will completely repair an object that would seem to be broken beyond repair. This spell repairs a single object at level 1 and one additional object every two levels after that (max 5 objects at level 9). Note that any broken objects must be in the caster's inventory for this spell to work.

New Spells: This spell is installed (unchanged) if as a 1st level spell if New Spells are installed.
1st-level cantrips: This spell is installed (unchanged) if 1st-level cantrips is installed.

Reprieve (New)


This spell causes a single ally to vanish in a flash of light. After one round that ally will reappear at the location they were when this spell was cast.

Credit for this spell implementation belongs to Kjeron

New Spells: This spell is installed as a first level spell is 0-Level spells is Not installed. In this case, the duration is 1 round +1 round/2 levels.
1st-level cantrips: This spell is installed (unchanged from the 0-level version) if 1st-level cantrips is installed.

Sixth Sense (New)


When this spell is cast, the caster gains a sixth sense that alerts the next time is attacked in the next 8 hours. If is attacked in that time, gains a +3 bonus to AC, and cannot be backstabbed for the entire round.

Sixth Sense cannot be cast in the presence of enemies.

A mage cannot have more than one Sixth Sense active at any one time.

Credit for this spell belongs to Subtledoctor (Modified with permission)

Specific Additions 1) Add Sixth Sense: If b_six_sense_cantrip is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)
TO DO: 1st level Cantrip and 1st level 'normal' spell (See Anticipation--maybe we can have both)

New Spells: This spell retains its effect for the entire 8 hours if it is installed as a normal 1st level spell.
1st-Level Cantrips: This spell is installed as a 1st level spell, and lasts for 3 rounds if 1st-Level Cantrips is installed.

Shadow Dagger (New)


By means of this spell, the wizard creates an illusion of a dagger that hurls toward a target designates within range. That target must save vs. spell or take 2d4 points of non-lethal damage.

This spell is ineffective against undead, constructs, or any other creature immune to non-lethal damage.

At levels 6, 12, and 18, this spell does an additional 1d4 points of non-lethal damage.

Opponents receive a -1 penalty to their saves at levels 10 and 20.

Specific Additions 1) Add Shadow Dagger: If b_shad_dagger_cantrip_0 is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)
TO DO: 1st level Cantrip and 1st level 'normal' spell

New Spells: ??? 1st-Level Cantrips: ???

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

First draft: Move to first post when spell confirmed finished

Template #### **Spell Name** ___ (Spell School) - **Level**: Orison - **Sphere**: - **Range**: Visual Range of Caster - **Duration**: Instantaneous - **Casting Time**: 5 - **Area of Effect**: Special - **Saving Throw**: Special Description >***Notes***: **1st Level Cantrips**: **New Spells**: This spell is a 1st level spell (unchanged) if 0-level spells is _Not_ installed.

Animal Eyes (New) [Druid/Ranger]


When the caster completes this spell and touches an allied animal, gains the ability to see through that animal's eyes allowing to see everything that that animal sees. Additionally, has greater influence over the creature, urging it to be more aggressive in its attacks, granting it a +1 critical threat rolls.
While this spell is in effect, the caster's body is helpless, as is helpless, and blind.

New Spells: This spell is a 1st level spell (unchanged) if 0-level spells is Not installed.

Death Knell (New)


This spell saps the life out of an already weakened enemy. If the target's hit point total is equal to or less than 10% of their maximum (minimum 2 hit points), they automatically die when touched by the priest unless they are somehow protected from dying by hit point loss or are protected from magical damage.

If the target is above 10% of their hit point maximum (or have more than 2 hit points as the case may be), this orison is completely ineffective.

Specific Additions 1) variable names in b_spells_settings.ini

Notes: Compatibility notes 1st Level Cantrips: This spell is moved to 1st level replacing cause light wounds.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed.

Disrupt Undead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


This spell disrupts the negative energy that sustains a target undead creature. Any undead targeted by this spell suffers 1d6+1 points of magic damage, (+1d6+1 at levels 5 and 11).

New Spells: This spell is a 1st level spell if 0-level spells is Not installed (and 1st-level cantrips is not installed as well--see below). Damage is 2d6+2 points of magic damage, +1d6+1 per two levels (max 7d6+7 at 11th level).
1st-Level Cantrips: This spell does 1d6+1 damage at first level, increasing as the first level version of the spell (+1d6+1 per two levels, max 6d6+6 at 11th level) if 1st-level cantrips is installed. Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed.



This spell instantaneously snuffs out the life forces of animals in the area of effect, including such normal pests as flies, mice, beetles, rats, spiders, and the like. Specifically, it affects the targeted animal and up to 3 animals within 20 ft. of it. Animals with 1 or fewer Hit Die are instantly slain with no save. Animals with more hit die are allowed a save vs. death. Animals that succeed the save receive 2d8 points of damage but do not (necessarily) die. Only non-humanoid animals can be affected by this spell, including large spiders, stirges, poisonous snakes, and giant or huge centipedes. If the targeted creatures are extremely small (1 hp or less), then an area up to 5 cubic can be cleansed of pests. This spell can counter the summon insects or summon swarm spells, but it is not powerful enough to counter stronger summoning spells, such as creeping death. The caster has such control that can remove insects from an animal companion without fear of killing the animal. This spell is ineffective against Familiars.

New Spells: This spell is a 1st level spell (unchanged) if 0-level spells is Not installed.

Eyes of the Dead (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


When the caster completes this spell and touches an allied undead ally, gains the ability to see through that creature's eyes allowing to see everything that it sees. Additionally, has greater influence over the creature, making it attack more effectively, granting it a +4 bonus to attack rolls.
While this spell is in effect, the caster's body is helpless, as is helpless, and blind.

New Spells: This spell is a 1st level spell (unchanged) if 0-level spells is Not installed.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Death Sphere if FnP is installed.

Hold Animal


This spell holds 1 hostile animal rigidly immobile if it fails to save vs. Spell. Only normal and giant-sized animals are affected by this spell. Strange monsters such as wyverns and carrion crawlers do not count as animals.

Paralyzed creatures are helpless and cannot dodge or defend themselves from attacks. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subject's condition due to wounds, disease, or poison.



When this cantrip is cast, the spellcaster and all of allies within 30' gain the ability to see with infravision, just as an elf or dwarf can.~

1st Level Cantrips:

Liberation (New) [Cleric/Paladin]


This spell infuses the target with magics that allow them to fight off hold or slow effects. The target can make a save vs. paralysis to remove any hold, slow, stun, or paralysis effect.

A creature can only benefit from this spell once per 8 hours.

New Spells: This spell is a 1st level spell if 0-level spells is Not installed. In this case, it can be used any number of times.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Exploration sphere if Faiths and Powers is installed.

Magical Stone (New)


By using this spell, the priest can enchant a number of stones, which can be used against enemies. This spell enchants three stones at 1st level, plus one every 2 levels (max 12 stones at 19th level). The priest can throw the stones as a weapon anytime within the spell duration. The stone deals 1d4+1 points of damage to whomever it hits, and the priest gains a +2 to THAC0. The stones are considered +1 weapons for determining if a creature can be struck by it.

The stones keep their enchantment for one hour.

The effective enchantment level of the stones increases by 1 at levels 6, 12, and 18.

The priest cannot have more than one Magical Stone active at a time.

Specific Additions 1) Add magic stone orison: If b_magic_stone_cantrip_0 is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)
TO DO: 1st level Cantrip and 1st level 'normal' spell (See both SR and B_Spells revisions--maybe we can have them all)

Spell Revisions: ??? B_Spells Spell Revisions: ??? 1st-Level Cantrips: ???

Magical Stone (levels 1-5)
This is a magical stone enchanted by the Orison Magical Stone. This stone strikes as a +1 weapon.

    THAC0: +2 Damage: 1d4+1 (crushing) Speed Factor: 2 Type: One-handed

Weight: 0

Magical Stone (levels 6-11)
This is a magical stone enchanted by the Orison Magical Stone. This stone strikes as a +2 weapon.

    THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d4+2 (crushing) Speed Factor: 2 Type: One-handed

Weight: 0

Magical Stone (levels 12-17)
This is a magical stone enchanted by the Orison Magical Stone. This stone strikes as a +3 weapon.

    THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d4+3 (crushing) Speed Factor: 2 Type: One-handed

Weight: 0

Magical Stone (levels 18+)
This is a magical stone enchanted by the Orison Magical Stone. This stone strikes as a +4 weapon.

    THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d4+4 (crushing) Speed Factor: 2 Type: One-handed

Weight: 0

Preserve Life (New)


This spell is useful for bringing the subject from the brink of death, but is ineffective against moderate or superficial wounds. If the target's hit point total is equal to or less than 10% of their maximum (minimum 2 hit points), they regain 8 hit points of damage.

If the target is above 10% of their hit point maximum (or have more than 2 hit points as the case may be), this orison is completely ineffective.

Specific Additions 1) variable names in b_spells_settings.ini

1st Level Cantrips: This spell is moved to 1st level replacing cure light wounds.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Life Sphere if FnP is installed.