GravySlayer / The-Kings-Best-Man

La Tech csc 122
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File Additions, Class Documentation, and File Nameing Fix. #16

Closed Vek17 closed 11 years ago

Vek17 commented 11 years ago

1) Fixed class names for consistent capitalization.

2) Moved monster spawning from the main class to the floor class. Floors will now save monster data when left.

3) Added a name parameter to that will be generated on creation. This name is to assist debugging and improve clarity. This name is NOT the name that will be displayed in game.

4) Added more comments on the Floor.class to better document the code.

5) Rewrote isAlive() in Characters class to use Ternary If-Else.

6) Added the Direction Enum to allow objects to have orientation on the map. This has not yet been implemented.

Proposals: 1) I want to create a file format that contains all enemy types that will be loaded by the program as a spawn list instead of each type being it's own class. I am going to experiment with this concept and decide if it is worth doing.

2) I am also going to look at event scripting based on Event PathTiles done in an external format. A full level would consist of 3 files: #-path.png, #-render.png, and #-events.txt.