Grammarsalad / Spells_and_Magic

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Global Component Ideas #31

Open Grammarsalad opened 1 year ago

Grammarsalad commented 1 year ago

Global Component: All scrolls are sold Somewhere

This component ensures that all spell scrolls are sold somewhere in game

Global Component: Cloud spells silent effect

Because it seems unlikely that you can speak an incantation cast a spell while choking to death

Global Component: Add Necrotic and Radiant Damage types

Undead are particular vulnerable to Radiant and actually get healed by necrotic.
Modifies many spells

Global Component: Cure spells hurt undead

Also, harm spells cure undead...

Global Component: Creatures drop items on disintegration (including cold death)

Global Component: All Non-Cantrips always do something

Doesn't it suck when you waste a 4th level spell slot on a spell that does absolutely nothing because the target made their save? This component alters all spells with a 'neg' saving throw, making them do something even if the target does make their save. The effects vary depending on the spell. Note that this component will make spells more effective against the player, as well. This component will also affect spells introduced by this mod, such as Poison mage spell.

Hold Spells (1 round of slow, with no save).

Global Component: Consistent Invisibility Duration

Makes the duration of invisibility spells consistent. There are a number of subcomponents based on the duration (e.g. 2nd level invisibility vs. improved invisibility).

Global Component: Greater HLAs replace 'lesser' versions

When selecting Greater versions of HLAs, gain +1 use of that ability, and all lesser versions are converted to the greater version. e.g. Take greater death blow, gain+1 death blow, and all death blows are now Greater versions

Global Component: Universal Arcane Spells

Makes certain spells 'Universal' meaning that any caster can use them. This component disables the Diviner Kit, and the Abjurer kit.

Note: This component is Required for the Unique Spell Component (see below)

The list of universal spells are as follows:


Universal Spells

Level Spells
1st Alarm(n), Anticipation(n), Cantrip(n), Detect Traps and Portals(n), Devil's Eyes(n), Farseer(n), Find Familiar, Identify, Infravision, Mending(n), Read Magic(n),
2nd Detect Evil, Detect Invisibility, ESP(n), Knock, Know Alignment, Vocalize
3rd Absorb Spell!, Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown(n), Clairvoyance, Detect Illusion, Dispel Magic, Fabricate(n), Glyph of Spell Storing!, Legend Lore!, Minor Spell Deflection, Spell Thrust, Remove Magic
4th Enchanted Weapon, Farsight, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Minor Sequencer, Remove Curse, Secret Word, Wizard Eye
5th Breach, Contact Other Plane(I), Lower Resistance, Minor Spell Turning, Oracle, Spell Immunity, Spell Shield
6th Antimagic Shell, Contingency, Empower Familiar!, Globe of Invulnerability, Protection from Magic Energy, Pierce Magic, Spell Deflection, True Sight
7th Far Sequencer!, Khelben's Warding Whip, Limited Wish, Mantle, Protection from Time Stop!, Spell Sequencer, Spell Turning, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Seven Eyes
8th Extend Vision!, Mind Blank, Pierce Shield, Improved Mantle, Spell Trigger,
9th Absolute Immunity, Chain Contingency, Executioner's Eyes!, Freedom, Mass Sequencer!, Spell Trap, Spell Strike, Wish

!: An OlvynSpells Spell (I): An IWDEE exclusive Spell
(n): A new spell added by Spells & Magic

Global Component: Unique Spell List Component

Note: Requires Universal Spells (see above) Nec anymore with OC's tool?

Global Component: x y-ft radius spells radiate from target

Spells (e.g. invisibility 10' radius) radiate from target creature (or area--maybe allow one or other or both as choice when casting).

Global: charm cannot control enemy

Charm spells will not allow players (or enemies) to control their target. (though, targets will not attack them).

Also, adds a "charm monster" spell if New spells selected and this component is installed

Global: cure spells heal % hp

Recovers a percentage of targets hp rather than a set amount.

Maybe include potions add an option as well

Don't forget other spells that cure effects: List:

  1. Remove all alignment spell requirements from iwdee spells ( either in iwdee or if b_spells or iwdification is installed)
  2. Cure spells heal a percentage recipients max hp. Scales a bit better:
    • cure light wounds (level 1): 2 hp+25%
    • cure moderate wounds(lev 2): 4 hp +35%
    • level 3: 6 hp +45%
    • level 4: 8 hp +55%
    • level 5: 10 hp + 65%
    • level 6: 15 hp + 75%
    • level 7: 100% ( heal)

Global: Power Word Spells

Creatures that would be immune to spell are protected from it, so the Mage can only target creatures actually affected by the relevant PW spell (i.e. and so can't waste it).

Global: Summoning creatures improve by level

Summoning spells summon stronger versions of creatures at higher levels.

E.g. Conjure fire elemental druid spell has a chance to summon improved elementals, which doesn't change as the character levels up.

Instead, the spell automatically summons the stronger version at level up.

Need to investigate specific spells (and SR versions)

Cantrps as first level spells

1st level spells are infinite cast

Drench: Dispel fire, dam fire/cold cre, Vulnerable to electricity Acid Splash: Anticipation: +4 AC/Breath 1 min/level Fire Bolt: 1d8 points/2 levels (max 5d8) save 1/2 Audible Glamer: 3 rounds/lev can make cre 'hesitate' if fail vs. spell Hold Animal: Frost Ray: No save penalty

New Component: Summoning stats

Include the basic stats of summoned creatures in summoning spell descriptions. Basic template: Creature Name (x Hit Dice): STR: , DEX: , CON: , INT: , WIS: , CHA:; AL (alignment) HP , AC , THAC0 , Saving Throws a/b/c/d/e x Attacks Per Round, damage [damage type] (magic bonus) Special Qualities: (e.g.) Immune to normal weapons Immune to hold, poison, polymorph, sleep, & stun effects Slashing, Crushing, Piercing, & Missile Resistance 20%

Magic weapon summonings

Global option: use normal proficiency

Global Option: Have spell weapons use ExtraProficiency20, and also grant specialization in that prof (to whatever extent is appropriate) as an equipping effect. And tick whatever flags are necessary to get bonuses from stats, styles, etc.

Rather than separate spells, you could let the spell automatically decide which weapon to create based on the casters proficiency, SPLPROT, and opcodes 326/318. Not a variety of weapons, just 2 identical version of the same one, except each uses a different proficiency. So the Moonblade checks Longsword proficiency, if its higher than what the spell would be providing at this level, create a version that uses Longsword proficiency. Otherwise, create a version that uses extraprof20.

Touch Spells

Global option: automatic hit, save for half dam Another global option: strength bonus and/or proficiency bonus

0 Level Cantrips (both a priest and mage version)

Innate abilities that can be cast in the spell menu (probably won't work in sequencers and contingencies).

Mage 0 Level Cantrips

Priest 0 Level Orisons

1st-Level Cantrips (both a priest and mage version)

Innate abilities that can be cast in the spell menu (probably won't work in sequencers and contingencies). Disable 1st level spells (don't work if gained and memorized in the normal way).

Notes on Weapon Prof of summoned weapons (from SD I think):

1) You should be slightly more dangerous with one of these weapons than you are with your normal weapon at any given stage of the game. That probably translates into giving you Specialization in the early game/with low-level spells; Mastery in the mid-game/with mid-level spells; and GM in the late game/with high-level spells.

Note, warrior multiclasses benefit more as they get the benefits of WSPATCK.2DA; but if a players wants to use a mod that allows anyone to benefit from that file, it's that player's business.

2) These spells should be situationally useful rather than broadly useful. Moonblade is geared toward battling undead; Flame Blade is useful against cold creatures/trolls/Stoneskins. Decastave, Shillelagh, Spiritual Hammer, etc. should have similar situational utility. Maybe they're not strictly better than your normal weapon, but they get secondary effects that make them starkly better in certain circumstances.

Maybe Moonblade could carry a small (3') aura that Slows undead that come too close. Maybe Decastave could do sonic damage and have a chance to deafen. Maybe Shillelagh does extra damage against inanimate enemies like skeletons and golems. Maybe Spiritual Hammer actually attacks the spirit, doing stat damage to WIS or something. Maybe Phantom Blade robs memorized spells the way a Nishruu does.

(Speaking if which, wouldn't Nishruu be great in the school of Illusion instead of Conjuration? Make it a pure phantasm of a creature, gashing holes in targets' minds and leaving empty spell slots in their wake.)

0 level cantrips notes

1st level spells that will become cantrips if installed:

Frost Ray TO DO (Evocation)

Level: Cantrip Range: Short Duration: Instant Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 2-ft. by 40-ft. jet. Saving Throw: Breath Negates

Upon casting this spell a ray of ice appears at the caster's fingertips and shoots toward a target of the caster's choice. The ray causes 2d4 points of cold damage to the target to anyone in the ray's path unless they save vs Breath.

Damage is increased by 1d4 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.

( 1st level version save 1/2)

Larloch's Minor Drain

Warlock Cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Duration: Instant

Components: V, S

School: Necromancy

You extend your hand and, with a grasping and pulling motion, draw away some of the life force of one creature within range. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 points of necrotic damage. You gain temporary hit points equal to half the hit points lost by the creature, if any. The spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Not a great spell. It's nice that the wiz can use it to heal themselves, but it doesn't do much.


Notes: IWD: 1d4 dam Range: Sight (GameBanshee) BG 4 dam Range: 90 yards (GameBanshee) SR: 2 dam/lev (max 10) 'Long range' (V3 readme)



Awaken (Evocation) Lev: Cantrip Casting time: 1 Range: Touch Effect: Touched creature is awakened from any slumber

Exterminate (necromancy) Lev: Cantrip Kills one rodent/small spider/a number of other small creatures like this per level.
Gives bonus vs. insect spells (p333)

Flash (Evocation) Lev: Cantrip Casting time: 1 Range: 60’ Effect: Cre Save vs. paralyzation or suffer -2 to attack rolls for 1 turn. Blind immune. If save, immune to further attempts.

Intoxicate (Alteration) Lev: 1 Casting time: 1 Range: 60’ Effect: Cre saves or becomes intoxicated

Jolt (Alteration) Lev: Cantrip Range: 20’ (or less) P516

Lasting Breath (Alteration) Lev: Cantrip Range: 10’ Casting Time: 1 Duration: 2 r, +1/lev Target creature gains a +4 to save vs. cloud like spells (e.g. cloudkill).

Magic Fist (Conjuration) Lev: Cantrip Casting Time: 1 Range: 10’ Duration: 1 turn Caster can make unarmed melee attacks at a range of 10’. (replace unarmed attack with melee with increased range). See about doing the same with touch-based spells. P532

Filth’s Bane (Alteration) Lev: Cantrip, Priest (Lev 1 for wiz?) Range: Touch Casting time: 1 Touched creature saves vs. death to be cured of poisons or diseases.

Global: Fear spells make target flee from enemies: fear spells make target flee from enemies (rather than run around randomly) requires eeex Note to self: * New action hook function: EXFEAR. If you give a creature an opcode 401 effect and set parameter1 to 1, special to 999, and the resource to "EXFEAR", when the creature is affected by Horror or another fear effect, they will actually run away from enemies on sight rather than just run around randomly. Credit to Bubb and OlvynChuru

Global: Introduce radiant/necrotic damage (converted from magic cold and magic fire. Modify spells accordingly (make necrotic heal undead and radiant do double dam to undead).

Global: Energy Drain: Subcomponent A: Changes to constitution drain Subcomponent B: Reduces max hp by % (and causes % damage) until cured; Other?