Grauenwolf / TravellerTools

Tools for the Traveller RPG
MIT License
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Feature request: Buttons allowing opening in another tab/window #122

Closed joeyeti closed 7 months ago

joeyeti commented 7 months ago

Buttons in the apps are not created in a way as to allow opening the result in a new window (unlike links, say individual Characters). Could this be changed, so that the user does not need to redo the selections when examining a result and going back to the page?

Grauenwolf commented 7 months ago

Please add a link to the page you're concerned with.

joeyeti commented 7 months ago

For instance Galaxy Info, when I narrow the selections down to a Planet (and clicking on Planet Info), it shows the Planet Info. But going back resets all the dropdowns. The same for Characters or Contacts. I am using Firefox 115.5.

Grauenwolf commented 7 months ago

Oh sure, that should be easy enough.


Grauenwolf commented 7 months ago


joeyeti commented 7 months ago

Works now, thx! EDIT: Now if you can just add such to the other pages :)

Grauenwolf commented 7 months ago

No problem. I thought the buttons were ugly and was plenty on replacing them eventually anyways.

The next challenge is to get the back button work so it doesn't clear out the drop-downs. But I'm not at UI developer so this is going to take some research.

joeyeti commented 7 months ago

Thx and keep it up!