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Issue using Mock Location..... #2441

Open noci2012 opened 9 months ago

noci2012 commented 9 months ago

i have a pixel 4a, without GSF, where location services work using the basic hardware. i have a pixel tablet, without GSF, using an external GPS, GPS Connector, and an external XGPS-150A.

the devices have no access to what so ever.

Intended use for pixel tablet, a viewable screen (from some distance) for additional info on navigation on a boat. There is no or bad cell cervices during trips, (so googleapis make no sense). Same for fusing cell tower data (non existent) and bluetooth data (as all devices travel with the ship), or Wifi as the WiFi meant as LAN on the boat for several device is mobile (without internet access).

On the pixel4a OSMAnd (and other location based tools) works perfectly. On the pixel tablet GPS is not seen. The bluetooth GPS puck does connect, GPS Connector DOES see a fix, and a good locatiion, GPS Connector has been setup as the Mock Location tool. For some reason this location is not seen on OSMand and other tools.

I guess the tablet version of GOS has not been configured to allow Mock Location to actualy work. Or has a slightly different setup from a device WITH GPS.

manuelschneider commented 6 months ago

I can confirm this with a pixel tablet, build number UP1A.231105.003.2023112900 of Graphene OS.

Is this somehow intended? Any hint would be appreciated, thanks.

thestinger commented 6 months ago

Does it work on the stock OS?

manuelschneider commented 6 months ago


I've flashed the stock OS on the same device, build is UQ1A.231205.015. Apps are exactly the same.

manuelschneider commented 6 days ago

Tried again today - same results. If you have anything I could check in the logs, let me know.

manuelschneider commented 6 days ago

Maybe this is related:

06-28 15:16:50.968 1014 1014 W TracingMuxer: type=1400 audit(0.0:4511): avc: denied { write } for name="traced_producer" dev="tmpfs" ino=1488 scontext=u:r:gxp_logging:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:traced_producer_socket:s0 tclass=sock_file permissive=0
