Graphcool / graphcool-framework

Apache License 2.0
1.77k stars 131 forks source link

getting help screen from docker-compose when attempting `graphcool local up` on fresh ubuntu 16 install #477

Open paul42 opened 6 years ago

paul42 commented 6 years ago

Current behavior be running ubuntu 16 on fresh install created npm prefix /home/paul/.npm-global run npm install -g graphcool and then graphcool init hello-world running graphcool local up does not appear to work as desired Reproduction


paul@paul-GA-78LMT-USB3:~/Code/hello-world$ DEBUG="*" graphcool local pull
  config CWD /home/paul/Code/hello-world +0ms
  config HOME /home/paul +2ms
  config definitionDir /home/paul/Code/hello-world +0ms
  config definitionPath /home/paul/Code/hello-world/graphcool.yml +0ms
  config homepath /home/paul/.graphcoolrc +0ms
  config localRCPath /home/paul/Code/hello-world/.graphcoolrc +0ms
  config globalRCPath /home/paul/.graphcoolrc +0ms
  cli command id local:pull +0ms
  cli:plugincache Got plugin from cache +0ms
  cli:plugincache /home/paul/.cache/graphcool/plugins.json +0ms
  cli:plugincache Got plugin from cache +1ms
  cli:plugincache /home/paul/.cache/graphcool/plugins.json +1ms
  plugins findCommand graphcool-cli-core +0ms
  plugin requiring command +0ms
  cli-engine:plugins:manager requiring /home/paul/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/graphcool/node_modules/graphcool-cli-core +0ms
  cli-engine:plugins:manager required +556ms
  plugin required command +559ms
  EnvironmentMigrator graphcoolPath /home/paul/.graphcool does not exist +0ms
  portfinder:defaultHosts exports._defaultHosts is: [ '', '', '::1', '', 'fe80::1abc:56af:54c5:d45' ] +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +2ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60000 +1ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60000 +3ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is ::1 +1ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying ::1 port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK ::1 port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is fe80::1abc:56af:54c5:d45 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying fe80::1abc:56af:54c5:d45 port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): failed fe80::1abc:56af:54c5:d45 w/ port 60000 with error EINVAL +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with an err: EINVAL +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() result callback: err is { Error: listen EINVAL fe80::1abc:56af:54c5:d45:60000
    at Object._errnoException (util.js:1003:13)
    at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1024:20)
    at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1350:19)
    at listenInCluster (net.js:1408:12)
    at doListen (net.js:1523:7)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:152:19)
  errno: 'EINVAL',
  code: 'EINVAL',
  syscall: 'listen',
  address: 'fe80::1abc:56af:54c5:d45',
  port: 60000 } +1ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +1ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60000 +1ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is ::1 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying ::1 port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK ::1 port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60000 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() result callback: openPorts is [ 60000, 60000, 60000, 60000 ] +1ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is ::1 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying ::1 port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK ::1 port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60050 +1ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback: host is +0ms
  portfinder:testPort entered testPort(): trying port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:testPort done w/ testPort(): OK port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() iteration callback testPort() callback with a success for port 60050 +0ms
  portfinder:getPort in eachSeries() result callback: openPorts is [ 60050, 60050, 60050, 60050 ] +0ms
  Docker customVars +0ms
  Docker { PORT: '60000',
  Docker   FUNCTIONS_PORT: '60050',
  Docker   FUNCTION_ENDPOINT_INTERNAL: 'http://localfaas:60050',
  Docker   FUNCTION_ENDPOINT_EXTERNAL: 'http://localhost:60050' } +0ms
Running local Graphcool cluster at http://localhost:60000
Running local FaaS runtime at http://localhost:60050
This may take several minutes
$ docker-compose pull

docker   Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.
docker   Usage:
docker     docker-compose [-f <arg>...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]
docker     docker-compose -h|--help
docker   Options:
docker     -f, --file FILE             Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)
docker     -p, --project-name NAME     Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)
docker     --verbose                   Show more output
docker     -v, --version               Print version and exit
docker     -H, --host HOST             Daemon socket to connect to
docker     --tls                       Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
docker     --tlscacert CA_PATH         Trust certs signed only by this CA
docker     --tlscert CLIENT_CERT_PATH  Path to TLS certificate file
docker     --tlskey TLS_KEY_PATH       Path to TLS key file
docker     --tlsverify                 Use TLS and verify the remote
docker     --skip-hostname-check       Don't check the daemon's hostname against the name specified
docker                                 in the client certificate (for example if your docker host
docker                                 is an IP address)
docker   Commands:
docker     build              Build or rebuild services
docker     bundle             Generate a Docker bundle from the Compose file
docker     config             Validate and view the compose file
docker     create             Create services
docker     down               Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes
docker     events             Receive real time events from containers
docker     exec               Execute a command in a running container
docker     help               Get help on a command
docker     kill               Kill containers
docker     logs               View output from containers
docker     pause              Pause services
docker     port               Print the public port for a port binding
docker     ps                 List containers
docker     pull               Pulls service images
docker     push               Push service images
docker     restart            Restart services
docker     rm                 Remove stopped containers
docker     run                Run a one-off command
docker     scale              Set number of containers for a service
docker     start              Start services
docker     stop               Stop services
docker     unpause            Unpause services
docker     up                 Create and start containers
docker     version            Show the Docker-Compose version information
Exiting with code: 1
paul@paul-GA-78LMT-USB3:~/Code/hello-world$ docker -v
Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6
paul@paul-GA-78LMT-USB3:~/Code/hello-world$ docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.8.0, build unknown
paul@paul-GA-78LMT-USB3:~/Code/hello-world$ node -v
paul@paul-GA-78LMT-USB3:~/Code/hello-world$ npm -v

I don't fully understand ubuntu or graphcool (just messing around on the weekend) but I'm not seeing where the docker-compose files would be for this, are the compose files not created due to this invalid address error?

Expected behavior? able to run graphcool cluster locally on ubuntu

Thanks in advance, love the library and look forward to using it more