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Read Chapter 12 of "The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses" #68

Closed zaphodb2002 closed 1 week ago

zaphodb2002 commented 1 month ago

Chapter 12: Some Elements are Game Mechanics

Mechanic 1: Space

LENS 026: The Lens of Functional Space To use this lens, think about the space in which your game really takes place when all the surface elements are stripped away. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is the space of this game discrete or continuous?
  2. How many dimensions does it have?
  3. What are the boundaries of the space?
  4. Are there subspaces? How are they connected?
  5. Is there more than one useful way to abstractly model the space of this game?

Mechanic 2: Time

Discrete and Continuous Time

Clocks and Races

Controlling Time

Mechanic 3: Objects

LENS 028: The Lens of the State Machine To use this lens, think about what information changes during your game. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What are the objects in my game?
  2. What are the attributes of the objects?
  3. What are the possible states for each attribute?
  4. What triggers the state changes for each attribute? Gameplaying is decision making. Decisions are made based on information. Deciding the different attributes, their states, and what changes them is core to the mechanics of your game.


Mechanic 4: Actions

Emergent Gameplay

LENS 030: The Lens of Emergence To make sure your game has interesting qualities of emergence, ask yourself these questions:

  1. How many verbs do my players have?
  2. How many objects can each verb act on?
  3. How many ways can players achieve their goals?
  4. How many subjects do the players control?
  5. How do side effects change constraints?

LENS 031: The Lens of Action To use this lens, think about what your players can do and what they can't, and why. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What are the basic actions of my game?
  2. What are the strategic actions?
  3. What strategic actions would I like to see? How can I change my game in order to make those possible?
  4. Am I happy with the ratio of strategic to basic actions?
  5. What actions do players wish they could do in my game that they cannot? Can I somehow enable these, either as basic or strategic actions? A game without actions is like a sentence without verbs -- nothing happens. Deciding the actions in your game will be the most fundamental decision you can make as a game designer. Tiny changes to these actions will have tremendous ripple effects with the possibility of either creating marvelous emergent gameplay, or making a game that is predictable and tedious. Choose your actions carefully, and learn to listen to your game and your players to learn what is made possible by your choices.

Mechanic 5: Rules

Parlett's Rule Analysis


  1. Operational rules = What the player does to play the game (roll 1d6, add to str)
  2. Foundational rules = an abstract representation (str increased by random number btw 1-6)
  3. Behavioral rules = also known as "good sportsmanship". Games are a social contract between players
  4. Written rules = documentation
  5. Laws = for competition
  6. Official Rules = laws written down
  7. Advisory Rules = not really rules, just like tips
  8. House Rules = feedback, tuning to audience



LENS 032: The Lens of Goals To ensure the goals of your game are appropriate and well balanced, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is the ultimate goal of my game?
  2. Is that goal clear to players?
  3. If there is a series of goals, do the players understand that?
  4. Are the different goals related to each other in a meaningful way?
  5. Are my goals concrete, achievable, and rewarding?
  6. Do I have a good balance of short- and long-term goals?
  7. Do players have a chance to decide on their own goals?

Wrapping up Rules

LENS 033: The Lens of the Rules To use this lens, look deep into your game, until your can make out its most basic structure. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What are the foundational rules of my game? How do these differ from the operational rules?
  2. Are there "laws" or "house rules" that are forming as the game develops?
  3. Are there different modes in my game? Do these modes make things simpler, or more complex? Would the game be better with fewer modes? More modes?
  4. Who enforces the rules?
  5. Are the rules easy to understand, or is there confusion about them? If there is confusion, should I fix it by changing the rules or by explaining them more clearly? There is a common misconception that designers make games by sitting down and writing a set of rules. this usually isn’t how it happens at all. a game’s rules are arrived at gradually and experimentally. the designer’s mind generally works in the domain of “operational rules,” occasionally switching to the perspective of “foundational rules” when thinking about how to change or improve the game. the “written rules” usually come toward the end, once the game is playable. Part of the designer’s job is to make sure there are rules that cover every circumstance. be sure to take careful notes as you playtest, because it is during these tests that holes in your rules will appear—if you just patch them quickly and don’t make a note, the same hole will just show up again later. a game is its rules—give them the time and consideration that they deserve.

Mechanic 6: Skill

Real vs. Virtual skills

Enumerating Skills

LENS 034: The Lens of Skill To use this lens, stop looking at your game, and start looking at the skills you are asking of your players. Ask these questions:

  1. What skills does my game require from the player?
  2. Are there categories of skill that this game is missing?
  3. Which skills are dominant?
  4. Are these skills creating the experience I want?
  5. Are some players much better at these skills than others? Does this make the game feel unfair?
  6. Can players improve their skills with practice, leading to a feeling of mastery?
  7. Does this game demand the right level of skill? exercising skills can be a joyful thing—it is one of the reasons that people love games. of course, it is only joyful if the skills are interesting and rewarding and if the challenge level strikes that ideal balance between “too easy” and “too hard.” even dull skills (such as pushing buttons) can be made more interesting by dressing them up as virtual skills and providing the right level of challenge. Use this lens as a window into the experience the player is having. because skills do so much to define experience, the lens of skill works quite well in conjunction with lens 002: Essential Experience.

Mechanic 7: Chance

Ten Rules of Probability Every Game Designer Should Know

  1. Fractions are Decimals are Percents
  2. Zero to One -- That's It!
  3. "Looked For" divided by "Possible Outcomes" equals probability
  4. Enumerate possible outcomes
  5. In some cases, "or" means add
  6. In some cases, "and" means multiply
  7. One minus "Does" equals "Doesn't"
  8. The sum of multiple linear random selections is NOT a linear random selection (rolling many dice resolves to median over time)
  9. Roll the Dice (test and record actions to verify)
  10. Geeks love showing off (Gombaud's Law)

Expected Value

LENS 035: The Lens of Expected Value To use this lens, think about the chance of different events occurring in your game and what those mean to your player. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is the actual chance of a certain event occurring?
  2. What is the perceived chance?
  3. What value does the outcome of that event have? Can the value be quantified? Are there intangible aspects of value that I am not considering?
  4. Each action a player can take has a different expected value when I add up all the possible outcomes. Am I happy with these values? Do they give the player interesting choices? Are they too rewarding, or too punishing? Expected value is one of your most valuable tools for analyzing game balance. The challenge of using it is finding a way to numerically represent everything that can happen to a player. Gaining and losing money is easy to represent. but what is the numerical value of “boots of speed” that let you run faster or a “warp gate” that lets you skip two levels? these are difficult to quantify perfectly—but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a guess. as we’ll see in the next chapter, as you go through multiple iterations of game testing and tweaking parameters and values in your game, you will also be tweaking your own estimations of the values of different outcomes. Quantifying these less tangible elements can be quite enlightening, because it makes you think concretely about what is valuable to the player and why—and this concrete knowledge will put you in control of the balance of your game.

Skill and Chance get tangled

  1. Estimating chance is a skill
  2. Skills have a probability of success
  3. Estimating an opponent's skill is a skill
  4. Predicting pure chance is an imagined skill
  5. Controlling pure chance is an imagined skill

LENS 036: The Lens of Chance To use this lens, focus on the parts of your game that involve randomness and risk, keeping in mind that those two things are not the same. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What in my game is truly random? What parts just feel random?
  2. Does the randomness give the players positive feelings of excitement and challenge, or does it give them negative feelings of hopelessness and lack of control?
  3. Would changing my probability distribution curves improve my game?
  4. Do players have the opportunity to take interesting risks in the game?
  5. What is the relationship between chance and skill in my game? Are there ways I can make random elements feel more like the exercise of a skill? Are there ways I can make exercising skills feel more like risk taking? Risk and randomness are like spices. a game without any hint of them can be completely bland, but put in too much and they overwhelm everything else. Get them just right, and they enhance every flavor in your game. Unfortunately, using them in your game is not as simple as sprinkling them on top. You must look into your game to see where elements of risk and randomness naturally arise, and then decide how you can best tame them to do your bidding. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that elements of chance only occur around die rolls or randomly generated numbers. on the contrary, you can find them wherever a player encounters the unknown.

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