GrandOrgue / grandorgue

GrandOrgue software
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Control overall volume via midi #1868

Closed William-Purvis closed 2 months ago

William-Purvis commented 2 months ago

Is there a way to control the overall volume by Midi? At present we are using the GUI interface to set the level, but the intention is to run without the monitor so the GUI will not be available. I am putting together a control panel to provide the main on/off control and USB ports for memory sticks etc, and want to include a volume knob there. It will be scanned by yet another Arduino to produce Midi messages, but I have not found any controller to send the messages to.

nh4ml1 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I've done this by assigning midi command to the "Master" expression pedal, accessible in menu "Coupler manual and volume". Example : check video tutorial N.

William-Purvis commented 2 months ago

Many thanks, That seems to be OK on my laptop organ, I'll try it on the church origran next time I can get to it. I hadn't looked at that panel before!
