Granola-Team / mina-block-explorer

Web application for the Mina blockchain
Apache License 2.0
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Display applied/failed for each transaction #874

Closed Isaac-DeFrain closed 6 days ago

Isaac-DeFrain commented 4 weeks ago

These txns are all failed Image

n1tranquilla commented 3 weeks ago

Is the block non-canonical? Because I think that's how you get failed user commands. This is a tab in the block spotlight page

n1tranquilla commented 3 weeks ago

Minaexplorer does not have this feature (, so I'll move to the maintenance milestone

robinbb commented 3 weeks ago

Consider making it 3 options: canonical, non-canonical (failed), or pending.

Isaac-DeFrain commented 3 weeks ago

Whether a txn is "applied" or "failed" is independent of canonicity

robinbb commented 3 weeks ago

Oh, I misunderstood what you were asking for. Thanks for explaining. Ignore my comment about canonicity.

robinbb commented 3 weeks ago

It seems we need a new column to indicate "success"?

robinbb commented 3 weeks ago

... and maybe some increased opacity or some other way to visually indicate failed transactions.

n1tranquilla commented 3 weeks ago

I think we need a green dot or a red dot, like the other pages. That or we include block canonicity on each tab

n1tranquilla commented 3 weeks ago

Here is an example:

robinbb commented 3 weeks ago

I don't think this is done. Example: there is no evidence that this is not applied.