Grammarsalad / Spells_and_Magic

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Scroll Creation #7

Open Grammarsalad opened 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

PnP Style Scroll Creation


A number of components in this section can be tweaked by the player by altering certain values in the file titled craft_settings.ini found in the skills-and-abilities main folder. The description of each section below will discuss details.

Note that if you do not want to mess with the ini files, there will be a couple of different default setting "packages" available to install. See below, and the component descriptions for details.

For now, here's an example: if you want clerics to get create scroll at 1st level, then change this:

b_cleric_scroll = 7

to this:

b_cleric_scroll = 1

Special Note regarding craft_settings.ini

If you plan to make any changes to the ini, install component "Add Spell Scroll Crafting: 2e pnp (install this if you plan to make any changes to craft_settings.ini)". Your changes are not guaranteed if you install another subcomponent.

The Process

Like potions, scrolls are fairly easy to manufacture and are also accessible to characters of early to moderate level. Scrolls come in two varieties: spell scrolls and protection scrolls. A spell scroll is a spell that has been stored in written form. A spell on a scroll can be used only once. The writing vanishes from the scroll when the spell is activated. Using a scroll is basically like casting a spell. Protection scrolls are special single-use magical items that provide defense against a number of threats. While any character may read a protection scroll, wizard and priest scrolls cannot be normally read by a creature unless the spell in question is on the list of spells available to them.

Priest Scrolls

Priest scrolls are lacking in the infinity games. While they will be able to create a limited number of scrolls, many priest spells do not have corresponding scrolls in game. As such, there is an option to add missing priest scrolls to the game. If this feature is disabled, priests will be able to create a few scrolls, but not many.

craft_settings.ini variable(s) and default values:

b_add_priest_scrolls = 1: add missing priest scrolls

Rogue Scroll Use (Not yet available)

Note that under certain circumstances, thieves, and bards may read spell scrolls that they normally wouldn't be able to read. Details will be released later when this feature is available.

craft_settings.ini variable(s) and default values:

Limited Scroll Use (Not yet available)

By default, low-level wizards and priests are able to read spells from scrolls that are normally beyond their abilities; even a 1st-level wizard can pronounce the incantation for a fireball or lightning bolt correctly, for example.

However, there will be an option to limit casters in their ability to use scrolls in various ways. Not yet available

craft_settings.ini variable(s) and default values:

Research (Not yet available )

Typically, spell scrolls do not require special research to create. All that is required is that the crafter know the spell in question. This even follows for protection scrolls (see below for spell requirements). However, it is possible with these components that certain classes will be able to create scrolls that cannot themselves cast those (or any) spells. In these cases, an option is (will be) available to require those characters to 'research' these scrolls before creating them. In order to create a given scroll, the character will need access to that scroll in order to 'examine' it. The scroll itself is destroyed in the processes.

By default, there is no research required for spell scrolls or for protection scrolls. All that is usually required is that the crafter know the spell that is being made into a scroll. For example, if a wizard knows how to cast globe of invulnerability, they can write a scroll of protection from magic without performing any kind of research.

However, there will be an option to require research from non-standard class scroll creation (that is, for thief and monk scroll creation, and bard divine scroll creation.) In particular, if this option is enabled, then for any class that requires it, they will have to examine a particular scroll before they can create it. This examination destroys the scroll in the process.

craft_settings.ini variable(s) and default values:

Create Protection Scrolls (Not yet available)

Creation of protection scrolls, like creation of other kinds of scrolls, only requires that the crafter know one of the relevant spells as per the table below. There will be an option to require that the character research scroll creation, however (not yet available).

Protection Scroll Spell Requirements
Scroll Spell Requirements
Protection from Acid Protection From Acid, Protection From The Elements, Protection From Energy,
Protection from Cold Protection From Cold, Protection From The Elements, Protection From Energy,
Protection from Electricity Protection From The Elements, Protection From Energy, Protection from Lightning,
Protection from Fire Protection From Fire, Protection From The Elements, Protection From Energy,
Protection from Magic Protection From Magic Energy, Protection From Energy,
Protection From Petrification Protection From Petrification,
Protection from Poison Neutralize Poison,
Protection from Undead Raise Dead,

Level Requirements

Scroll creation will be available for a number of classes either at designated levels, and/or as high level abilities. These options can be tweaked for each class that has the potential to create scrolls. Also, the ability to create scrolls can be disabled for any given class.

craft_settings.ini variable(s) and default values If you would prefer not to mess with the ini, there are three "default" settings: 2e pnp, 2e modified, and 3e pnp. 2e pnp settings sticks closely to the 2e rules with regard to scroll creation access. This option represents the most delayed access in every instance. 2e modified is similar to 2e progression, but typically allows access much earlier than is standard, in some cases dramatically so for certain classes. 3e pnp simulates a 3e like progression that makes sense for each class (with some licence taken, especially for the monk, and thief).

2e pnp
Variable Name/ Value Description
b_mage_scroll = 9 Level 9
b_cleric_scroll = 7 Level 7
b_druid_scroll = 7 Level 7
b_bard_scroll = 27 Level 27
b_bard_divine_scroll = 1 Bards can create divine scrolls
b_bard_divine_level = 4 Max level 4 divine scrolls
b_paladin_scroll = 24 Level 24
b_ranger_scroll = 24 Level 24
b_sorc_scroll = 9 Level 9
b_monk_scroll = 0 HLA
b_monk_scroll_maxlev = 4 Max level 4 divine
b_thief_scroll = 0 HLA
b_thief_scroll_maxlev = 4 Max level 4 arcane
b_shaman_scroll = 7 Level 7

2e modified

2e modified
Variable Name/ Value Description
b_mage_scroll = 4 Level 4
b_cleric_scroll = 6 Level 6
b_druid_scroll = 7 Level 7 (no change)
b_bard_scroll = 13 Level 13
b_bard_divine_scroll = 1 Bards can create divine scrolls (no change)
b_bard_divine_level = 4 Max level 4 divine scrolls (no change)
b_paladin_scroll = 20 Level 20
b_ranger_scroll = 20 Level 20
b_sorc_scroll = 9 Level 9 (no change)
b_monk_scroll = 0 HLA (no change)
b_monk_scroll_maxlev = 4 Max level 4 divine (no change)
b_thief_scroll = 0 HLA(no change)
b_thief_scroll_maxlev = 4 Max level 4 arcane (no change)
b_shaman_scroll = 7 Level 7 (no change)

3e pnp

3e pnp
Variable Name/ Value Description
b_mage_scroll = 1 Level 1
b_cleric_scroll = 3 Level 3
b_druid_scroll = 6 Level 6
b_bard_scroll = 6 Level 6
b_bard_divine_scroll = 0 Bards CANNOT create divine scrolls
b_paladin_scroll = 18 Level 18
b_ranger_scroll = 18 Level 18
b_sorc_scroll = 6 Level 6
b_monk_scroll = 0 HLA (no change)
b_monk_scroll_maxlev = 4 Max level 4 divine (no change)
b_thief_scroll = 0 HLA (no change)
b_thief_scroll_maxlev = 4 Max level 4 arcane (no change)
b_shaman_scroll = 6 Level 6

Note If you plan to make any changes to the ini, it's best to install the 2e pnp version and make all desired changes from there. While some of the changes you make may find their way into the end product, in most cases they will not.

Processes and Materials

As an optional component, scrolls require scroll creation kits. Scroll creation kits come in three varieties: standard, quality, and masterwork. Scroll kits require everything you need to create a scroll included high quality paper, specially-blended ink, and quills for writing. While a standard scroll kit is sufficient to create low level scrolls, higher quality scroll kits are necessary to create higher level scrolls. Scrolls for spells of 1st to 3rd level (Tier I) can be created using a standard scroll creation kit; scrolls for spells of 4th to 6th level (Tier II) requires a quality scroll kit; and scrolls for spells of 7th to 9th level (Tier III) require a masterwork scroll kit. (Use the spell level equivalents noted above for protection scrolls.)

A scroll kit can also be used to create a scroll of a lower tier than is required. In that case, the chance of success is higher. Tier I scrolls gain a +5% bonus if a quality scroll kit is used to create them, and a +10% bonus if a masterwork scroll kit is used to create them. Tier II scrolls gain a +5% bonus to success if a masterwork scroll kit is used to create them.

On the other hand, a character can use a scroll kit of a lower quality to create a scroll of a higher tier, though this imposes a substantial penalty to the chance of success. You suffer a -20% penalty when trying to create Tier III scrolls with a standard scroll kit. This penalty is reduced to -10% if you use a quality scroll kit instead. You receive a -10% penalty when trying to create a Tier II scroll with a standard scroll kit.

Characters can buy these materials at an appropriate vendor or create a scroll kit from scratch (see craft miscellaneous items).

craft_settings.ini variable(s) and default values Again, if you prefer to set your own values in the ini, it is best to install the 2e pnp version. The default values for each install is as follows:

Scroll material settings
Install Version Material Craft Settings Description
2e pnp b_material_scroll_cost = 3 Material Components for all crafters
2e modified b_material_scroll_cost = 0 No Material Components for all crafters
3e pnp b_material_scroll_cost = 0 No Material Components for all crafters

Material Components

Item Material Components Uses Cost
Scroll kit, standard Wonderous Item 100^ 50 gp
Scroll kit, quality Wonderous Item 100^ 250 gp
Scroll kit, masterwork Wonderous Item 100^ 2,000 gp

^ A scroll kit gives 100 'uses'. However, the amount of materials used depends on the equivalate level of the scroll being created, amounting to one 'use' per equivalent level of the spell. So, a scroll with a level 1 spell costs 1 'use', while a scroll with a level 9 scroll costs 9 'uses'. As such, longevity will vary.

Scroll kit creation (Not yet available )

You need not rely on shops to purchase your scroll materials. An option will be available to allow you to craft your own if you have the right materials to do so. In order to create scroll crafting materials, you need to construct both the ink and supply the writing material. If this component is installed, when you use a scroll, it will not disappear from your inventory. Rather, as in pnp, the writing itself will disappear and you will be left with the writing materials which can be used to construct more crafting materials. In addition to paper, you need the blood of exotic creatures to create the ink. When the character has these ingredients, they can create scroll crafting materials in much the same way as they create scrolls themselves.

craft_settings.ini variable(s) and default values

Success or Failure (Not yet available)

The base chance for a successful scribing is 80%, +1% per character level, -5% per level of the spell being created (or equivalent spell level, in the case of protection scrolls).

There are four versions of this feature. In the most harsh version, the character loses all materials. In the less harsh version, the character loses half of those materials. In the third option, a failure will always produce something. See the Table: Failed Scrolls for details. Finally, in the fourth version, failure slows down creation.

Specialists gain a +15% bonus when crafting a scroll that involves their specialty.

Scroll failure settings
Install Version b_scroll_failure_arcane b_scroll_failure_divine
2e pnp 3 (arcane harsh failure) 3 (divine harsh failure)
2e modified 1 (arcane failure creates defective scrolls) 1 (divine failure creates defective scrolls)
3e pnp 4 (arcane failure delays creation) 4 (divine failure delays creation)
Grammarsalad commented 1 year ago

Gone Camping: 4001 - ???: Magic Item Creation

4001 - ???: Magic Item Creation - Craft Scroll

These components add the ability to craft scrolls to the game. There are many versions of this feature, and they each interact with other components in this mod in different (and hopefully interesting) ways.

4001: Main Component: Craft Scroll: PnP version (EEex recommended)

This component adds the ability to craft scrolls to the game, and gives the ability to craft scrolls to different classes based on standard (2e) rules and conventions. It should be noted that there are differences between this system and the standard system. For example, details about the kind of and ink used have been abstracted into different kinds of 'scroll creation kits'. In addition, many options are offered to customize the experience to the player's desire.

See section: PnP Style Scroll Creation for details.

4002: Main Component: Craft Scroll: Enable B_Craft_Scroll.ini (EEex recommended)

This component is identical to Component 4001, except it allows the player to determine many of the details of scroll creation. Even if the player doesn't change the document, this component defaults to a different form of scroll creation (see below).

B_Craft_Scroll.ini: This file, found in the main mod folder, determines the details regarding scribe scroll acquisition and function. Each section is described below.

Scroll Acquisition Level

This section determines what level scroll crafting is acquired by class. You can also choose to acquire scroll crafting only as a HLA by setting this value to -1 or lower in this section. You can disallow scroll crafting by setting this value to zero (0).

Starting percentage

This section determines the starting craft % by class. Set this value by the starting value of the skill.

Skill Progression

This section determines skill progression by class. Set this to value you want the skill to raise by level.

The default values for acquisition level, starting percentage and skill progression by class are:

Craft Scroll Skill by Level
Class/Kit Level Starting % Advancement
Mage (All) 1 80% 3%/Lev
Sorcerer (All) 4 70% 2%/Lev
Priests (All) 4 80% 2%/Lev
Bard (All) 7 60% 1%/Lev
Thieves (All) - 40% 1%/Lev
Ranger (All) HLA 60% 1%/Lev
Paladin (All) HLA 60% 1%/Lev

Class/Kit: This field denotes the class or kit in question Level: This field describes the level members of the class or kit in question gains the Craft Scroll Skill. HLA means that members of this class can take craft scrolls as a HLA.
Starting %: This field denotes the the starting % of the skill (note that this value is reduced by 5% per level of the crafted scroll).
Advancement: This field describes how well this skill advances each additional level (if the class or kit cannot allocate skill points).


xxxx: Barbarians cannot use protection scrolls

If this component is installed, barbarians may not make use of protection scrolls. "While any character except a barbarian may read a protection scroll..."

xxx1 - xxx3: Limitations: Scroll Level Restrictions

These components limit scroll use in some way. There are three subcomponents: Custom scroll limits, PnP scroll limits, and Combined scroll limits. This set of components is meant to go with proficiency and/or skill components that go with scroll use and creation, but it can be installed separately from those other components and used independently (as can those other components).

xxx1: Scroll Level Restrictions: Custom Scroll Limits

If this component is installed, creatures can only use scrolls of spells of levels that they can cast. So, for example, a creature can only use a fireball scroll if they can cast 3rd level mage spells (and they could otherwise cast fireball). The exception to this rule is if the creature has the Use Scroll Skill (see below)

xxx2: Scroll Level Restrictions: PnP Scroll Limits

This component restricts scroll use by PnP rules. As such, Bards cannot use mage scrolls (though they can still write mage spells to their spellbook from scrolls), and Rangers and Paladins cannot use cleric or druid scrolls (if they exist). Bards gain the ability to use mage scrolls at level 21. Rangers and Paladins gain the ability to use priest scrolls (if they exist) at level 21. Also see the Use Scroll Skill.

xxx3: Scroll Level Restrictions: Combined Scroll Limits

This is the most restricted scroll level restricted subcomponent combining the above constrictions. If this component is installed, creatures can only use scrolls of spells of levels that they can cast. So, for example, a creature can only use a fireball scroll if they can cast 3rd level mage spells (and they could otherwise cast fireball). In addition, Bards cannot use mage scrolls (though they can still write mage spells to their spellbook from scrolls), and Rangers and Paladins cannot use cleric or druid scrolls (if they exist). Bards gain the ability to use mage scrolls at level 21. Rangers and Paladins gain the ability to use priest scrolls (if they exist) at level 21. Also see the Use Scroll Skill.

COMPONENT XXX: Read Magic Spell (all scrolls)

If this component is installed, scrolls cannot be used except by use of a read magic spell. This spell allows a wizard or priest to use as many scrolls as they please for the duration of the spell. "While any character may read a protection scroll without the benefit of a read magic spell, wizard and priest scrolls cannot be normally ready by a creature that cannot cast a spell of that type and level. So, for example, a first level mage can only use scrolls of 1st level, and they cannot use said scroll if it is of a prohibited school. And so on."

xxx1-xxx2: Read Magic Spell

This group of components involves adding a new spell to the game: Read Magic. This spell does different things depending on which component is installed.

xxx1: Read Magic Spell (prohibited scrolls)

If this component is installed, characters can read otherwise unfamiliar scrolls by use of the read magic spell. That is, wizards can read priest scrolls, specialists can read prohibited scrolls, etc. "While any character may read a protection scroll without the benefit of a read magic spell, wizard and priest scrolls cannot be normally ready by a creature without the benefit of a read magic spell (unless the spell in question is on the list of spells available to that creature). "

xxx2: Limited Scroll use by level

If this component is installed, creatures are limited by class and spell level of the scroll in question. Specifically, they can only read scrolls of a spell level that they can cast. That is, for example, a first level wizard can only use scrolls containing 1st level mage spells. Similarly, priests can only use scrolls containing 1st level priest spells. "While any character may read a protection scroll without the benefit of a read magic spell, wizard and priest scrolls cannot be normally ready by a creature without the benefit of a read magic spell. "

xxx1 - xxx4: Rogue Read Scrolls

These components add the use scrolls skill to the game. Both thieves and bards have access to this skill. There are three versions of this component: a version that does not allow thieves progression in this skill until 10th level, a version that allows thieves access to this skill at 1st level, and a version that allows rogues to use scrolls starting at 10th level that does not make use of skill points. It is suggested that the user also install a version of restricted scroll use, though this is not strictly necessary as these components can function independently (though they are implemented differently if installed together: see the next section --skill details--for more information.

xxx1: Use Scrolls: 10th level (EEex required--Not yet available)

This component adds the use scrolls skill, and gives it to both bards (except blades and skalds) and thieves. This component restricts characters from putting points into the skill until 10th level. At 10th level, bards have 20% in this skill. At 10th level, thieves have no skill in use scrolls, but they can start distributing skill points to the skill.

xxx2: Use Scrolls: no level requirement (EEex required--Not yet available)

This component adds the use scrolls skill, and gives it to both bards (except blades and skalds) and thieves. It is otherwise like xxx1.

Note: This component is likely to imbalance the game.

xxx3: Use Scrolls: pseudo-skill

This component adds the use scrolls pseudo-skill, and gives it to both bards and thieves. Beginning at 10th level, bards (not skalds or blades) and thieves can use mage and/or cleric scrolls of 1st level (and 0 level if they exist in the game). They can use a scroll of 1 level higher every two levels thereafter (i.e. level 2 scrolls at 12th level, 3rd level scrolls at 14th level, etc.).

xxx4: Use Scrolls: pseudo-skill: lore-based

This component adds the use scrolls pseudo-skill, and gives it to both bards and thieves. Beginning at 10th level, bards (not skalds or blades) and thieves can use mage and/or cleric scrolls based on their lore skill.

COMPONENT XXX: Alternate Scroll Creation Progression

If this component is installed, the player can choose when scroll creation becomes available to a given class (or if it becomes available at all). In order to change the progression, see NAME.ini. If this component is installed, the default levels are as follows: wizards (but not sorcerers) to scribe scrolls at level 1; priests, bards and sorcerers gain scribe scrolls at level 3; and rangers and paladins to scribe scrolls at level 9.

COMPONENT XXX: Scroll Creation as a High Level Ability

If this component is installed, casters can create scrolls if they have the high level ability Create Scroll.
"Scroll creation is limited to characters that select scroll creation as a High Level Ability.

COMPONENT XXX: Thief Scroll Creation

If this component is installed, thieves can create scrolls (requires rogue read scrolls component). (Two versions: a high level ability version and get at lev 15). In order to do so, they must have access to a scroll of a particular type in order to make more scrolls of that type. They use up that scroll while learning how to create it as a scroll. Bards can also create priest scrolls in this way. "The lone exception is rogues where applicable. A thief must always have access to a scroll to study from before they can recreate scrolls of that type. They use up the scroll in this process. Similarly, Bards can use this method to create priest scrolls."

COMPONENT XXX: No Material Requirements

If this component is installed, no component materials are required to create a scroll. However, creation cost is doubled (or stays the same if installed alongside the Experience Cost component).

COMPONENT XXX: Experience Cost

If this component is installed, characters must burn experience points in order to craft a scroll. This does not lower a character's level even if they no longer have enough experience points for their current level. This does, however, delay advancement to the next level as normal. Scroll cost is eliminated if this component is installed (or stays the same if installed alongside No Material Components).

COMPONENT XXX: Automatic Success

If this component is installed, scroll creation is automatically successful. In this case, crafting kits cannot be used to create scrolls of a higher tier than they would be able to otherwise.

COMPONENT XXX: Wasted Failure

If this component is installed, a failure to create a scroll does not produce anything except a drain on the character's resources. The character pays full cost for the scroll and burns any materials, but no scroll is created. Install if you like to be frustrated.

COMPONENT XX1: Wasted Failure (less harsh)

If this component is installed, a failure to create a scroll does not produce anything except a drain on the character's resources. The character pays half cost for the scroll, but no scroll is created. Install if you like to be frustrated.

Grammarsalad commented 1 year ago

Wizards may create scrolls when they reach 9th level, while Priests may scribe scrolls when they reach 7th level. Paladins and Rangers can create scrolls at level 24. Finally, Bards can create scrolls at level 27. Any spell the character knows (or has access to, in the case of a priest) can be placed on a scroll, or the character may attempt to create a protection scroll. If Proficiencies is installed, however, then characters may instead need to have the requisite number of proficiency points in Spellcraft in order to create scrolls (see that mod).

Grammarsalad commented 1 year ago

Scroll Creation

Scroll Type/Name Required Spell(s) Components Cost xp^^
Spell Scroll, Levels 1-3 By Spell Scroll kit, standard^ 150 gp/level 6/level
Spell Scroll, Levels 4-6 By Spell Scroll kit, quality^ 250 gp/level 10/level
Spell Scroll, Levels 7-9 By Spell Scroll kit, masterwork^ 400 gp/level 16/level
Protection from Magic Globe of Invulnerability; Scroll kit, quality^ 600 gp 24
Protection from Poison Neutralize Poison; Scroll kit, quality^ 400 gp 16
Protection from Petrification Stone to Flesh; Scroll kit, quality^ 600 gp 24
Protection from Undead Control Undead; Scroll kit, masterwork^ 700 gp 28

^ This kind of scroll can be created using lesser or greater quality scroll kits than required.
^^ If this component is installed

Bonus or penalty to craft by level and kit quality

Scroll Level Standard Quality Masterwork
1 - +15% +30%
2 - +10% +25%
3 - +5% +20%
4 -10% - +15%
5 -20% - +10%
6 -30% - +5%
7 -40% -10% -
8 -50% -20% -
9 -60% -30% -

Flawed Scrolls

Chance Flaw
5% Cursed: Blindness