The donations page is starting to get a bit slow (about 1.5 seconds) as well as the inventory page. The SQL runs fast but it seems that loading all the data in the page is beginning to bite us. For pages where the data is continually growing, we might want to start having the searching and pagination and whatnot happen on the server and pull in via AJAX (or just regular page transitions with turbolinks might be easier).
I'd be happy to take this one. I'd probably implement pagination and using regular page transitions if that is okay with ya'll. I usually prefer less javascript/client side logic when handling cases like these.
The donations page is starting to get a bit slow (about 1.5 seconds) as well as the inventory page. The SQL runs fast but it seems that loading all the data in the page is beginning to bite us. For pages where the data is continually growing, we might want to start having the searching and pagination and whatnot happen on the server and pull in via AJAX (or just regular page transitions with turbolinks might be easier).