GravityPDF / gravity-pdf

Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using Gravity Forms.
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Add default Emoji support #1414

Open jakejackson1 opened 1 year ago

jakejackson1 commented 1 year ago

Description Today, emojis are a big part of writing but most fonts will have limited (or no) support for them. Look at including Open Sans Emoji, or a newer version with color and the latest emojis (ideal) in our default installation and then include as a fallback open for mPDF.

add_filter( 'gfpdf_mpdf_class_config', function( $config ) {
    $config['backupSubsFont'] = ['opensansemoji', 'freesans', 'sun-exta'];

    return $config;
} );
jakejackson1 commented 10 months ago

The Noto Sans emojis in Google are quite good.