GraphemeNFT / rarible-scaffold

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burnToken sol method #76

Open dcsan opened 2 years ago

dcsan commented 2 years ago

we quickly get a lot of junk in the wallet - esp with not claimed items.

can you make a burn method?

dcsan commented 2 years ago


keepRunning commented 2 years ago

We need to come up with a different mechanism for this. Asking user to again pay for a burn is bad. We should periodically expire tokens not claimed for long enough. This is again not standard to do using the ERC721 structure. Have to think about this.

dcsan commented 2 years ago

when they mint the token in the first place, this could accrue some fee to us beyond the gas? then we can use that eth to do a sweep now and then?

or we could just not display certain tokens, filter them client side, or have our own server in the middle doing the indexing/caching to only show the relevant / new items? then it would be faster for the user too.

or maybe do one transaction that sweeps a bunch of tokens at once?

keepRunning commented 2 years ago

If we embrace RaribleAPI and LazyMint, I think can we can achieve a better mechanism.


dcsan commented 2 years ago

this sounds interesting.

do rarible lazy mints show up on OpenSea and other places? I wasn't sure if that's something specific to them, if a lazy mint is using some kind of central DB at their side? in some ways, not sure if we need the visibility to list all letters, but it should be a conscious decision.

also can we charge for lazy mints? if they're totally free, then we'll just get people rolling forever til they get something they want... tho this does give us flexibility to low-price it and without gas?

keepRunning commented 2 years ago

Lazy mints shouldn't show up unless they promote interoperability and share data. Will have to check. We could use part of the Roll() funds to connect to Oracle and generate a random key.