After a membersite has added the loopring widget but has not yet been PR approved, the prev/next links redirect to a random member site.
Proposed behavior:
Redirect prev link to the first site in the memberlist while redirecting the next link to the most recently joined member.
The current behavior can be considered inconsistent and undesirable, it may lead a member-site admin or visitor to believe that something has broken if the prev/next links are constantly changing .
This change of behavior will also apply to current member-sites if the REGEX cannot locate the referrerIndex of a member-site within the sites.json file.
Current behavior:
After a membersite has added the loopring widget but has not yet been PR approved, the prev/next links redirect to a random member site.
Proposed behavior:
Redirect prev link to the first site in the memberlist while redirecting the next link to the most recently joined member.
The current behavior can be considered inconsistent and undesirable, it may lead a member-site admin or visitor to believe that something has broken if the prev/next links are constantly changing .