Graylog2 / fpm-recipes

Graylog package build recipes
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Ubuntu Install doesn't install graylog-web #62

Closed itprosusa closed 8 years ago

itprosusa commented 8 years ago

Your instructions for install using Ubuntu packages apt-get doesn't ever reference installing graylog-web. The web server doesn't respond and there is not /etc/graylog/web folder if I try to run apt-get install graylog-web it says thats referenced but does not exist. Readying old walkthroughs it seems like it should exist.

edmundoa commented 8 years ago


The web interface is a single page application, that gets served from the server since 2.0. Therefore there are no packages for it. Please use our documentation page instead of old guides, as those will not probably work.

Please post any questions on this to our public mailing list or join the #graylog channel on freenode IRC. We use GitHub issues for tracking bugs in Graylog itself, but this isn't one.

Thank you!