Grammarsalad / Spells_and_Magic

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New Spells: Full Descriptions #29

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago
## New Arcane Spells This section describes all new Arcane Spells.
## Level 1

Accelerate Metabolism (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell stimulates the body, boosting the recipient's natural defenses against death and poison, and allowing them to heal at an increased rate.
At first level, recipients heal 1 hit point per hour, and gain a +1 bonus to save vs. death. For each 5 levels, the recipient heals an additional hit point per hour, and gains an additional +1 to save vs. death (max 5 hp/hour and +5 vs. death at 20th level).
Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative.

Credit for the icon belongs to sbed (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Accelerate Metabolism for all mages(except normal opposition): If b_acc_metabolisim is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)
2) Add Accelerate Metabolism for necromancers only: If b_acc_metabolisim is set to 2

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, unchanged Internal Name: WIZARD_ACCELERATE_HEALING

Alarm (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Divination)

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Alarm: If b_alarm is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Internal Name: WIZARD_ALARM_SPELL \page

Animate Skeleton (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This specialized version of the animate dead spell produces one skeleton servant. The animated skeleton obeys the simple verbal commands of the caster, and remains animated until destroyed in combat, turned by a priest, or 8 hours pass; the magic cannot be dispelled.

Credit for the icon belongs to Skoll (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Animate Skeleton for all mages (except normal opposition): If b_anim_skele is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)
2) Add Accelerate Metabolism for necromancers only: If b_anim_skele is set to 2

1st-Level Cantrips: If 1st level cantrips is installed, only a single skeleton can be active at a time. If this spell is cast multiple times, the original skeleton will crumble to dust and be replaced by the newly created skeleton.

Anticipation (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Divination)

This spell gives the caster a temporary, intuitive foreknowledge of the immediate future, resulting in improved reaction time granting a +5 bonus to AC, and +1 to weapon and casting speed for 1 round.

This spell can be cast immediately, even if the caster has already taken an action this round. In addition, if has cast this spell in a given round, can take another action (such as casting another spell, or attacking with your weapon) in the same round.

Credit for this spell belongs to Subtledoctor (Modified with permission) Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Anticipation: If b_anticipation is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st-Level Cantrips: This spell gains a casting time of 1 if 1st-level cantrips is installed, and it lasts for 3 rounds.

Audible Glamer (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


With this spell, the caster surrounds a creature with illusory sounds of disturbing whispers for 3 rounds. That creature is distracted by the sounds, suffering a -2 to attack rolls and a 10% spell failure chance (save vs. spell to suffer 1/2 the effect).

As the caster levels up, the illusory sounds become more distracting and more difficult to ignore. They inflict a -2 penalty to attack and an additional 10% spell failure at levels 6 and 18.

Creatures without minds, such as golems, are unaffected by this cantrip. Deaf creatures are also immune.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Audible Glamer: If b_audible_glam is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level cantrips: Audible Glamer becomes a cantrip if 0-level cantrips is installed. The penalties are half as strong and are negated by a successful save. In addition, creatures can only be affected by audible glamer once per day.



<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Universal)

Cantrips are minor spells studied by wizards during their apprenticeship, regardless of school. The cantrip spell is a practice method for the apprentice, teaching him how to tap minute amounts of magical energy. Once cast, the cantrip spell enables the caster to create minor magical effects for the duration of the spell. Upon casting this spell, select one of the following affects (see the cantrip section for descriptions):

CONTINUE (List All cantrips)
Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)
The credit for many of these subspells belongs to Subtledoctor (see individual descriptions)

Specific Additions
1) Add Cantrip Spell: If b_cantrip_spell is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: Cantrip is moved to 2nd level if 1st level cantrips is installed, and it will allow the character to cast the 1st level versions of all cantrips. Note that this spell allows the mage to cast any cantrip, even if they do not know it or if it is from an otherwise prohibited school.
This spell does not require that any cantrip component be installed.


<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell allows the caster to permanently alter the color of a single article of clothing or equipment. Any color or shade can be created, including metallic tints, though the latter cannot actually consist of precious metals.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Install Color Spell if b_color is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level Cantrips: Color is converted to a zero level unchanged if 0-level cantrips is installed.

Detect Traps and Portals (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Divination)

With this spell, the mage can detect traps and secret doors, as if were a Thief. When casts this spell, has a chance to detect traps equal to 30%, +5% for each additional level after first (max 75% at level 10) for one hour. need not take a special action, will automatically look for traps for the duration as long as this spell is in effect, and is not doing anything else.
This chance to detect spells stacks with any preexisting skill the mage might otherwise have with detect traps, and if has levels in thief, this spell will give a bonus to disarm traps as well.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Detect Traps and Portals Spell: If b_traps_n_portals is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

General Note: This spell can be installed even if you do not install any cantrip spell. In this case, this spell is the only way you can gain access to many of those spells.
1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, +20% to skill bonus (maxes out at 95%)

Devil's Eyes (New/Revised) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}


Upon the casting of this spell the recipient gains the sight of an infernal being. This allows them to not only see in the dark as per the infravision ability, but it allows them to see and exploit vulnerabilities in their targets, allowing them to more often land critical blows. As such, they crit on a natural roll of an 19 or above.

Credit for the icon belongs to Skoll (see license)

Specific Additions/Changes: Note: devil_eyes set to 1 by default 1) Replace infravision: If devil_eyes is set to 1 or 2, then this component will (generally) replace Infravision with the Devil's Eyes spell (see below). If devil_eyes is set to 1, it will replace infravision (i.e. True Strike) if SR is installed. If set to 2, it will not replace infravision (i.e. True Strike) if (and only if) SR is installed, but will instead be added as a new spell (otherwise it will replace infravision with Devil's eyes).
2) Devil's Eyes (see below) added as a New Spell: Devil's Eyes will be added as a new spell if devil_eyes is set to 3 or 4. If devil_eyes is set to 3, then the spell will be added as a level 1 spell. If devil_eyes is set to 4, then the spell will be added as a second level spell. Note that in this case, Infravision will not be touched at all (whether or not SR is installed). Note, that it is recommended to install Devil's Eyes as a 2nd level spell (i.e. by setting devil_eyes to 4 in b_spells_settings.ini) if the "Make Infravision actually do something" component of METweaks is installed.

1st level cantrips: This spell moves to level 2 (unchanged) if 1st level cantrips is installed.
METweaks: It is recommended to install Devil's Eyes as a 2nd level spell (i.e. by setting devil_eyes to 4 in b_spells_settings.ini) if the "Make Infravision actually do something" component is installed.
Internal Name: Special. Can be WIZARD_INFRAVISION or WIZARD_HEAT_VISION. Best to check Spell.ids for WIZARD_HEAT_VISION, otherwise treat as Infravision spell.

Dust Devil (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell enables the caster to conjure up a weak air elemental - a dust devil of AC 4, 2 HD, 16 hit points and Movement Rate of 15, one attack for 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage. It can be hit by normal weapons. The Dust Devil kicks up dirt and particles around itself, potentially distracting casters within 10', who must save vs. spell or be unable to cast for that round.

The dust devil appears as a small whirlwind 1 foot in diameter at its base, 5 feet tall, and 3 to 4 feet across at the top. The creature remains under the caster's control until slain or the spell duration expires.

Specific Additions 1) Add Dust Devil for all mages(except normal opposition): If b_dust_devil is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)
2) Add Dust Devil for Conjurers only: If b_dust_devil is set to 2

1) Install Spell if is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level Cantrips: Internal Name: WIZARD_DUST_DEVIL

Enervating Ray (New)


When this spell is cast, a ray slams into the target chosen by the caster, sapping their energy and knocking the wind out of them. At first level, this spell does 2d4 non-lethal damage to the target, and, if they do not save vs. death, penalizes their AC, THAC0 and Saves by -1.
Damage increases by 1d4 at 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter (max 5d4 at 7th level).

Undead and creatures without a biological anatomy are immune to Enervating Ray.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Enervating Ray Spell: If b_enervating_ray is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: Damage is reduced to 1/2, but kept as a 1st level spell


Exterminate (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Necromancy)

This spell instantaneously snuffs out the life forces of animals in the area of effect, including such normal pests as flies, mice, beetles, rats, spiders, and the like. Specifically, it affects the targeted animal and up to 3 animals within 20 ft. of it. Animals with 1 or fewer Hit Die are instantly slain with no save. Animals with more hit die are allowed a save vs. death. Animals that succeed the save receive 2d8 points of damage but do not (necessarily) die. Only non-humanoid animals can be affected by this spell, including large spiders, stirges, poisonous snakes, and giant or huge centipedes. If the targeted creatures are extremely small (1 hp or less), then an area up to 5 cubic can be cleansed of pests. This spell can counter the summon insects or summon swarm spells, but it is not powerful enough to counter stronger summoning spells, such as creeping death. The caster has such control that can remove insects from an animal companion without fear of killing the animal. This spell does not affect Familiars or allied animals (though, this spell is exact enough to remove a swarm from an allied animal or familiar).

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Exterminate Spell: If b_exterminate is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to a cantrip if 0-level cantrips is installed. In this case, the spell will not protect against insect spells. 1st-Level Cantrips: This spell is installed if 1st level spell (unchanged) if 1st-level Cantrips is installed. Internal Name: WIZARD_EXTERMINATE

Farseer (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None

The recipient of this spell gains extraordinary vision, able to see twice as far as before with clarity. Additionally, they gain a +2 bonus to THAC0 with ranged weapons.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Farseer Spell: If b_far_see is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: This spell is installed if 1st-level cantrips is installed. Duration reduced to 3 rounds METweaks: Note that this spell will not increase visual range if the following component is installed: "Increase the visual range and movement speed of all creatures in the game (including party members) significantly"

Filth’s Bane (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This simple spell removes dirt, grime, and impurities from any surface or person it is cast upon. While this spell doesn't specifically remove diseases and poisons, the purifying magic can give a victim of these afflictions a fighting chance. If the target saves vs. death, any poisons or diseases they are afflicted with are removed.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Filth's Bane Spell: If b_filth_bane is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to a cantrip if 0-level cantrips is installed. Further, creatures can only be affected by Filth's Bane once per 8 hours, and the save is made with a -4 penalty.
1st-Level Cantrips: Filth's Bane will only affect a creature once per 8 hours if 1st-level spells installed.
Internal Name: WIZARD_NO_FILTH


Hypnotism (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell entrances up to 1d4 creatures, causing them to stand mystified for 1 round if they do not save vs. spell. Specifically, it affects the targeted enemy and up to 3 hostile creatures within 20 ft. of it.

Hypnotized creatures stand where they are, and fail to notice creatures around them.

Affected creatures shake off this effect if they are attacked.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Hypnotism Spell: If b_hypno_arcane is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: This spell is installed (unchanged) if 1st-level Cantrips is installed.

Lasting Breath (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell allows a creature to go without breathing for the duration. Affected creatures are completely unharmed by magical clouds, such as cloudkill, or stinking cloud.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Lasting Breath Spell: If b_lasting_breath is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st Level Cantrips:



<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell repairs broken objects in the caster's inventory. It will completely repair an object that would seem to be broken beyond repair. This spell repairs a single object at level 1 and one additional object every two levels after that (max 5 objects at level 9). Note that any broken objects must be in the caster's inventory for this spell to work.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Mending Spell: If b_mending is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level cantrips: This spell is installed (unchanged) if 0-level cantrips is installed.
1st-level cantrips: This spell is installed (unchanged) if 1st-level cantrips is installed.

Phantasmal Force (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell creates the illusion of fearsome creatures that 'fight' on the caster's behalf.

This spell only creates a basic facsimile of life, and they do not react correctly in combat or when hit, nor are they affected by most spells that affect normal creatures. As such, enemies can see through them relatively easily.

Any enemy that gets within melee range, or that attacks or hits them, can save vs. spell to disbelieve them. Any enemy that disbelieves an illusion cannot be affected by that illusion for a round, and can easily destroy them with a hit.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Phantasmal Force Spell: If b_phant_force is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Protection from Undead (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell invokes a 3-ft. radius circle of protection around the target. It protects the person within from all physical attacks made by undead such as ghasts, ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, wraiths, zombies, and so on. It does not offer any protection from magical attacks, however, and will wear off with the passage of 1 turn.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Protection from Undead Spell: If b_inv_undead_arcane is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st Level Cantrips: This spell is converted to an Second Level Spell if 1st level cantrips is installed, and lasts for 2 hours. Internal Name: WIZARD_INVISIBILITY_TO_UNDEAD

Protective Shell (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell creates a thin magical shell that harmlessly absorbs the first physical strike that hits the caster.

Credit for this spell belongs to Subtledoctor (Modified with permission) Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Protective Shell Spell: If b_prot_shell is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)




<img src='' style='width:50px' />

By means of a read magic spell, the wizard grants the ability to read magical inscriptions to the target creature. This deciphering does not normally invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so, and the target can use any scroll, even cleric scrolls or scrolls with spells of an opposed school while the spell is in effect (though, cannot scribe these spells into spell book.)

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Read Magic Spell: If b_read_magic_arcane is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:
Utility: This spell is less useful to a mage unless other components are installed, such as priest scrolls (which adds many missing priest scrolls to the game). Without any other modifications, this spell will allow mages to use the few priest scrolls in the various games, as well as scrolls from otherwise restricted schools (they still won't be able to add those spells to their spellbook). To compensate for this, however, this spell has been made to target 1 creature, allowing any ally to read any scroll.

Reprieve (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell causes a single ally to vanish in a flash of light. After one round that ally will reappear at the location they were when this spell was cast.

This spell lasts for 1 round at first level, +1 round for every two levels after that (max 5 rounds at level 9).

Credit for this spell implementation belongs to Kjeron Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Reprieve Spell: If b_reprieve is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0 level cantrips: This spell is a 0-level cantrip if 0-level cantrips is installed. The duration is changed to 1 round.
1 level cantrips: This spell is installed if 1st-level cantrips is installed. Duration changed to 1 round


<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Divination)

When the reveal magic spell is cast, the wizard is able to detect magical radiations in all creatures within 30-ft with only a moment of concentration. Essentially, whenever uses this ability, all creatures under the effect of a dispellable spell glow briefly. This spell also gives the caster special insight as to the nature of the magics affecting said creatures. The caster can use this insight to cast dispel magic within the duration, and if does so, dispel magic check is made at twice level (maximum +5 levels at 5th level). This spell also makes it easier for to identify magical items, effectively giving a +10 bonus to lore for the duration.

Note that this spell does not reveal the presence of good or evil, or reveal alignment. Otherplanar creatures are not necessarily magical.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Reveal Magic Spell: If b_detect_magic is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-Level Cantrips: This spell gains a casting time of 1 if 1st-level cantrips is installed, the caster dispels at just +1 level, and Dispel Magic Can be cast within 2 rounds to gain the bonus.
1st-Level Cantrips: This spell gains a casting time of 1 if 1st-level cantrips is installed, and Dispel Magic Can be cast within 2 rounds to gain the bonus. Internal Name: WIZARD_REVEAL_MAGIC


Rope Trick (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

When this spell is employed, the wizard can command any nonliving ropelike object, including string, yarn, cord, line, rope, or even a cable to enwrap a single creature if they do not make a save vs. breath. Affected creatures cannot move and are effectively held for 1 round. Each additional round, the target gets another save, and if they succeed, then they are free. Otherwise, the creature remains held until they save or until 5 rounds pass.

Huge creatures, and creatures with strength scores of 20 or higher are not affected by this spell.

Credit for the icon belongs to sbed (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Rope Trick: If b_bind is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st Level Cantrips: Duration changes to 1 round Internal Name: WIZARD_BIND

Spectral Hand (New/Revised) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

When this spell is cast, the mage create a ghostly extension of hand that can attack creatures as far away as 10 feet with a +4 bonus. If hits a creature within 10 ft. with a melee attack, that creature suffers 1d2 fist damage, plus 2d8 points of cold damage. Furthermore, that creature must make a save vs. death or be unable to heal by any means (cure spell, regeneration, etc.) for 1 turn.

Once the caster makes a successful attack, or one turn has passed, this spell ends.

Undead Creatures are unaffected by Spectral Hand.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Changes: Addition of Spectral Hand: Note: spectral_hand set to 3 (replace Chill Touch) by default 0) If spectral_hand is set to 0, Spectral Hand will not be installed at all (as normal)
1) Spectral Hand added as a New Spell: Spectral Hand will be added as a new spell if spectral_hand is set to 1 or 2. If spectral_hand is set to 1, then the spell will be added as a level 1 spell. If spectral_hand is set to 2, then the spell will be added as a second level spell (with notifications as described below).
2) Replace Chill Touch: If spectral_hand is set to 3, this component will replace Chill Touch with Spectral Hand (though Chill Touch may reappear as a cantrip--see the relevant components--so modify it as you please if you intend to add it as part of that component--See both the Revision and Cantrip sections for more details. Generally, this will add Spectral Hand as a 1st level spell. However, if 1st-level cantrips is installed, then Spectral Hand will be added as a 2nd level spell (in this case, a value of 3 is virtually the same as a value of 2)

2nd Level Spell: If Spectral Hand is set to level 2, then the caster can employ it as many times as they like. 1st-Level Cantrips: If 1st-Level Cantrips is installed, Spectral Hand becomes a 2nd level spell with the modification described above (i.e. the caster can employ the hand as many times as they like).

Stuck (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Alteration)

You cover an enemies feet with a layer of sticky glue. If they fail a save vs wand, they become entangled, unable to move for the duration. If they succeed on their save, their movement is halved for the duration.

Huge creatures, and creatures with at least 20 strength are unaffected by this spell.

Credit for the icon belongs to Skoll (see license) Inspired by the pathfinder spell Glue Seal

Specific Additions 1) Add Stuck Spell: If vat is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: Internal Name: WIZARD_STUCK \page

Tenser’s Floating Disc (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

With this spell, the caster creates the slightly concave, circular plane of force known as Tenser’s floating disc (after the famed wizard whose greed and ability to locate treasure are well known). The disc is 3 feet in diameter and can be used to hold as much equipment as a normal person with a strength of 15. The disc floats approximately 3 feet above the ground at all times and remains level. It floats along horizontally within its range of 20 yards at the command of the caster, and will accompany him at a movement rate of no more than 6. If unguided, it maintains a constant interval of 6 feet between itself and the wizard.

Specific Additions 1) Add Tenser’s Floating Disc if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Vanish (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell turns the caster invisible and makes undetectable by normal vision or infravision. The spell remains in effect for 1 round, +1 round per 2 levels after 1st, level (max 5 rounds at levl 9), until it is magically broken or dispelled, or until the recipient talks to or attacks any creature. Thus, the invisible being can open doors, eat, climb stairs, etc., but if attacks or casts a spell, immediately becomes visible (although the invisibility enables to attack first).

Specific Additions 1) Add Vanish Spell: If b_vanish is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: Duration reduced to 1 round if 1st level cantrips is installed
Internal Name: WIZARD_VANISH \page

## Level 2


<img src='' style='width:50px' />


When this spell is cast, the wizard can alter appearance and form. This spell cannot make the caster look like a specific individual. The caster's body can undergo a limited physical alteration, and can alter physical abilities in minor ways. When casting this spell, the wizard selects one of the following forms, and gains the abilities associated with that form:

Once the new form is chosen, it remains for the duration of the spell. The caster can change back into own form at will; this ends the spell immediately. A caster who is slain automatically returns to normal form.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Alter Self Spell: If b_alter_self is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Internal Name:

Animate Zombie (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This variation of the animate dead spell produces one zombie servant. The animated zombie obeys the simple verbal commands of the caster. and remain animated until destroyed in combat, turned by a priest, or 8 hours pass; the magic cannot be dispelled.

Credit for the icon belongs to Skoll (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Animate Zombie: If b_anim_zombie is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Bigby's Dexterous Digits (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Evocation)

This spell summons into existence a nearly invisible, translucent pair of disembodied hands that will follow the wizard's every order and accompany wherever goes. The hands can perform deeds requiring fine coordination, such as picking locks and disabling traps.

The hands can pick locks with a 60% chance, +2% per level. They can disable traps with a 40%, +1% per level.

Note that these hands are not effective combatants. In melee, they do 1d2 points of non-lethal damage, and have a THAC0 of 19. They have an AC of 8, and are destoryed if they take 6 points of damage.

Credit for the icon belongs to DarkZaitzev (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Bigby's Dexterous Digits: If b_dexy_digits is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Blastbones (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell allows the caster to shatter exposed bones in a violent explosion. Blastbones has a different affect depending on whether the target is an enemy. Enemy skeletons (and a few other undead, see below) must save vs. death -2 or explode, destroying itself and damaging all nearby creatures with shards of bone for 2d8 points of piercing damage (all affected creatures can save vs. breath for 1/2 damage). Skeleton Warriors and mummies targeted by this spell inflict double damage (4d8 points of damage), and they deal magic damage instead of piercing damage. More fleshy creatures, such as zombies or ghouls, do an additional 1d12 points of crushing damage (again, save vs. breath for 1/2 damage). If the creature makes its save, or if this spell is cast an enemy undead creature that cannot be otherwise affected, the spell only creates a small explosive puff doing 1d4+1 points of magic damage to the target creature with no explosion.

Allied (and non-enemy) undead do not immediately explode, nor are they allowed a save. Instead, they explode once they are reduced down to 10% their hit point total (though, not if they are destroyed by turning). The explosion has the same affect as above. Note that the affected undead will explode immediately if they are already at 10% their hit point total.

At 3rd level, this spell can only affect normal skeletons. At 5th level, it can affect zombies, ghouls and ghasts. Finally, at 9th level, this spell can affect skeleton warriors and mummies. This spell only even has minimal effect on other, more powerful, kinds of undead, even undead creatures that are skeletal, such as liches.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (modified with permission--see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Blastbones: If b_blastbones is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Bolt of Paralysis (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


When the mage casts this spell, a bolt of pure energy lances at target, unerringly hitting them. If they do not successfully save vs. poison/death, they are paralyzed for 1 round per 2 levels (max 5 rounds at 10th level).

Even if the target makes their save, they are instead slowed for one round.

This spell does not affect undead or constructs, such as golems.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Bolt of Paralysis: If b_bolt_para is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Choke (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


By means of choke, the caster causes a pair of ghostly hands to appear around the throat of a single victim. The victim must be a creature with a describable throat, such as a human, demihuman, or humanoid. The hands will choke and strangle the affected victim for the duration of the spell; each round, the victim suffers 2-4 hit points of damage from the choking hands, and they suffer a 40% spell failure chance. Each round the victim makes a successful saving throw, they suffer half-damage and no spell failure. Choke can be negated by dispel magic or a similar spell; the victim cannot otherwise wrench the ethereal hands away from their neck.

Choke lasts for 1 round at level 3, and for 1 additional round every two levels after that (max 5 rounds at level 11).

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (modified with permission--see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Choke: If b_choke is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Internal Name: WIZARD_CHOKE

ESP (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


When an ESP spell is used, the caster is gains a prenatal ability to detect, and react to danger. For the duration of the spell, the caster gains a +2 bonus to AC, and saves vs. Breath, and the target gains immunity to backstab for the duration.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add ESP: If b_esp is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Internal Name: WIZARD_ESP

Ice Knife (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Evocation)

This spell fires a dagger of ice at the target. The target suffers 2d4 hit points of missile damage. When an ice knife strikes a creature, the knife shatters, releasing a wave of numbing cold. All creatures within a 15-foot radius suffer 1d4 hit points of cold damage per 2 levels (max 5d4 at level 10) and become numb for 3 rounds. Numbed creatures have their movement rates reduced by half and their chance to hit reduced by 2. Creatures can save vs. paralyzation for half damage and avoid the numbed condition.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Ice Knife: If b_ice_knife is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level cantrips:


### Level 3

Minor Contingency (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

Upon casting this spell, the wizard is allowed to choose a minor cantrip, as well as a condition. The starting condition can be anything from reaching 10% of Hit Points to an enemy being sighted. Once this starting condition is satisfied, the spell that was chosen will be cast automatically.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Minor Contingency Spell: If b_minor_contingency is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Notes: Cantrips: If any version of cantrips is installed, the mage sets any known cantrip as the triggered spell. Otherwise, the mage can use any cantrip. Cantrips are not required to be installed for this spell to be available.

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Arcane Spells: First Draft: Move to first post when spells are confirmed finished

### Level 1



### Level 2




Create Arms and Armaments (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell allows the wizard to create arms and armaments for self and comrades. Upon casting, can create a number of arms or pieces of armor equal to 1/3 level (max 5 items at 15th level). Certain armors count as more than one item limiting the number of items can create even further. Specifically, medium armors such as chain mail count as two items and heavy armors such as plate and elven chain mail count as 3 items. 10 arrows, or bolts or 15 bullets, or darts count as 1 item. These items are of the highest quality, granting a non-magical +1 bonus to hit or AC. At higher level, weapons created by this spell can hit creatures as though they had a number of 'plusses' equal to 1/5 of the caster's level (max +4 at 20th level). Those weapons do not gain additional to hit or damage bonues, however.

Specific Additions 1) Add Create Arms and Armaments: If var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Deeppockets (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell enables the wizard to transform garments into an extradimensional holding space. These pockets effectively double carrying capacity. Any items placed in these pockets do not retain their weight and the wizard need not worry about extra encumbrance.

If the spell duration expires while there is material within the enchanted pockets, the caster must cast the spell again to access items.

Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Deeppockets: If var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Flaming Sphere (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell conjures a ball of fire that moves at the behest of the caster at a rapid speed (movement CONTINUE). Any creature that gets near it takes 2d6 fire damage (save vs. breath for half damage). Though this flaming sphere is technically not a creature, it counts as a summoned creature (and so it counts against your maximum number of summoned creatures).

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Flaming Sphere: If CONTINUE is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Fog Cloud (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

The fog cloud spell creates a billowing mass of ghastly, yellowish-green much like a cloudkill spell. The fog obscures vision, such that any creature in the cloud can only see 2 feet in front of them obscure vision. A strong breeze, such as that created by a Gust of Wind spell will disperse the cloud immediately. Ranged attacks suffer a -4 penalty to hit creatures within the cloud.

Specific Additions 1) Add Fog Cloud if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Hypnotic Pattern (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


When this spell is cast, the wizard creates a weaving, twisting pattern of subtle colors in the air that lasts for 3 rounds. This pattern causes any enemy standing within the area to become fascinated, and stand gazing at it for at least 1 round. Every enemy within the area must save vs. spell each round they are in the affected area. Whenever they fail their save, they stand fascinated for 1 round, doing nothing and not interacting with their environment.

Affected creatures shake off this effect if they are attacked.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Hypnotic Pattern: If b_hypnotic_pattern is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:


Illusory Fireball (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell creates a realistic illusion of the quintessential mage spell: the dreaded fireball. But, while this spell creates a sensory representation of that spell, the damage it causes is due to 'psychic shock' of those who believe that they are targeted by that deadly spell. Though fire resistance does not protect against this spell, those that are immune to fire take no damage as they do not expect to be damaged by a fireball spell. This spell is not powerful enough to actually kill its targets. Target enemies take 1d4 points of non-lethal damage, plus 1d4 points per 2 levels of the caster (max 6d4 points of damage at 10th level. Those who roll successful Saving Throw vs. spell manage to partially disbelieve the spell, taking only half damage.

Allies of the caster and creatures with an Intelligence of 20 or higher are immune to this spell.

Specific Additions 1) Add Illusory Fireball: If b_ill_fireball is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Improved Phantasmal Force (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell creates the illusion of fearsome creatures that 'fight' on the caster's behalf, just like the Phantasmal Force Spell.

Creatures created by this spell are more convincing, and can only be dispelled by enemies that strike them in melee combat. However, creatures save with a -2 penalty to disbelieve.

Any enemy that disbelieves an illusion cannot be affected by that illusion for a round, and can easily destroy them with a hit.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Phantasmal Force Spell: If b_phant_force is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Irritation (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

An irritation spell affects the epidermis of the subject creatures. Creatures with very thick or insensitive skins (such as buffalo, elephants, scaled creatures, etc.) are basically unaffected. When cast, this causes each subject to feel an instant itching sensation on some portion of its body. The next four rounds are spent squirming and twisting, effectively worsening its Armor Class by 4 and its attack rolls by 2 during this time. Spell preparations are ruined in the first round this spell is in effect, but not in the following three rounds.

Specific Additions 1) Add Spell if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Leomund's Trap (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This false trap is designed to fool a thief or other character attempting to pilfer the spellcaster’s goods. The wizard places the spell upon any small area. The effected area acts as though it were trapped, and can be 'detected' by a successful detect traps check. Though the trap is illusory, any creature that passes over the 'trapped' area will take non-lethal damage equal to 1d8 per 2 levels of the caster (maximum 5d8 at 10th level). Targets save vs. magic to 'disbelieve' the trap and avoid damage.

False trap must be cast outside of combat, or it will fail, much like a 'real' trap.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (modified with permission--see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Leomund's Trap: If b_leomund_trap is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Protection From Cantrips (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

By casting this spell, the wizard receives immunity to the effects of cantrips cast by other wizards, apprentices, or creatures that use the cantrip spell. The spell protects the caster, or one item or person that he touches (such as a spell book or a drawer containing spell components). Any cantrip cast against the protected person or item dissipates with an audible popping sound. This spell is often used by a wizard who has mischievous apprentices, or one who wishes apprentices to clean or shine an area using elbow grease rather than magic.

Specific Additions 1) Add Spell if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Cantrips: This spell is only installed if the Cantrip spell has been installed or if some version of Cantrips is installed

Protection from Paralysis (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


The recipient of this spell receives total immunity to magical paralysis. Spells such as hold person and slow have no effect on the individual. This spell also provides protection against the paralysis attacks of monsters (a ghoul's touch, for example). This spell offers no protection against physical damage or against spells that inhibit movement indirectly, such as Web or Entangle.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Protection from Paralysis: If b_protec_para is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Pyrotechnics (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell produces one of two effects, at the option of the caster. First it can produce a flashing and fiery burst of glowing, colored aerial fireworks that lasts one round. This effect temporarily blinds those creatures in the area of effect. Such creatures are blinded for 1 round, and they must save vs. Polymorph or be blinded for an additional 4 rounds. Creatures sensitive to bright light, such as goblins, kobolds, and drow suffer a -4 penalty to this save, and are blinded for twice as long. Allies are unaffected by this burst.

Second, it can cause a thick, writhing stream of smoke to arise that lasts for one round per experience level of the caster. This covers a roughly hemispherical volume from the ground or floor up (or conforming to the shape of a confined area) that totally obscures vision for all creatures (friend or foe) that are in the area of effect, effectively blinding them. The cloud of smoke lasts for 5 rounds.

This spell has a special effect against fire using creatures, such as fire elementals in the area of effect; these creatures suffer 1 point of magical damage per caster level.

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Pyrotechnics: If b_pyrotechnics is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0 Level Cantrips:

Snowball (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell creates a mystical snowball which flies at any target of choice within range. The snowball hits automatically for 2d6 points of cold damage (double against fire using creatures). Targets can save vs. breath for 1/2 damage. This spell does an additional 1d6 points of cold damage for every 2 levels of experience after 3rd level (maximum 8d6 cold damage at 13th level).

Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Snowball Spell: If b_snowball is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

0-level cantrips: 1st-level cantrips:

Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


The victim(s) of this spell perceives everything as hilariously funny. The effect is not immediate, and the creature feels only a slight tingling on the round the spell is cast, suffering only a -2 penalty to hit and AC. On the round immediately following, the victim begins smiling, then giggling, chuckling, tittering, snickering, guffawing, and finally collapsing into gales of uncontrollable, hideous laughter. During this time, the target cannot take any actions, and is -4 to AC and saves vs. breath. Although this magical mirth lasts only a single round per level of the caster, the affected creature must spend the next round regaining its feet, and it again suffers a -2 penalty to hit and AC.

The saving throw vs. spell is modified by the Intelligence of the creature. Creatures with an Intelligence of 4 or less are totally unaffected. Those with an Intelligence score of 5-14 save with -4 penalty. Those with higher levels of intelligence save with an unmodified roll.

Affected creatures shake off this effect if they are attacked, suffering only -2 to hit and AC for one round as they recover.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Tasha's Laughter Spell: If b_tasha_giggle is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:


### Level 3

Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

By casting this spell, the wizard gains a flash of insight that allows to create a magical potion with whatever ingredients finds laying around. The spell allows the caster to make even potions that might not normally be able to make (e.g. a wizard creating a potion of cure light wounds). The spell allows the caster to create a single tier I potion at 5th level. The spell allows to create potions of an additional tier at 10th level, and every 5 levels after that (maximum tier IV potions at level 20).

The caster can produce an additional potion (of the same type) every 3 levels after 5th.

These potions evaporate after 8 hours if it is not consumed by then. Also, they cannot be sold, as their temporary nature is apparent to any competent vendor.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown Spell: If b_alamir_breakdown is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: Proficiencies: If Alchemy is available via the Proficiencies mod, CONTINUE

Augment Undead (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Necromancy)

This spell augments an undead creature's saving throws, fighting capacity, and ability to resist being turned. Undead allies targeted by this spell cannot be turned, gain a +2 bonus to all saves, +2 bonus to attack, and damage rolls, and +10 bonus HP for the duration.

Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Augment Undead Spell: If b_augmet_undead is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Carpet of Adhesion (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

An Adhesion spell covers a material surface with a sticky tar-like substance. Any creature entering the area or caught in it when the spell is cast must save vs. Breath each round or be stuck in place, unable to move for the rest of the round (wait until the next round). Those who successfully save can move but do so at a crawling speed of 1. All creatures in the area find it hard to defend themselves, and suffer a -2 penalty to saves vs. Breath (including subsequent saves against adhesion) and a -2 penalty to AC.

This spell has no chance of holding huge or larger creatures in place.

Credit for the icon belongs to delapouite (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Carpet of Adhesion Spell: If b_sticky_carpet is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: \page

Disrupt Life (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell disrupts the life force that sustains a target living creature. Any living creature targeted by this spell suffers 4d6+4 points of magic damage, +1d6+1 per two levels after 5th level (max 9d6+9 at 15th level).

In addition, the target creature must save vs. spell or suffer fatigue for 2 rounds/level.

This spell only affects living creatures. It has no affect on unnatural creatures.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Disrupt Life: If b_disrupt_life is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Explosive Runes (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

By tracing these mystic runes upon a surface, the wizard prevents unauthorized persons from entering the area.

When an unauthorized creature walks on the area, the explosive runes detonate, delivering 1d4+1/level points of fire damage to the creature, and any creatures (friend or foe) within 12'.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Explosive Runes Spell: If b_explosive_runes is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)



<img src='' style='width:50px' />

By means of this spell, the wizard is able to convert material of one sort into a product that is of the same or different material. Living things cannot be created or altered by a fabricate spell. The quality and size of items made by this spell is commensurate with or less than the quality and amount of material used as the basis for the new fabrication. Thus, a wizard can fabricate a +1 longsword or dagger from a +1 bastard sword, but could not make a +2 weapon of any kind, nor a +1 greatsword. Unique magical items can be affected by this spell, but they will only produce basic (+x) magical items of (generally) lesser quality.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Fabricate Spell: If b_fabricate is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Iron Mind (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

When the mage casts this spell, and touches a creature, that creature becomes immune to charm or fear effects for the next hour. Additionally, recipients gain a +2 bonus to save vs. spell for the duration.
This spell does not protect against domination affects (except though the bonus to save vs. spell).

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Iron Mind Spell: If b_iron_mind is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Plant Control (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

The plant control spell enables the caster to do one of two things: can cause local vegetation to hassle enemies, or can use it to dominate plant-like creatures.

With the first use of this spell, the caster causes normal vegetation to grow, entwine, and entangle enemies of smaller than huge size. This use of the Control Plants spell is identical to the Druid's Entanglement spell.

Alternatively, this spell can be used to dominate a creature of plant origin (Shambling Mound, Myconid, etc.) In this case, the creature must save vs. spell and if they fail, they are under the control of the caster for the duration.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Plant Control: If b_cont_plants is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Sepia Snake Sigil (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Conjuration/Summoning)

When this spell is cast, an area selected by the caster is warded against intrusion. If an uninvited creature comes too close to the warded area, they are struck by a shimmering field of force, and are paralyzed for 1 full turn if they fail to save vs. paralysis. If the creature makes their save, then the affect happens again, up to two times per round until a creature is paralyzed, at which time the ward dissipates.

The target can be released by any effect that removes paralysis, or by a successful dispel magic spell.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Sepia Snake Sigil Spell: If b_snake_sigil is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Solvent of Corrosion (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Conjuration)

This spell conjures a corrosive, acidic slime of horrid strength on one creature. The acid persists, burning the creature over 3 rounds. The first round, the creature suffers 1d3 points of acid damage per level (max 15d3). On the second round, the creature suffers 1d2 points of acid damage (max 15d2). On the third round, the creature suffers 1 point of damage per level (max 15).
Additionally, the target suffers a -2 penalty to attacks while the acid is in effect. The affected creature can save vs. poison/death to reduce the damage by 1/2 and to avoid the to hit penalty.
This spell is effective against constructs and other creatures normally resistant to magic.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Solvent of Corrosion Spell: If b_solvent_of_corrosion is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Spectral Force (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell creates the illusion of fearsome creatures that 'fight' on the caster's behalf, just like the Phantasmal Force Spell.

Creatures created by this spell are more convincing, and can only be dispelled by enemies that strike them in melee combat. However, creatures save with a -4 penalty to disbelieve.

Any enemy that disbelieves an illusion cannot be affected by that illusion for a round, and can easily destroy them with a hit.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Phantasmal Force Spell: If b_spectral_force is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)



### Level 4

Animate Ghoul (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />


This spell produces one ghoul servant. This creature obeys the simple verbal commands of the caster, and remain animated until destroyed in combat, turned by a priest, or 8 hours pass; the magic cannot be dispelled.

Credit for the icon belongs to Name (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Animate Zombie: If var is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Internal Name:

Charm Monster (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1}

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Enchantment/Charm)

This spell affects any single person or monster it is cast upon. The term monster includes any non-undead, non-construct, non-extraplanar creature, such as an ogre or even a dragon. The target is allowed a Saving Throw vs. Spell to negate the effect (a person, as described by charm person, saves at -4).
If the spell's recipient fails Saving Throw, regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The caster may give him orders, and the charmed individual will carry them out as quickly as possible.
If the caster harm or attempts to harm the charmed creature by some overt action, or if a Dispel Magic spell is cast upon the charmed creature, the Charm spell is broken. If two or more Charms simultaneously affect a creature, the most recent Charm takes precedence. Note that the subject has full memory of the events that took place while he was charmed. Also note that you cannot have a charmed creature leave the area where he is charmed.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (modified with permission--see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Charm Monster Spell: If b_charm_monster is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) AND Revised Charm is installed. Note that this spell will be installed with charm revision if b_charm_monster is set to 1. If b_charm_monster happens to be set to 0 when installing Charm Revisions, you can still install Charm Monster with New spells if you set b_charm_monster to 1 before doing so

Revised Charm: This spell can only be installed if Revised Charm global revision is installed. Note that this spell will be installed with charm revision if b_charm_monster is set to 1. If b_charm_monster happens to be set to 0 when installing Charm Revisions, you can still install Charm Monster with New spells if you set b_charm_monster to 1 before doing so

Destroy Undead (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

This spell disrupts the animating force that keeps undead going, destroying all but the most powerful undead creatures. Undead creatures with fewer than 5 Hit Die are destroyed immediately (no save). Stronger undead take 1d8 Hit Points of magic damage per level of the caster (save vs. spell for half damage; max 15d8 damage at level 15).

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)

Specific Additions 1) Add Destroy Undead Spell: If b_destroy_undead is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

Revised Charm:

Fire Trap (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' />

The spell is centered on a point selected by the spellcaster within range. That area becomes warded against intrusion. The caster and allies can enter the trapped area without discharging it. When the trap is discharged, there is an explosion of 12-foot radius from the spell’s center; all creatures within this area must roll saving throws vs. dragon breath. Damage is 1d4 points per level of the caster, or half this (round up) for creatures successfully saving. The caster and allies are not hurt by the spell even if they are caught in the blast radius.

Specific Additions 1) Add Spell if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)


Fumble (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Enchantment/Charm)

When a fumble spell is cast, the wizard causes the target creature to suddenly become clumsy and awkward. The target creature must save every round (vs. Breath -2) they are under the effect of the spell. Each round they fail their save, they fall flat, unable to move or take any action. Even when the target manages to stay on their feet, they can still fall when trying to make an attack. Wherever the target makes an attack, there is a 50% chance they fall to the ground (as above) and miss their attack.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)


Iron Maiden (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Evocation)

This spell temporarily brings into being a "helmed horror" that fights for the caster with absolute loyalty until destroyed. The iron maiden takes the form of an empty, animated suit of armor, armed with a long sword. It acts as the mage directs for the duration or until it is destroyed.

Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)


Mindsight (New)

<img src='' style='width:50px' /> (Divination)

When this spell is cast, the caster is able to "see" and "hear" everything in immediate area, as though the environmental conditions are ideal for sight and sound, and can effectively "see" twice as far as before. needs no sensory organs for this detection, and, as such, effects that blind or deafen are effectively dispelled. Additionally, need not fear such effects as long as this spell is in place.

effectively gains infravision while this spell is in effect, and preternatural awareness of surroundings grants a -2 bonus to armor class. This spell does not grant any special benefits against illusions. _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Mindsight Spell: If b_mindsight is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: ``` ``` #### **Phantasmal Killer** (New) ___ (Illusion/Phantasm) - **Level**: 4 - **Range**: 50 ft. - **Duration**: Special - **Casting Time**: 4 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature - **Saving Throw**: Special When this spell is cast, the caster creates the illusion of the most fearsome thing imaginable to the target, transforming the fears of their subconscious mind into something that the conscious mind can visualize--the most horrible beast. Only the target can see the phantasmal killer. The phantasmal killer attacks, automatically 'hitting' the target, forcing them to make a Saving Throw vs. Spell. Success means that the illusion is disbelieved and nothing happens. If the target fails, another Saving Throw, this time vs. Death, must be rolled. Success means that the victim will be in panic for 4 rounds and take 4d6 points of magic damage. Failing in this second test kills the victim instantly. This spell has no effect over constructs and undead. _Credit for this spell belongs to Raduziel (used with permission) _ _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Phantasmal Killer Spell: If b_p_killer is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **OlyvnSpells**: (see OS version of PK) #### **Poison** (New) ___ (Necromancy) - **Level**: 4 - **Range**: Touch - **Duration**: 20 seconds - **Casting Time**: 4 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature - **Saving Throw**: Neg This spell grants the caster the ability to touch a creature and instantly poison it unless it makes a successful Save vs. Poison. The poison deals 20 points of damage over 20 seconds and then dissipates from the target's body. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Delayed Poison Spell: If b_wiz_poison is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **OlyvnSpells**: \page #### **Solid Fog** (New) ___ (Alteration) - **Level**: 4 - **Range**: 90 ft. - **Duration**: 1 turn - **Casting Time**: 4 - **Area of Effect**: 15-ft. radius - **Saving Throw**: None When this spell is cast, the wizard creates a billowing mass of misty vapors similar to a wall of fog cloud spell. The fog obscures all sight, normal and infravision, beyond 2 feet. However, unlike normal fog, only a very strong wind can move these vapors, and any creature attempting to move through the solid fog progresses at a movement rate of 1 foot per round. A gust of wind spell cannot affect it. A fireball, flame strike, or wall of fire can burn it away in a single round. Normal projectiles like arrows and bolts cannot pass through a Solid Fog spell. Magic projectiles suffer a -4 penalty to attack creatures within the fog. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Solid Fog if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME #### **Summon Swarm** (New) ___ (Conjuration/Summoning) - **Level**: 4 - **Range**: Visual range of the caster - **Duration**: 3 rounds - **Casting Time**: 2 - **Area of Effect**: 1 Creature - **Saving Throw**: Neg The Summon Swarm spell attracts a cloud or swarm of normal insects to attack one enemy of the caster. This swarm gathers at a point chosen by the caster within the spell's range and attacks any single creature the caster points to. The victim may make a Saving Throw vs. Breath Weapon with a -4 penalty to escape the swarm; otherwise, the victim receives 1 point of damage every 2 seconds for the duration of the spell. Moreover, the victim fights with a -2 penalty to their attack roll and Armor Class. The swarm will repeatedly bite the target, making it very difficult to cast spells (50% chance of spell failure). >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Summon Swarm Spell: If b_sum_swarm is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Summon Swarm**: This spell is essentially a 3 round mage version of the druid Summon Insects spell. If that spell has been modified in any way, this spell will have similar modifications (except that it will always be a 3 round 4th level wizard spell). \page
### Level 5
#### **Advanced Illusion** (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1} ___ (Illusion/Phantasm) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: Visual Range of Caster - **Duration**: 2 rounds/level - **Casting Time**: 4 - **Area of Effect**: Special - **Saving Throw**: Special This spell creates the illusion of fearsome creatures that 'fight' on the caster's behalf, just like the Phantasmal Force Spell. This spell is identical to the Spectral Force spell, except that it creates twice as many 'creatures'. As Spectral Force, creatures created by this spell are more convincing, and can only be dispelled by enemies that strike them in melee combat. However, creatures save with a -4 penalty to disbelieve. Any enemy that disbelieves an illusion cannot be affected by that illusion for a round, and can easily destroy them with a hit. _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Phantasmal Force Spell: If b_phant_force is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME #### **Avoidance** (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1} ___ (Abjuration) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: 10 ft. - **Duration**: 8 hours - **Casting Time**: 5 - **Area of Effect**: Special - **Saving Throw**: Special By means of this spell, the caster sets up a natural repulsion between the affected object and all other living things except self and allies. Any creature that tries to enter the area must save vs. spell with a -2 penalty or will be pushed back 10 ft. _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Avoidance Spell: If b_phant_force is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME #### **Bigby's Fantastic Fencers** (New) ___ (Evocation) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: Visual Range of Caster - **Duration**: 1 turn - **Casting Time**: 5 - **Area of Effect**: Special - **Saving Throw**: None This spell creates one hand for every three levels of the caster (maximum: 6 at level 15), each of which holds a long sword. Each hand fights with the skill of a fighter of one-half the experience level of the easier. Each hand is AC 2 because of its small size and speed, and each can sustain 15 points of damage before being dispelled. The fencers strike as a +2 weapon, and do damage as a normal +2 longsword. The caster need not concentrate on the fencers to keep them functioning, but only has to give them orders as if they were henchmen. _Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Bigby's Fantastic Fencers Spell: If b_fancy_fencers is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **1st level cantrips**: #### **Caddelyn's Catastrophe** (New) ___ (Enchantment/Charm) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: Visual Range of Caster - **Duration**: 1 turn - **Casting Time**: 5 - **Area of Effect**: 1-4 Creatures in a 30-ft. cube - **Saving Throw**: Special This spell allows the caster to affect up to four creatures, all of whom must be visible to the caster during casting. Creatures making successful saving throws vs. spell are slowed for the duration of the spell (as the 3rd level wizard spell). Creatures who fail are slowed, and have a 50% chance to fall to the ground for 1 round, losing their action each round. Furthermore, affected creatures cannot cast spells, and attack rolls of an affected creature suffer a -2 penalty. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >***Notes***: **1st level cantrips**: #### **Delayed Magic Missile** (New) ___ (Evocation) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: Visual range of the caster - **Duration**: 5 rounds - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature - **Saving Throw**: None Visually, this spell is nearly identical to the first level magic missile spell; however. it has several differences: delayed magic missile deals more damage that is staggered over a longer time; second and subsequent attacks do not need to be directed by the caster. Finally, a shield spell does not block the attack. When cast, a single dart of magical energy shoot from all of the wizard's fingertips, unerringly striking the target creature. The missile causes 1d6+1 points of magic damage. The next round, and for 3 rounds after that, another missile strikes the target, again doing another 1d6+1 damage (for a total of 5d6+5 points of damage over the 5 round period.) The caster need not concentrate on subsequent castings, and can even cast other spells in the interim. _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Delayed Magic Missile Spell: If b_delayed_missile is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: #### **Dismissal** (New) ___ (Abjuration) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: 30 ft. - **Duration**: Instant - **Casting Time**: 4 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature and any enemy within 4 ft. - **Saving Throw**: None By means of this spell, a wizard on the Prime Material Plane seeks to force or enable a creature from another plane of existence to return to its proper plane. Magic resistance, if any, is checked if this spell is used to force a being home. If the caster is able to overcome that creature's magic resistance, they are instantly sent to their home plane. This spell removes creatures summoned by means of any summoning spell, as well as any creature summoned by a Gate spell. _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Phantasmal Force Spell: If b_phant_force is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME #### **Horrific Visage** (New) ___ (Illusion/Phantasm) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 1 round, +1 round per 2 levels - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: The caster - **Saving Throw**: Special When this spell is cast, the caster's visage is altered such that all enemies viewing are struck by horror, and take 1d4 point of magic damage per level. Enemies that make their save vs. spell are unaffected by the fear affect, and take 1/2 damage. This spell does not affect unnatural creatures. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Horrific Visage Spell: If var is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Internal Name**: #### **Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound** (New) ___ (Conjuration/Summoning) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: 10 ft. - **Duration**: 1 round/level - **Casting Time**: 7 - **Area of Effect**: Special - **Saving Throw**: None By means of this spell, the wizard summons up a phantom watchdog that only can see . The hound then guards a passage, room, door, or similar space or area. The phantom watchdog immediately commences a loud barking if any creature approaches the place it guards. As the faithful hound can detect invisible creatures and ward against the approach of ethereal creatures, it is an excellent guardian. In addition, the hound delivers a vicious attack to the nearest creature it detects as if it was a 10-Hit Dice monster, attacking once per round, striking for 3d6 points of damage. It can hit opponents of all types, even those normally subject only to magical weapons of +3 or greater enchantment. The faithful hound cannot be attacked, but it can be dispelled . #### **Razorweb** (New) ___ (Evocation) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: Visual range of the caster - **Duration**: - **Casting Time**: - **Area of Effect**: - **Saving Throw**: Razorweb functions like a web spell, except that the webs are razor sharp, and cause 2d8 points of slashing damage per round that the spell is in effect. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Razorweb Spell: If var is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: #### **Seeming** (New) ___ (Illusion/Phantasm) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 8 Hours - **Casting Time**: 5 - **Area of Effect**: 15-ft. radius - **Saving Throw**: None This spell enables the caster to alter the appearance of self and every ally within the spell radius. The change includes clothing and equipment. The caster can make the recipients appear as any generally man-shaped bipedal creature, as large as an ogre, or as small as a goblin. Each target remains a recognizable individual, but this spell is not precise enough to duplicate the appearance of a specific individual. This spell can be used to pass through foreign territory unmolested. That is, for example, if the party is disguised as Drow, or Xvart, they will not be attacked if they enter the territory of said creature. Affected persons resume their normal appearances if slain. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ \page #### **Shadow Magic** (New) ___ (Illusion/Phantasm) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: Visual range of caster - **Duration**: Special - **Casting Time**: Special - **Area of Effect**: Special - **Saving Throw**: Special The shadow magic spell enables the wizard to tap energy from the Demiplane of Shadow to cast a quasi-real wizard evocation spell of 3rd level or less. For example, this spell can be magic missile, fireball, lightning bolt, or so on, and has normal effects upon creatures in the area of effect. The only difference is that all spells grant a save vs. spell to their targets regardless of whether the original spells grant a save. Creatures that save suffer only 20% damage if they make their save, as they recognize the shadowy nature of the spell. _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Shadow Magic Spell: If var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) #### **Snilloc's Major Missile** (New) ___ (Evocation) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: Visual range of the caster - **Duration**: Instant - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature - **Saving Throw**: None Major Missile is much like Magic Missile, creating a single missile of magical energy that darts forth from the wizard's fingertip and unerringly strike their target, which must be a creature of some sort. This missile inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage, plus 1d4+1 for every two levels thereafter, to a maximum of 15d4 +15. Spells of lower than 5th level that normally protect against Magic Missile, such as the 1st level Shield spell, do not protect against Snilloc's Major Missile. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Snilloc's Major Missile Spell: If b_s_major_missile is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: #### **Usurp Shell** (New) ___ (Necromancy) - **Level**: 5 - **Range**: 60 ft. - **Duration**: 1 turn - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature - **Saving Throw**: Special With this spell the caster attempts to bypass the targets mind, taking direct control of their body instead if they do not make a save vs. death -2. Unlike a dominate spell, this spell does not touch the mind, and can even be used to usurp the body of an undead creature, or any creature with biological anatomy. If this spell is sucessful, the caster gains control of the targets body, allowing to make the body attack or move as pleases. does not gain fine motor control of the tergets body, however, nor does gain control of the targets mind. Thus, cannot force the target to cast spells or use special abilities on behalf. Additionally, the targets movements are jerky and predicable, and they move at 80% their normal speed and suffer a -2 to all attack rolls. If the target resists the spell, they suffer 3d8 points of magic damage. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Usurp Shell Spell: If b_usurp_shell is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: \page
### Level 6
#### **Eyebite** (New) ___ (Enchantment/Charm) - **Level**: 6 - **Range**: Visual Range of Caster - **Duration**: 1 round/3 levels - **Casting Time**: 6 - **Area of Effect**: 1 Creature per round - **Saving Throw**: Neg An eyebite spell enables the caster to merely meet the gaze of a creature and speak a single word to cause an effect. This gaze attack is in addition to any other attacks allowed to the wizard. The wizard selects one of four possible gaze attacks at the time the spell is cast, and this attack cannot be changed. For example, a 12th-level caster who chose fear would have four opportunities to make gaze attacks causing fear, one for each round of the spell's duration. Any gaze attack is negated by a successful saving throw vs. spell. The four effects of the spell are as follows: Charm: The wizard can charm a single person or monster by gaze and by uttering a single word. The effect is to make the charmed subject absolutely loyal and docile to the caster, even to the point of personal danger. It is otherwise the same as a charm monster spell. Fear: The wizard can cause fear by gaze and by speaking a single word. The subject flees in blind terror for 1d4 rounds. This attack can be negated by spells that counter fear. Sicken: This power enables the caster to merely gaze, speak, a word, and cause sudden pain and fever to sweep over the subject's body. Creatures function at half effectiveness: they inflict only one-half damage with physical attacks; movement is at one-half normal rate. The subject remains stricken for one turn per level of the caster. The effects cannot be negated by a cure disease or heal spell, but a remove curse or successful dispel magic spell is effective. Sleep: The wizard can cause any individual to fall into a comatose slumber by means of a gaze and a single word, unless the subject successfully rolls its saving throw vs. spell. An affected creature must be shaken or otherwise shocked back to consciousness (e.g. if they take damage while asleep). In all cases, the gaze attack has a speed factor of 1. This spell does not affect undead of any type, or extend beyond the plane occupied by the caster. _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Eyebite: If VAR is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: #### **Mass Hypnotism** (New) ___ (Enchantment/Charm) - **Level**: 6 - **Range**: Visual range of the caster - **Duration**: 1 round - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: Special - **Saving Throw**: Neg. This spell initially entrances up to 1d4 creatures, causing them to stand mystified for 1 round if they do not save vs. spell -2. Specifically, it affects the targeted enemy and up to 3 hostile creatures within 20 ft. of it. Any creatures affected by this spell set off a chain reaction, potentially affecting an additional 1d3 creatures near it, who must also save or be hypnotized. Hypnotized creatures stand where they are, and fail to notice creatures around them. Affected creatures shake off this effect if they are attacked. _Credit for the icon belongs to Lorc (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Hypnotism Spell: If b_hypno_arcane is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **1st level cantrips**: This spell is installed (unchanged) if 1st-level Cantrips is installed. #### **Repulsion** (New) (Abjuration) ___ - **Level**: 6 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 1 round/2 levels - **Casting Time**: 6 - **Area of Effect**: 15 ft. radius - **Saving Throw**: Neg When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to push all creatures within 15 feet from directly away from person. All enemies within range must save vs. spell each round, or be forced back at a movement rate of 12. Huge creatures are immune to this effect. _Credit for the icon belongs to Delapouite (see license)_ \page #### **Siphon Vitality** (New) ___ (Necromancy) - **Level**: 6 - **Range**: 15 ft. - **Duration**: 1 hour - **Casting Time**: 3 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature - **Saving Throw**: None When the caster casts this spell and points to a creature within 15', that creature is drained for 1d8 points of magic damage per 3 levels (maximum 6d8 at 18th level). These Hit Points are added to the caster's total as a temporary bonus that lasts for 1 hour. The caster is also revitalized, gaining a +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and moral. This spell has no effect on constructs or undead. A caster cannot benefit from multiple castings of Siphon Vitality. _Credit for the icon belongs to DarkZaitzev (see license)_ >***Notes***: \page
### Level 7
#### **Chaos Blade** (New) [Wildmage] ___ (Evocation) - **Level**: 7 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 1 round/2 levels - **Casting Time**: 6 - **Area of Effect**: The Caster - **Saving Throw**: None This spell creates a slender, shimmering sword in the caster's hands. The sword gives a +4 to hit, and can hit creatures that can be bit only by magical weapons. The sword inflicts 5d4 points of magic damage to a range of 20'. When a creature is struck by a Chaos Blade, a wild magic surge is triggered with that creature as the target. >_**Revision Notes**_: Revision notes if a revised spell >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) variable names in b_spells_settings.ini >***Notes***: Compatibility notes **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME #### **Delayed Blast Fireball** (New) ___ (Evocation) - **Level**: 7 - **Range**: Special (visual range of caster) - **Duration**: Special (up to 1 Turn) - **Casting Time**: 7 - **Area of Effect**: Special (16-ft. radius) - **Saving Throw**: 1/2 This spell creates a fireball, with a +1 bonus to each of its dice of damage. This fireball stays my the wizard's side for up to 1 turn, or until such time as the wizard mentally commands it to detonate (which takes no further action on the wizard's part). When so commanded, the projectile speeds toward it's target and detonates, inflicting damage equal to a normal fireball, but with +1 damage per die. If the fireball is not used within 1 turn, it dissipates harmlessly. A wizard can have as many Delayed Blast Fireballs active as has 7th level spell slots. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Delayed Blast Fireball Spell: If b_delayed_fireball is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **General Note**: #### **Recharge** (New) ___ (Enchantment/Charm) - **Level**: 7 - **Range**: Touch - **Duration**: Instant - **Casting Time**: 9 - **Area of Effect**: 1 Wand - **Saving Throw**: None This spell acts as a funnel to channel magical spell energy into a wand as additional charges. When this spell is cast, the mage selects a wand in possession. That wand will be fully recharged if has enough gold to do so. | Wand | Gold Cost| | --- | :---: | | Wand of Missiles | 100 gp | _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Recharge Spell: If VAR is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini, (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Recharge**: Various mods (Tome of Magic; Spells & Magic; Proficiencies, etc.) offer some version of Recharge Wand. This spell allows the caster to recharge a wand regardless of whether they know the correct spells to do so. Otherwise, this spell will function as Recharge Wand as implemented in those mods. #### **Reincarnation** (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1} ___ (Necromancy) - **Level**: 7 - **Range**: Visual range of the caster - **Duration**: Instant - **Casting Time**: 9 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature - **Saving Throw**: None With this spell, the wizard can bring back to life a person who died recently. The essence of the dead person is transferred to another body, possibly one very different from their former body. Reincarnation does not require any saving throw, system shock, or resurrection survival roll . The corpse is touched, and a new incarnation of the person will appear in the area. The person reincarnated recalls most of their former life and form, and they keep their former class, even if they reincarnate into a race that can't normally take that class. They lose the stat adjustments of their former race and gain the stat adjustments of their new race, however. | Race | Chance |Stat Adj | | --- | :---: | :---: | | Human | % | None | _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Reincarnation: If CONTINUE is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: \page #### **Transfer Enchantment** (New) {NOT AVAILABLE IN VERSION 1} ___ (Enchantment/Charm) - **Level**: 7 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: Instant - **Casting Time**: 9 - **Area of Effect**: 1 item - **Saving Throw**: None This spell "steals" the enchantment from a magical item and places it within another, non-magical item. Both objects must be touched by the wizard during casting. The two items must be of the same category (weapon, shield, armor, etc.). The enchantment can be transferred only to a nonmagical item. Only the energy of one item can be transferred; it is not possible to combine two magical items into one item. The new item has all the properties of the original magical item (including the same number of charges, if any). At the culmination of the spell, the original magical object is destroyed, and the new magical item has all of the properties of the original. So, for example, a short sword can be imbued with the properties of a dagger of venom becoming a "Short Sword of Venom". The caster must also spend an amount of gold in materials equal to half the value of the original item. If does not have the gold, the spell fails. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Transfer Enchantment: If CONTINUE is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini. If VAR is set to 2, then Transfer Enchantment will be installed without the gold material component (set to 1 by default). >***Notes***: \page
### Level 8
#### **Blast of Air** (New) ___ (Evocation) - **Level**: 8 - **Range**: Visual Range of Caster - **Duration**: Instant - **Casting Time**: 3 - **Area of Effect**: 15-ft. radius - **Saving Throw**: 1/2 When this spell is cast, the mage shoots a barely visible bolt of that releases a concussive burst of air when it reaches it's destination. Creatures within a 16 ft. radius of the burst are knocked off their feet, and fly back away from the center of the explosion, suffering d8 points of bludgeoning damage per level of the caster. Creatures can save vs. breath to take half damage. Huge creatures automatically make their save, and are not knocked back. _Credit for the icon belongs to CONTINUE (see license)_ >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Blast of Air: If CONTINUE is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **1st level cantrips**: #### **Demand** (New) ___ (Enchantment/Charm) - **Level**: 8 - **Range**: Visual Range of Caster - **Duration**: 8 rounds - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: 1 creature - **Saving Throw**: None This spell functions exactly like the 5th level spell Domination, with two exceptions: it doesn't allow a saving throw, and it has a casting time of 1. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Demand: If b_demand is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **1st level cantrips**: ``` ``` #### **Polymorph Any Object** (New) ___ (Alteration) - **Level**: 8 - **Range**: Visual range of caster. - **Duration**: 5 turns - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: The Caster - **Saving Throw**: Special This spell changes one object or creature into another. The effect depends on whether it is cast on oneself or ones enemy. When cast against an enemy, the spell transforms them into stone if they do not make a successful save vs polymorph with a -4 penalty. When targeting an ally, the spell allows the target to change shape as the polymorph self spell and removes any harmful transmutation affects on that creature such as polymorph other or flesh to stone. Polymorph any object affects any creature whatsoever, including demons, golems and undead. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) variable names in b_spells_settings.ini >***Notes***: \page #### **Unfailing Premonition** (New) ___ (Divination) - **Level**: 8 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 8 hours - **Casting Time**: 6 - **Area of Effect**: The caster - **Saving Throw**: None By anticipating possible futures and outcomes of the caster’s actions, this spell provides the with a temporary sixth sense or feel for danger. The spell operates on a subconscious level, and the caster receives strong intuitive impulses when he contemplates courses of action that may bring immediate physical injury or harm to him. The unfailing premonition is quite useful in combat; as long as the caster obeys instincts and ducks, dodges, or withdraws when subconscious tells him to. When under the effect of this spell, effectively gains a +4 luck bonus, granting +4 bonus to Saving Throws, attack rolls, and minimum damage/healing rolls as well as +20% to all thieving skills. Furthermore, damage dice for all effects outside a weapon's base damage is reduced by 4. For example, a 6d6 fireball will do 6d2 damage, and a flaming long sword that deals 1d8+2 slashing plus 1d3 fire damage will deal 1d8+2 slashing plus 1 fire damage instead. Unfailing Premonition does not stack with the Luck spell. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Unfailing Premonition: If b_unfailing_premonition is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: #### **Wildzone** (New) [Wildmage] ___ (ConjuntionISummoning) - **Level**: 8 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: 7 turns - **Casting Time**: 2 - **Area of Effect**: 15-ft. radius - **Saving Throw**: None This powerful spell creates a disruption in magical forces similar to the conditions found in wild magic regions (areas where the effects of magic have been permanently altered). This spell has only a temporary effect, although the effects of wildzone could possibly be rendered permanent. The spell creates a wild magic region centered on the caster. Within the wildzone, wild magic reigns. Any spell cast in the area of effect is automatically treated as a wild surge. Spells cast into the wildzone from outside the area of effect function normally, but spells cannot be cast out of the area of effect without triggering a wild surge. >_**Revision Notes**_: Revision notes if a revised spell >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Wildzone if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME \page
### Level 9
#### **Algarth's Embattlement** (New) ___ (Alteration) - **Level**: 9 - **Range**: 0 - **Duration**: Permanent - **Casting Time**: 9 - **Area of Effect**: The Caster - **Saving Throw**: None This spell works like Spell Sequencer, except that it allows a wizard to store three spells of 7th level or lower in a sequencer and activate them all at once upon releasing the sequencer at a later time. Algarth's Embattlement has a default casting time of 9, whereas the sequencer created via the spell has a default casting time of 1. If the wizard wears any casting time reduction gear (such as Amulet of Power), can always instantly release sequencer as if it had a casting time of zero. Once the sequencer is released, the three spells stored in it are immediately activated in the order from its leftmost slot to the rightmost, with no casting time nor casting delay between the spells. If different spells are stored in the seqeuncer, they should be stored in a way that the spell in a right slot may benefit from the effect of the spell stored in a left slot. If the wizard dies and later gets resurrected, the spells stored in sequencer's spell slots are lost. If possessed a seqeuncer when died, will need to release the now dead sequencer (no effects) before may cast Algarth's Embattlement to create one that can be used normally. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Algarth's Embattlement: If b_algarth_embattlement is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: #### **Crystalbrittle** (New) ___ (Alteration) - **Level**: 1 - **Range**: 30 ft. - **Duration**: Permanent - **Casting Time**: 9 - **Area of Effect**: The Caster - **Saving Throw**: Special The magic of this spell causes non-organic material to turn to a crystalline substance as brittle and fragile as crystal. This spell is particularly effective against golems and undead creatures, but it can also be used as an improvised 'knock' spell, weakening a door or chest to the point that it can be easily opened. Any golem or undead creature hit with this spell must save vs. spell or be destroyed instantly. Even if they do make their save, they take 10d6 damage, have their AC reduced by 6, and can be hit by any weapon, even non-magical weapons. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Crystalbrittle if var_name is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: **Internal Name**: WIZARD_SPELL_NAME #### **Mass Domination** (Enchantment/Charm) ___ - **Level**: 9 - **Range**: Visual range of the caster - **Duration**: 15 rounds - **Casting Time**: 5 - **Area of Effect**: 15-ft. radius - **Saving Throw**: Neg. This spell functions exactly like domination, but it affects all enemies in a 15-foot radius that do not make their save. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Mass Domination: If b_mass_dominate is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: #### **Weird** (New) ___ (Illusion/Phantasm) - **Level**: 9 - **Range**: Visual Range of Caster - **Duration**: Special - **Casting Time**: 1 - **Area of Effect**: 1 Creature - **Saving Throw**: Special This spell confronts those affected by it with phantasmal images of their greatest fears, consuming them in the most gruesome way. While this actually occurs in the blink in an eye, it seems to last for an excruciatingly long time for the victim. Creatures with 8 or fewer hit die are slain instantly with no save. Creatures with more than 8 hit die must save vs. death -4, or die of shock. The force of the magic is such that even creatures make their save, they will be paralyzed for 4 rounds, and suffer a -4 penalty to hit for 1 turn. >_**Specific Additions**_ >1) Add Weird: If b_weird is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default) >***Notes***: