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start introducing conforming procedure style #849

Closed sandbank52641 closed 5 months ago

sandbank52641 commented 5 months ago

The changes summarized:


I use the entity number   for the non-breaking space instead of the named character entity   because xmllint produces a linting error (which is to be expected).

parser error : Entity 'nbsp' not defined

Ideally we want to use the named character entity ( ), but I couldn't find a reasonable solution. In order not to block this change, I've opted for the entity number ( ). If a reasonable solution is found, the entity number can be easily replaced by the named character entity.

The changes require more than just replacing the currently used arrow. The surrounding context should be checked to determine whether a change is appropriate at this point and whether it requires further changes in the context itself.

The paragraphs are wrapped with the currently used 98 characters. If using vim:

:set tw=98

Vim's wrapping is weird when applied several times. To work around this, we can unwrap the paragraph first. To select a paragraph, unwrap and rewrap: Point to the line of the paragraph, and type vipJgqq in normal mode.