Granola-Team / mina-block-explorer

Web application for the Mina blockchain
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 6 forks source link

Important regression tests have been commented out #740

Closed n1tranquilla closed 3 months ago

n1tranquilla commented 3 months ago

Blocked on

n1tranquilla commented 3 months ago

Waiting for API to stabilize.

robinbb commented 3 months ago

transaction spotlight:

// it("renders the tooltip for stake delegations", () => { // cy.visit(/commands/${FIRST_TXN_HASH});
// cy.get("section#spotlight-section table").within(() => { // cy.get("th").contains("Amount").as("amount"); // cy.get("@amount").parent("tr").as("row"); // cy.get("@row").within(() => { // cy.get("td .tooltip").should( // "have.attr", // "title", // "Stake delegations have no transacted amount", // ); // }); // }); // });


// TODO: uncomment when is fixed
// {
//   origin: "/staking-ledgers?epoch=1",
//   tableHeading: "Staking Ledger",
//   column: "Key",
// },

All of user-commands/memo.

n1tranquilla commented 3 months ago

Blocked by

robinbb commented 3 months ago

The tests were commented out in order to help with integration with the back-end, so I'll move this to the appropriate milestone: Integration.

robinbb commented 3 months ago

user-command/memo still commented out.

n1tranquilla commented 3 months ago

Blocked by

robinbb commented 3 months ago

@n1tranquilla It appears that the blocking issue has closed, so I am moving this to 'Next'.