GraseHotspot / grase-www-portal

Grase WWW Portal (Main Package)
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Hi, can anybody here help me ? (Auto login of users within 48 hours of first login) #194

Open dkarky0 opened 3 years ago

dkarky0 commented 3 years ago

I want my users to be auto login within 48 hours of first login so they do not have to login again and again on same device. Right now when I increase the idel time the users stay logged in for 7 8 hours max then Lost Carrier appear and user needs to log in again. Can anything be done to make the same user log in automatically who have been logged out due to lost carrier. This is already been done in many comercial products but no one is ready to tell or sell their recipe. I can also pay if someday helps me !

timwhite commented 3 years ago

Hi @dkarky0

Ideally requests like this should be to the mailing list ( as they aren't really bugs.

Unfortunately, when you get Lost Carrier, it means the device has disconnected from the network, i.e. the wifi has dropped out. When it comes back, it gets a new IP address, and authentication starts again. The way other products solve this is to lock the login to a single device, such that it can use the MAC address of the device to automatically authenticate it when it comes back. This requires some more complicated backend code, as you have many different ways this can work. For example, after first login, the username/password can stop working, and only the MAC login will work. Or they could both work, but if you have data/time limits, then you can no longer easily track them as you have 2 different logins.

A long idle time won't help, because when the users device has disconnected, it'll reconnect and start a whole new DHCP session.

It may be useful for you to put together some use examples, and how you'd want the traffic/accounting to work, given that the username/password login is a separate login to the automatic MAC based login.
