Graylog2 / fpm-recipes

Graylog package build recipes
18 stars 19 forks source link

3.3 build fix #92

Closed malcyon closed 4 years ago

malcyon commented 4 years ago

When running the build for this repo, I am seeing this error:

15:40:58      centos7: Step 11/12 : RUN gem install fpm-cookery --no-ri --no-rdoc --version 0.25.0
15:40:58      centos7:  ---> Running in 9506388d47d1
15:41:03      centos7: ERROR:  Error installing fpm-cookery:
15:41:03      centos7:  The last version of ffi (>= 0) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 1.12.2. Try installing it with `gem install ffi -v 1.12.2` and then running the current command again
15:41:03      centos7:  ffi requires Ruby version >= 2.3. The current ruby version is .
15:41:03      centos7: 

Adding the recommended command to the Dockerfile fixes the build.