GraphemeNFT / rarible-scaffold

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final contract fns #39

Open dcsan opened 3 years ago

dcsan commented 3 years ago

(posting for @keepRunning )

this is what I have. Should suffice for the UI for now. I need to refactor and some checks, but the signatures should remain the same.

dcsan commented 3 years ago

I think getInfo can return both DNA and isClaimed status, so i can get all the info in one call for rendering.

would this return a struct, or two variables? I'm not clear how to return structs or I could look into this. @keepRunning

keepRunning commented 3 years ago

I can add a getTokenInfo(tokenId) returning array of two values if you think it will help. We need to reduce overall calls to api. We faced having too many infura calls in the previous app.

dcsan commented 3 years ago

yeah that sounds good. an array of different types though? wow, solidity is so flexible :D

this is also called once PER LETTER so it's a lot of events...

maybe I can cache it locally but hard to know when I can cache... if there's a claim event i could do some other stuff which is event based, but react will try to render everything. these are only read requests so ... ?

there's a lot of chatter in the app that i think is also causing re-renders.

for claimed items all that info should be in the metadata on IPFS which comes in with the object.

keepRunning commented 3 years ago

We have to reduce refresh time. It will be chatty unless use our own graph server/rarible apis. We can't avoid it. Technically, we don't need any ipfs info since we use dna, claim status, Word structure everything from contract. We can definitely cache/local-storage the Letters since they don't change after mint/claim. Even words might be fixed after mint.

dcsan commented 3 years ago

it's pretty fast right now, but just on a local graph. idno if we'll have time to optimize in next 2 days tho... still lots to get on the basics.

tomosaigon commented 3 years ago

the chatter is happening on block updates, not page refresh, therefore caching to browser storage will only prevent requests once.

maybe a better way than listening for updates but that's how the scaffold is set up to work and optimizing that is probably not something we have time for.

tomosaigon commented 3 years ago

mentioned yesterday in discord:

saveWord(uint256 tokenId,string memory tokenURI,uint256[] memory tokenIds,uint256[] memory rows,uint256[] memory cols) - Save/Update word after mint

probably no need for this. TokenURI is saved during word's mint. No need to ever update it.

tomosaigon commented 3 years ago

One thing to note: Letters and Words can be rendered just from reading the blockchain. HOWEVER, there's also small bits of data in metadata.json on ipfs: name is the main one. We can ignore the name if there's no time to connect the rest up.