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Incoming calls while on a secondary profile will not use bluetooth headset, cannot switch to it during call either #3174

Open matchboxbananasynergy opened 5 months ago

matchboxbananasynergy commented 5 months ago

On GrapheneOS, receiving an incoming call while on a secondary profile will not use a connected bluetooth headset, and will not allow you to switch to it during the call either.

This is not reproducible on stock OS.

On GrapheneOS, neither the AOSP dialer that comes with the OS, or Google's phone app will work properly.

To get an incoming call to show up via Google's phone app in a secondary profile, I had to install it in both owner and that secondary profile, and make it the default phone app in both profiles. The same issue with bluetooth persists even when the incoming call comes through Google's app.

The Bluetooth headset will show up as the selected input device on the in-call dialler UI, but despite this, the built-in mic will be used. Attempting to manually select any source will bring up the selection menu, but any selection made is ineffective and continues to display the Bluetooth headset as selected, with but with built in mic active.

Possible causes

  1. This is an AOSP dialer bug, and the reason why Google's phone app won't work is because it needs to be the system dialer to work, not just the default phone app.
  2. This is an AOSP OS bug that's been fixed on stock OS via an APEX module update or something similar, which has not yet been fixed in GrapheneOS as a result.
add1989 commented 4 months ago


I can confirm that I'm also experiencing the same issue, ever since the upgrade to Android 14. Streaming audio (e.g. Spotify) and outgoing calls work fine, but incoming telephone calls do not. Do we have any rough idea if/when anything is likely to happen on this?

5vmmvm commented 1 month ago

Same issue here

User1966 commented 3 weeks ago

I have seen this issue for months, on secondary profile. Not tested on primary profile.

User1966 commented 2 weeks ago

@matchboxbananasynergy @add1989 @5vmmvm FYI, I have a workaround

Environment: latest GrapheneOS and apps.

GIVEN you have an incoming call on the GrapheneOS telephone app on a secondary profile with a bluetooth headset connected WHEN you select the hold button AND select speaker OR phone from the dropdown AND remove hold THEN you switch to speaker/phone and can better hear the other person.

I can't seem to switch back to bluetooth headset at all, but less easy to test myself. This workaround been working for a few days to weeks.

Ariancabef commented 4 days ago

Same here, and it's really anoying!

Any fixing-timing expected?