Grapheel / IRIS

Issue tracker for Grapheel IRIS's beta
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My images disappeared #1

Closed dh256git closed 6 years ago

dh256git commented 6 years ago

Tell us about your system and the issue with IRIS

For [option1/option2/option3...] delete as appropriate.

  1. I'm using IRIS as a visually impaired user
  2. My device is a: Macbook Pro 13" 2015 (high spec)
  3. My operating system is: OS X 10.10
  4. The web browser I'm using is: Safari
  5. I'd like to report or request a: bug with existing feature
  6. I found the following bugs:
    • [ ] the images I uploaded yesterday were not there when I logged in today,
      1. I'd like to request the following IRIS superpower(s), change(s):
    • [ ] sort images in order of number of replies from top to bottom,
    • [ ] notification sound when I upload an image,

My further comments:

Add or remove as appropriate.

I have the following comments:

tingard commented 6 years ago

Hi there, thanks for pointing this out. Could you confirm for me whether these images are again visible?

tingard commented 6 years ago

For future reference, please keep bug reports separate from feature requests to allow us to easily track what each issue is about (in this case two issues would have been better, one for the missing images and another for the requested features)