Grammarsalad / Spells_and_Magic

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Components Overview #33

Open Grammarsalad opened 2 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 2 years ago


This mod aims to increase player options during 'downtime', especially during camping. This mod is as modular as I can get it, but some of more complex and extensive modifications affect numerous aspects of the game. However, even a minimal install should increase player options during downtime, whether it involves crafting magic or mundane items, carousing in the inn, hunting and gathering, etc. This mod also includes an optional food system where a player must possesses a food ration in order to gain the benefits of rest.

Special Note: EEex

This mod does not require EEex , but ...

Components Overview

Downtime: 1 - ????: Modifying Components

This group of components do not do generally anything at all by themselves. Rather, they alter the way that other components are implemented (though, they may still install resources as needed)

Known Issues (Modifying Components):

Downtime: 100 - ????: Main Components

This group of components is the bread and butter of this mod. It installs the basic downtime framework that the rest of the mod builds upon.

Known Issues (Main Components):

Grammarsalad commented 2 years ago

Component Descriptions

1 -???: Modifying Components

1: Material Components for item creation

This component adds material requirements for item creation. Mundane creation will require raw materials in some form (though, you can use existing items if you have them) whereas magic items will require exotic and often hard to attain materials, especially for the more powerful and permeant items. See the Material Components subsection in each crafting section for details.

5: Rations Required for Resting

This component adds rations to the game, and a given character must have at least one ration in their inventory or they gain almost no benefit from resting (a character can substitute other food items: see below). Certain spells that create rations will be added to the game as well.

If a character has a ration of the correct kind in their inventory, they will 'consume' one unit of that ration and gain the full benefits of a (if installed, long and short) rest. If a character does not have the ration in their inventory, they will only recover a single fatigue point. If short rests are installed, then they gain no benefit at all from a short rest.

Food items

Iron Rations
Iron rations contain dried foodstuffs that can be stored for extended periods of time without spoiling.


  • Recovers 1 fatigue (or use for resting) Uses: 10 max

Weight: 1

10 - 12: 3e Style Potions

10: Craft only 3e style potions

This component only allows creation of '3e style' potions. 3e style potions duplicate certain spells but do not have their own unique features as most potions in the game. This component will not remove or replace the potions already in the game, but most of those will not be craftable. The only exceptions are where the potion explicitly duplicates a specific spell effect.

11: Craft only 2e style potions

This component only allows creation of '2e style' potions. 2e style potions do not generally duplicate certain spells but instead have their own unique effects (though many of these are quite similar to existing spells). If this component is installed, 3e style potions will not exist in the game. Note that this component interacts badly with Component ???: Replace existing potions with 3e style potions. It is highly recommended that you do not install that component if you install this one.

12: Craft 2e style potions and 3e style potions

This component allows creation of '2e style' potions and 3e style potions. Note that this component interacts badly with Component ???: Replace existing potions with 3e style potions. It is highly recommended that you do not install that component if you install this one.

100 -???: Main Components

100 - ???: Main Components

Each main component is mutually exclusive with the others and forms the basic framework within which the entire mod operates.

100: Main Component: ???

This component ...

??? -???: NAME Components

1 - ???: Material Components for spellcasting

??1: Material components for spellcasting: Spell Focus and Component Pouch Only

This component merely requires that characters possess specific items in specific slots in order to cast spells. There are two kinds of items: component pouches, and spell focus items. Component pouches are less expensive and occupy a ring slot but have a limited number of uses. Spell focus items can be used for an unlimited number of spells and occupy either a shield, or amulet slot. The primary effect is that it restricts the kinds of magic items a character can use during adventure. However, a player can find or create special spell focus items that enhance their spells.

??2: Material components for spellcasting: Expensive Material Components Only

This component adds expensive material requirements to specific spells such as wish and resurrection. See the following table for details:

1 - ???: Material Components for spellcasting

??1: Material components for spellcasting: Spell Focus and Component Pouch Only

This component merely requires that characters possess specific items in specific slots in order to cast spells. There are two


??3: Material components for spellcasting: Spell Focus and Component Pouch, and Expensive Components

This component installs both the spell focus and component pouch, and expensive components components.

???: Replace existing potions with 3e style potions.

This component replaces all existing 2e style potions with similar 3e style potions. 3e style potions duplicate spell effects, while 2e style potions generally have their own unique effects (though, often quite similar to certain spells). Note that this component interacts badly with Component 11: Craft only 2e style potions and Component 12: Craft 2e style potions and 3e style potions. It is highly recommended that you do not install those components with this one.

???: Add 3e style potions as loot.

This component adds 3e style potions as loot and purchasable products to the game.