GrandOrgue / grandorgue

GrandOrgue software
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Fire Panic button using MIDI message #1905

Closed lupushortus closed 1 month ago

lupushortus commented 1 month ago

Hi all,

when running GO headless there is no possibility to press the Panic button on main window. Having a MIDI receiver (virtual button) can provide this function.

I've added a new button in GOSetter.cpp (may be there's a better place?) that allows one to configure it in "MIDI Objects" dialogue. It will then create and send the event ID_AUDIO_PANIC to the main process (wxTheApp). The button is not displayed on any panels, as MIDI Objects dialogue should be sufficient to configure that special function.

If there are no problems/comments on that, I'll prepare a pull request.

As @William-Purvis had the same issue with closing GO by MIDI comment (see issue #1807) I've also added a button for exiting GO (ID_FILE_EXIT).

Any comment on this?