Grauenwolf / TravellerTools

Tools for the Traveller RPG
MIT License
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Traveller Tools demo site is down. #138

Open flyteach opened 2 weeks ago

flyteach commented 2 weeks ago

Hello Jonathan,

I'm not sure if that's intentional or not and whether you were aware. I definitely like the version 2 (demo) better.

Jim Ujcik

Grauenwolf commented 2 weeks ago

This was weird. The whole server was broken. I couldn't even connect to the console to look at the logs.

I ended up deleting the website and recreating it from source code. Please give is a try and let me know if anything blows up.,-1/2036/info

JornieNonsubia commented 3 days ago

Few days ago the site was down with 403 error, but I guess you are aware of it, rn the website is working but reaaaaaly slow. Network tab says it was 56 sec to load all those Network loads took minimum 12 sec image

Grauenwolf commented 2 days ago

Sorry about that. I'm not sure what was causing the problem, but I rebooted the server and its working again.