GraphiteEditor / Graphite

2D vector & raster editor that melds traditional layers & tools with a modern node-based, non-destructive, procedural workflow.
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Add npm to recommended packages to install #1780

Closed LukeFranceschini closed 2 weeks ago

LukeFranceschini commented 2 weeks ago

You need npm to run the next step in the getting started instructions, so it should be on the list of packages to be installed.

Keavon commented 2 weeks ago

Don't you think this is already sufficiently covered by the first paragraph of that page?

Graphite is built with Rust and web technologies. Install the latest LTS version of Node.js and stable release of Rust, as well as Git.

That list of Linux-specific dependencies is for other weird things that really ought to just be included by the tooling (and is on other OSs). Adding npm to that list of system dependencies seems out of place. I don't think it would be appropriate to mix in npm there, since the reader should have already followed the steps above to install it; or may already have npm installed; or may prefer a different way to install it like through nvm.

LukeFranceschini commented 2 weeks ago

Oh hmm, I thought that LTS meant the one that's in the package manager for my system (apt on Ubuntu), so I just used sudo apt install nodejs directly. I guess I should have clicked through the link and followed those specific instructions instead of just installing the base nodejs package. I'll try using the website instructions instead and go from there.

I haven't used Node.js (or really any javascript framework) before, so thanks for your patience and understanding! : )

Keavon commented 2 weeks ago

No worries. I've found that, while Linux is the least convenient OS to install npm on, using nvm (node version manager) seems to be the easiest method of the many somewhat complicated methods that are available.